449 research outputs found

    Technology and maritime security in Africa : opportunities and challenges in Gulf of Guinea

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    This research was supported by funding from the St Andrews Research Internship Scheme (StARIS).Maritime security threats undermine safety and security at sea and, in turn, coastal states’ efforts to harness the resources in their maritime domain. This assertion is true for coastal states and Small Island Developing States (SIDS) on the African continent, where limited maritime enforcement capabilities have increased security threats at sea, such as illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, piracy and armed robbery at sea, toxic waste dumping and other illicit activities. African navies and their foreign partners are taking advantage of the opportunities that technology provides to improve safety and security. Technology has led to the identification of criminals at sea, their capture and prosecution, making it crucial in enhancing maritime security. As such, the merits of its use for maritime security are undeniable. However, using technology comes with challenges that need to be considered. With this in mind, our research makes an original contribution by exploring the opportunities for using technology to advance maritime safety and security in Africa, successes and challenges with an emphasis on the Gulf of Guinea region. Drawing from questionnaire data from maritime law enforcement personnel, agencies supporting the implementation of the Yaoundé Code of Conduct (2013), and a review of relevant literature and policy documents, we contend that technology has significantly improved maritime domain awareness and the effective implementation of maritime safety and security in the Gulf of Guinea. However, addressing existing limitations and enhancing human capacity is imperative to sustain this progress.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    From Orbit to Ocean—Fixing Southeast Asia’s Remote-Sensing Blind Spots

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    Improving maritime domain awareness (MDA) in Southeast Asia is critical not only for regional states but for the national-security interests of the United States. MDA in the coming decades will be dominated by cheaper, more-efficient remote-sensing tools, and the United States and other outside parties should shift toward introducing partners to the booming private-sector offerings in remote sensing

    Satellite based methane emission estimation for flaring activities in oil and gas industry: A data-driven approach(SMEEF-OGI)

