58 research outputs found

    I/O-Efficient Dynamic Planar Range Skyline Queries

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    We present the first fully dynamic worst case I/O-efficient data structures that support planar orthogonal \textit{3-sided range skyline reporting queries} in \bigO (\log_{2B^\epsilon} n + \frac{t}{B^{1-\epsilon}}) I/Os and updates in \bigO (\log_{2B^\epsilon} n) I/Os, using \bigO (\frac{n}{B^{1-\epsilon}}) blocks of space, for nn input planar points, tt reported points, and parameter 0ϵ10 \leq \epsilon \leq 1. We obtain the result by extending Sundar's priority queues with attrition to support the operations \textsc{DeleteMin} and \textsc{CatenateAndAttrite} in \bigO (1) worst case I/Os, and in \bigO(1/B) amortized I/Os given that a constant number of blocks is already loaded in main memory. Finally, we show that any pointer-based static data structure that supports \textit{dominated maxima reporting queries}, namely the difficult special case of 4-sided skyline queries, in \bigO(\log^{\bigO(1)}n +t) worst case time must occupy Ω(nlognloglogn)\Omega(n \frac{\log n}{\log \log n}) space, by adapting a similar lower bounding argument for planar 4-sided range reporting queries.Comment: Submitted to SODA 201

    Inductive benchmarking for purely functional data structures

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    Every designer of a new data structure wants to know how well it performs in comparison with others. But finding, coding and testing applications as benchmarks can be tedious and time-consuming. Besides, how a benchmark uses a data structure may considerably affect its apparent efficiency, so the choice of applications may bias the results. We address these problems by developing a tool for inductive benchmarking. This tool, Auburn, can generate benchmarks across a wide distribution of uses. We precisely define 'the use of a data structure', upon which we build the core algorithms of Auburn: how to generate a benchmark from a description of use, and how to extract a description of use from an application. We then apply inductive classification techniques to obtain decision trees for the choice between competing data structures. We test Auburn by benchmarking several implementations of three common data structures: queues, random-access lists and heaps. These and other results show Auburn to be a useful and accurate tool, but they also reveal some limitations of the approach

    I/O-Efficient Planar Range Skyline and Attrition Priority Queues

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    In the planar range skyline reporting problem, we store a set P of n 2D points in a structure such that, given a query rectangle Q = [a_1, a_2] x [b_1, b_2], the maxima (a.k.a. skyline) of P \cap Q can be reported efficiently. The query is 3-sided if an edge of Q is grounded, giving rise to two variants: top-open (b_2 = \infty) and left-open (a_1 = -\infty) queries. All our results are in external memory under the O(n/B) space budget, for both the static and dynamic settings: * For static P, we give structures that answer top-open queries in O(log_B n + k/B), O(loglog_B U + k/B), and O(1 + k/B) I/Os when the universe is R^2, a U x U grid, and a rank space grid [O(n)]^2, respectively (where k is the number of reported points). The query complexity is optimal in all cases. * We show that the left-open case is harder, such that any linear-size structure must incur \Omega((n/B)^e + k/B) I/Os for a query. We show that this case is as difficult as the general 4-sided queries, for which we give a static structure with the optimal query cost O((n/B)^e + k/B). * We give a dynamic structure that supports top-open queries in O(log_2B^e (n/B) + k/B^1-e) I/Os, and updates in O(log_2B^e (n/B)) I/Os, for any e satisfying 0 \le e \le 1. This leads to a dynamic structure for 4-sided queries with optimal query cost O((n/B)^e + k/B), and amortized update cost O(log (n/B)). As a contribution of independent interest, we propose an I/O-efficient version of the fundamental structure priority queue with attrition (PQA). Our PQA supports FindMin, DeleteMin, and InsertAndAttrite all in O(1) worst case I/Os, and O(1/B) amortized I/Os per operation. We also add the new CatenateAndAttrite operation that catenates two PQAs in O(1) worst case and O(1/B) amortized I/Os. This operation is a non-trivial extension to the classic PQA of Sundar, even in internal memory.Comment: Appeared at PODS 2013, New York, 19 pages, 10 figures. arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1208.4511, arXiv:1207.234

