698 research outputs found

    Underlying indicators for measuring smartness of buildings in the construction industry

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    Purpose: This study investigates the underlying indicators for measuring the smartness of buildings in the construction industry; where the Smart Building Technology (SBT) concept (which incorporates elements of the Zero Energy Building (NZEB) concept) could ensure efficient energy consumption and high performance of buildings. Design/methodology/approach: An overarching post-positivist and empirical epistemological design was adopted to analyze primary quantitative data collected via a structured questionnaire survey with 227 respondents. The mean ranking analysis and one-sample t-test were employed to analyse data. Findings: Research findings revealed that the level of knowledge of smart building indicators is averagely high in the Ghanaian construction industry. Future research is required to evaluate the awareness level of Smart Building Technologies (SBTs) by construction professionals and identify barriers to its adoption. Originality/value: A blueprint guidance model (consisting of significant indicators for measuring building smartness) was developed to help improve building performance and inform policymakers

    Underlying Indicators For Measuring Smartness Of Buildings In The Construction Industry

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    Purpose: The introduction of the Smart Buildings Technology (SBT) concept (which incorporates elements of the Zero Energy Buildings (NZEB) concept) could be a measure in ensuring efficient energy consumption and high performance in buildings. Smart buildings provide solutions to improve building efficiency, and reduce energy consumption, carbon emissions and concomitant energy costs. In order to adopt SBT in the construction industry, it is important to identify the indicators of smartness of buildings, even though such may differ from region to region or even country to country. However, there have been inefficient studies identifying the indicators of smartness of buildings, especially in developing countries such as Ghana. This study investigates the underlying indicators for measuring the smartness of buildings in the construction industry. Methodology: An overarching post-positivist and empirical epistemological design was adopted for this research to analyse primary quantitative data. Data was collected via a structured questionnaire survey with 227 respondents including project managers and construction design teams in Ghana. The mean ranking analysis and one sample t-test were employed to analyse the data. Findings: Research findings revealed that the level of knowledge of smart building indicators is averagely high in the Ghanaian construction industry. With regards to the indicators of smart building, ‘sensors implementation to manage light level, air quality, temperature, fire alarm and smoke detector’ is regards as the most significant measure of smart buildings in the Ghanaian construction industry. Also, ‘remote implementation monitors building conditions and occupancy’, ‘implementation of any software that can talk to legacy equipment from many different manufactures’ and ‘data analytic’ are statistically insignificant in measuring smartness of buildings. Practical Implication: Practically, policy makers and practitioners can use the study’s results as blueprint guidance to appreciate and utilise the idea of smartness of buildings because it can improve building performance therefore, promoting the adoption of SBTs. To the body of knowledge, this study has identified the significant indicators for measuring the smartness of buildings, which can further influence SBTs adoption. Originality: Using the results, a model consisting of significant indicators for measuring building smartness was developed to help improve building performance. Recommendation: The study recommends future research to evaluate the awareness level of Smart Building Technologies (SBTs) by construction professionals and identify barriers to its adoption

    Applicable Smart City Strategies for a Smart Sustainable City to Ensure Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Integration: Casablanca Case Study

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    A Smart city is essentially expected to diminish the utilization of assets and upgrade efficiencies. In practically any region, effectiveness brings about energy saving, diminished energy force, supportable monetary turn of events, upgraded usefulness, a safeguarded climate, and in particular, participation with the environmental change fight. In spite of the fact that financial plan, innovation, and the necessary framework are significant imperatives for helpless urban areas to accomplish shrewd and economical city objectives, the advantages of brilliant urban areas are numerous for helpless urban areas contrasted with creating and created urban areas. Helpless urban areas accomplish worked on living conditions, security, wellbeing, financial turn of events, administration, and personal satisfaction as well as accomplishing supportable energy objectives, and this study tries to distinguish those shrewd sustainable power and energy production systems that are monetarily achievable and in fact relevant in helpless urban communities. Renewable energies are a sustainable, unlimited, and decarbonized solution to address future energy challenges. In this context, Morocco has considerable lead vantage to position itself on this promising market. Furthermore, renewable energies have been highlighted as a key strategic source for the country’s green growth. Morocco has adopted the renewable energy path through a strategy targeted at the development of solar, wind, and hydroelectric power to boost its energy policy by adapting it to the challenges posed by today’s world. Nowadays, Morocco is facing a challenge to reach 52% by 2030 of its total renewable energy capacity, which will exceed 42% by the end of 2022

    A Practical Review to Support the Implementation of Smart Solutions within Neighbourhood Building Stock