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    Klimaendringer, delvis utløst av klimagassutslipp, utgjør en kritisk global utfordring. Metan, en svært potent drivhusgass med et globalt oppvarmings potensial på 80 ganger karbondioksid, er en betydelig bidragsyter til denne krisen. Kilder til metanutslipp inkluderer olje- og gassindustrien, landbruket og avfallshåndteringen, med fakling i olje- og gassindustrien som en betydelig utslippskilde. Fakling, en standard prosess i olje- og gassindustrien, antas ofte å være 98 % effektiv ved omdannelse av metan til mindre skadelig karbondioksid. Nyere forskning fra University of Michigan, Stanford, Environmental Defense Fund og Scientific Aviation indikerer imidlertid at den allment aksepterte effektiviteten på 98 % av fakling ved konvertering av metan til karbondioksid, en mindre skadelig klimagass, kan være unøyaktig. Denne undersøkelsen revurderer fakkelprosessens effektivitet og dens rolle i metankonvertering. Dette arbeidet fokuserer på å lage en metode for uavhengig å beregne metanutslipp fra olje- og gassvirksomhet for å løse dette problemet. Satellittdata, som er et nyttig verktøy for å beregne klimagassutslipp fra ulike kilder, er inkludert i den foreslåtte metodikken. I tillegg til standard overvåkingsteknikker, tilbyr satellittdata en uavhengig, ikke-påtrengende, rimelig og kontinuerlig overvåkingstilnærming. På bakgrunn av dette er problemstillingen for dette arbeidet følgende "Hvordan kan en datadrevet tilnærming utvikles for å forbedre nøyaktigheten og kvaliteten på estimering av metanutslipp fra faklingsaktiviteter i olje- og gassindustrien, ved å bruke satellittdata fra utvalgte plattformer for å oppdage og kvantifisere fremtidige utslipp basert på maskinlæring mer effektivt?" For å oppnå dette ble følgende mål og aktiviteter utført. * Teoretisk rammeverk og sentrale begreper * Teknisk gjennomgang av dagens toppmoderne satellittplattformer og eksisterende litteratur. * Utvikling av et Proof of Concept * Foreslå en evaluering av metoden * Anbefalinger og videre arbeid Dette arbeidet har tatt i bruk en systematisk tilnærming, som starter med et omfattende teoretisk rammeverk for å forstå bruken av fakling, de miljømessige implikasjonene av metan, den nåværende «state-of-the-art» av forskning, og «state-of-the-art» i felt for fjernmåling via satellitter. Basert på rammeverket utviklet i de innledende fasene av dette arbeidet, ble det formulert en datadrevet metodikk, som benytter VIIRS-datasettet for å få geografiske områder av interesse. Hyperspektrale data og metandata ble samlet fra Sentinel-2 og Sentinel-5P satellittdatasettet. Denne informasjonen ble behandlet via en foreslått rørledning, med innledende justering og forbedring. I dette arbeidet ble bildene forbedret ved å beregne den normaliserte brennindeksen. Resultatet var et datasett som inneholdt plasseringen av kjente fakkelsteder, med data fra både Sentinel-2 og Sentinel-5P-satellitten. Resultatene understreker forskjellene i dekningen mellom Sentinel-2- og Sentinel-5P-data, en faktor som potensielt kan påvirke nøyaktigheten av metanutslippsestimater. De anvendte forbehandlingsteknikkene forbedret dataklarheten og brukervennligheten markant, men deres effektivitet kan avhenge av fakkelstedenes spesifikke egenskaper og rådatakvaliteten. Dessuten, til tross for visse begrensninger, ga kombinasjonen av Sentinel-2 og Sentinel-5P-data effektivt et omfattende datasett egnet for videre analyse. Avslutningsvis introduserer dette prosjektet en oppmuntrende metodikk for å estimere metanutslipp fra fakling i olje- og gassindustrien. Den legger et grunnleggende springbrett for fremtidig forskning, og forbedrer kontinuerlig presisjonen og kvaliteten på data for å bekjempe klimaendringer. Denne metodikken kan sees i flytskjemaet nedenfor. Basert på arbeidet som er gjort i dette prosjektet, kan fremtidig arbeid fokusere på å innlemme alternative kilder til metan data, utvide interesseområdene gjennom industrisamarbeid og forsøke å trekke ut ytterligere detaljer gjennom bildesegmenteringsmetoder. Dette prosjektet legger et grunnlag, og baner vei for påfølgende utforskninger å bygge videre på.Climate change, precipitated in part by greenhouse gas emissions, presents a critical global challenge. Methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 80 times that of carbon dioxide, is a significant contributor to this crisis. Sources of methane emissions include the oil and gas industry, agriculture, and waste management, with flaring in the oil and gas industry constituting a significant emission source. Flaring, a standard process in the Oil and gas industry is often assumed to be 98% efficient when converting methane to less harmful carbon dioxide. However, recent research from the University of Michigan, Stanford, the Environmental Defense Fund, and Scientific Aviation indicates that the widely accepted 98% efficiency of flaring in converting methane to carbon dioxide, a less harmful greenhouse gas, may be inaccurate. This investigation reevaluates the flaring process's efficiency and its role in methane conversion. This work focuses on creating a method to independently calculate methane emissions from oil and gas activities to solve this issue. Satellite data, which is a helpful tool for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from various sources, is included in the suggested methodology. In addition to standard monitoring techniques, satellite data offers an independent, non-intrusive, affordable, and continuous monitoring approach. Based on this, the problem statement for this work is the following “How can a data-driven approach be developed to enhance the accuracy and quality of methane emission estimation from flaring activities in the Oil and Gas industry, using satellite data from selected platforms to detect and quantify future emissions based on Machine learning more effectively?" To achieve this, the following objectives and activities were performed. * Theoretical Framework and key concepts * Technical review of the current state-of-the-art satellite platforms and existing literature. * Development of a Proof of Concept * Proposing an evaluation of the method * Recommendations and further work This work has adopted a systematic approach, starting with a comprehensive theoretical framework to understand the utilization