28 research outputs found

    Mutation Testing Advances: An Analysis and Survey

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    Vérification interactive de propriétés à l'exécution d'un programme avec un débogueur

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    National audienceLe monitoring est l'étude d'un système pendant son exécution, en surveillant les évènements qui y entrent et qui en sortent, afin de découvrir, vérifier ou pour faire respecter des propriétés à l'exécution. Le débogage est l'étude d'un système pendant son exécution afin de trouver et comprendre ses dysfonctionnements dans le but de les corriger, en inspectant son état interne, de manière interactive. Dans ce papier, nous combinons le monitoring et le débogage en définissant un moyen efficace et pratique de vérifier automatiquement des propriétés à l'exécution d'un programme à l'aide d'un débogueur afin d'aider à détecter des anomalies dans son code, en conservant le caractère interactif du débogage classique

    Assessment and Improvement of the Practical Use of Mutation for Automated Software Testing

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    Software testing is the main quality assurance technique used in software engineering. In fact, companies that develop software and open-source communities alike actively integrate testing into their software development life cycle. In order to guide and give objectives for the software testing process, researchers have designed test adequacy criteria (TAC) which, define the properties of a software that must be covered in order to constitute a thorough test suite. Many TACs have been designed in the literature, among which, the widely used statement and branch TAC, as well as the fault-based TAC named mutation. It has been shown in the literature that mutation is effective at revealing fault in software, nevertheless, mutation adoption in practice is still lagging due to its cost. Ideally, TACs that are most likely to lead to higher fault revelation are desired for testing and, the fault-revelation of test suites is expected to increase as their coverage of TACs test objectives increase. However, the question of which TAC best guides software testing towards fault revelation remains controversial and open, and, the relationship between TACs test objectives’ coverage and fault-revelation remains unknown. In order to increase knowledge and provide answers about these issues, we conducted, in this dissertation, an empirical study that evaluates the relationship between test objectives’ coverage and fault-revelation for four TACs (statement, branch coverage and, weak and strong mutation). The study showed that fault-revelation increase with coverage only beyond some coverage threshold and, strong mutation TAC has highest fault revelation. Despite the benefit of higher fault-revelation that strong mutation TAC provide for software testing, software practitioners are still reluctant to integrate strong mutation into their software testing activities. This happens mainly because of the high cost of mutation analysis, which is related to the large number of mutants and the limitation in the automation of test generation for strong mutation. Several approaches have been proposed, in the literature, to tackle the analysis’ cost issue of strong mutation. Mutant selection (reduction) approaches aim to reduce the number of mutants used for testing by selecting a small subset of mutation operator to apply during mutants generation, thus, reducing the number of analyzed mutants. Nevertheless, those approaches are not more effective, w.r.t. fault-revelation, than random mutant sampling (which leads to a high loss in fault revelation). Moreover, there is not much work in the literature that regards cost-effective automated test generation for strong mutation. This dissertation proposes two techniques, FaRM and SEMu, to reduce the cost of mutation testing. FaRM statically selects and prioritizes mutants that lead to faults (fault-revealing mutants), in order to reduce the number of mutants (fault-revealing mutants represent a very small proportion of the generated mutants). SEMu automatically generates tests that strongly kill mutants and thus, increase the mutation score and improve the test suites. First, this dissertation makes an empirical study that evaluates the fault-revelation (ability to lead to tests that have high fault-revelation) of four TACs, namely statement, branch, weak mutation and strong mutation. The outcome of the study show evidence that for all four studied TACs, the fault-revelation increases with TAC test objectives’ coverage only beyond a certain threshold of coverage. This suggests the need to attain higher coverage during testing. Moreover, the study shows that strong mutation is the only studied TAC that leads to tests that have, significantly, the highest fault-revelation. Second, in line with mutant reduction, we study the different mutant quality indicators (used to qualify "useful" mutants) proposed in the literature, including fault-revealing mutants. Our study shows that there is a large disagreement between the indicators suggesting that the fault-revealing mutant set is unique and differs from other mutant sets. Thus, given that testing aims to reveal faults, one should directly target fault-revealing mutants for mutant reduction. We also do so in this dissertation. Third, this dissertation proposes FaRM, a mutant reduction technique based on supervised machine learning. In order to automatically discriminate, before test execution, between useful (valuable) and useless mutants, FaRM build a mutants classification machine learning model. The features for the classification model are static program features of mutants categorized as mutant types and mutant context (abstract syntax tree, control flow graph and data/control dependency information). FaRM’s classification model successfully predicted fault-revealing mutants and killable mutants. Then, in order to reduce the number of analyzed mutants, FaRM selects and prioritizes fault-revealing mutants based of the aforementioned mutants classification model. An empirical evaluation shows that FaRM outperforms (w.r.t. the accuracy of fault-revealing mutant selection) random mutants sampling and existing mutation operators-based mutant selection techniques. Fourth, this dissertation proposes SEMu, an automated test input generation technique aiming to increase strong mutation coverage score of test suites. SEMu is based on symbolic execution and leverages multiple cost reduction heuristics for the symbolic execution. An empirical evaluation shows that, for limited time budget, the SEMu generates tests that successfully increase strong mutation coverage score and, kill more mutants than test generated by state-of-the-art techniques. Finally, this dissertation proposes Muteria a framework that enables the integration of FaRM and SEMu into the automated software testing process. Overall, this dissertation provides insights on how to effectively use TACs to test software, shows that strong mutation is the most effective TAC for software testing. It also provides techniques that effectively facilitate the practical use of strong mutation and, an extensive tooling to support the proposed techniques while enabling their extensions for the practical adoption of strong mutation in software testing

