47 research outputs found

    The average distance in SierpiƄski triangle graphs and some remarks on the Linear Tower of Hanoi

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    Fractal Dimension and Lower Bounds for Geometric Problems

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    We study the complexity of geometric problems on spaces of low fractal dimension. It was recently shown by [Sidiropoulos & Sridhar, SoCG 2017] that several problems admit improved solutions when the input is a pointset in Euclidean space with fractal dimension smaller than the ambient dimension. In this paper we prove nearly-matching lower bounds, thus establishing nearly-optimal bounds for various problems as a function of the fractal dimension. More specifically, we show that for any set of n points in d-dimensional Euclidean space, of fractal dimension delta in (1,d), for any epsilon>0 and c >= 1, any c-spanner must have treewidth at least Omega(n^{1-1/(delta - epsilon)} / c^{d-1}), matching the previous upper bound. The construction used to prove this lower bound on the treewidth of spanners, can also be used to derive lower bounds on the running time of algorithms for various problems, assuming the Exponential Time Hypothesis. We provide two prototypical results of this type: - For any delta in (1,d) and any epsilon >0, d-dimensional Euclidean TSP on n points with fractal dimension at most delta cannot be solved in time 2^{O(n^{1-1/(delta - epsilon)})}. The best-known upper bound is 2^{O(n^{1-1/delta} log n)}. - For any delta in (1,d) and any epsilon >0, the problem of finding k-pairwise non-intersecting d-dimensional unit balls/axis parallel unit cubes with centers having fractal dimension at most delta cannot be solved in time f(k)n^{O (k^{1-1/(delta - epsilon)})} for any computable function f. The best-known upper bound is n^{O(k^{1-1/delta} log n)}. The above results nearly match previously known upper bounds from [Sidiropoulos & Sridhar, SoCG 2017], and generalize analogous lower bounds for the case of ambient dimension due to [Marx & Sidiropoulos, SoCG 2014]

    Connectivity calculus of fractal polyhedrons

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    The paper analyzes the connectivity information (more precisely, numbers of tunnels and their homological (co)cycle classification) of fractal polyhedra. Homology chain contractions and its combinatorial counterparts, called homological spanning forest (HSF), are presented here as an useful topological tool, which codifies such information and provides an hierarchical directed graph-based representation of the initial polyhedra. The Menger sponge and the SierpiƄski pyramid are presented as examples of these computational algebraic topological techniques and results focussing on the number of tunnels for any level of recursion are given. Experiments, performed on synthetic and real image data, demonstrate the applicability of the obtained results. The techniques introduced here are tailored to self-similar discrete sets and exploit homology notions from a representational point of view. Nevertheless, the underlying concepts apply to general cell complexes and digital images and are suitable for progressing in the computation of advanced algebraic topological information of 3-dimensional objects

    The hamiltonicity and path t-coloring of SierpiƄski-like graphs

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    AbstractA mapping ϕ from V(G) to {1,2,
,t} is called a path t-coloring of a graph G if each G[ϕ−1(i)], for 1≀i≀t, is a linear forest. The vertex linear arboricity of a graph G, denoted by vla(G), is the minimum t for which G has a path t-coloring. Graphs S[n,k] are obtained from the SierpiƄski graphs S(n,k) by contracting all edges that lie in no induced Kk. In this paper, the hamiltonicity and path t-coloring of SierpiƄski-like graphs S(n,k), S+(n,k), S++(n,k) and graphs S[n,k] are studied. In particular, it is obtained that vla(S(n,k))=vla(S[n,k])=⌈k/2⌉ for k≄2. Moreover, the numbers of edge disjoint Hamiltonian paths and Hamiltonian cycles in S(n,k), S+(n,k) and S++(n,k) are completely determined, respectively