of flaring, the environmental implications of methane, the current state-of-the-art of research, and the state-of-the-art in the field of remote sensing via satellites. Based upon the framework developed during the initial phases of this work, a data-driven methodology was formulated, utilizing the VIIRS dataset to get geographical areas of interest. Hyperspectral and methane data were aggregated from the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P satellite dataset. This information was processed via a proposed pipeline, with initial alignment and enhancement. In this work, the images were enhanced by calculating the Normalized Burn Index. The result was a dataset containing the location of known flare sites, with data from both the Sentinel-2, and the Sentinel-5P satellite. The results underscore the disparities in coverage between Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P data, a factor that could potentially influence the precision of methane emission estimates. The applied preprocessing techniques markedly enhanced data clarity and usability, but their efficacy may hinge on the flaring sites' specific characteristics and the raw data quality. Moreover, despite certain limitations, the combination of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P data effectively yielded a comprehensive dataset suitable for further analysis. In conclusion, this project introduces an encouraging methodology for estimating methane emissions from flaring activities within the oil and gas industry. It lays a foundational steppingstone for future research, continually enhancing the precision and quality of data in combating climate change. This methodology can be seen in the flow chart below. Based on the work done in this project, future work could focus on incorporating alternative sources of methane data, broadening the areas of interest through industry collaboration, and attempting to extract further features through image segmentation methods. This project signifies a start, paving the way for subsequent explorations to build upon. Climate change, precipitated in part by greenhouse gas emissions, presents a critical global challenge. Methane, a highly potent greenhouse gas with a global warming potential of 80 times that of carbon dioxide, is a significant contributor to this crisis. Sources of methane emissions include the oil and gas industry, agriculture, and waste management, with flaring in the oil and gas industry constituting a significant emission source. Flaring, a standard process in the Oil and gas industry is often assumed to be 98% efficient when converting methane to less harmful carbon dioxide. However, recent research from the University of Michigan, Stanford, the Environmental Defense Fund, and Scientific Aviation indicates that the widely accepted 98% efficiency of flaring in converting methane to carbon dioxide, a less harmful greenhouse gas, may be inaccurate. This investigation reevaluates the flaring process's efficiency and its role in methane conversion. This work focuses on creating a method to independently calculate methane emissions from oil and gas activities to solve this issue. Satellite data, which is a helpful tool for calculating greenhouse gas emissions from various sources, is included in the suggested methodology. In addition to standard monitoring techniques, satellite data offers an independent, non-intrusive, affordable, and continuous monitoring approach. Based on this, the problem statement for this work is the following “How can a data-driven approach be developed to enhance the accuracy and quality of methane emission estimation from flaring activities in the Oil and Gas industry, using satellite data from selected platforms to detect and quantify future emissions based on Machine learning more effectively?" To achieve this, the following objectives and activities were performed. * Theoretical Framework and key concepts * Technical review of the current state-of-the-art satellite platforms and existing literature. * Development of a Proof of Concept * Proposing an evaluation of the method * Recommendations and further work This work has adopted a systematic approach, starting with a comprehensive theoretical framework to understand the utilization of flaring, the environmental implications of methane, the current state-of-the-art of research, and the state-of-the-art in the field of remote sensing via satellites. Based upon the framework developed during the initial phases of this work, a data-driven methodology was formulated, utilizing the VIIRS dataset to get geographical areas of interest. Hyperspectral and methane data were aggregated from the Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P satellite dataset. This information was processed via a proposed pipeline, with initial alignment and enhancement. In this work, the images were enhanced by calculating the Normalized Burn Index. The result was a dataset containing the location of known flare sites, with data from both the Sentinel-2, and the Sentinel-5P satellite. The results underscore the disparities in coverage between Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P data, a factor that could potentially influence the precision of methane emission estimates. The applied preprocessing techniques markedly enhanced data clarity and usability, but their efficacy may hinge on the flaring sites' specific characteristics and the raw data quality. Moreover, despite certain limitations, the combination of Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-5P data effectively yielded a comprehensive dataset suitable for further analysis. In conclusion, this project introduces an encouraging methodology for estimating methane emissions from flaring activities within the oil and gas industry. It lays a foundational steppingstone for future research, continually enhancing the precision and quality of data in combating climate change. This methodology can be seen in the flow chart below. Based on the work done in this project, future work could focus on incorporating alternative sources of methane data, broadening the areas of interest through industry collaboration, and attempting to extract further features through image segmentation methods. This project signifies a start, paving the way for subsequent explorations to build upon