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    The construction industry has witnessed an increase in the use of digital tools and smart solutions, particularly in the realm of building energy automation. While realising the potential benefits of smart cities, a broader scope of smart initiatives is required to support the transition from smart buildings towards smart neighbourhoods, which are considered critical urban development units. To support the interplay of smart solutions between buildings and neighbourhoods, this study aimed to collect and review all the smart solutions presented in existing scientific articles, the technical literature, and realised European projects. These solutions were classified into two main sections, buildings and neighbourhoods, which were investigated through five domains: building-energy-related uses, renewable energy sources, water, waste, and open space management. The quantitative outcomes demonstrated the potential benefits of implementing smart solutions in areas ranging from buildings to neighbourhoods. Moreover, this research concluded that the true enhancement of energy conservation goes beyond the building’s energy components and can be genuinely achieved by integrating intelligent neighbourhood elements owing to their strong interdependencies. Future research should assess the effectiveness of these solutions in resource conservation

    Green internet of things using UAVs in B5G networks: A review of applications and strategies

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    Recently, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) present a promising advanced technology that can enhance people life quality and smartness of cities dramatically and increase overall economic efficiency. UAVs have attained a significant interest in supporting many applications such as surveillance, agriculture, communication, transportation, pollution monitoring, disaster management, public safety, healthcare, and environmental preservation. Industry 4.0 applications are conceived of intelligent things that can automatically and collaboratively improve beyond 5G (B5G). Therefore, the Internet of Things (IoT) is required to ensure collaboration between the vast multitude of things efficiently anywhere in real-world applications that are monitored in real-time. However, many IoT devices consume a significant amount of energy when transmitting the collected data from surrounding environments. Due to a drone's capability to fly closer to IoT, UAV technology plays a vital role in greening IoT by transmitting collected data to achieve a sustainable, reliable, eco-friendly Industry 4.0. This survey presents an overview of the techniques and strategies proposed recently to achieve green IoT using UAVs infrastructure for a reliable and sustainable smart world. This survey is different from other attempts in terms of concept, focus, and discussion. Finally, various use cases, challenges, and opportunities regarding green IoT using UAVs are presented.This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No. 847577; and a research grant from Science Foundation Ireland (SFI) under Grant Number 16 / RC / 3918 (Ireland's European Structural and Investment Funds Programmes and the European Regional Development Fund 2014-2020)

    Smart city : How smart is it actually?

