43,042 research outputs found

    Predictive Modeling of Pedestrian Motion Patterns with Bayesian Nonparametrics

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    For safe navigation in dynamic environments, an autonomous vehicle must be able to identify and predict the future behaviors of other mobile agents. A promising data-driven approach is to learn motion patterns from previous observations using Gaussian process (GP) regression, which are then used for online prediction. GP mixture models have been subsequently proposed for finding the number of motion patterns using GP likelihood as a similarity metric. However, this paper shows that using GP likelihood as a similarity metric can lead to non-intuitive clustering configurations - such as grouping trajectories with a small planar shift with respect to each other into different clusters - and thus produce poor prediction results. In this paper we develop a novel modeling framework, Dirichlet process active region (DPAR), that addresses the deficiencies of the previous GP-based approaches. In particular, with a discretized representation of the environment, we can explicitly account for planar shifts via a max pooling step, and reduce the computational complexity of the statistical inference procedure compared with the GP-based approaches. The proposed algorithm was applied on two real pedestrian trajectory datasets collected using a 3D Velodyne Lidar, and showed 15% improvement in prediction accuracy and 4.2 times reduction in computational time compared with a GP-based algorithm.Ford Motor Compan

    도심 κ΅μ°¨λ‘œμ—μ„œμ˜ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰μ„ μœ„ν•œ μ£Όλ³€ μ°¨λŸ‰ 경둜 예츑 및 거동 κ³„νš μ•Œκ³ λ¦¬μ¦˜