    Solutions Network Formulation Report. Reducing Light Pollution in U.S. Coastal Regions Using the High Sensitivity Cameras on the SAC-C and Aquarius/SAC-D Satellites

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    Light pollution has significant adverse biological effects on humans, animals, and plants and has resulted in the loss of our ability to view the stars and planets of the universe. Over half of the U.S. population resides in coastal regions where it is no longer possible to see the stars and planets in the night sky. Forty percent of the entire U.S. population is never exposed to conditions dark enough for their eyes to convert to night vision capabilities. In coastal regions, urban lights shine far out to sea where they are augmented by the output from fishing boat, cruise ship and oil platform floodlights. The proposed candidate solution suggests using HSCs (high sensitivity cameras) onboard the SAC-C and Aquarius/SAC-D satellites to quantitatively evaluate light pollution at high spatial resolution. New products modeled after pre-existing, radiance-calibrated, global nighttime lights products would be integrated into a modified Garstang model where elevation, mountain screening, Rayleigh scattering, Mie scattering by aerosols, and atmospheric extinction along light paths and curvature of the Earth would be taken into account. Because the spatial resolution of the HSCs on SAC-C and the future Aquarius/SAC-D missions is greater than that provided by the DMSP (Defense Meteorological Satellite Program) OLS (Operational Linescan System) or VIIRS (Visible/Infrared Imager/Radiometer Suite), it may be possible to obtain more precise light intensity data for analytical DSSs and the subsequent reduction in coastal light pollution

    RRS Discovery Cruise 381, 28 Aug - 03 Oct 2012. Ocean Surface Mixing, Ocean Submesoscale Interaction Study (OSMOSIS)

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    Cruise D381 was made in support of NERC's Ocean Surface Boundary Layer theme action programme, OSMOSIS (Ocean Surface Mixing, Ocean Sub-mesoscale Interaction Study). The ocean surface boundary layer (OSBL) deepens in response to convective, wind and surface wave forcing, which produce three-dimensional turbulence that entrains denser water, deepening the layer. The OSBL shoals in response to solar heating and to mesoscale and sub-mesoscale motions that adjust lateral buoyancy gradients into vertical stratification. Recent and ongoing work is revolutionising our view of both the deepening and shoaling processes: new processes are coming into focus that are not currently recognised in model parameterisation schemes. In OSMOSIS we have a project which integrates observations, modelling studies and parameterisation development to deliver a step change in modelling of the OSBL. The OSMOSIS overall aim is to develop new, physically based and observationally supported, parameterisations of processes that deepen and shoal the OSBL, and to implement and evaluate these parameterisations in a state-of-the-art global coupled climate model, facilitating improved weather and climate predictions. Cruise D381 was split into two legs D381A and a process study cruise D381B. D381A partly deployed the OSMOSIS mooring array and two gliders for long term observations near the Porcupine Abyssal Plain Observatory. D381B firstly completed mooring and glider deployment work begun during the preceding D381A cruise. D381B then carried out several days of targetted turbulence profiling looking at changes in turbulent energy dissipation resulting from the interation of upper ocean fluid structures such as eddies, sub-mesoscale filaments and Langmuir cells with surface wind and current shear. Finally D381B conducted two spatial surveys with the towed SeaSoar vehicle to map and diagnose the mesoscale and sub-mesoscale flows, which, unusually, are the `large scale' background in which this study sits

