7,435 research outputs found

    Integration of virtual reality within the built environment curriculum

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    Virtual Reality (VR) technology is still perceived by many as being inaccessible and cost prohibitive with VR applications considered expensive to develop as well as challenging to operate. This paper reflects on current developments in VR technologies and describes an approach adopted for its phased integration into the academic curriculum of built environment students. The process and end results of implementing the integration are discussed and the paper illustrates the challenges of introducing VR, including the acceptance of the technology by academic staff and students, interest from industry, and issues pertaining to model development. It sets out to show that fairly sophisticated VR models can now be created by non-VR specialists using commercially available software and advocates that the implementation of VR will increase alongside industryis adoption of these tools and the emergence of a new generation of students with VR skills. The study shows that current VR technologies, if integrated appropriately within built environment academic programmes, demonstrate clear promise to provide a foundation for more widespread collaborative working environments

    HBIM and Virtual Tools: A New Chance to Preserve Architectural Heritage

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    Nowadays, architectural heritage is increasingly exposed to dangers due to natural disasters or human invasive actions. However, management and conservation represent crucial phases within the life cycle of historical buildings. Unfortunately, the complexity of conservation practices and the lack of knowledge of historic buildings are the cause of an inefficient recovering process in case of emergencies. To overcome this problem, this research aims to ensure the preservation of relevant information through the use of building information modeling (BIM) methodology. By developing historic building information models (HBIMs), it is possible to enhance the architectural heritage. This represents an opportunity to incorporate digital media into the global heritage conservation field. To achieve this goal, a historical castle was selected as a case study; this unique piece of architecture is located in the Piedmont Region, close to city of Turin (Italy). The results show a direct relation between a historical digital model, finalized to the management of architectural and system components, and visualization tools. To conclude, the adoption of this strategy is an effective way to preserve and consult information using advanced visualization techniques based on augmented and virtual reality (AR and VR)

    Using mixed reality for the visualization and dissemination of complex 3D models in geosciences: application to the Montserrat massif (Spain)

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    In the last two decades, both the amount and quality of geoinformation in the geosciences field have improved substantially due to the increasingly more widespread use of techniques such as Laser Scanning (LiDAR), digital photogrammetry, unmanned aerial vehicles, geophysical reconnaissance (seismic, electrical, geomagnetic), and ground-penetrating radar (GPR), among others. Furthermore, the advances in computing, storage and visualization resources allow the acquisition of 3D terrain models (surface and underground) with unprecedented ease and versatility. However, despite these scientific and technical developments, it is still a common practice to simplify the 3D data in 2D static images, losing part of its communicative potential. The objective of this paper is to demonstrate the possibilities of extended reality (XR) for communication and sharing of 3D geoinformation in the field of geosciences. A brief review of the different variants within XR is followed by the presentation of the design and functionalities of headset-type mixed-reality (MR) devices, which allow the 3D models to be investigated collaboratively by several users in the office environment. The specific focus is on the functionalities of Microsoft’s HoloLens 2 untethered holographic head mounted display (HMD), and the ADA Platform App by Clirio, which is used to manage model viewing with the HMD. We demonstrate the capabilities of MR for the visualization and dissemination of complex 3D information in geosciences in data rich and self-directed immersive environment, through selected 3D models (most of them of the Montserrat massif). Finally, we highlight the educational possibilities of MR technology. Today MR has an incipient and reduced use; we hope that it will gain popularity as the barriers of entry become lower.This research was funded by MCIN/ AEI/10.13039/501100011033: PID2019-103974RB-I00 and by Interreg V-A, POCTEFA: EFA364/19.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version


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    Interactive representation has proven to be an effective tool in various disciplines related to Digital Cultural Heritage (DCH). This study proposes a research method that uses interactive representation to share complex scenarios like the Stronghold of Arquata del Tronto, facilitating novel forms of heritage dissemination. The scan-to-BIM process made it possible to digitise complex structural elements damaged by the 2016 earthquake. The investigation of the complexity paradigm improved the reliability of the semantic model that supports the preservation process. Interoperability and accessibility paradigms were explored to create a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of the built heritage. A web-VR platform was developed to enhance user interaction and simplify virtual environment exploration without using complex hardware (VR headset and controllers), making it possible to experience VR in the browser

    Virtual Helicopter Landing Platform (V-HELP)

