17 research outputs found

    Bounds for extreme zeros of some classical orthogonal polynomials

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    We derive upper bounds for the smallest zero and lower bounds for the largest zero of Laguerre, Jacobi and Gegenbauer polynomials. Our approach uses mixed three term recurrence relations satisfied by polynomials corresponding to different parameter(s) within the same classical family. We prove that interlacing properties of the zeros impose restrictions on the possible location of common zeros of the polynomials involved and deduce strict bounds for the extreme zeros of polynomials belonging to each of these three classical families. We show numerically that the bounds generated by our method improve known lower (upper) bounds for the largest (smallest) zeros of polynomials in these families, notably in the case of Jacobi and Gegenbauer polynomials

    Real roots of hypergeometric polynomials via finite free convolution

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    We examine two binary operations on the set of algebraic polynomials, known as multiplicative and additive finite free convolutions, specifically in the context of hypergeometric polynomials. We show that the representation of a hypergeometric polynomial as a finite free convolution of more elementary blocks, combined with the preservation of the real zeros and interlacing by the free convolutions, is an effective tool that allows us to analyze when all roots of a specific hypergeometric polynomial are real. Moreover, the known limit behavior of finite free convolutions allows us to write the asymptotic zero distribution of some hypergeometric polynomials as free convolutions of Marchenko-Pastur, reversed Marchenko-Pastur, and free beta laws, which has an independent interest within free probability.Comment: 44 pages, 8 table

    Systems of Markov type functions: normality and convergence of Hermite-Padé approximants

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    This thesis deals with Hermite-Padé approximation of analytic and merophorphic functions. As such it is embeded in the theory of vector rational approximation of analytic functions which in turn is intimately connectd with the theory of multiple orthogonal polynomials. All the basic concepts and results used in this thesis involving complex analysis and measure theory may found in classical textbooks...........Programa Oficial de Doctorado en Ingeniería MatemáticaPresidente: Francisco José Marcellán Español; Vocal: Alexander Ivanovich Aptekarev; Secretario: Andrei Martínez Finkelshtei

    Lagrange interpolation on the semiaxis. A survey

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    In this brief survey are collected some recent results about optimal interpolation processes of Lagrange type based on the zeros of {\it generalized Laguerre polynomials}, i.e. the sequence of orthogonal polynomials {pm(wα)}m\{p_m(w_\alpha)\}_m where wα(x)=e−xβxα.w_\alpha(x)=e^{-x^\beta}x^\alpha. A new extended Lagrange process having optimal Lebesgue constants is also introduced

    Spectral problems and orthogonal polynomials on the unit circle

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    The main purpose of the work presented here is to study transformations of sequences of orthogonal polynomials associated with a hermitian linear functional L, using spectral transformations of the corresponding C-function F. We show that a rational spectral transformation of F is given by a finite composition of four canonical spectral transformations. In addition to the canonical spectral transformations, we deal with two new examples of linear spectral transformations. First, we analyze a spectral transformation of L such that the corresponding moment matrix is the result of the addition of a constant on the main diagonal or on two symmetric sub-diagonals of the initial moment matrix. Next, we introduce a spectral transformation of L by the addition of the first derivative of a complex Dirac linear functional when its support is a point on the unit circle or two points symmetric with respect to the unit circle. In this case, outer relative asymptotics for the new sequences of orthogonal polynomials in terms of the original ones are obtained. Necessary and su cient conditions for the quasi-definiteness of the new linear functionals are given. The relation between the corresponding sequence of orthogonal polynomials in terms of the original one is presented. We also consider polynomials which satisfy the same recurrence relation as the polynomials orthogonal with respect to the linear functional L , with the restriction that the Verblunsky coe cients are in modulus greater than one. With positive or alternating positive-negative values for Verblunsky coe cients, zeros, quadrature rules, integral representation, and associated moment problem are analyzed. We also investigate the location, monotonicity, and asymptotics of the zeros of polynomials orthogonal with respect to a discrete Sobolev inner product for measures supported on the real line and on the unit circle. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------El objetivo principal de este trabajo es el estudio de las sucesiones de polinomios ortogonales con respecto a transformaciones de un funcional lineal hermitiano L , usando para ello las transformaciones de la correspondiente C-función F . Un primer resultado es que las transformaciones espectrales racionales de F están dadas por una composición finita de cuatro transformaciones espectrales canónicas. Además de estas transformaciones canónicas se estudian dos ejemplos de transformaciones espectrales lineales que son novedosos en la literatura. El primero de estos ejemplos está dado por una modificación del funcional lineal L, de modo que la correspondiente matriz de momentos es el resultado de la adición de una constante en la diagonal principal o en dos subdiagonales simétricas de la matriz de momentos original. El segundo ejemplo es una transformación de L mediante la adición de la primera derivada de una delta de Dirac compleja cuando su soporte es un punto sobre la circunferencia unidad o dos puntos simétricos respecto a la circunferencia unidad. En este caso se obtiene la asintótica relativa exterior de la nueva sucesión de polinomios ortogonales en términos de la original. Se dan condiciones necesarias y suficientes para que los funcionales derivados de las perturbaciones estudiadas sean cuasi-definidos, y se obtiene la relación entre las correspondientes sucesiones de polinomios ortogonales. Se consideran además polinomios que satisfacen las mismas ecuaciones de recurrencia que los polinomios ortogonales con respecto al funcional lineal L, agregando la restricción de que sus coeficientes de Verblunsky son en valor absoluto mayores que 1. Cuando estos coeficientes son positivos o alternan signo, se estudian los ceros, las fórmulas de cuadratura, la representación integral y el problema de momentos asociado. Asimismo, se estudia la localización, monotonicidad y comportamiento asintótico de los ceros asociados a polinomios discretos ortogonales de Sobolev para medidas soportadas tanto en la recta real como en la circunferencia unidad.This work was supported by FPU Research Fellowships, Re. AP2008-00471 and Dirección General de Investigación, Ministerio de Ciencia e Inovación of Spain, grant MTM2009-12740-C03-01

    Generalized Moments of Characteristic Polynomials of Random Matrices

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