    Real-Time Double-Ended Queue Verified (Proof Pearl)

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    We present the first verification of the real-time doubled-ended queue by Chuang and Goldberg where all operations take constant time. The main contributions are the full system invariant, the precise definition of all abstraction functions, the structure of the proof and the main lemmas

    Functional programming and graph algorithms

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    This thesis is an investigation of graph algorithms in the non-strict purely functional language Haskell. Emphasis is placed on the importance of achieving an asymptotic complexity as good as with conventional languages. This is achieved by using the monadic model for including actions on the state. Work on the monadic model was carried out at Glasgow University by Wadler, Peyton Jones, and Launchbury in the early nineties and has opened up many diverse application areas. One area is the ability to express data structures that require sharing. Although graphs are not presented in this style, data structures that graph algorithms use are expressed in this style. Several examples of stateful algorithms are given including union/find for disjoint sets, and the linear time sort binsort. The graph algorithms presented are not new, but are traditional algorithms recast in a functional setting. Examples include strongly connected components, biconnected components, Kruskal's minimum cost spanning tree, and Dijkstra's shortest paths. The presentation is lucid giving more insight than usual. The functional setting allows for complete calculational style correctness proofs - which is demonstrated with many examples. The benefits of using a functional language for expressing graph algorithms are quantified by looking at the issues of execution times, asymptotic complexity, correctness, and clarity, in comparison with traditional approaches. The intention is to be as objective as possible, pointing out both the weaknesses and the strengths of using a functional language

    Fast Functional Lists, Hash-Lists, Deques and Variable Length Arrays

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    Since its inception Functional Programming, J. McCarthy, has almost universally used the Linked List as the underpinning data structure. This paper introduces a new data structure, the VList, that is compact, thread safe and significantly faster to use than Linked Lists for nearly all list operations. Space usage can be reduced by 50% to 90% and in typical list operations speed improved by factors ranging from 4 to 20 or more. Some important operations such as indexing and length are typically changed from O(N) to O(1) and O(lgN) respectively. A language interpreter Visp, using a dialect of Common Lisp, has been implemented using VLists and the benchmark comparison with OCAML reported. It is also shown how to adapt the structure to create variable length arrays, persistent deques and functional hash tables. The VArray requires no resize copying and has an average O(1) random access time. Comparisons are made with previous resizable one dimensional arrays, Hash Array Trees (HAT) Sitarski [1996], and Brodnik, Carlsson, Demaine, Munro, and Sedgewick [1999]

    I/O-efficient 2-d orthogonal range skyline and attrition priority queues

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    In the planar range skyline reporting problem, we store a set P of n 2D points in a structure such that, given a query rectangle Q = [a_1, a_2] x [b_1, b_2], the maxima (a.k.a. skyline) of P \cap Q can be reported efficiently. The query is 3-sided if an edge of Q is grounded, giving rise to two variants: top-open (b_2 = \infty) and left-open (a_1 = -\infty) queries. All our results are in external memory under the O(n/B) space budget, for both the static and dynamic settings: * For static P, we give structures that answer top-open queries in O(log_B n + k/B), O(loglog_B U + k/B), and O(1 + k/B) I/Os when the universe is R^2, a U x U grid, and a rank space grid [O(n)]^2, respectively (where k is the number of reported points). The query complexity is optimal in all cases. * We show that the left-open case is harder, such that any linear-size structure must incur \Omega((n/B)^e + k/B) I/Os for a query. We show that this case is as difficult as the general 4-sided queries, for which we give a static structure with the optimal query cost O((n/B)^e + k/B). * We give a dynamic structure that supports top-open queries in O(log_2B^e (n/B) + k/B^1-e) I/Os, and updates in O(log_2B^e (n/B)) I/Os, for any e satisfying 0 \le e \le 1. This leads to a dynamic structure for 4-sided queries with optimal query cost O((n/B)^e + k/B), and amortized update cost O(log (n/B)). As a contribution of independent interest, we propose an I/O-efficient version of the fundamental structure priority queue with attrition (PQA). Our PQA supports FindMin, DeleteMin, and InsertAndAttrite all in O(1) worst case I/Os, and O(1/B) amortized I/Os per operation. We also add the new CatenateAndAttrite operation that catenates two PQAs in O(1) worst case and O(1/B) amortized I/Os. This operation is a non-trivial extension to the classic PQA of Sundar, even in internal memory