    Guiding Quality Assurance Through Context Aware Learning

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    Software Testing is a quality control activity that, in addition to finding flaws or bugs, provides confidence in the software’s correctness. The quality of the developed software depends on the strength of its test suite. Mutation Testing has shown that it effectively guides in improving the test suite’s strength. Mutation is a test adequacy criterion in which test requirements are represented by mutants. Mutants are slight syntactic modifications of the original program that aim to introduce semantic deviations (from the original program) necessitating the testers to design tests to kill these mutants, i.e., to distinguish the observable behavior between a mutant and the original program. This process of designing tests to kill a mutant is iteratively performed for the entire mutant set, which results in augmenting the test suite, hence improving its strength. Although mutation testing is empirically validated, a key issue is that its application is expensive due to the large number of low-utility mutants that it introduces. Some mutants cannot be even killed as they are functionally equivalent to the original program. To reduce the application cost, it is imperative to limit the number of mutants to those that are actually useful. Since it requires manual analysis and test executions to identify such mutants, there is a lack of an effective solution to the problem. Hence, it remains unclear how to mutate and test a code efficiently. On the other hand, with the advancement in deep learning, several works in the literature recently focused on using it on source code to automate many nontrivial tasks including bug fixing, producing code comments, code completion, and program repair. The increasing utilization of deep learning is due to a combination of factors. The first is the vast availability of data to learn from, specifically source code in open-source repositories. The second is the availability of inexpensive hardware able to efficiently run deep learning infrastructures. The third and the most compelling is its ability to automatically learn the categorization of data by learning the code context through its hidden layer architecture, making it especially proficient in identifying features. Thus, we explore the possibility of employing deep learning to identify only useful mutants, in order to achieve a good trade-off between the invested effort and test effectiveness. Hence, as our first contribution, this dissertation proposes Cerebro, a deep learning approach to statically select subsuming mutants based on the mutants’ surrounding code context. As subsuming mutants reside at the top of the subsumption hierarchy, test cases designed to only kill this minimal subset of mutants kill all the remaining mutants. Our evaluation of Cerebro demonstrates that it preserves the mutation testing benefits while limiting the application cost, i.e., reducing all cost factors such as equivalent mutants, mutant executions, and the mutants requiring analysis. Apart from improving test suite strength, mutation testing has been proven useful in inferring software specifications. Software specifications aim at describing the software’s intended behavior and can be used to distinguish correct from incorrect software behaviors. Specification inference techniques aim at inferring assertions by generating and filtering candidate assertions through dynamic test executions and mutation testing. Due to the introduction of a large number of mutants during mutation testing such techniques are also computationally expensive, hence establishing a need for the selection of mutants that fit best for assertion inference. We refer to such mutants as Assertion Inferring Mutants. In our analysis, we find that the assertion