347 research outputs found

    The Scottish Heritage Partnership Immersive Experiences: Policy Report

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    The Scottish Heritage Partnership Immersive Experiences: Policy Report

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    ARTiVIS Arts, real-time video and interactivity for sustainability

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    Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Doutor em Media DigitaisPortuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (SFRH/BD/42555/2007

    Medieval Media

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    The Worcester Art Museum has hopes to attract more families, children, and millennials to the museum using interactive exhibits. Our project goal was to collect data on the effectiveness of various aspects of exhibit design for the WAM to use in future exhibits and to propose improvements for the current Medieval Gallery. We assessed the effectiveness of audience engagement of the Medieval Gallery and non- renovated exhibits. To do this, we created various data gathering tools such as observational rubrics and path tracking methods. After obtaining all of this information, the team designed and piloted a new digital media element to the medieval exhibit. Our work was completed through the Worcester Community Project Center with help from our Sponsor, Jeffrey Forgeng

    Assessing Visitor Experience for the Te Papa Natural Environment Zone Renewal

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    This project aimed to provide recommendations to the Museum of New Zealand Te Papa Tongarewa for its Natural Environment Zone renewal. We evaluated the current exhibitions and assessed the visitor experience through observations and interviews. We found that visitors enjoy eye-catching displays that promote emotional connections and hands-on involvement. We recommend that the renewal content focuses on aspects unique to New Zealand, maintains a connection between humans and the environment, and incorporates mātauranga Māori throughout. The results of this study support the museum’s approach to the renewal and highlight opportunities for further improvement

    How the New York Times uses information graphics and data visualizations for hard news and soft news and to foster audience engagement

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    Professional project report submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Masters of Arts in Journalism from the School of Journalism, University of Missouri--Columbia.As data visualizations and interactive graphics are gaining more significance in journalistic storytelling, more research is needed to study their impact. This study assessed the differences in the use and production of infographics and visualizations in hard and soft news and the built-in features that could help foster conversations and audience engagement. A content analysis and two in-depth case studies were conducted to analyze the common practice of employing infographics and visualization in newspapers' digital (web) forms for hard news and soft news at the New York Times in 2012. It was found that more infographics and data visualizations were used in hard news and more interactive features were used in soft news. The main design principles included simple layout, clear content, unique presentation and engaging exploration to viewers. Three NYT editors from the graphics and interactive teams were interviewed to provide an industry perspective on how infographics and visualizations could help audience engagement. They revealed that it was harder for editors and reporters to come up with unique features for hard news due to tighter deadlines. In contrast, visualizations for soft news are usually planned ahead of time and allow sufficient time to experiment with unique interactive features. Visualization that is entertaining and offers viewers an opportunity to figure out data related to them personally could improve audience engagement.Includes bibliographic references

    How to tell stories using visualization: strategies towards narrative visualization

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    Os benefícios da utilização das narrativas são desde há muito conhecidos e o seu potencial para simplificar conceitos, transmitir valores culturais e experiências, criar ligações emocionais e capacidade para ajudar a reter a informação tem sido explorado em diferentes áreas. As narrativas não são só a principal forma como as pessoas obtêm o sentido do mundo, mas também a forma mais fácil que encontrámos para partilhar informações complexas. Devido ao seu potencial, as narrativas foram recentemente abordadas na área da Visualização de Informação e do Conhecimento, muitas vezes apelidada de Visualização Narrativa. Esta questão é particularmente importante para os media, uma das áreas que tem impulsionado a investigação em Visualização Narrativa. A necessidade de incorporar histórias nas visualizações surge da necessidade de partilhar dados complexos de um modo envolvente. Hoje em dia somos confrontados com a elevada quantidade de informação disponível, um desafio difícil de resolver. Os avanços da tecnologia permitiram ir além das formas tradicionais de narrativa e de representação de dados, dando-nos meios mais atraentes e sofisticados para contar histórias. Nesta tese, exploro os benefícios da introdução de narrativas nas visualizações. Adicionalmente também exploro formas de combinar histórias com a visualizações e métodos eficientes para representar e dar sentido aos dados de uma forma que permite que as pessoas se relacionem com a informação. Esta investigação está bastante próxima da área do jornalismo, no entanto estas técnicas podem ser aplicadas em diferente áreas (educação, visualização científica, etc.). Para explorar ainda mais este tema foi adotada um avaliação que utiliza diferentes metodologias como a tipologia, vários casos de estudo, um estudo com grupos de foco, e ainda estudos de design e análise de técnicas.The benefits of storytelling are long-known and its potential to simplify concepts, convey cultural values and experiences, create emotional connection, and capacity to help retain information has been explored in di erent areas, such as journalism, education, marketing, and others. Narratives not only have been the main way people make sense of the world, but also the easiest way humans found out to share complex information. Due to its potential narratives have also recently been approached in the area of Information and Knowledge Visualization, several times being referred to as Narrative Visualization. This matter is also particularly important for news media, one of the areas that has been pushing the research on Narrative Visualization. The necessity to incorporate storytelling in visualizations arises from the need to share complex data in a way that is engaging. Nowadays we also have the challenge of the high amount of information available, which can be hard to cope with. Advances in technology have enabled us to go beyond the traditional forms of storytelling and representing data, giving us more attractive and sophisticated means to tell stories. In this dissertation, I explore the benefits of infusing visualizations with narratives. In addition I also present ways of combining storytelling with visualization and e cient methods to represent and make sense of data in a way that allows people to relate with the information. This research is closely related to journalism, but these techniques can be applied to completely di erent areas (education, scientific visualization, etc.). To further explore this topic a mixedmethod evaluation that consists of a typology, several case studies and a focus group study was chosen, as well as design studies and techniques review. This dissertation is intended to contribute to the evolving understanding of the field of narrative visualization

    Moving Beyond the Virtual Museum : Engaging Visitors Emotionally

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    In this paper, we firstly critique the state of the art on Virtual Museums (VM) in an effort to expose the many opportunities available to enroll these spaces into transformative and engaging cultural experiences. We then outline our attempts to stretch beyond the usual VM in order to connect it to visitors in a measurably emotional, participatory, interactive and social fashion. We discuss the foundations for a conceptual framework for the creation of VMs, grounded in a user-centered design methodology and related design and evaluation guidelines. We then introduce two main cultural heritage sites, which are used as case studies at the core of our efforts, and conclude by describing the many challenges they bring for pushing the boundaries on the human-felt impact of the virtual museum