    Benchmarking purely functional data structures.

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    When someone designs a new data structure, they want to know how well it performs. Previously, the only way to do this involves finding, coding and testing some applications to act as benchmarks. This can be tedious and time-consuming. Worse, how a benchmark uses a data structure may considerably affect the efficiency of the data structure. Thus, the choice of benchmarks may bias the results. For these reasons, new data structures developed for functional languages often pay little attention to empirical performance. We solve these problems by developing a benchmarking tool, Auburn, that can generate benchmarks across a fair distribution of uses. We precisely define "the use of a data structure", upon which we build the core algorithms of Auburn: how to generate a benchmark from a description of use, and how to extract a description of use from an application. We consider how best to use these algorithms to benchmark competing data structures. Finally, we test Auburn by benchmarking ..

    RE-LANG---A Parallel-by-default Programming Language

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    In recent years, programming language features such as lightweight threads have gained popularity in the software development workflow. Our research takes a critical look at these recent trends, rethinking them through an academic lens. We propose a construct called "smart assignment," supported by rewriting semantics, which enables a novel parallel-by-default programming paradigm. We present a new programming language—RE-LANG—that implements this feature. Specifically, we demonstrate how the design philosophy of RE-LANG makes imperative, parallel programming more developer-friendly. We discuss the implementation of the language and showcase performance benchmarks, as well as overhead analysis, to demonstrate its efficiency.Doctor of Philosoph

