342 research outputs found

    Gamification in IT Service Management: A Systematic Mapping Study

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    Despite the benefits of adopting IT Service Management (ITSM) reference models, such initiatives do not always produce the expected results. The research literature in this area concludes that motivation, engagement, skills, experience, performance and willingness to change of the personnel involved are among the critical factors for an effective ITSM implementation. Gamification has the capability to improve people's motivation and engagement and to drive people's behavior to meet the objectives set. Besides, gamification is widely used in learning systems for increasing students' skills and competences. In the last years, many researchers have added gamification to their process improvement initiatives to increase the motivation and engagement of process participants and to address their behavior throughout the process. Thus, we consider that adopting gamification in ITSM processes can be an interesting area of study. In this paper, we conducted a systematic mapping study to analyze the actual state of research in the field of ITSM gamification and identify the key challenges that justify future research. The results of our study highlight the positive impact of adopting gamification in ITSM processes and that ITSM gamification is a novel an attractive research area with many action possibilities

    Evaluation of IT Service Desk: A Case Study

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    Organisations rely heavily on Information Technology Services Management (ITSM) to provide efficient and quality services to all stakeholders. This research is an exploratory study conducted of the service desk operations model. The research explores simple metrics and a weighted requirement matrix for evaluating and selecting ITSM systems. Several data gathering tools which include brainstorming, interviewing, participantobservation and collaborative feedback document have been employed in this research for collecting requirements from stakeholders to ensure viability and robustness of the research. Prominent challenges to sound implementation of a suitable service desk suite have been identified and tabulated. The identified challenges, coupled with feedback from stakeholders enabled the researchers to arrive at a scaled section framework for selecting an ITSM system. A comparison of eleven state of the art service desk systems has also been completed as part of the research. This research also proposes a novel service desk process with specific emphasis on the roles played by various stakeholders in provision of an efficient service desk operation

    Review of IT Service Management Tools Currently in Use in Finland : ITIL®, Implementation and Functionality

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    This thesis was carried out for itSMF Finland, an IT Service Management (ITSM) cooperation forum. The itSMF Finland is a non-profit organization dedicated to the development and promotion of best practice ITSM. ITSM is about providing a framework to structure IT-related activities and the interaction of IT technical personnel with business customers and users. ITSM practices have existed for some time already, but the technology to support it has only recently become more advanced and comprehensive. The purpose of this thesis was to investigate the requirements for ITSM tools and to create a “snapshot” of the current situation of the ITSM tool market in Finland. IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) was chosen as a framework for this thesis, which is considered as de-facto best practice model in ITSM. This research investigates the requirements stated in ITIL® for the ITSM technologies. Nine tools were chosen for interviews. The object of the interviews was to gain information about what functionalities are included in the tools, how the vendor supports the customer in the implementation project, and what the customer experiences are regarding the implementation and use of the tool. These results were then compared to the ITIL® framework. ITIL® recommends the tools to be utilized in the organization to provide data for analysis and improvement of the service provision and also to support the service lifecycle. All tools in this study were ITSM suites that have functionalities to support the service lifecycle widely. Based on the interviews the study shows that the tools are important for the organizations, but are not as widely used as they could be. The implementation projects varied greatly, but were relatively successful in all cases. All in all, the tools were considered beneficial for the organizations in all cases. This thesis provides important key-points to be kept in mind when selecting, implementing and using an ITSM tool. When selecting an ITSM tool it is extremely important to identify the benefits that it will bring to the organization. In the implementation phase it is essential to have clear goals, good design work and sufficient training. This ensures that the tool will be used as it was designed and opposition in the organization toward this change will be minimal.Tutkimus tehtiin itSMF Finlandille, IT-palveluhallinnan yhteistyöfoorumille, joka pyrkii parantamaan IT-palvelunhallinnan toimintatapoja Suomessa ja maailmalla. IT-palvelunhallintaan kuuluu muun muassa loppukäyttäjille tarkoitetut tukipalvelut, tietojärjestelmien vikatilojen selvittäminen ja yhteydenpito tietojärjestelmien toimittajiin. IT-palvelunhallinnan käytännöt ovat olleet käytössä jo kauan, mutta käytäntöjä tukeva teknologia on kehittynyt ja tullut entistä monipuolisemmaksi. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli selvittää IT-palveluhallinnan työkalujen vaatimuksia sekä tutkia Suomen markkinoilla käytössä olevien IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalujen toiminnallisuuksia sekä niiden käyttökokemuksia. Tutkimuksen viitekehykseksi valittiin IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL®) -malli, josta on muodostunut parhaiden käytäntöjen ohjeistus IT-palvelunhallinnalle. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin ITIL®:n suosituksia IT-palvelunhallinan teknologioiden osalta. Tämän lisäksi tutkimukseen valittiin yhdeksän työkalua. Kaikkien työkalujen käytöstä haastateltiin sekä toimittajaa että yhtä heidän asiakastaan. Haastattelujen perusteella selvitettiin työkalujen toiminnallisuuksia ja kuinka implementaatioprojektia tuetaan toimittajan puolelta sekä käyttäjäkokemuksia työkalun käytöstä ja implementointivaiheesta asiakkaan puolelta. ITIL® suosittelee IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalua organisaatioille tukemaan jokapäiväisiä toimintoja ja tuottamalla tietoa organisaation palveluista sekä tukemaan yrityksen koko elinkaarimallia. Tutkimuksessa mukana olleet työkalut olivat IT-palvelunhallinnan-ohjelmistoja eli työkaluja, jotka tukevat elinkaarimallin monta osaa. Tutkimuksessa ilmeni, että työkalut ovat tärkeitä yrityksille, mutta niitä ei kuitenkaan käytetä koko laajuudessaan. Käyttöönottoprojektit työkaluille olivat hyvin erilaisia, mutta usein hyvin menestyneitä. Jokaisessa tapauksessa työkalu auttoi organisaatiota toimimaan paremmin. Tämä tutkimus esittää asioita, jotka on hyvä pitää mielessään IT-palvelunhallinnan työkalua valitessa, implementoitaessa ja käytettäessä. Työkalua valitessa on tärkeää ymmärtää, mitä työkalun tulee tuoda yritykseen. Työkalun käyttöönotossa tärkeitä asioita ovat selkeät tavoitteet, hyvä suunnittelu sekä onnistunut koulutus. Nämä edesauttavat työkalun omaksumista yrityksessä sekä vähentävät mahdollista muutosvastarintaa

