621 research outputs found

    Driven by Compression Progress: A Simple Principle Explains Essential Aspects of Subjective Beauty, Novelty, Surprise, Interestingness, Attention, Curiosity, Creativity, Art, Science, Music, Jokes

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    I argue that data becomes temporarily interesting by itself to some self-improving, but computationally limited, subjective observer once he learns to predict or compress the data in a better way, thus making it subjectively simpler and more beautiful. Curiosity is the desire to create or discover more non-random, non-arbitrary, regular data that is novel and surprising not in the traditional sense of Boltzmann and Shannon but in the sense that it allows for compression progress because its regularity was not yet known. This drive maximizes interestingness, the first derivative of subjective beauty or compressibility, that is, the steepness of the learning curve. It motivates exploring infants, pure mathematicians, composers, artists, dancers, comedians, yourself, and (since 1990) artificial systems.Comment: 35 pages, 3 figures, based on KES 2008 keynote and ALT 2007 / DS 2007 joint invited lectur

    Direct policy search and uncertain policy evaluation

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    Reinforcement learning based on direct search in policy space requires few assumptions about the environment. Hence it is applicable in certain situations where most traditional reinforcement learning algorithms based on dynamic programming are not, especially in partially observable, deterministic worlds. In realistic settings, however, reliable policy evaluations are complicated by numerou sources of uncertainty, such as stochasticity in policy and environment. Given a limited life-time, how much time should a direct policy searcher spend on policy evaluations to obtain reliable statistics? Despite the fundamental nature of this question it has not received much attention yet. Our efficient approach based on the success-story algorithm (SSA) is radical in the sense that it never stops evaluating any previous policy modification except those it undoes for lack of empirical evidence that they have contributed to lifelong reward accelerations. Here we identify SSA’s fundamental advantages over traditional direct policy search (such as stochastic hill-climbing) on problems involving several sources of stochasticity and uncertaint),
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