426 research outputs found

    On including quality in applied automatic gait recognition

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    Many gait recognition approaches use silhouette data. Imperfections in silhouette extraction have a negative effect on the performance of a gait recognition system. In this paper we extend quality metrics for gait recognition and evaluate new ways of using quality to improve a recognition system. We demonstrate use of quality to improve silhouette data and select gait cycles of best quality. The potential of the new approaches has been demonstrated experimentally on a challenging dataset, showing how recognition capability can be dramatically improved. Our practical study also shows that acquiring samples of adequate quality in arbitrary environments is difficult and that including quality analysis can improve performance markedly

    A review of vision-based gait recognition methods for human identification

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    Human identification by gait has created a great deal of interest in computer vision community due to its advantage of inconspicuous recognition at a relatively far distance. This paper provides a comprehensive survey of recent developments on gait recognition approaches. The survey emphasizes on three major issues involved in a general gait recognition system, namely gait image representation, feature dimensionality reduction and gait classification. Also, a review of the available public gait datasets is presented. The concluding discussions outline a number of research challenges and provide promising future directions for the field

    Gait recognition from corrupted silhouettes: a robust statistical approach

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    This paper introduces a method based on robust statistics to build reliable gait signatures from averaging silhouette descriptions, mainly when gait sequences are affected by severe and persistent defects. The term robust refers to the ability of reducing the impact of silhouette defects (outliers) on the average gait pattern, while taking advantage of clean silhouette regions. An extensive experimental framework was defined based on injecting three types of realistic defects (salt and pepper noise, static occlusion, and dynamic occlusion) to clean gait sequences, both separately in an easy setting and jointly in a hard setting. The robust approach was compared against two other operation modes: (1) simple mean (weak baseline) and (2) defect exclusion (strong benchmark). Three gait representation methods based on silhouette averaging were used: Gait Energy Image (GEI), Gradient Histogram Energy Image (GHEI), and the joint use of GEI and HOG descriptors. Quality of gait signatures was assessed by their discriminant power in a large number of gait recognition tasks. Nonparametric statistical tests were applied on recognition results, searching for significant differences between operation modes.This work has been supported by the grants P1-1B2012-22 and PREDOC/2012/05 from Universitat Jaume I, PROMETEOII/2014/062 from Generalitat Valenciana, and TIN2013-46522-P from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness

    Analysis of 3D human gait reconstructed with a depth camera and mirrors

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    L'évaluation de la démarche humaine est l'une des composantes essentielles dans les soins de santé. Les systèmes à base de marqueurs avec plusieurs caméras sont largement utilisés pour faire cette analyse. Cependant, ces systèmes nécessitent généralement des équipements spécifiques à prix élevé et/ou des moyens de calcul intensif. Afin de réduire le coût de ces dispositifs, nous nous concentrons sur un système d'analyse de la marche qui utilise une seule caméra de profondeur. Le principe de notre travail est similaire aux systèmes multi-caméras, mais l'ensemble de caméras est remplacé par un seul capteur de profondeur et des miroirs. Chaque miroir dans notre configuration joue le rôle d'une caméra qui capture la scène sous un point de vue différent. Puisque nous n'utilisons qu'une seule caméra, il est ainsi possible d'éviter l'étape de synchronisation et également de réduire le coût de l'appareillage. Notre thèse peut être divisée en deux sections: reconstruction 3D et analyse de la marche. Le résultat de la première section est utilisé comme entrée de la seconde. Notre système pour la reconstruction 3D est constitué d'une caméra de profondeur et deux miroirs. Deux types de capteurs de profondeur, qui se distinguent sur la base du mécanisme d'estimation de profondeur, ont été utilisés dans nos travaux. Avec la technique de lumière structurée (SL) intégrée dans le capteur Kinect 1, nous effectuons la reconstruction 3D à partir des principes de l'optique géométrique. Pour augmenter le niveau des détails du modèle reconstruit en 3D, la Kinect 2 qui estime la profondeur par temps de vol (ToF), est ensuite utilisée pour l'acquisition d'images. Cependant, en raison de réflections multiples sur les miroirs, il se produit une distorsion de la profondeur dans notre système. Nous proposons donc une approche simple pour réduire cette distorsion avant d'appliquer les techniques d'optique géométrique pour reconstruire un nuage de points de l'objet 3D. Pour l'analyse de la démarche, nous proposons diverses alternatives centrées sur la normalité de la marche et la mesure de sa symétrie. Cela devrait être utile lors de traitements cliniques pour évaluer, par exemple, la récupération du patient après une intervention chirurgicale. Ces méthodes se composent d'approches avec ou sans modèle qui ont des inconvénients et avantages différents. Dans cette thèse, nous présentons 3 méthodes qui traitent directement les nuages de points reconstruits dans la section précédente. La première utilise la corrélation croisée des demi-corps gauche et droit pour évaluer la symétrie de la démarche, tandis que les deux autres methodes utilisent des autoencodeurs issus de l'apprentissage profond pour mesurer la normalité de la démarche.The problem of assessing human gaits has received a great attention in the literature since gait analysis is one of key components in healthcare. Marker-based and multi-camera systems are widely employed to deal with this problem. However, such systems usually require specific equipments with high price and/or high computational cost. In order to reduce the cost of devices, we focus on a system of gait analysis which employs only one depth sensor. The principle of our work is similar to multi-camera systems, but the collection of cameras is replaced by one depth sensor and mirrors. Each mirror in our setup plays the role of a camera which captures the scene at a different viewpoint. Since we use only one camera, the step of synchronization can thus be avoided and the cost of devices is also reduced. Our studies can be separated into two categories: 3D reconstruction and gait analysis. The result of the former category is used as the input of the latter one. Our system for 3D reconstruction is built with a depth camera and two mirrors. Two types of depth sensor, which are distinguished based on the scheme of depth estimation, have been employed in our works. With the structured light (SL) technique integrated into the Kinect 1, we perform the 3D reconstruction based on geometrical optics. In order to increase the level of details of the 3D reconstructed model, the Kinect 2 with time-of-flight (ToF) depth measurement is used for image acquisition instead of the previous generation. However, due to multiple reflections on the mirrors, depth distortion occurs in our setup. We thus propose a simple approach for reducing such distortion before applying geometrical optics to reconstruct a point cloud of the 3D object. For the task of gait analysis, we propose various alternative approaches focusing on the problem of gait normality/symmetry measurement. They are expected to be useful for clinical treatments such as monitoring patient's recovery after surgery. These methods consist of model-free and model-based approaches that have different cons and pros. In this dissertation, we present 3 methods that directly process point clouds reconstructed from the previous work. The first one uses cross-correlation of left and right half-bodies to assess gait symmetry while the other ones employ deep auto-encoders to measure gait normality