    Distances and automatic sequences in distinguished variants of Hanoi graphs

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    In this thesis three open problems concerning Hanoi-type graphs are addressed. I prove a theorem to determine all shortest paths between two arbitrary vertices s and t in the General SierpiƄski graph S_p^n with base p ≄ 3 and exponent n ≄ 0 and find an algorithm based on this theorem which gives us the index of the potential auxiliary subgraph, the distance between s and t and the best first move(s). Using the isomorphism between S_3^n and the Hanoi graphs H_3^n, this algorithm also determines the shortest paths in H_3^n. The results are also used in order to simplify proofs of already known metric properties of S_p^n. Additionally, I compute the average number of input pairs (s_i, t_i) for i Ï”{1,...,n} to be read by the algorithm. The Theorem and the algorithm for S_p^n are modified for the SierpiƄski triangle graphs, which are deeply connected to the well-known SierpiƄski triangle and the SierpiƄski graphs, with the result that the shortest paths in the SierpiƄski triangle graphs can be determined for the first time. The Hanoi graphs H_3^n are then considered as directed graphs by differentiating the directions of the disc moves between the pegs of the corresponding Tower of Hanoi. For the problem to transfer a tower from one peg to another peg there are five different solvable variants. Here, the variants TH(C_3^+) and TH(K_3^-) are discussed concerning the infinite sequences of moves which arise from the solutions as n tends to infinity. The Allouche-Sapir Conjecture says that these sequences are not d-automatic for any d. I prove this for the TH(C_3^+) sequence with the aid of the frequency of a letter and its rationality in automatic sequences. For the TH(K_3^-) sequence I employ Cobham’s Theorem about multiplicative independence, automatic sequences and ultimate periodicity. I show that this sequence is the image, under a 1-uniform morphism, of an iterative fixed point of a primitive prolongable endomorphism. F. Durand’s methodᔃ is then used for the decision about the question whether the sequence is ultimately periodic. The method of I. V. Mitrofanovᔇ, which works with subword schemata,is applied to the problem as well. Using the theory of recognisable sets, a sufficient condition for deciding the question about the automaticity of the TH(K_3^-) sequence is deduced. Finally, a yet not studied distance problem on the so-called Star Tower of Hanoi, which is based on the star graph S t(4), is considered. Assuming that the Frame-Stewart type strategy is optimal, a recurrence for the length of the resulting paths is deduced and solved up to n = 12. ᔃ F. Durand, HD0L ω-equivalence and periodicity problems in the primitive case (to the memory of G. Rauzy). Journal of Uniform Distribution Theory, 7(1):199-215, 2012 ᔇ I. V. Mitrofanov, Periodicity of Morphic Words, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 206(6):679-687, 2015Ich beweise ein Theorem zur Bestimmung aller kĂŒrzesten Wege zwischen zwei beliebigen Ecken s und t in den allgemeinen SierpiƄski-Graphen S_p^n mit Basis p ≄ 3 und Exponent n ≄ 0 und erstelle auf diesem Theorem beruhend einen Algorithmus, der den Index des allfĂ€lligen Hilfsuntergraphen, den Abstand zwischen s und t und einen besten ersten Schritt liefert. Unter Verwendung des Isomorphismus zwischen S_3^n und den Hanoi-Graphen H_3^n bestimmt dieser Algorithmus auch die kĂŒrzesten Wege in H_3^n. Die Ergebnisse werden benutzt, um Beweise bereits bekannter metrischer Eigenschaften der S_p^n zu vereinfachen. ZusĂ€tzlich berechne ich die durchschnittlich benötigte Anzahl von Eingabepaaren (s_i, t_i) fĂŒr i Ï”{1,...,n} in den Algorithmus. Das Theorem und der Algorithmus fĂŒr S_p^n werden fĂŒr die Klasse der SierpiƄski-Dreiecksgraphen, welche in direktem Zusammenhang mit dem berĂŒhmten SierpiƄski-Dreieck und den SierpiƄski-Graphen stehen, modifiziert, sodass erstmals auch die kĂŒrzesten Wege in diesen Graphen bestimmt werden können. Die Hanoi-Graphen H_3^n werden dann als gerichtete Graphen betrachtet, indem man die Richtungen der Bewegungen zwischen den StĂ€ben des entsprechenden Turms von Hanoi differenziert. FĂŒr das Problem des Versetzens eines Turms von einem Stab auf einen anderen gibt es fĂŒnf verschiedene lösbare Varianten. Die Varianten TH(C_3^+) und TH(K_3^-) werden bezĂŒglich der unendlichen Folgen von Bewegungen betrachtet, die sich durch die Lösung fĂŒr n gegen Unendlich strebend ergeben. Die Allouche-Sapir-Vermutung besagt, dass fĂŒr kein d diese Folgen d-automatisch erzeugt sind. Ich beweise dies fĂŒr die TH(C_3^+) Folge mit Hilfe der Theorie ĂŒber die HĂ€ufigkeit eines Buchstabens und deren RationalitĂ€t in automatisch erzeugten Folgen. FĂŒr die TH(K_3^-) Folge wird Cobhams Theorem ĂŒber multiplikative UnabhĂ€ngigkeit, automatisch erzeugte Folgen und ultimative PeriodizitĂ€t verwendet. Ich zeige, dass diese Folge das Bild, unter einem 1-uniformen Morphismus, eines iterativen Fixpunktes eines primitiven verlĂ€ngerbaren Endomorphismus ist. Die Methode von F. Durandᔃ wird dann fĂŒr die Entscheidung ĂŒber die Frage, ob die Folge ultimativ periodisch ist, verwendet. Ebenso wird die Methode von I. V. Mitrofanovᔇ, welche mit Teilwortschemata arbeitet, auf das Problem angewandt. Unter Verwendung der Theorie ĂŒber erkennbare Mengen wird eine hinreichende Bedingung fĂŒr die Frage der AutomatizitĂ€t der TH(K_3^-) Folge hergeleitet. Zuletzt wird ein bislang nicht untersuchtes Abstandsproblem im sogenannten Stern-Turm-von- Hanoi betrachtet, welcher auf dem Stern-Graphen St(4) beruht. Unter der Annahme, dass die Frame-Stewart-Strategie optimal sei, wird eine Rekursionsvorschrift fĂŒr die LĂ€nge der so gewonnenen Wege entwickelt und bis n = 12 gelöst. ᔃ F. Durand, HD0L ω-equivalence and periodicity problems in the primitive case (to the memory of G. Rauzy). Journal of Uniform Distribution Theory, 7(1):199-215, 2012 ᔇ I. V. Mitrofanov, Periodicity of Morphic Words, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 206(6):679-687, 201

