5 research outputs found

    S.T.A.R.T. - Simple Tool for Application Runs and Transfer of Data

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    Distributed Simulations for 3D Ultrasound Computer Tomography

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    More than 10% of all women in the western world get breast cancer. The Ultrasound Computer Tomography (USCT) project aims to provide a screening method which can detect cancer tumours at 5mm

    Análisis espacial y prognosis de la seguridad en entornos urbanos : comprensión de la trazabilidad de la conducta espacial y de su vínculo con las fuerzas motrices de la seguridad

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    Tesis de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Facultad de Geografía e Historia, Departamento de Geografía Humana, leída el 30-01-2018Currently, our societies demand a permanent and trustable security. The number and typologyof threats that they are facing on daily basis can lead to their eminent collapse. The ground of theabove-mentioned status quo is simple: a security applied en mass is based on a fallacies and myths.This mythical security puts on risk much more than an ordinary clash between theoretical securitymodels: the entire social peace system is questioned. Transversally to those threats is proposed thetraceability concept, frequently used in bioscience and biometric technologies, but not in commonuse for spatial analysis purposes. Within this unprecedented research founded in the field of thespatial analysis, we will analyze the main security driving forces existing in our societies - from amulti-scale perspective - with the aim to achieve a final social improvement.The doctoral thesis presented herein covers a comprehensive pursuit of the spatial conductbehaviour and its traceability. In this thesis, focused on urban areas, it will be analyzed how thecontemporary surveillance technologies work, evaluating whether those technologies and massprograms are covering the security demanded by the societies. Within the following chapters we willreview how modern security have intentionally designed and developed a smokescreen that istricking a true pragmatic security and which is creating an unprecedented security failure. Once thissmokescreen is revealed and questioned, the results are demonstrating minimal capabilities of itsapplication and profitability for traceability purposes. What we presented herein, is not exclusively ameta-theoretical analysis of a state of art...Actualmente, nuestras sociedades demandan un estado permanente y verificable de seguridad.Los riesgos y amenazas a los que nos enfrentamos a diario pueden constituir el punto deinflexión que derive a nuestras sociedades - tal y como las conocemos y comprendemos - hacia uncolapso inminente. Los motivos de dicho status quo son simples: la seguridad - como producto - aplicadaen masa se fundamenta en un arquetipo de falacias y mitos. A pesar de que objetivamente sonindiscutibles las capacidades de vigilia tecnológica actual, la ratio volumen- eficiencia es sumamentecuestionable. Consecuentemente, el producto resultante adquirido - la seguridad como garantía de lapaz y orden social - pone en riesgo mucho más que una mera confrontación entre planteamientosmeta-teóricos: el conjunto de paz y garantías sociales vigentes en nuestra sociedad está en riesgo.Transversalmente al conjunto de riesgos y amenazas presentes nos encontramos con elconcepto de la trazabilidad, frecuentemente usado en ciencias naturales y tecnologías vinculadas alanálisis biométrico, pero raramente asociado al análisis espacial. Durante la presente investigación,de la cual no existen precedentes en cuanto al tratamiento de la temática, nos centraremos en el análisisde las fuerzas motrices vinculadas a la seguridad – desde una perspectiva multiescalar – con elobjetivo de aportar un beneficio social...Depto. de GeografíaFac. de Geografía e HistoriaTRUEunpu

    Spatial analysis and security prognosis in urban areas: A comprehensive pursuit of the spatial-conduct traceability and its connections with the security driving forces

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    Currently, our societies demand a permanent and trustable security. The number and typologyof threats that they are facing on daily basis can lead to their eminent collapse. The ground of theabove-mentioned status quo is simple: a security applied en mass is based on a fallacies and myths.This mythical security puts on risk much more than an ordinary clash between theoretical securitymodels: the entire social peace system is questioned. Transversally to those threats is proposed thetraceability concept, frequently used in bioscience and biometric technologies, but not in commonuse for spatial analysis purposes. Within this unprecedented research founded in the field of thespatial analysis, we will analyze the main security driving forces existing in our societies - from amulti-scale perspective - with the aim to achieve a final social improvement.The doctoral thesis presented herein covers a comprehensive pursuit of the spatial conductbehaviour and its traceability. In this thesis, focused on urban areas, it will be analyzed how thecontemporary surveillance technologies work, evaluating whether those technologies and massprograms are covering the security demanded by the societies. Within the following chapters we willreview how modern security have intentionally designed and developed a smokescreen that istricking a true pragmatic security and which is creating an unprecedented security failure. Once thissmokescreen is revealed and questioned, the results are demonstrating minimal capabilities of itsapplication and profitability for traceability purposes. What we presented herein, is not exclusively ameta-theoretical analysis of a state of art..