inferring mutants are significantly different from the subsuming mutants. Thus, we explored the employability of deep learning to identify Assertion Inferring Mutants. Hence, as our second contribution, this dissertation proposes Seeker, a deep learning approach to statically select Assertion Inferring Mutants. Our evaluation demonstrates that Seeker enables an assertion inference capability comparable to the full mutation analysis while significantly limiting the execution cost. In addition to testing software in general, a few works in the literature attempt to employ mutation testing to tackle security-related issues, due to the fault-based nature of the technique. These works propose mutation operators to convert non-vulnerable code to vulnerable by mimicking common security bugs. However, these pattern-based approaches have two major limitations. Firstly, the design of security-specific mutation operators is not trivial. It requires manual analysis and comprehension of the vulnerability classes. Secondly, these mutation operators can alter the program semantics in a manner that is not convincing for developers and is perceived as unrealistic, thereby hindering the usability of the method. On the other hand, with the release of powerful language models trained on large code corpus, e.g. CodeBERT, a new family of mutation testing tools has arisen with the promise to generate natural mutants. We study the extent to which the mutants produced by language models can semantically mimic the behavior of vulnerabilities aka Vulnerability-mimicking Mutants. Designed test cases failed by these mutants will also tackle mimicked vulnerabilities. In our analysis, we found that a very small subset of mutants is vulnerability-mimicking. Though, this set mimics more than half of the vulnerabilities in our dataset. Due to the absence of any defined features to identify vulnerability-mimicking mutants, as our third contribution, this dissertation introduces Mystique, a deep learning approach that automatically extracts features to identify vulnerability-mimicking mutants. Despite the scarcity, Mystique predicts vulnerability-mimicking mutants with a high prediction performance, demonstrating that their features can be automatically learned by deep learning models to statically predict these without the need of investing any effort in defining features. Since our vulnerability-mimicking mutants cannot mimic all the vulnerabilities, we perceive that these mutants are not a complete representation of all the vulnerabilities and there exists a need for actual vulnerability prediction approaches. Although there exist many such approaches in the literature, their performance is limited due to a few factors. Firstly, vulnerabilities are fewer in comparison to software bugs, limiting the information one can learn from, which affects the prediction performance. Secondly, the existing approaches learn on both, vulnerable, and supposedly non-vulnerable components. This introduces an unavoidable noise in training data, i.e., components with no reported vulnerability are considered non-vulnerable during training, and hence, results in existing approaches performing poorly. We employed deep learning to automatically capture features related to vulnerabilities and explored if we can avoid learning on supposedly non-vulnerable components. Hence, as our final contribution, this dissertation proposes TROVON, a deep learning approach that learns only on components known to be vulnerable, thereby making no assumptions and bypassing the key problem faced by previous techniques. Our comparison of TROVON with existing techniques on security-critical open-source systems with historical vulnerabilities reported in the National Vulnerability Database (NVD) demonstrates that its prediction capability significantly outperforms the existing techniques


