163,935 research outputs found

    Correcting curvature-density effects in the Hamilton-Jacobi skeleton

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    The Hainilton-Jacobi approach has proven to be a powerful and elegant method for extracting the skeleton of two-dimensional (2-D) shapes. The approach is based on the observation that the normalized flux associated with the inward evolution of the object boundary at nonskeletal points tends to zero as the size of the integration area tends to zero, while the flux is negative at the locations of skeletal points. Nonetheless, the error in calculating the flux on the image lattice is both limited by the pixel resolution and also proportional to the curvature of the boundary evolution front and, hence, unbounded near endpoints. This makes the exact location of endpoints difficult and renders the performance of the skeleton extraction algorithm dependent on a threshold parameter. This problem can be overcome by using interpolation techniques to calculate the flux with subpixel precision. However, here, we develop a method for 2-D skeleton extraction that circumvents the problem by eliminating the curvature contribution to the error. This is done by taking into account variations of density due to boundary curvature. This yields a skeletonization algorithm that gives both better localization and less susceptibility to boundary noise and parameter choice than the Hamilton-Jacobi method

    Gait recognition based on shape and motion analysis of silhouette contours

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    This paper presents a three-phase gait recognition method that analyses the spatio-temporal shape and dynamic motion (STS-DM) characteristics of a human subject’s silhouettes to identify the subject in the presence of most of the challenging factors that affect existing gait recognition systems. In phase 1, phase-weighted magnitude spectra of the Fourier descriptor of the silhouette contours at ten phases of a gait period are used to analyse the spatio-temporal changes of the subject’s shape. A component-based Fourier descriptor based on anatomical studies of human body is used to achieve robustness against shape variations caused by all common types of small carrying conditions with folded hands, at the subject’s back and in upright position. In phase 2, a full-body shape and motion analysis is performed by fitting ellipses to contour segments of ten phases of a gait period and using a histogram matching with Bhattacharyya distance of parameters of the ellipses as dissimilarity scores. In phase 3, dynamic time warping is used to analyse the angular rotation pattern of the subject’s leading knee with a consideration of arm-swing over a gait period to achieve identification that is invariant to walking speed, limited clothing variations, hair style changes and shadows under feet. The match scores generated in the three phases are fused using weight-based score-level fusion for robust identification in the presence of missing and distorted frames, and occlusion in the scene. Experimental analyses on various publicly available data sets show that STS-DM outperforms several state-of-the-art gait recognition methods

    Towards binocular active vision in a robot head system

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    This paper presents the first results of an investigation and pilot study into an active, binocular vision system that combines binocular vergence, object recognition and attention control in a unified framework. The prototype developed is capable of identifying, targeting, verging on and recognizing objects in a highly-cluttered scene without the need for calibration or other knowledge of the camera geometry. This is achieved by implementing all image analysis in a symbolic space without creating explicit pixel-space maps. The system structure is based on the ‘searchlight metaphor’ of biological systems. We present results of a first pilot investigation that yield a maximum vergence error of 6.4 pixels, while seven of nine known objects were recognized in a high-cluttered environment. Finally a “stepping stone” visual search strategy was demonstrated, taking a total of 40 saccades to find two known objects in the workspace, neither of which appeared simultaneously within the Field of View resulting from any individual saccade

    A survey of visual preprocessing and shape representation techniques

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    Many recent theories and methods proposed for visual preprocessing and shape representation are summarized. The survey brings together research from the fields of biology, psychology, computer science, electrical engineering, and most recently, neural networks. It was motivated by the need to preprocess images for a sparse distributed memory (SDM), but the techniques presented may also prove useful for applying other associative memories to visual pattern recognition. The material of this survey is divided into three sections: an overview of biological visual processing; methods of preprocessing (extracting parts of shape, texture, motion, and depth); and shape representation and recognition (form invariance, primitives and structural descriptions, and theories of attention)