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    ν•™μœ„λ…Όλ¬Έ(박사)--μ„œμšΈλŒ€ν•™κ΅ λŒ€ν•™μ› :κ³΅κ³ΌλŒ€ν•™ 기계항곡곡학뢀,2020. 2. 이경수.μ°¨λž‘μš© μ„Όμ‹± 및 처리기술이 λ°œλ‹¬ν•¨μ— 따라 μžλ™μ°¨ 기술 연ꡬ가 μˆ˜λ™ μ•ˆμ „ κΈ°μˆ μ—μ„œ λŠ₯동 μ•ˆμ „ 기술둜 초점이 ν™•μž₯되고 μžˆλ‹€. 졜근, μ£Όμš” μžλ™μ°¨ μ œμž‘μ‚¬λ“€μ€ λŠ₯λ™ν˜• 차간거리 μ œμ–΄, μ°¨μ„  μœ μ§€ 보쑰, 그리고 κΈ΄κΈ‰ μžλ™ μ œλ™κ³Ό 같은 λŠ₯동 μ•ˆμ „ 기술이 이미 μƒμ—…ν™”ν•˜κ³  μžˆλ‹€. μ΄λŸ¬ν•œ 기술적 μ§„λ³΄λŠ” 사상λ₯  제둜λ₯Ό λ‹¬μ„±ν•˜κΈ° μœ„ν•˜μ—¬ 기술 연ꡬ λΆ„μ•Όλ₯Ό λŠ₯동 μ•ˆμ „ κΈ°μˆ μ„ λ„˜μ–΄μ„œ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰ μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμœΌλ‘œ ν™•μž₯μ‹œν‚€κ³  μžˆλ‹€. 특히, 도심 λ„λ‘œλŠ” 인도, μ‚¬κ°μ§€λŒ€, μ£Όμ°¨μ°¨λŸ‰, 이λ₯œμ°¨, λ³΄ν–‰μž λ“±κ³Ό 같은 ꡐ톡 μœ„ν—˜ μš”μ†Œλ₯Ό 많이 κ°–κ³  있기 λ•Œλ¬Έμ— κ³ μ†λ„λ‘œλ³΄λ‹€ 사고 λ°œμƒλ₯ κ³Ό 사상λ₯ μ΄ λ†’μœΌλ©°, μ΄λŠ” 도심 λ„λ‘œμ—μ„œμ˜ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰μ€ 핡심 μ΄μŠˆκ°€ 되고 μžˆλ‹€. λ§Žμ€ ν”„λ‘œμ νŠΈλ“€μ΄ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰μ˜ ν™˜κ²½μ , 인ꡬ학적, μ‚¬νšŒμ , 그리고 경제적 μΈ‘λ©΄μ—μ„œμ˜ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰μ˜ 효과λ₯Ό ν‰κ°€ν•˜κΈ° μœ„ν•΄ μˆ˜ν–‰λ˜μ—ˆκ±°λ‚˜ μˆ˜ν–‰ 쀑에 μžˆλ‹€. 예λ₯Ό λ“€μ–΄, 유럽의 AdaptIVEλŠ” λ‹€μ–‘ν•œ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰ κΈ°λŠ₯을 κ°œλ°œν•˜μ˜€μœΌλ©°, ꡬ체적인 평가 방법둠을 κ°œλ°œν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. λ˜ν•œ, CityMobil2λŠ” 유럽 μ „μ—­μ˜ 9개의 λ‹€λ₯Έ ν™˜κ²½μ—μ„œ 무인 지λŠ₯ν˜• μ°¨λŸ‰μ„ μ„±κ³΅μ μœΌλ‘œ ν†΅ν•©ν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. μΌλ³Έμ—μ„œλŠ” 2014λ…„ 5월에 μ‹œμž‘λœ Automated Driving System Research ProjectλŠ” μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰ μ‹œμŠ€ν…œκ³Ό μ°¨μ„ΈλŒ€ 도심 ꡐ톡 μˆ˜λ‹¨μ˜ 개발 및 검증에 μ΄ˆμ μ„ λ§žμΆ”μ—ˆλ‹€. κΈ°μ‘΄ 연ꡬ듀에 λŒ€ν•œ 쑰사λ₯Ό 톡해 μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰ μ‹œμŠ€ν…œμ€ ꡐ톡 μ°Έμ—¬μžλ“€μ˜ μ•ˆμ „λ„λ₯Ό ν–₯μƒμ‹œν‚€κ³ , ꡐ톡 ν˜Όμž‘μ„ κ°μ†Œμ‹œν‚€λ©°, μš΄μ „μž νŽΈμ˜μ„±μ„ μ¦μ§„μ‹œν‚€λŠ” 것이 증λͺ…λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. λ‹€μ–‘ν•œ 방법둠듀이 인지, 거동 κ³„νš, 그리고 μ œμ–΄μ™€ 같은 도심 λ„λ‘œ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰μ°¨μ˜ 핡심 κΈ°μˆ λ“€μ„ κ°œλ°œν•˜κΈ° μœ„ν•˜μ—¬ μ‚¬μš©λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. ν•˜μ§€λ§Œ λ§Žμ€ μ΅œμ‹ μ˜ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰ 연ꡬ듀은 각 기술의 κ°œλ°œμ„ λ³„κ°œλ‘œ κ³ λ €ν•˜μ—¬ 진행해왔닀. 결과적으둜 톡합적인 κ΄€μ μ—μ„œμ˜ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰ 기술 μ„€κ³„λŠ” 아직 μΆ©λΆ„νžˆ κ³ λ €λ˜μ–΄ μ•Šμ•˜λ‹€. λ”°λΌμ„œ, λ³Έ 논문은 λ³΅μž‘ν•œ 도심 λ„λ‘œ ν™˜κ²½μ—μ„œ 라이닀, 카메라, GPS, 그리고 κ°„λ‹¨ν•œ 경둜 맡에 κΈ°λ°˜ν•œ μ™„μ „ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰ μ•Œκ³ λ¦¬μ¦˜μ„ κ°œλ°œν•˜λŠ” 것을 λͺ©ν‘œλ‘œ ν•˜μ˜€λ‹€. μ œμ•ˆλœ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰ μ•Œκ³ λ¦¬μ¦˜μ€ λΉ„ν†΅μ œ ꡐ차둜λ₯Ό ν¬ν•¨ν•œ 도심 λ„λ‘œ 상황을 μ°¨λŸ‰ 거동 μ˜ˆμΈ‘κΈ°μ™€ λͺ¨λΈ 예츑 μ œμ–΄ 기법에 κΈ°λ°˜ν•˜μ—¬ μ„€κ³„λ˜μ—ˆλ‹€. λ³Έ 논문은 동적, 정적 ν™˜κ²½ ν‘œν˜„ 및 μ’…νš‘λ°©ν–₯ 거동 κ³„νšμ„ μ€‘μ μ μœΌλ‘œ λ‹€λ£¨μ—ˆλ‹€. λ³Έ 논문은 도심 λ„λ‘œ μžμœ¨μ£Όν–‰μ„ μœ„ν•œ 거동 κ³„νš μ•Œκ³ λ¦¬μ¦˜μ˜ κ°œμš”λ₯Ό μ œμ‹œν•˜μ˜€μœΌλ©°, μ‹€μ œ ꡐ톡 μƒν™©μ—μ„œμ˜ μ‹€ν—˜ κ²°κ³ΌλŠ” μ œμ•ˆλœ μ•Œκ³ λ¦¬μ¦˜μ˜ νš¨κ³Όμ„±κ³Ό μš΄μ „μž κ±°λ™κ³Όμ˜ μœ μ‚¬μ„±μ„ λ³΄μ—¬μ£Όμ—ˆλ‹€. μ‹€μ°¨ μ‹€ν—˜ κ²°κ³ΌλŠ” λΉ„ν†΅μ œ ꡐ차둜λ₯Ό ν¬ν•¨ν•œ 도심 μ‹œλ‚˜λ¦¬μ˜€μ—μ„œμ˜ κ°•κ±΄ν•œ μ„±λŠ₯을 λ³΄μ—¬μ£Όμ—ˆλ‹€.The foci of automotive researches have been expanding from passive safety systems to active safety systems with advances in sensing and processing technologies. Recently, the majority of automotive makers have already commercialized active safety systems, such as adaptive cruise control (ACC), lane keeping assistance (LKA), and autonomous emergency braking (AEB). Such advances have extended the research field beyond active safety systems to automated driving systems to achieve zero fatalities. Especially, automated driving on urban roads has become a key issue because urban roads possess numerous risk factors for traffic accidents, such as sidewalks, blind spots, on-street parking, motorcycles, and pedestrians, which cause higher accident rates and fatalities than motorways. Several projects have been conducted, and many others are still underway to evaluate the effects of automated driving in environmental, demographic, social, and economic aspects. For example, the European project AdaptIVe, develops various automated driving functions and defines specific evaluation methodologies. In addition, CityMobil2 successfully integrates driverless intelligent vehicles in nine other environments throughout Europe. In Japan, the Automated Driving System Research Project began on May 2014, which focuses on the development and verification of