    The random conductance model with heavy tails on nested fractal graphs

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    Recently, Kigami's resistance form framework has been applied to provide a general approach for deriving the scaling limits of random walks on graphs with a fractal scaling limit. As an illustrative example, this article describes an application to the random conductance model with heavy tails on nested fractal graphs

    Fractional coverings, greedy coverings, and rectifier networks

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    A rectifier network is a directed acyclic graph with distinguished sources and sinks; it is said to compute a Boolean matrix M that has a 1 in the entry (i,j) iff there is a path from the j-th source to the i-th sink. The smallest number of edges in a rectifier network that computes M is a classic complexity measure on matrices, which has been studied for more than half a century. We explore two techniques that have hitherto found little to no applications in this theory. They build upon a basic fact that depth-2 rectifier networks are essentially weighted coverings of Boolean matrices with rectangles. Using fractional and greedy coverings (defined in the standard way), we obtain new results in this area. First, we show that all fractional coverings of the so-called full triangular matrix have cost at least n log n. This provides (a fortiori) a new proof of the tight lower bound on its depth-2 complexity (the exact value has been known since 1965, but previous proofs are based on different arguments). Second, we show that the greedy heuristic is instrumental in tightening the upper bound on the depth-2 complexity of the Kneser-Sierpinski (disjointness) matrix. The previous upper bound is O(n^{1.28}), and we improve it to O(n^{1.17}), while the best known lower bound is Omega(n^{1.16}). Third, using fractional coverings, we obtain a form of direct product theorem that gives a lower bound on unbounded-depth complexity of Kronecker (tensor) products of matrices. In this case, the greedy heuristic shows (by an argument due to LovĂĄsz) that our result is only a logarithmic factor away from the "full" direct product theorem. Our second and third results constitute progress on open problem 7.3 and resolve, up to a logarithmic factor, open problem 7.5 from a recent book by Jukna and Sergeev (in Foundations and Trends in Theoretical Computer Science (2013)