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    The research project focused on how virtual reality (VR) could create a non-immersive environment and improve in increasing safety awareness at offshore platform. The main problem is the typical training talk usually use video and audio presentation which cannot provide the walkthrough movement. The aim of this project is to develop and design Virtual Helicopter Landing Platform (V-HELP) application which allows users to explore the virtual platform environment. The objectives of this project are to design and develop helicopter landing platform; to visualize movement and facilitate understanding in VR; and at the same time identify components and characteristics of the virtual environment for adequate realism. In completion the project, the framework used is based on part of the waterfall "modeling theory. The phases involved in the framework used for project development is the analysis phase, design and development phase, integration and testing phase and lastly evaluation phase. Developments tools have been used in the project are 3D Maya 5..0.1 and Macromedia Flash MX software. As a result from the evaluation conducted, shows that most of the evaluators are satisfied with the project. They think that the realism of the prototype can be improved in virtual environment through enhancement on chosen the suitable textures materials and enable user control during walkthrough. As a conclusion, the research project show that Virtual Environment are very useful and more effective for the offshore safety training compared to the conventional method

    A Cybersecurity Model for a Roblox-based Metaverse Architecture Framework

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    The adoption of virtual reality VR and augmented reality AR headsets in futuristic and science fiction has made it possible for the Metaverse to exist as a single universal immersive virtual universe By extending technology outside of our physical reality the Metaverse alters the human experience The four categories we use to categorize metaverse definitions are environment interface interaction and social value Currently it is unclear what the metaverse s structure and elements are A cybersecurity framework for these devices is necessary as the world grows more interconnected and immersive technologies are increasingly widely used in business government and consumer markets Used was a literature revie

    The use of extended reality and machine learning to improve healthcare and promote greenhealth

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    Com a Quarta Revolução Industrial, a propagação da Internet das Coisas, o avanço nas áreas de Inteligência Artificial e de Machine Learning até à migração para a Computação em Nuvem, o termo "Ambientes Inteligentes" cada vez mais deixa de ser uma idealização para se tornar realidade. Da mesma forma as tecnologias de Realidade Extendida também elas têm aumentado a sua presença no mundo tecnológico após um "período de hibernação", desde a popularização do conceito de Metaverse assim como a entrada das grandes empresas informáticas como a Apple e a Google num mercado onde a Realidade Virtual, Realidade Aumentada e Realidade Mista eram dominadas por empresas com menos experiência no desenvolvimento de sistemas (e.g. Meta), reconhecimento a nível mundial (e.g. HTC Vive), ou suporte financeiro e confiança do mercado. Esta tese tem como foco o estudo do potencial uso das tecnologias de Realidade Estendida de forma a promover Saúde Verde assim como seu uso em Hospitais Inteligentes, uma das variantes de Ambientes Inteligentes, incorporando Machine Learning e Computer Vision, como ferramenta de suporte e de melhoria de cuidados de saúde, tanto do ponto de vista do profissional de saúde como do paciente, através duma revisão literarária e análise da atualidade. Resultando na elaboração de um modelo conceptual com a sugestão de tecnologias a poderem ser usadas para alcançar esse cenário selecionadas pelo seu potencial, sendo posteriormente descrito o desenvolvimento de protótipos de partes do modelo conceptual para Óculos de Realidade Extendida como validação de conceito.With the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the spread of the Internet of Things, the advance in the areas of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning until the migration to Cloud Computing, the term "Intelligent Environments" increasingly ceases to be an idealization to become reality. Likewise, Extended Reality technologies have also increased their presence in the technological world after a "hibernation period", since the popularization of the Metaverse concept, as well as the entry of large computer companies such as Apple and Google into a market where Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Mixed Reality were dominated by companies with less experience in system development (e.g. Meta), worldwide recognition (e.g. HTC Vive) or financial support and trust in the market. This thesis focuses on the study of the potential use of Extended Reality technologies in order to promote GreenHealth as well as their use in Smart Hospitals, one of the variants of Smart Environments, incorporating Machine Learning and Computer Vision, as a tool to support and improve healthcare, both from the point of view of the health professional and the patient, through a literature review and analysis of the current situation. Resulting in the elaboration of a conceptual model with the suggestion of technologies that can be used to achieve this scenario selected for their potential, and then the development of prototypes of parts of the conceptual model for Extended Reality Headsets as concept validation
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