    Multicore Scheduling of Real-Time Irregular Parallel Algorithms in Linux

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    Face à estagnação da tecnologia uniprocessador registada na passada década, aos principais fabricantes de microprocessadores encontraram na tecnologia multi-core a resposta `as crescentes necessidades de processamento do mercado. Durante anos, os desenvolvedores de software viram as suas aplicações acompanhar os ganhos de performance conferidos por cada nova geração de processadores sequenciais, mas `a medida que a capacidade de processamento escala em função do número de processadores, a computação sequencial tem de ser decomposta em várias partes concorrentes que possam executar em paralelo, para que possam utilizar as unidades de processamento adicionais e completar mais rapidamente. A programação paralela implica um paradigma completamente distinto da programação sequencial. Ao contrário dos computadores sequenciais tipificados no modelo de Von Neumann, a heterogeneidade de arquiteturas paralelas requer modelos de programação paralela que abstraiam os programadores dos detalhes da arquitectura e simplifiquem o desenvolvimento de aplicações concorrentes. Os modelos de programação paralela mais populares incitam os programadores a identificar instruções concorrentes na sua lógica de programação, e a especificá-las sob a forma de tarefas que possam ser atribuídas a processadores distintos para executarem em simultâneo. Estas tarefas são tipicamente lançadas durante a execução, e atribuídas aos processadores pelo motor de execução subjacente. Como os requisitos de processamento costumam ser variáveis, e não são conhecidos a priori, o mapeamento de tarefas para processadores tem de ser determinado dinamicamente, em resposta a alterações imprevisíveis dos requisitos de execução. `A medida que o volume da computação cresce, torna-se cada vez menos viável garantir as suas restrições temporais em plataformas uniprocessador. Enquanto os sistemas de tempo real se começam a adaptar ao paradigma de computação paralela, há uma crescente aposta em integrar execuções de tempo real com aplicações interativas no mesmo hardware, num mundo em que a tecnologia se torna cada vez mais pequena, leve, ubíqua, e portável. Esta integração requer soluções de escalonamento que simultaneamente garantam os requisitos temporais das tarefas de tempo real e mantenham um nível aceitável de QoS para as restantes execuções. Para tal, torna-se imperativo que as aplicações de tempo real paralelizem, de forma a minimizar os seus tempos de resposta e maximizar a utilização dos recursos de processamento. Isto introduz uma nova dimensão ao problema do escalonamento, que tem de responder de forma correcta a novos requisitos de execução imprevisíveis e rapidamente conjeturar o mapeamento de tarefas que melhor beneficie os critérios de performance do sistema. A técnica de escalonamento baseado em servidores permite reservar uma fração da capacidade de processamento para a execução de tarefas de tempo real, e assegurar que os efeitos de latência na sua execução não afectam as reservas estipuladas para outras execuções. No caso de tarefas escalonadas pelo tempo de execução máximo, ou tarefas com tempos de execução variáveis, torna-se provável que a largura de banda estipulada não seja consumida por completo. Para melhorar a utilização do sistema, os algoritmos de partilha de largura de banda (capacity-sharing) doam a capacidade não utilizada para a execução de outras tarefas, mantendo as garantias de isolamento entre servidores. Com eficiência comprovada em termos de espaço, tempo, e comunicação, o mecanismo de work-stealing tem vindo a ganhar popularidade como metodologia para o escalonamento de tarefas com paralelismo dinâmico e irregular. O algoritmo p-CSWS combina escalonamento baseado em servidores com capacity-sharing e work-stealing para cobrir as necessidades de escalonamento dos sistemas abertos de tempo real. Enquanto o escalonamento em servidores permite partilhar os recursos de processamento sem interferências a nível dos atrasos, uma nova política de work-stealing que opera sobre o mecanismo de capacity-sharing aplica uma exploração de paralelismo que melhora os tempos de resposta das aplicações e melhora a utilização do sistema. Esta tese propõe uma implementação do algoritmo p-CSWS para o Linux. Em concordância com a estrutura modular do escalonador do Linux, ´e definida uma nova classe de escalonamento que visa avaliar a aplicabilidade da heurística p-CSWS em circunstâncias reais. Ultrapassados os obstáculos intrínsecos `a programação da kernel do Linux, os extensos testes experimentais provam que o p-CSWS ´e mais do que um conceito teórico atrativo, e que a exploração heurística de paralelismo proposta pelo algoritmo beneficia os tempos de resposta das aplicações de tempo real, bem como a performance e eficiência da plataforma multiprocessador.With sequential machines approaching their physical bounds, parallel computers are rapidly becoming pervasive in most areas of modern technology. To realize the full potential of parallel platforms, applications must split onto concurrent parts that can be assigned to different processors and execute in parallel. Parallel programming models abstract the myriad of parallel computer specifications to simplify the development of concurrent applications, allowing programmers to decompose their code onto concurrent tasks, and leaving it to the runtime system to schedule these tasks for parallel execution. The resulting parallelism is often input-dependent and irregular, requiring that the mapping of tasks to processors be performed at runtime in response to dynamic changes of the workload. Motivated by the promises of performance scalability and cost effectiveness, real-time researchers are now beginning to exploit the benefits of parallel processing, with ground-breaking scheduling heuristics to improve the efficiency of time-sensitive concurrent applications. Realtime developments are switching to open scenarios, where real-time tasks of variable and unpredictable size share the available processing resources with other applications, making it essential to utilize as much of the available processing capacity as possible. The p-CSWS algorithm employs bandwidth isolation, capacity-sharing and work-stealing to exploit the intra-task parallelism of hard and soft real-time executions on parallel platforms. This thesis proposes an implementation of the p-CSWS scheduler for the Linux kernel, to evaluate its applicability to real scenarios and bring Linux one step closer to becoming a viable open real-time platform. To the best of our knowledge we are the first to employ scheduling heuristics to exploit dynamic parallelism of real-time tasks on the Linux kernel. Through extensive tests, we show that...