131 research outputs found

    Energy Efficient Bandwidth Management in Wireless Sensor Network

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    Energy-aware routing protocols in wireless sensor networks

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    Saving energy and increasing network lifetime are significant challenges in the field of Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs). Energy-aware routing protocols have been introduced for WSNs to overcome limitations of WSN including limited power resources and difficulties renewing or recharging sensor nodes batteries. Furthermore, the potentially inhospitable environments of sensor locations, in some applications, such as the bottom of the ocean, or inside tornados also have to be considered. ZigBee is one of the latest communication standards designed for WSNs based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard. The ZigBee standard supports two routing protocols, the Ad hoc On-demand Distance Vector (AODV), and the cluster-tree routing protocols. These protocols are implemented to establish the network, form clusters, and transfer data between the nodes. The AODV and the cluster-tree routing protocols are two of the most efficient routing protocols in terms of reducing the control message overhead, reducing the bandwidth usage in the network, and reducing the power consumption of wireless sensor nodes compared to other routing protocols. However, neither of these protocols considers the energy level or the energy consumption rate of the wireless sensor nodes during the establishment or routing processes. (Continues...)

    Smart Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The recent development of communication and sensor technology results in the growth of a new attractive and challenging area - wireless sensor networks (WSNs). A wireless sensor network which consists of a large number of sensor nodes is deployed in environmental fields to serve various applications. Facilitated with the ability of wireless communication and intelligent computation, these nodes become smart sensors which do not only perceive ambient physical parameters but also be able to process information, cooperate with each other and self-organize into the network. These new features assist the sensor nodes as well as the network to operate more efficiently in terms of both data acquisition and energy consumption. Special purposes of the applications require design and operation of WSNs different from conventional networks such as the internet. The network design must take into account of the objectives of specific applications. The nature of deployed environment must be considered. The limited of sensor nodes� resources such as memory, computational ability, communication bandwidth and energy source are the challenges in network design. A smart wireless sensor network must be able to deal with these constraints as well as to guarantee the connectivity, coverage, reliability and security of network's operation for a maximized lifetime. This book discusses various aspects of designing such smart wireless sensor networks. Main topics includes: design methodologies, network protocols and algorithms, quality of service management, coverage optimization, time synchronization and security techniques for sensor networks

    A Sleep-Scheduling-Based Cross-Layer Design Approach for Application-Specific Wireless Sensor Networks

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    The pervasiveness and operational autonomy of mesh-based wireless sensor networks (WSNs) make them an ideal candidate in offering sustained monitoring functions at reasonable cost over a wide area. To extend the functional lifetime of battery-operated sensor nodes, stringent sleep scheduling strategies with communication duty cycles running at sub-1% range are expected to be adopted. Although ultra-low communication duty cycles can cast a detrimental impact on sensing coverage and network connectivity, its effects can be mitigated with adaptive sleep scheduling, node deployment redundancy and multipath routing within the mesh WSN topology. This work proposes a cross-layer organizational approach based on sleep scheduling, called Sense-Sleep Trees (SS-Trees), that aims to harmonize the various engineering issues and provides a method to extend monitoring capabilities and operational lifetime of mesh-based WSNs engaged in wide-area surveillance applications. Various practical considerations such as sensing coverage requirements, duty cycling, transmission range assignment, data messaging, and protocol signalling are incorporated to demonstrate and evaluate the feasibility of the proposed design approach

    Recent Trends in Communication Networks

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    In recent years there has been many developments in communication technology. This has greatly enhanced the computing power of small handheld resource-constrained mobile devices. Different generations of communication technology have evolved. This had led to new research for communication of large volumes of data in different transmission media and the design of different communication protocols. Another direction of research concerns the secure and error-free communication between the sender and receiver despite the risk of the presence of an eavesdropper. For the communication requirement of a huge amount of multimedia streaming data, a lot of research has been carried out in the design of proper overlay networks. The book addresses new research techniques that have evolved to handle these challenges


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    Wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are modern technologies used to sense/control the environment whether indoors or outdoors. Sensor nodes are miniatures that can sense a specific event according to the end user(s) needs. The types of applications where such technology can be utilised and implemented are vast and range from households’ low end simple need applications to high end military based applications. WSNs are resource limited. Sensor nodes are expected to work on a limited source of power (e.g., batteries). The connectivity quality and reliability of the nodes is dependent on the quality of the hardware which the nodes are made of. Sensor nodes are envisioned to be either stationary or mobile. Mobility increases the issues of the quality of the operation of the network because it effects directly on the quality of the connections between the nodes