    An IT service management literature review: Challenges, benefits, opportunities and implementation practices

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    Information technology (IT) service management is considered a collection of frameworks that support organizations managing services. The implementation of these kinds of frameworks is constantly increasing in the IT service provider domain. The main objective is to define and manage IT services through its life cycle. However, from observing the literature, scarcely any research exists describing the main concepts of ITSM. Many organizations still struggle in several contexts in this domain, mainly during implementation. This research aims to develop a reference study detailing the main concepts related with ITSM. Thus, a systematic literature review is performed. In total, 47 articles were selected from top journals and conferences. The benefits, challenges, opportunities, and practices for ITSM implementation were extracted, critically analysed, and then discussed.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    ITSM Best Practices: Global Themes, Local Solutions

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    Implementing the IT Infrastructure Library (ITIL) IT service management (ITSM) best practices is an expensive and time consuming endeavour. In spite of guidance, many organisations experience failed attempts before experiencing success. A detailed analysis of 12 organisations\u27 ITIL ITSM improvement projects shows that tangible business value is obtainable but that necessary conditions must be met. The analysis reveals that, while the organisations used a variety of strategies, approaches and practices in implementing ITIL and also experienced differing challenges in their journeys, there is a ‘sweet spot’ of organizational structuring and practices for necessary conditions which appear to be required for success. Change management themes found across the cases that appear to encompass the necessary set of conditions include strategy, scope, management approach, workforce planning and development, tools, vendors, outcomes, culture, customer influence, motivation and communication. Key aspects of these themes with case examples are presented

    ITQMM: a new model for IT processes

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    Information Technology (IT) Governance and IT Service and Processes Management (ITSM) are one of the priorities in organizations. Although many organizations are aware of the importance of using well-defined quality IT processes, they face the problem of how to use and improve them in practice. One of the final objectives of any ITSM policy must be to guarantee an adequate IT quality. In this sense, the use of action frameworks as Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) is essential. However, several quality models and maturity models have been developed, but they are not focused on how to measure the IT quality. As they do not include the appropriate mechanisms, it is necessary to complement them with other quality frameworks, e.g. European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). This paper proposes a maturity model for IT quality improvement based mainly on ITIL and EFQM

    Towards effective knowledge application capability in ITSM through socialisation, externalisation, internalisation and combination

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    Prior research has focused on issues that are relevant to knowledge creation and sharing in Information Technology Service Management ITSM. Instead, the purpose of this paper is to examine how knowledge application capability effectiveness (KACE) in ITSM can be affected through several knowledge management processes. In ITSM, IT service desk function is on the most important functions that keeps and maintains IT services running. This function deals with various IT problems and incidents on a daily basis through utilisation of all available knowledge resources (i.e. organisational knowledge and personal knowledge). A framework was developed to identify factors affect KACE in IT service desk function. The framework is based on Nonaka (1994) model of organisational knowledge creation. The framework focuses upon socialisation, externalisation, internalisation and combination as contributors to the formation of KACE. The empirical research was conducted at group of eight (Go8) Universities in Australia, based on set of semi-structured interviews. Four major factors are shown to be related to the extent to which IT SD managers feel that KACE can be influenced. The results are founded upon a qualitative data in which manual and computer-aided content analysis were undertaken

    A quality management based on the Quality Model life cycle

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    Managing quality is a hard and expensive task that involves the execution and control of processes and techniques. For a good quality management, it is important to know the current state and the objective to be achieved. It is essential to take into account with a Quality Model that specifies the purposes of managing quality. QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) is a framework to manage quality in MDWE (Model-driven Web Engineering). This paper suggests managing quality but pointing out the Quality Model life cycle. The purpose is to converge toward a quality continuous improvement by means of reducing effort and time.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2010-20057-C03-02Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN 2010-12312-EJunta de Andalucía TIC-578

    ITQMM: A New Model for IT Processes

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    Information Technology (IT) Governance and IT Service and Processes Management (ITSM) are one of the priorities in organizations. Although many organizations are aware of the importance of using well-defined quality IT processes, they face the problem of how to use and improve them in practice. One of the final objectives of any ITSM policy must be to guarantee an adequate IT quality. In this sense, the use of action frameworks as Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) or Control Objectives for Information and Related Technologies (COBIT) is essential. However, several quality models and maturity models have been developed, but they are not focused on how to measure the IT quality. As they do not include the appropriate mechanisms, it is necessary to complement them with other quality frameworks, e.g. European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM). This paper proposes a maturity model for IT quality improvement based mainly on ITIL and EFQM