    Evaluation of the Harmful Algal Bloom Mapping System (HABMapS) and Bulletin

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    The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Harmful Algal Bloom (HAB) Mapping System and Bulletin provide a Web-based geographic information system (GIS) and an e-mail alert system that allow the detection, monitoring, and tracking of HABs in the Gulf of Mexico. NASA Earth Science data that potentially support HABMapS/Bulletin requirements include ocean color, sea surface temperature (SST), salinity, wind fields, precipitation, water surface elevation, and ocean currents. Modeling contributions include ocean circulation, wave/currents, along-shore current regimes, and chlorophyll modeling (coupled to imagery). The most immediately useful NASA contributions appear to be the 1-km Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) chlorophyll and SST products and the (presently used) SeaWinds wind vector data. MODIS pigment concentration and SST data are sufficiently mature to replace imagery currently used in NOAA HAB applications. The large file size of MODIS data is an impediment to NOAA use and modified processing schemes would aid in NOAA adoption of these products for operational HAB forecasting

    Observational needs of sea surface temperature

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    Sea surface temperature (SST) is a fundamental physical variable for understanding, quantifying and predicting complex interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere. Such processes determine how heat from the sun is redistributed across the global oceans, directly impacting large- and small-scale weather and climate patterns. The provision of daily maps of global SST for operational systems, climate modeling and the broader scientific community is now a mature and sustained service coordinated by the Group for High Resolution Sea Surface Temperature (GHRSST) and the CEOS SST Virtual Constellation (CEOS SST-VC). Data streams are shared, indexed, processed, quality controlled, analyzed, and documented within a Regional/Global Task Sharing (R/GTS) framework, which is implemented internationally in a distributed manner. Products rely on a combination of low-Earth orbit infrared and microwave satellite imagery, geostationary orbit infrared satellite imagery, and in situ data from moored and drifting buoys, Argo floats, and a suite of independent, fully characterized and traceable in situ measurements for product validation (Fiducial Reference Measurements, FRM). Research and development continues to tackle problems such as instrument calibration, algorithm development, diurnal variability, derivation of high-quality skin and depth temperatures, and areas of specific interest such as the high latitudes and coastal areas. In this white paper, we review progress versus the challenges we set out 10 years ago in a previous paper, highlight remaining and new research and development challenges for the next 10 years (such as the need for sustained continuity of passive microwave SST using a 6.9 GHz channel), and conclude with needs to achieve an integrated global high-resolution SST observing system, with focus on satellite observations exploited in conjunction with in situ SSTs. The paper directly relates to the theme of Data Information Systems and also contributes to Ocean Observing Governance and Ocean Technology and Networks within the OceanObs2019 objectives. Applications of SST contribute to all the seven societal benefits, covering Discovery; Ecosystem Health & Biodiversity; Climate Variability & Change; Water, Food, & Energy Security; Pollution & Human Health; Hazards and Maritime Safety; and the Blue Economy

    Underway spectrophotometry along the Atlantic Meridional Transect reveals high performance in satellite chlorophyll retrievals