    Analysis of Security Attacks & Taxonomy in Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

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    Abstract: Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks (UWSN) have gained more attention from researchers in recent years due to their advancement in marine monitoring, deployment of various applications, and ocean surveillance. The UWSN is an attractive field for both researchers and the industrial side. Due to the harsh underwater environment, own capabilities, open acoustic channel, it's also vulnerable to malicious attacks and threats. Attackers can easily take advantage of these characteristics to steal the data between the source and destination. Many review articles are addressed some of the security attacks and Taxonomy of the Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks. In this study, we have briefly addressed the Taxonomy of the UWSNs from the most recent research articles related to the well-known research databases. This paper also discussed the security threats on each layer of the Underwater Wireless sensor networks. This study will help the researcher’s design the routing protocols to cover the known security threats and help industries manufacture the devices to observe these threats and security issues

    Asioiden Internetin tietoturva: ratkaisuja, standardeja ja avoimia ongelmia

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    Internet of Things (IoT) extends the Internet to our everyday objects, which enables new kind of applications and services. These IoT applications face demanding technical challenges: the number of ‘things’ or objects can be very large, they can be very con-strained devices, and may need to operate on challenging and dynamic environments. However, the architecture of today’s Internet is based on many legacy protocols and technology that were not originally designed to support features like mobility or the huge and growing number of objects the Internet consists of today. Similarly, many security features of today’s Internet are additional layers built to fill up flaws in the un-derlying design. Fulfilling new technical requirements set by IoT applications requires efficient solutions designed for the IoT use from the ground up. Moreover, the imple-mentation of this new IoT technology requires interoperability and integration with tra-ditional Internet. Due to considerable technical challenges, the security is an often over-looked aspect in the emerging new IoT technology. This thesis surveys general security requirements for the entire field of IoT applica-tions. Out of the large amount of potential applications, this thesis focuses on two major IoT application fields: wireless sensor networks and vehicular ad-hoc networks. The thesis introduces example scenarios and presents major security challenges related to these areas. The common standards related to the areas are examined in the security perspective. The thesis also examines research work beyond the area of standardization in an attempt to find solutions to unanswered security challenges. The thesis aims to give an introduction to the security challenges in the IoT world and review the state of the security research through these two major IoT areas

    Performance evaluation of Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks over high speed environment using NCTUns

