10 research outputs found

    Web Archive Services Framework for Tighter Integration Between the Past and Present Web

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    Web archives have contained the cultural history of the web for many years, but they still have a limited capability for access. Most of the web archiving research has focused on crawling and preservation activities, with little focus on the delivery methods. The current access methods are tightly coupled with web archive infrastructure, hard to replicate or integrate with other web archives, and do not cover all the users\u27 needs. In this dissertation, we focus on the access methods for archived web data to enable users, third-party developers, researchers, and others to gain knowledge from the web archives. We build ArcSys, a new service framework that extracts, preserves, and exposes APIs for the web archive corpus. The dissertation introduces a novel categorization technique to divide the archived corpus into four levels. For each level, we will propose suitable services and APIs that enable both users and third-party developers to build new interfaces. The first level is the content level that extracts the content from the archived web data. We develop ArcContent to expose the web archive content processed through various filters. The second level is the metadata level; we extract the metadata from the archived web data and make it available to users. We implement two services, ArcLink for temporal web graph and ArcThumb for optimizing the thumbnail creation in the web archives. The third level is the URI level that focuses on using the URI HTTP redirection status to enhance the user query. Finally, the highest level in the web archiving service framework pyramid is the archive level. In this level, we define the web archive by the characteristics of its corpus and building Web Archive Profiles. The profiles are used by the Memento Aggregator for query optimization

    Secure Computation Protocols for Privacy-Preserving Machine Learning

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    Machine Learning (ML) profitiert erheblich von der Verfügbarkeit großer Mengen an Trainingsdaten, sowohl im Bezug auf die Anzahl an Datenpunkten, als auch auf die Anzahl an Features pro Datenpunkt. Es ist allerdings oft weder möglich, noch gewollt, mehr Daten unter zentraler Kontrolle zu aggregieren. Multi-Party-Computation (MPC)-Protokolle stellen eine Lösung dieses Dilemmas in Aussicht, indem sie es mehreren Parteien erlauben, ML-Modelle auf der Gesamtheit ihrer Daten zu trainieren, ohne die Eingabedaten preiszugeben. Generische MPC-Ansätze bringen allerdings erheblichen Mehraufwand in der Kommunikations- und Laufzeitkomplexität mit sich, wodurch sie sich nur beschränkt für den Einsatz in der Praxis eignen. Das Ziel dieser Arbeit ist es, Privatsphäreerhaltendes Machine Learning mittels MPC praxistauglich zu machen. Zuerst fokussieren wir uns auf zwei Anwendungen, lineare Regression und Klassifikation von Dokumenten. Hier zeigen wir, dass sich der Kommunikations- und Rechenaufwand erheblich reduzieren lässt, indem die aufwändigsten Teile der Berechnung durch Sub-Protokolle ersetzt werden, welche auf die Zusammensetzung der Parteien, die Verteilung der Daten, und die Zahlendarstellung zugeschnitten sind. Insbesondere das Ausnutzen dünnbesetzter Datenrepräsentationen kann die Effizienz der Protokolle deutlich verbessern. Diese Beobachtung verallgemeinern wir anschließend durch die Entwicklung einer Datenstruktur für solch dünnbesetzte Daten, sowie dazugehöriger Zugriffsprotokolle. Aufbauend auf dieser Datenstruktur implementieren wir verschiedene Operationen der Linearen Algebra, welche in einer Vielzahl von Anwendungen genutzt werden. Insgesamt zeigt die vorliegende Arbeit, dass MPC ein vielversprechendes Werkzeug auf dem Weg zu Privatsphäre-erhaltendem Machine Learning ist, und die von uns entwickelten Protokolle stellen einen wesentlichen Schritt in diese Richtung dar.Machine learning (ML) greatly benefits from the availability of large amounts of training data, both in terms of the number of samples, and the number of features per sample. However, aggregating more data under centralized control is not always possible, nor desirable, due to security and privacy concerns, regulation, or competition. Secure multi-party computation (MPC) protocols promise a solution to this dilemma, allowing multiple parties to train ML models on their joint datasets while provably preserving the confidentiality of the inputs. However, generic approaches to MPC result in large computation and communication overheads, which limits the applicability in practice. The goal of this thesis is to make privacy-preserving machine learning with secure computation practical. First, we focus on two high-level applications, linear regression and document classification. We show that communication and computation overhead can be greatly reduced by identifying the costliest parts of the computation, and replacing them with sub-protocols that are tailored to the number and arrangement of parties, the data distribution, and the number representation used. One of our main findings is that exploiting sparsity in the data representation enables considerable efficiency improvements. We go on to generalize this observation, and implement a low-level data structure for sparse data, with corresponding secure access protocols. On top of this data structure, we develop several linear algebra algorithms that can be used in a wide range of applications. Finally, we turn to improving a cryptographic primitive named vector-OLE, for which we propose a novel protocol that helps speed up a wide range of secure computation tasks, within private machine learning and beyond. Overall, our work shows that MPC indeed offers a promising avenue towards practical privacy-preserving machine learning, and the protocols we developed constitute a substantial step in that direction