automated driving systems and next-generation urban transportation. From a careful review of a considerable amount of literature, automated driving systems have been proven to increase the safety of traffic users, reduce traffic congestion, and improve driver convenience. Various methodologies have been employed to develop the core technology of automated vehicles on urban roads, such as perception, motion planning, and control. However, the current state-of-the-art automated driving algorithms focus on the development of each technology separately. Consequently, designing automated driving systems from an integrated perspective is not yet sufficiently considered. Therefore, this dissertation focused on developing a fully autonomous driving algorithm in urban complex scenarios using LiDAR, vision, GPS, and a simple path map. The proposed autonomous driving algorithm covered the urban road scenarios with uncontrolled intersections based on vehicle motion prediction and model predictive control approach. Mainly, four research issues are considered: dynamic/static environment representation, and longitudinal/lateral motion planning. In the remainder of this thesis, we will provide an overview of the proposed motion planning algorithm for urban autonomous driving and the experimental results in real traffic, which showed the effectiveness and human-like behaviors of the proposed algorithm. The proposed algorithm has been tested and evaluated using both simulation and vehicle tests. The test results show the robust performance of urban scenarios, including uncontrolled intersections.Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1. Background and Motivation 1 1.2. Previous Researches 4 1.3. Thesis Objectives 9 1.4. Thesis Outline 10 Chapter 2 Overview of Motion Planning for Automated Driving System 11 Chapter 3 Dynamic Environment Representation with Motion Prediction 15 3.1. Moving Object Classification 17 3.2. Vehicle State based Direct Motion Prediction 20 3.2.1. Data Collection Vehicle 22 3.2.2. Target Roads 23 3.2.3. Dataset Selection 24 3.2.4. Network Architecture 25 3.2.5. Input and Output Features 33 3.2.6. Encoder and Decoder 33 3.2.7. Sequence Length 34 3.3. Road Structure based Interactive Motion Prediction 36 3.3.1. Maneuver Definition 38 3.3.2. Network Architecture 39 3.3.3. Path Following Model based State Predictor 47 3.3.4. Estimation of predictor uncertainty 50 3.3.5. Motion Parameter Estimation 53 3.3.6. Interactive Maneuver Prediction 56 3.4. Intersection Approaching Vehicle Motion Prediction 59 3.4.1. Driver Behavior Model at Intersections 59 3.4.2. Intention Inference based State Prediction 63 Chapter 4 Static Environment Representation 67 4.1. Static Obstacle Map Construction 69 4.2. Free Space Boundary Decision 74 4.3. Drivable Corridor Decision 76 Chapter 5 Longitudinal Motion Planning 81 5.1. In-Lane Target Following 82 5.2. Proactive Motion Planning for Narrow Road Driving 85 5.2.1. Motivation for Collision Preventive Velocity Planning 85 5.2.2. Desired Acceleration Decision 86 5.3. Uncontrolled Intersection 90 5.3.1. Driving Phase and Mode Definition 91 5.3.2. State Machine for Driving Mode Decision 92 5.3.3. Motion Planner for Approach Mode 95 5.3.4. Motion Planner for Risk Management Phase 98 Chapter 6 Lateral Motion Planning 105 6.1. Vehicle Model 107 6.2. Cost Function and Constraints 109 Chapter 7 Performance Evaluation 115 7.1. Motion Prediction 115 7.1.1. Prediction Accuracy Analysis of Vehicle State based Direct Motion Predictor 115 7.1.2. Prediction Accuracy and Effect Analysis of Road Structure based Interactive Motion Predictor 122 7.2. Prediction based Distance Control at Urban Roads 132 7.2.1. Driving Data Analysis of Direct Motion Predictor Application at Urban Roads 133 7.2.2. Case Study of Vehicle Test at Urban Roads 138 7.2.3. Analysis of Vehicle Test Results on Urban Roads 147 7.3. Complex Urban Roads 153 7.3.1. Case Study of Vehicle Test at Complex Urban Roads 154 7.3.2. Closed-loop Simulation based Safety Analysis 162 7.4. Uncontrolled Intersections 164 7.4.1. Simulation based Algorithm Comparison of Motion Planner 164 7.4.2. Monte-Carlo Simulation based Safety Analysis 166 7.4.3. Vehicle Tests Results in Real Traffic Conditions 172 7.4.4. Similarity Analysis between Human and Automated Vehicle 194 7.5. Multi-Lane Turn Intersections 197 7.5.1. Case Study of a Multi-Lane Left Turn Scenario 197 7.5.2. Analysis of Motion Planning Application Results 203 Chapter 8 Conclusion & Future Works 207 8.1. Conclusion 207 8.2. Future Works 209 Bibliography 210 Abstract in Korean 219Docto