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    Artificial faults have been proven useful to ensure software quality, enabling the simulation of its behaviour in erroneous situations, and thereby evaluating its robustness and its impact on the surrounding components in the presence of faults. Similarly, by introducing these faults in the testing phase, they can serve as a proxy to measure the fault revelation and thoroughness of current test suites, and provide developers with testing objectives, as writing tests to detect them helps reveal and prevent eventual similar real ones. This approach – mutation testing – has gained increasing fame and interest among researchers and practitioners since its appearance in the 1970s, and operates typically by introducing small syntactic transformations (using mutation operators) to the target program, aiming at producing multiple faulty versions of it (mutants). These operators are generally created based on the grammar rules of the target programming language and then tuned through empirical studies in order to reduce the redundancy and noise among the induced mutants. Having limited knowledge of the program context or the relevant locations to mutate, these patterns are applied in a brute-force manner on the full code base of the program, producing numerous mutants and overwhelming the developers with a costly overhead of test executions and mutants analysis efforts. For this reason, although proven useful in multiple software engineering applications, the adoption of mutation testing remains limited in practice. Another key challenge of mutation testing is the misrepresentation of real bugs by the induced artificial faults. Indeed, this can make the results of any relying application questionable or inaccurate. To tackle this challenge, researchers have proposed new fault-seeding techniques that aim at mimicking real faults. To achieve this, they suggest leveraging the knowledge base of previous faults to inject new ones. Although these techniques produce promising results, they do not solve the high-cost issue or even exacerbate it by generating more mutants with their extended patterns set. Along the same lines of research, we start addressing the aforementioned challenges – regarding the cost of the injection campaign and the representativeness of the artificial faults – by proposing IBIR; a targeted fault injection which aims at mimicking real faulty behaviours. To do so, IBIR uses information retrieved from bug reports (to select relevant code locations to mutate) and fault patterns created by inverting fix patterns, which have been introduced and tuned based on real bug fixes mined from different repositories. We implemented this approach, and showed that it outperforms the fault injection performed by traditional mutation testing in terms of semantic similarity with the originally targeted fault (described in the bug report), when applied at either project or class levels of granularity, and provides better, statistically significant, estimations of test effectiveness (fault detection). Additionally, when injecting only 10 faults, IBIR couples with more real bugs than mutation testing even when injecting 1000 faults. Although effective in emulating real faults, IBIR’s approach depends strongly on the quality and existence of bug reports, which when absent can reduce its performance to that of traditional mutation testing approaches. In the absence of such prior and with the same objective of injecting few relevant faults, we suggest accounting for the project’s context and the actual developer’s code distribution to generate more “natural” mutants, in a sense where they are understandable and more likely to occur. To this end, we propose the usage of code from real programs as a knowledge base to inject faults instead of the language grammar or previous bugs knowledge, such as bug reports and bug fixes. Particularly, we leverage the code knowledge and capability of pre-trained generative language models (i.e. CodeBERT) in capturing the code context and predicting developer-like code alternatives, to produce few faults in diverse locations of the input program. This way the approach development and maintenance does not require any major effort, such as creating or inferring fault patterns or training a model to learn how to inject faults. In fact, to inject relevant faults in a given program, our approach masks tokens (one at a time) from its code base and uses the model to predict them, then considers the inaccurate predictions as probable developer-like mistakes, forming the output mutants set. Our results show that these mutants induce test suites with higher fault detection capability, in terms of effectiveness and cost-efficiency than conventional mutation testing. Next, we turn our interest to the code comprehension of pre-trained language models, particularly their capability in capturing the naturalness aspect of code. This measure has been proven very useful to distinguish unusual code which can be a symptom of code smell, low readability, bugginess, bug-proneness, etc, thereby indicating relevant locations requiring prior attention from developers. Code naturalness is typically predicted using statistical language models like n-gram, to approximate how surprising a piece of code is, based on the fact that code, in small snippets, is repetitive. Although powerful, training such models on a large code corpus can be tedious, time-consuming and sensitive to code patterns (and practices) encountered during training. Consequently, these models are often trained on a small corpus and thus only estimate the language naturalness relative to a specific style of programming or type of project. To overcome these issues, we propose the use of pre-trained generative language models to infer code naturalness. Thus, we suggest inferring naturalness by masking (omitting) code tokens, one at a time, of code sequences, and checking the models’ ability to predict them. We implement this workflow, named CodeBERT-NT, and evaluate its capability to prioritize buggy lines over non-buggy ones when ranking code based on its naturalness. Our results show that our approach outperforms both, random-uniform- and complexity-based ranking techniques, and yields comparable results to the n-gram models, although trained in an intra-project fashion. Finally, We provide the implementation of tools and libraries enabling the code naturalness measuring and fault injection by the different approaches and provide the required resources to compare their effectiveness in emulating real faults and guiding the testing towards higher fault detection techniques. This includes the source code of our proposed approaches and replication packages of our conducted studies