    Assessment of gait normality using a depth camera and mirrors

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    This paper presents an initial work on assessment of gait normality in which the human body motion is represented by a sequence of enhanced depth maps. The input data is provided by a system consisting of a Time-of-Flight (ToF) depth camera and two mirrors. This approach proposes two feature types to describe characteristics of localized points of interest and the level of posture symmetry. These two features are processed on a sequence of enhanced depth maps with the support of a sliding window to provide two corresponding scores. The gait assessment is finally performed based on a weighted combination of these two scores. The evaluation is performed by experimenting on 6 simulated abnormal gaits.Comment: 2018 IEEE EMBS International Conference on Biomedical & Health Informatics (BHI

    Forensic gait analysis — Morphometric assessment from surveillance footage

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    © 2019 Elsevier B.V. Following the technological rise of surveillance cameras and their subsequent proliferation in public places, the use of information gathered by such means for investigative and evaluative purposes sparked a large interest in the forensic community and within policing scenarios. In particular, it is suggested that analysis of the body, especially the assessment of gait characteristics, can provide useful information to aid the investigation. This paper discusses the influences upon gait to mitigate some of the limitations of surveillance footage, including those due to the varying anatomical differences between individuals. Furthermore, the differences between various techniques applied to assess gait are discussed, including biometric gait recognition, forensic gait analysis, tracking technology, and marker technology. This review article discusses the limitations of the current methods for assessment of gait; exposing gaps within the literature in regard to various influences impacting upon the gait cycle. Furthermore, it suggests a ‘morphometric’ technique to enhance the available procedures to potentially facilitate the development of standardised protocols with supporting statistics and database. This in turn will provide meaningful information to forensic investigation, intelligence-gathering processes, and potentially as an additional method of forensic evaluation of evidence

    Extending quality and covariate analyses for gait biometrics

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    Recognising humans by the way they walk has attracted a significant interest in recent years due to its potential use in a number of applications such as automated visual surveillance. Technologies utilising gait biometrics have the potential to provide safer society and improve quality of life. However, automated gait recognition is a very challenging research problem and some fundamental issues remain unsolved.At the moment, gait recognition performs well only when samples acquired in similar conditions are matched. An operational automated gait recognition system does not yet exist. The primary aim of the research presented in this thesis is to understand the main challenges associated with deployment of gait recognition and to propose novel solutions to some of the most fundamental issues. There has been lack of understanding of the effect of some subject dependent covariates on gait recognition performance. We have proposed a novel dataset that allows analyses of various covariates in a principled manner. The results of the database evaluation revealed that elapsed time does not affect recognition in the short to medium term, contrary to what other studies have concluded. The analyses show how other factors related to the subject affect recognition performance.Only few gait recognition approaches have been validated in real world conditions. We have collected a new dataset at two realistic locations. Using the database we have shown that there are many environment related factors that can affect performance. The quality of silhouettes has been identified as one of the most important issues for translating gait recognition research to the ‘real-world’. The existing quality algorithms proved insufficient and therefore we extended quality metrics and proposed new ways of improving signature quality and therefore performance. A new fully working automated system has been implemented.Experiments using the system in ‘real-world’ conditions have revealed additional challenges not present when analysing datasets of fixed size. In conclusion, the research has investigated many of the factors that affect current gait recognition algorithms and has presented novel approaches of dealing with some of the most important issues related to translating gait recognition to real-world environments
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