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    The global megatrends of population growth and fast urbanisation are negatively impacting the life in the cities. Smart city is the high-level concept by which the cities try to address the need to improve their social, economic and environmental sustainability. This thesis studies how the smart city concept is defined, what are the underlying hypotheses and assumptions on which the smart city research is based on, what are the latest results and innovations of the smart city research, how the smart city initiatives are meeting their objectives, and how the hypotheses and assumptions may vary between the smart city initiatives. The objective of this study is to critically review the smart city research paradigm to find possible pitfalls, conflicting results and topics for further study and improvement. This research is conducted as a traditional critical literature review, covering the current academic literature on the smart city topic, the websites presenting the smart city initiatives around the world, and the latest popular literature for contrasting views. A qualitative comparison of the smart city initiatives in selected cities – Helsinki, Singapore and London – complements the literature review. The research strategy in this study approximates the grounded theory, utilising inductive reasoning to generate arguments and conclusions about the form, validity and future of the smart city. This study produced the following key findings: there are many different and overlapping definitions of smart city; the smart city development is mostly seen as the responsibility of smart ICT implementations, while simultaneously demanding for a more focused human viewpoint; the smart city initiatives form complex, multidisciplinary platforms that require holistic evaluation; the current evaluation methods and rankings of the smart cities vary considerably, making the evaluation of the success of the smart cities difficult; some of the existing smart city elements and proposed solutions are ineffective or even counterproductive for the smart city objectives. The main conclusions of this study were that the complex nature of the smart city initiatives and the conflicts and interdependencies of the smart city objectives are not fully addressed in the current smart city research, and that the current smart city research is not adequately multidisciplinary in nature. For the future, this research argues for the increased utilisation of research methods used in information systems science for their ability to address socio-technical and multidisciplinary problems. Also, the need for a future research on the efficacy of the multidisciplinary research of smart cities is identified.Väestönkasvu, siitä aiheutuva muuttoliike ja nopea kaupungistuminen ovat maailmanlaajuisia megatrendejä, jotka usein vaikuttavat kielteisesti elämisen ja asumisen laatuun kaupungeissa. Älykaupunki on ylemmän tason konsepti, jonka avulla kaupungit yrittävät muokata sosiaalista, taloudellista ja ympäristönsä kehitystä kestävämmälle pohjalle. Tässä tutkielmassa tarkastellaan, miten älykaupungin konsepti on määritelty, mitkä ovat ne taustaolettamukset ja perusteet, joiden varaan älykaupunkien tieteellinen tutkimus pohjautuu, mitkä ovat älykaupunkitutkimuksen viimeisimmät tulokset ja innovaatiot, miten älykaupunkihankkeet saavuttavat tavoitteensa ja miten niiden perusteet ja taustaolettamukset vaihtelevat älykaupunkien välillä. Tämän tutkimuksen tavoitteena on kriittisesti tarkastella älykaupunkien tutkimusparadigmaa ja löytää mahdollisia sudenkuoppia sekä ristiriitaisia tutkimusaiheita ja -tuloksia, joita voitaisiin käyttää älykaupunkien jatkotutkimukseen ja -kehittämiseen tulevaisuudessa. Tämä tutkimus on toteutettu perinteisenä kriittisenä kirjallisuustutkimuksena. Lähdeaineistona on käytetty älykaupunkien viimeisimpiä akateemisia tutkimustuloksia ja julkaisuja, älykaupunkihankkeiden omia nettisivustoja ympäri maailman sekä kontrastin vuoksi myös viimeisimpiä populaarin lähdekirjallisuuden käsittelemiä aiheita ja ilmiöitä. Kirjallisuustutkimusta on täydennetty kvalitatiivisella älykaupunkivertailulla, jossa Helsingin, Singaporen ja Lontoon älykaupunkihankkeita on vertailtu keskenään. Työn tutkimusstrategia muistuttaa ankkuroitua teoriaa, jossa induktiivisen päättelyn avulla pyritään lähdeaineistosta löytämään ja luomaan väitteitä, perusteluja ja johtopäätöksiä älykaupunkien muodosta, olemassaolon oikeellisuudesta ja tulevaisuudesta. Tutkimuksessa havaittiin seuraavat pääkohdat: älykaupunki voidaan määritellä usealla, myöskin samanaikaisesti päällekkäisellä tavalla; älykaupunkien kehittäminen nähdään yleensä tieto- ja viestintäteknologisten innovaatioiden kehittämisenä, vaikka samanaikaisesti usein vaaditaan myös inhimillisemmän näkökulman korostamista; älykaupunkihankkeet muodostavat monitahoisia, monia tieteenaloja koskettavia alustoja, jotka vaativat nykyistä kokonaisvaltaisempaa tarkastelua ja arvi-ointia; nykyiset älykaupunkien menestyksen mittarit ja arviointitavat vaihtelevat huomattavasti, jolloin älykaupunkien älykkyyden ja onnistumisen yhteismitallinen arviointi on vaikeaa; jotkut havaituista älykaupunkien ominaisuuksista ja ratkaisuista ovat tehottomia tai jopa kielteisesti älykaupunkien tavoitteisiin vaikuttavia. Tässä tutkimuksessa päädyttiin seuraaviin johtopäätöksiin: älykaupunkihankkeiden monimutkaisen ja ristiriitaisen luonteen takia nykyinen älykaupunkitutkimus- ja kehitys ei täysin pysty vastaamaan näiden ristiriitaisuuksien ja keskinäisriippuvuuksien tuomiin haasteisiin; nykyinen älykaupunkitutkimus ei myöskään ole tieteellisesti riittävän monialaista. Tämän tutkimuksen pohjalta voidaan suositella, että tulevaisuudessa älykaupunkien kehitys voisi pohjautua enemmän tietojärjestelmätieteiden tutkimusmetodologioiden hyödyntämiseen, jolloin älykaupunkien vaatimat sosiotekniset ja monitieteelliset näkökulmat saataisiin paremmin havaittua, katettua ja arvioitua tutkimustuloksissa. Tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan myös tutkimusta siitä, kuinka tehokkaasti monitieteellinen älykaupunkitutkimus onnistuu

    Value Propositions in the Internet of Things: A Taxonomy of B2B Smart Services

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    Connected and smart products give rise to smart services that leverage their advanced capabilities and promise profitable business models. However, many companies in the Internet of Things domain are still struggling to incorporate smart services into their portfolios, and more research is needed to facilitate service innovation and adoption. We, therefore, identify common characteristics of the value propositions of B2B smart services and summarize them in a taxonomy. The taxonomy development follows established methods and is based on a systematic literature review and the study of 100 empirical objects. To confirm the validity of our findings, we conduct two ex-post evaluations. Our research provides descriptive knowledge about B2B smart services that can serve as a foundation for further research on smart service innovation