231 research outputs found

    Multimodal methods for blind source separation of audio sources

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    The enhancement of the performance of frequency domain convolutive blind source separation (FDCBSS) techniques when applied to the problem of separating audio sources recorded in a room environment is the focus of this thesis. This challenging application is termed the cocktail party problem and the ultimate aim would be to build a machine which matches the ability of a human being to solve this task. Human beings exploit both their eyes and their ears in solving this task and hence they adopt a multimodal approach, i.e. they exploit both audio and video modalities. New multimodal methods for blind source separation of audio sources are therefore proposed in this work as a step towards realizing such a machine. The geometry of the room environment is initially exploited to improve the separation performance of a FDCBSS algorithm. The positions of the human speakers are monitored by video cameras and this information is incorporated within the FDCBSS algorithm in the form of constraints added to the underlying cross-power spectral density matrix-based cost function which measures separation performance. [Continues.

    Clustering Inverse Beamforming and multi-domain acoustic imaging approaches for vehicles NVH

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    Il rumore percepito all’interno della cabina di un veicolo è un aspetto molto rilevante nella valutazione della sua qualità complessiva. Metodi sperimentali di acoustic imaging, quali beamforming e olografia acustica, sono usati per identificare le principali sorgenti che contribuiscono alla rumorosità percepita all’interno del veicolo. L’obiettivo della tesi proposta è di fornire strumenti per effettuare dettagliate analisi quantitative tramite tali tecniche, ad oggi relegate alle fasi di studio preliminare, proponendo un approccio modulare che si avvale di analisi dei fenomeni vibro-acustici nel dominio della frequenza, del tempo e dell’angolo di rotazione degli elementi rotanti tipicamente presenti in un veicolo. Ciò permette di ridurre tempi e costi della progettazione, garantendo, al contempo, una maggiore qualità del pacchetto vibro-acustico. L’innovativo paradigma proposto prevede l’uso combinato di algoritmi di pre- e post- processing con tecniche inverse di acoustic imaging per lo studio di rilevanti problematiche quali l’identificazione di sorgenti sonore esterne o interne all’abitacolo e del rumore prodotto da dispositivi rotanti. Principale elemento innovativo della tesi è la tecnica denominata Clustering Inverse Beamforming. Essa si basa su un approccio statistico che permette di incrementare l’accuratezza (range dinamico, localizzazione e quantificazione) di una immagine acustica tramite la combinazione di soluzioni, del medesimo problema inverso, ottenute considerando diversi sotto-campioni dell’informazione sperimentale disponibile, variando, in questo modo, in maniera casuale la sua formulazione matematica. Tale procedimento garantisce la ricostruzione nel dominio della frequenza e del tempo delle sorgenti sonore identificate. Un metodo innovativo è stato inoltre proposto per la ricostruzione, ove necessario, di sorgenti sonore nel dominio dell’angolo. I metodi proposti sono stati supportati da argomentazioni teoriche e validazioni sperimentali su scala accademica e industriale.The interior sound perceived in vehicle cabins is a very important attribute for the user. Experimental acoustic imaging methods such as beamforming and Near-field Acoustic Holography are used in vehicles noise and vibration studies because they are capable of identifying the noise sources contributing to the overall noise perceived inside the cabin. However these techniques are often relegated to the troubleshooting phase, thus requiring additional experiments for more detailed NVH analyses. It is therefore desirable that such methods evolve towards more refined solutions capable of providing a larger and more detailed information. This thesis proposes a modular and multi-domain approach involving direct and inverse acoustic imaging techniques for providing quantitative and accurate results in frequency, time and angle domain, thus targeting three relevant types of problems in vehicles NVH: identification of exterior sources affecting interior noise, interior noise source identification, analysis of noise sources produced by rotating machines. The core finding of this thesis is represented by a novel inverse acoustic imaging method named Clustering Inverse Beamforming (CIB). The method grounds on a statistical processing based on an Equivalent Source Method formulation. In this way, an accurate localization, a reliable ranking of the identified sources in frequency domain and their separation into uncorrelated phenomena is obtained. CIB is also exploited in this work for allowing the reconstruction of the time evolution of the sources sought. Finally a methodology for decomposing the acoustic image of the sound field generated by a rotating machine as a function of the angular evolution of the machine shaft is proposed. This set of findings aims at contributing to the advent of a new paradigm of acoustic imaging applications in vehicles NVH, supporting all the stages of the vehicle design with time-saving and cost-efficient experimental techniques. The proposed innovative approaches are validated on several simulated and real experiments

    Eigenbeamforming array systems for sound source localization

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    A Blind Source Separation Framework for Ego-Noise Reduction on Multi-Rotor Drones

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