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordTo evaluate the performance of ocean-colour retrievals of total chlorophyll-a concentration requires direct comparison with concomitant and co-located in situ data. For global comparisons, these in situ match-ups should be ideally representative of the distribution of total chlorophyll-a concentration in the global ocean. The oligotrophic gyres constitute the majority of oceanic water, yet are under-sampled due to their inaccessibility and under-represented in global in situ databases. The Atlantic Meridional Transect (AMT) is one of only a few programmes that consistently sample oligotrophic waters. In this paper, we used a spectrophotometer on two AMT cruises (AMT19 and AMT22) to continuously measure absorption by particles in the water of the ship's flow-through system. From these optical data continuous total chlorophyll-a concentrations were estimated with high precision and accuracy along each cruise and used to evaluate the performance of ocean-colour algorithms. We conducted the evaluation using level 3 binned ocean-colour products, and used the high spatial and temporal resolution of the underway system to maximise the number of match-ups on each cruise. Statistical comparisons show a significant improvement in the performance of satellite chlorophyll algorithms over previous studies, with root mean square errors on average less than half (~0.16 in log10 space) that reported previously using global datasets (~0.34 in log10 space). This improved performance is likely due to the use of continuous absorption-based chlorophyll estimates, that are highly accurate, sample spatial scales more comparable with satellite pixels, and minimise human errors. Previous comparisons might have reported higher errors due to regional biases in datasets and methodological inconsistencies between investigators. Furthermore, our comparison showed an underestimate in satellite chlorophyll at low concentrations in 2012 (AMT22), likely due to a small bias in satellite remote-sensing reflectance data. Our results highlight the benefits of using underway spectrophotometric systems for evaluating satellite ocean-colour data and underline the importance of maintaining in situ observatories that sample the oligotrophic gyres.NEODAASCMEMSNatural Environment Research Council (NERC

    Decades of urban growth and development on the Asian megadeltas

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    The current and ongoing expansion of urban areas worldwide represents the largest mass migration in human history. It is well known that the world's coastal zones are associated with large and growing concentrations of population, urban development and economic activity. Among coastal environments, deltas have long been recognized for both benefits and hazards. This is particularly true on the Asian megadeltas, where the majority of the world's deltaic populations reside. Current trends in urban migration, combined with demographic momentum suggest that the already large populations on the Asian megadeltas will continue to grow. In this study, we combine recently released gridded population density (circa 2010) with a newly developed night light change product (1992 to 2012) and a digital elevation model to quantify the spatial distribution of population and development on the nine Asian megadeltas. Bivariate distributions of population as functions of elevation and coastal proximity quantify potential exposure of deltaic populations to flood and coastal hazards. Comparison of these distributions for the Asian megadeltas show very different patterns of habitation with peak population elevations ranging from 2 to 11 m above sea level over a wide range of coastal proximities. Over all nine megadeltas, over 174 million people reside below a peak population elevation of 7 m. Changes in the spatial extent of anthropogenic night light from 1992 to 2012 show widely varying extents and changes of lighted urban development. All of the deltas except the Indus show the greatest increases in night light brightness occurring at elevations < 10 m. At global and continental scales, growth of settlements of all sizes takes the form of evolving spatial networks of development. Spatial networks of lighted urban development in Asia show power law scaling properties consistent with other continents, but much higher rates of growth. The three largest networks of development in China all occur on deltas and adjacent lowlands, and are growing faster than the rest of the urban network in China. Since 2000, the Huanghe Delta + North China Plain urban network has surpassed the Japanese urban network in size and may soon connect with the Changjiang Delta + Yangtze River urban network to form the largest conurbation in Asia

    Machine Learning Approach to Retrieving Physical Variables from Remotely Sensed Data

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    Scientists from all over the world make use of remotely sensed data from hundreds of satellites to better understand the Earth. However, physical measurements from an instrument is sometimes missing either because the instrument hasn\u27t been launched yet or the design of the instrument omitted a particular spectral band. Measurements received from the instrument may also be corrupt due to malfunction in the detectors on the instrument. Fortunately, there are machine learning techniques to estimate the missing or corrupt data. Using these techniques we can make use of the available data to its full potential. We present work on four different problems where the use of machine learning techniques helps to extract more information from available data. We demonstrate how missing or corrupt spectral measurements from a sensor can be accurately interpolated from existing spectral observations. Sometimes this requires data fusion from multiple sensors at different spatial and spectral resolution. The reconstructed measurements can then be used to develop products useful to scientists, such as cloud-top pressure, or produce true color imagery for visualization. Additionally, segmentation and image processing techniques can help solve classification problems important for ocean studies, such as the detection of clear-sky over ocean for a sea surface temperature product. In each case, we provide detailed analysis of the problem and empirical evidence that these problems can be solved effectively using machine learning techniques