263 research outputs found

    Вступ до загальнотехнічної англійської мови: Telecoms Matters: History, Education & Training

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    Практикум є навчальним посібником для забезпечення аудиторних та індивідуальних занять студентів першого курсу Інституту телекомунікаційних систем. Видання складається з чотирьох розділів (Units), які охоплюють професійно-орієнтовані теми (Topics): “Our University”, “Telecoms Jobs”, “Brief History of Telecoms”, “Famous People in Telecoms History”. Розроблені вправи спрямовані на розвиток і удосконалення вмінь у читанні, усному мовленні, аудіюванні, письмі та перекладі, а також поліпшенні лексичних та граматичних знань студентів. Завданням практикуму є сприяння розширенню професійного тезаурусу студентів, формування інтересу до спілкування англійською мовою та підвищення мотивації студентів до навчання і майбутньої професії

    Communication Technologies

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    Данное пособие является продолжением к изданию "Radiophysics and Electronics" и предназначено для студентов, обучающихся по направлению "Радиофизика". Пособие может быть использовано как для аудиторной, так и для самостоятельной работы студентов.11

    New Aspects of Progress in the Modernization of the Maritime Radio Direction Finders (RDF)

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    This paper as an author contribution introduces the implementation of the new aspects in the modernization of the ships Radio Direction Finders (RDF) and their modern principles and applications for shipborne and coastal navigation surveillance systems. The origin RDF receivers with the antenna installed onboard ships or aircraft were designed to identify radio sources that provide bearing the Direction Finding (DF) signals. The radio DF system or sometimes simply known as the DF technique is de facto a basic principle of measuring the direction of signals for determination of the ship\u27s position. The position of a particular ship in coastal navigation can be obtained by two or more measurements of certain radio sources received from different unspecified locations of transmitters on the coast. In the past, the RDF devices were widely used as a radio navigation system for aircraft, vehicles, and ships in particular. However, the newly developed RDF devices can be used today as an alternative to the Radio – Automatic Identification System (R-AIS), Satellite – Automatic Identification System (S-AIS), Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT), radars, GNSS receivers, and another current tracking and positioning systems of ships. The development of a modern shipborne RDF for new positioning and surveillance applications, such as Search and Rescue (SAR), Man over board (MOB), ships navigation and collision avoidance, offshore applications, detection of research buoys and for costal vessels traffic control and management is described in this paper

    Highlighting the history of French radio astronomy. 1: Nordmann's attempt to observe solar radio emission in 1901

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    Soon after the discovery of radio waves by Hertz in 1888 the idea that the Sun must emit this radiation was suggested. A number of scientists from different nations then attempted to detect this emission, and one of these was the French astronomer, Charles Nordmann. This paper provides biographical information on Nordmann before discussing his attempt to detect solar emisson in 1901 and the reasons he was unsuccessful

    Independent- Nov. 27, 2001

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    Statistical assessment on Non-cooperative Target Recognition using the Neyman-Pearson statistical test

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    Electromagnetic simulations of a X-target were performed in order to obtain its Radar Cross Section (RCS) for several positions and frequencies. The software used is the CST MWS©. A 1 : 5 scale model of the proposed aircraft was created in CATIA© V5 R19 and imported directly into the CST MWS© environment. Simulations on the X-band were made with a variable mesh size due to a considerable wavelength variation. It is intended to evaluate the Neyman-Pearson (NP) simple hypothesis test performance by analyzing its Receiver Operating Characteristics (ROCs) for two different radar detection scenarios - a Radar Absorbent Material (RAM) coated model, and a Perfect Electric Conductor (PEC) model for recognition purposes. In parallel the radar range equation is used to estimate the maximum range detection for the simulated RAM coated cases to compare their shielding effectiveness (SE) and its consequent impact on recognition. The AN/APG-68(V)9’s airborne radar specifications were used to compute these ranges and to simulate an airborne hostile interception for a Non-Cooperative Target Recognition (NCTR) environment. Statistical results showed weak recognition performances using the Neyman-Pearson (NP) statistical test. Nevertheless, good RCS reductions for most of the simulated positions were obtained reflecting in a 50:9% maximum range detection gain for the PAniCo RAM coating, abiding with experimental results taken from the reviewed literature. The best SE was verified for the PAniCo and CFC-Fe RAMs.Simulações electromagnéticas do alvo foram realizadas de modo a obter a assinatura radar (RCS) para várias posições e frequências. O software utilizado é o CST MWS©. O modelo proposto à escala 1:5 foi modelado em CATIA© V5 R19 e importado diretamente para o ambiente de trabalho CST MWS©. Foram efectuadas simulações na banda X com uma malha de tamanho variável devido à considerável variação do comprimento de onda. Pretende-se avaliar estatisticamente o teste de decisão simples de Neyman-Pearson (NP), analisando as Características de Operação do Receptor (ROCs) para dois cenários de detecção distintos - um modelo revestido com material absorvente (RAM), e outro sendo um condutor perfeito (PEC) para fins de detecção. Em paralelo, a equação de alcance para radares foi usada para estimar o alcance máximo de detecção para ambos os casos de modo a comparar a eficiência de blindagem electromagnética (SE) entre os diferentes revestimentos. As especificações do radar AN/APG-68(V)9 do F-16 foram usadas para calcular os alcances para cada material, simulando uma intercepção hostil num ambiente de reconhecimento de alvos não-cooperativos (NCTR). Os resultados mostram performances de detecção fracas usando o teste de decisão simples de Neyman-Pearson como detector e uma boa redução de RCS para todas as posições na gama de frequências selecionada. Um ganho de alcance de detecção máximo 50:9 % foi obtido para o RAM PAniCo, estando de acordo com os resultados experimentais da bibliografia estudada. Já a melhor SE foi verificada para o RAM CFC-Fe e PAniCo