    Multicloud Resource Allocation:Cooperation, Optimization and Sharing

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    Nowadays our daily life is not only powered by water, electricity, gas and telephony but by "cloud" as well. Big cloud vendors such as Amazon, Microsoft and Google have built large-scale centralized data centers to achieve economies of scale, on-demand resource provisioning, high resource availability and elasticity. However, those massive data centers also bring about many other problems, e.g., bandwidth bottlenecks, privacy, security, huge energy consumption, legal and physical vulnerabilities. One of the possible solutions for those problems is to employ multicloud architectures. In this thesis, our work provides research contributions to multicloud resource allocation from three perspectives of cooperation, optimization and data sharing. We address the following problems in the multicloud: how resource providers cooperate in a multicloud, how to reduce information leakage in a multicloud storage system and how to share the big data in a cost-effective way. More specifically, we make the following contributions: Cooperation in the decentralized cloud. We propose a decentralized cloud model in which a group of SDCs can cooperate with each other to improve performance. Moreover, we design a general strategy function for SDCs to evaluate the performance of cooperation based on different dimensions of resource sharing. Through extensive simulations using a realistic data center model, we show that the strategies based on reciprocity are more effective than other strategies, e.g., those using prediction based on historical data. Our results show that the reciprocity-based strategy can thrive in a heterogeneous environment with competing strategies. Multicloud optimization on information leakage. In this work, we firstly study an important information leakage problem caused by unplanned data distribution in multicloud storage services. Then, we present StoreSim, an information leakage aware storage system in multicloud. StoreSim aims to store syntactically similar data on the same cloud, thereby minimizing the user's information leakage across multiple clouds. We design an approximate algorithm to efficiently generate similarity-preserving signatures for data chunks based on MinHash and Bloom filter, and also design a function to compute the information leakage based on these signatures. Next, we present an effective storage plan generation algorithm based on clustering for distributing data chunks with minimal information leakage across multiple clouds. Finally, we evaluate our scheme using two real datasets from Wikipedia and GitHub. We show that our scheme can reduce the information leakage by up to 60% compared to unplanned placement. Furthermore, our analysis in terms of system attackability demonstrates that our scheme makes attacks on information much more complex. Smart data sharing. Moving large amounts of distributed data into the cloud or from one cloud to another can incur high costs in both time and bandwidth. The optimization on data sharing in the multicloud can be conducted from two different angles: inter-cloud scheduling and intra-cloud optimization. We first present CoShare, a P2P inspired decentralized cost effective sharing system for data replication to optimize network transfer among small data centers. Then we propose a data summarization method to reduce the total size of dataset, thereby reducing network transfer

    Aspect of Code Cloning Towards Software Bug and Imminent Maintenance: A Perspective on Open-source and Industrial Mobile Applications

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    As a part of the digital era of microtechnology, mobile application (app) development is evolving with lightning speed to enrich our lives and bring new challenges and risks. In particular, software bugs and failures cost trillions of dollars every year, including fatalities such as a software bug in a self-driving car that resulted in a pedestrian fatality in March 2018 and the recent Boeing-737 Max tragedies that resulted in hundreds of deaths. Software clones (duplicated fragments of code) are also found to be one of the crucial factors for having bugs or failures in software systems. There have been many significant studies on software clones and their relationships to software bugs for desktop-based applications. Unfortunately, while mobile apps have become an integral part of today’s era, there is a marked lack of such studies for mobile apps. In order to explore this important aspect, in this thesis, first, we studied the characteristics of software bugs in the context of mobile apps, which might not be prevalent for desktop-based apps such as energy-related (battery drain while using apps) and compatibility-related (different behaviors of same app in different devices) bugs/issues. Using Support Vector Machine (SVM), we classified about 3K mobile app bug reports of different open-source development sites into four categories: crash, energy, functionality and security bug. We then manually examined a subset of those bugs and found that over 50% of the bug-fixing code-changes occurred in clone code. There have been a number of studies with desktop-based software systems that clearly show the harmful impacts of code clones and their relationships to software bugs. Given that there is a marked lack of such studies for mobile apps, in our second study, we examined 11 open-source and industrial mobile apps written in two different languages (Java and Swift) and noticed that clone code is more bug-prone than non-clone code and that industrial mobile apps have a higher code clone ratio than open-source mobile apps. Furthermore, we correlated our study outcomes with those of existing desktop based studies and surveyed 23 mobile app developers to validate our findings. Along with validating our findings from the survey, we noticed that around 95% of the developers usually copy/paste (code cloning) code fragments from the popular Crowd-sourcing platform, Stack Overflow (SO) to their projects and that over 75% of such developers experience bugs after such activities (the code cloning from SO). Existing studies with desktop-based systems also showed that while SO is one of the most popular online platforms for code reuse (and code cloning), SO code fragments are usually toxic in terms of software maintenance perspective. Thus, in the third study of this thesis, we studied the consequences of code cloning from SO in different open source and industrial mobile apps. We observed that closed-source industrial apps even reused more SO code fragments than open-source mobile apps and that SO code fragments were more change-prone (such as bug) than non-SO code fragments. We also experienced that SO code fragments were related to more bugs in industrial projects than open-source ones. Our studies show how we could efficiently and effectively manage clone related software bugs for mobile apps by utilizing the positive sides of code cloning while overcoming (or at least minimizing) the negative consequences of clone fragments

    Applied Metaheuristic Computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    Applied Methuerstic computing

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    For decades, Applied Metaheuristic Computing (AMC) has been a prevailing optimization technique for tackling perplexing engineering and business problems, such as scheduling, routing, ordering, bin packing, assignment, facility layout planning, among others. This is partly because the classic exact methods are constrained with prior assumptions, and partly due to the heuristics being problem-dependent and lacking generalization. AMC, on the contrary, guides the course of low-level heuristics to search beyond the local optimality, which impairs the capability of traditional computation methods. This topic series has collected quality papers proposing cutting-edge methodology and innovative applications which drive the advances of AMC

    24th Nordic Conference on Computational Linguistics (NoDaLiDa)

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