    Human Motion Trajectory Prediction: A Survey

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    With growing numbers of intelligent autonomous systems in human environments, the ability of such systems to perceive, understand and anticipate human behavior becomes increasingly important. Specifically, predicting future positions of dynamic agents and planning considering such predictions are key tasks for self-driving vehicles, service robots and advanced surveillance systems. This paper provides a survey of human motion trajectory prediction. We review, analyze and structure a large selection of work from different communities and propose a taxonomy that categorizes existing methods based on the motion modeling approach and level of contextual information used. We provide an overview of the existing datasets and performance metrics. We discuss limitations of the state of the art and outline directions for further research.Comment: Submitted to the International Journal of Robotics Research (IJRR), 37 page

    Geometry-Based Next Frame Prediction from Monocular Video

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    We consider the problem of next frame prediction from video input. A recurrent convolutional neural network is trained to predict depth from monocular video input, which, along with the current video image and the camera trajectory, can then be used to compute the next frame. Unlike prior next-frame prediction approaches, we take advantage of the scene geometry and use the predicted depth for generating the next frame prediction. Our approach can produce rich next frame predictions which include depth information attached to each pixel. Another novel aspect of our approach is that it predicts depth from a sequence of images (e.g. in a video), rather than from a single still image. We evaluate the proposed approach on the KITTI dataset, a standard dataset for benchmarking tasks relevant to autonomous driving. The proposed method produces results which are visually and numerically superior to existing methods that directly predict the next frame. We show that the accuracy of depth prediction improves as more prior frames are considered.Comment: To appear in 2017 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposiu

    A Learning-Based Framework for Two-Dimensional Vehicle Maneuver Prediction over V2V Networks

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    Situational awareness in vehicular networks could be substantially improved utilizing reliable trajectory prediction methods. More precise situational awareness, in turn, results in notably better performance of critical safety applications, such as Forward Collision Warning (FCW), as well as comfort applications like Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control (CACC). Therefore, vehicle trajectory prediction problem needs to be deeply investigated in order to come up with an end to end framework with enough precision required by the safety applications' controllers. This problem has been tackled in the literature using different methods. However, machine learning, which is a promising and emerging field with remarkable potential for time series prediction, has not been explored enough for this purpose. In this paper, a two-layer neural network-based system is developed which predicts the future values of vehicle parameters, such as velocity, acceleration, and yaw rate, in the first layer and then predicts the two-dimensional, i.e. longitudinal and lateral, trajectory points based on the first layer's outputs. The performance of the proposed framework has been evaluated in realistic cut-in scenarios from Safety Pilot Model Deployment (SPMD) dataset and the results show a noticeable improvement in the prediction accuracy in comparison with the kinematics model which is the dominant employed model by the automotive industry. Both ideal and nonideal communication circumstances have been investigated for our system evaluation. For non-ideal case, an estimation step is included in the framework before the parameter prediction block to handle the drawbacks of packet drops or sensor failures and reconstruct the time series of vehicle parameters at a desirable frequency
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