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    Català: Cada any aproximadament un milió dues-centes mil persones moren en accidents de trànsit. D'aquesta dada es desprèn que els accidents de trànsit són la quarta causa de mortalitat al món. Degut a això, un gran nombre de governs i els majors fabricants de vehicles del món estan invertint temps i diners en recerca i desenvolupament per millorar la seguretat a les carreteres. Amb aquest objectiu, apareix el concepte de VANET: Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork. Una VANET està basada en vehicles i estacions base intel·ligents que comparteixen informació a través de comunicacions inalàmbriques. Aquest intercanvi de dades podria tenir un gran impacte en la seguretat viària i la qualitat en la conducció però a més a més seria una nova font d' entreteniment mòbil. La millora en seguretat implicaria una reducció en el nombre d'accidents i les comunicacions inalàmbriques usades en mobilitat permetrien una optimització del transport. L'evolució de les VANETs en els últims anys i les seves aplicacions útils a les carreteres són les principals raons per dur a terme aquest projecte. El gran suport a aquest tipus de xarxes inalàmbriques sembla indicar que les VANETs són les xarxes del futur en entorns mòbils. En relació al projecte, el primer problema observat és que el protocol que s'usa específicament en VANETs (802.11p) només està disponible en pocs simuladors de xarxa i està en fase de desenvolupament. Per tant, la majoria de les funcions no estan implementades i això fa que el protocol no sigui madur. En conseqüència, es va triar un protocol àmpliament usat com és 802.11b per fer les proves en el simulador NCTUns. L?objectiu del projecte és avaluar el funcionament de VANETs usant el protocol 802.11b i el protocol d?encaminament AODV en un escenari d?autopista. Ajustant diferents paràmetres com el nombre de cotxes, la seva velocitat i el seu rang de cobertura és possible obtenir variacions en les mesures de pèrdues, throughput i retard extrem-a-extrem en la xarxa. El resultat final és que les mesures permeten saber quines són les comunicacions que es produeixen a la xarxa per cadascuna de les configuracions i la seva incidència en les condicions de conducció.Castellano: Cada año cerca de un millón doscientas mil personas fallecen en accidentes de tráfico. De este dato se desprende que los accidentes de tráfico son la cuarta causa de mortalidad en el mundo. Debido a esto, un gran número de gobiernos y los mayores fabricantes de vehículos del mundo están invirtiendo tiempo y dinero en investigación y desarrollo para mejorar la seguridad en las carreteras. Con este objetivo, aparece el concepto de VANET: Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork. Una VANET se basa en vehículos y estaciones base inteligentes que comparten información por medio de comunicaciones inalámbricas. Este intercambio de datos podría tener un gran impacto en la seguridad vial y en la calidad de la conducción pero además sería una nueva fuente de entretenimiento móvil. La mejora en la seguridad implicaría una reducción en el número de accidentes y las comunicaciones inalámbricas utilizadas en movilidad permitirían optimizar el transporte. La evolución de las VANETs en los últimos años y sus aplicaciones útiles en las carreteras son las principales razones para llevar a cabo este proyecto. El gran apoyo a este tipo de redes inalámbricas parece indicar que las VANETs son las redes del futuro en entornos móviles. En relación al proyecto, el primer problema observado es que el protocolo específicamente utilizado en VANETs (802.11p) sólo está disponible en pocos simuladores de red y se encuentra en fase de desarrollo. Por lo tanto, la mayoría de funciones no están implementadas y esto hace que el protocolo no sea maduro. En consecuencia, se escogió un protocolo ampliamente utilizado como es 802.11b para realizar las pruebas en el simulador NCTUns. El objetivo del proyecto es evaluar el funcionamiento de VANETs utilizando el protocolo 802.11b y el protocolo de encaminamiento AODV en un escenario de autopista. Ajustando diferentes parámetros como el número de coches, su velocidad y su rango de cobertura es posible obtener variaciones en las medidas de pérdidas, throughput y retardo extremo-a-extremo en la red. El resultado final es que las medidas permiten saber cuáles son las comunicaciones que se producen en la red para cada una de las configuraciones y su incidencia en las condiciones de conducción.English: Every year about 1.2 million people die because of traffic accidents [1]. This means that traffic accidents are the fourth cause of mortality in the world. Therefore, several governments and the most important car manufacturers are investing time and money on research and development in order to improve road safety. At this respect, appears the concept of VANET: Vehicular Ad-hoc NETwork. A VANET is based on smart cars and base-stations that share information via wireless communications. This interchange of data may have a great impact on safety and driving quality but also could be another source of mobile entertainment. This improvement on safety would imply reducing the number of accidents. In addition, the use of wireless communications in mobility would lead to an optimization of transport. The evolution of VANETs in the last years and their useful applications on the road has been the main reason to develop this project. The great support of many people to this type of wireless networks suggests that VANETs are the networks of the future in mobile environments. Regarding the project, the first problem encountered is that the network protocol specially designed for VANETs, IEEE 802.11p, is only available in a few of the network simulators and is on phase of development. This fact means that most of the functions are not implemented so it cannot be considered as a mature protocol. As a consequence, a widely used protocol as IEEE 802.11b was chosen and all the tests were performed on NCTUns simulator. So the purpose of this project is to evaluate the performance of VANETs by using 802.11b protocol and AODV routing protocol in a highway scenario. By adjusting different parameters like number of cars, their speed and their range of coverage, variations on measures of loss ratio, throughput and end-to- end delay were detected on the network. Finally, the measures help to know about network communications for each of the cases and their incidence on driving conditions

    Telecommunications Networks

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    This book guides readers through the basics of rapidly emerging networks to more advanced concepts and future expectations of Telecommunications Networks. It identifies and examines the most pressing research issues in Telecommunications and it contains chapters written by leading researchers, academics and industry professionals. Telecommunications Networks - Current Status and Future Trends covers surveys of recent publications that investigate key areas of interest such as: IMS, eTOM, 3G/4G, optimization problems, modeling, simulation, quality of service, etc. This book, that is suitable for both PhD and master students, is organized into six sections: New Generation Networks, Quality of Services, Sensor Networks, Telecommunications, Traffic Engineering and Routing
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