97 research outputs found

    Semantic Characterization of Context of Use and Contents for User-Centric Media Retrieval

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    When users access online media, they need and desire to get an experience tailored to their specific, personal context and situation. This is becoming more and more relevant with the ever-increasing amount of available contents users may choose from. In order to provide user-centric functionalities (such as relevant searches, content adaptation, customization and recommendation), both the annotation of contents with semantically rich metadata and an accurate model of the individual users and their respective contexts of use are needed. In this context, we propose a solution to automatically characterize both the context of use and the contents. It provides dynamic, adaptive user models, with explicit and implicit information; as well as content descriptors that may be later used to match the most suitable contents for each user. Users always keep a pivotal role throughout the whole process: providing new contents, contributing to moderated folks onomies, overseeing their own user model, etc

    Servicios Centrados en el Usuario Basados en la Caracterización Semántica de los Contenidos y del Contexto de Uso.

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    Cuando los usuarios acceden a servicios telemáticos, esperan obtener experiencias cada vez más adaptadas a su contexto y situación específicos. Esto adquiere especial relevancia al aumentar la cantidad de contenidos en línea al alcance de los usuarios a través de dichos servicios. Con el fin de que los servicios telemáticos proporcionen funcionalidades centradas en el usuario –como, por ejemplo, búsquedas relevantes, adaptación de contenidos, personalización y recomendación– es necesario que los contenidos estén correctamente anotados (enriquecidos con metadatos semánticos) y disponer de un modelo preciso que represente al usuario junto con su respectivo contexto de uso. En este escenario, presentamos un marco genérico de servicios centrados en el usuario a partir de su caracterización semántica y del mapeo a los contenidos. En concreto, aplicamos dicho marco a un buscador semántico que caracteriza automáticamente tanto los contenidos a los que los usuarios pueden acceder como el contexto de uso desde el que acceden. La solución propuesta incluye, pues, modelos de usuario dinámicos y adaptativos, con información explícita e implícita; así como descriptores de los contenidos que pueden utilizarse para determinar cuáles son más adecuados para cada usuario. Durante todo este proceso, los usuarios mantienen un rol fundamental: proveyendo nuevos contenidos, contribuyendo a folksonomías moderadas, supervisando su propio modelo de usuario, etc

    Collection and Elicitation of Business Process Compliance Patterns with Focus on Data Aspects

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    Business process compliance is one of the prevalent challenges for companies. Despite an abundance of research proposals, companies still struggle with manual compliance checks and the understanding of compliance violations in the light of missing root-cause explanations. Moreover, approaches have merely focused on the control flow perspective in compliance checking, neglecting other aspects such as the data perspective. This paper aims at analyzing the gap between existing academic work and compliance demands from practice with a focus on the data aspects. The latter emerges from a small set of regulatory documents from different domains. Patterns are assumed as the right level of abstraction for compliance specification due to their independence of (technical) implementation in (process-aware) information systems, potential for reuse, and understandability. A systematic literature review collects and assesses existing compliance patterns. A first analysis of ten regulatory documents from different domains specifically reveals data-oriented compliance constraints that are not yet reflected by existing compliance patterns. Accordingly, data-related compliance patterns are specified

    Modelado Semántico y Centrado en el Usuario de Servicios Adaptados al Contexto de Uso

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    Cuando los usuarios acceden a servicios telemáticos, esperan obtener experiencias cada vez más adaptadas a su contexto específico, en especial, ante la gran cantidad de contenidos en línea a su alcance a través de dichos servicios. Para que estos servicios proporcionen funcionalidades centradas en el usuario –por ejemplo, búsquedas relevantes, adaptación de contenidos, personalización y recomendación– es necesario que los contenidos estén anotados semánticamente y disponer de un modelo preciso que represente al usuario y su contexto de uso. En este escenario, presentamos un marco genérico de servicios centrados en el usuario basado en la caracterización semántica de los usuarios y su mapeo con los contenidos. En concreto, aplicamos dicho marco a un buscador semántico que caracteriza automáticamente tanto los contenidos a los que los usuarios pueden acceder como el contexto de uso desde el que se accede. La solución propuesta incluye modelos de usuario dinámicos y adaptativos, con información explícita e implícita; así como descriptores de los contenidos que pueden utilizarse para determinar cuáles son más adecuados para cada usuari

    Elastic Business Process Management: State of the Art and Open Challenges for BPM in the Cloud

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    With the advent of cloud computing, organizations are nowadays able to react rapidly to changing demands for computational resources. Not only individual applications can be hosted on virtual cloud infrastructures, but also complete business processes. This allows the realization of so-called elastic processes, i.e., processes which are carried out using elastic cloud resources. Despite the manifold benefits of elastic processes, there is still a lack of solutions supporting them. In this paper, we identify the state of the art of elastic Business Process Management with a focus on infrastructural challenges. We conceptualize an architecture for an elastic Business Process Management System and discuss existing work on scheduling, resource allocation, monitoring, decentralized coordination, and state management for elastic processes. Furthermore, we present two representative elastic Business Process Management Systems which are intended to counter these challenges. Based on our findings, we identify open issues and outline possible research directions for the realization of elastic processes and elastic Business Process Management.Comment: Please cite as: S. Schulte, C. Janiesch, S. Venugopal, I. Weber, and P. Hoenisch (2015). Elastic Business Process Management: State of the Art and Open Challenges for BPM in the Cloud. Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume NN, Number N, NN-NN., http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.future.2014.09.00

    Report from GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 16394: Software Performance Engineering in the DevOps World

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    This report documents the program and the outcomes of GI-Dagstuhl Seminar 16394 "Software Performance Engineering in the DevOps World". The seminar addressed the problem of performance-aware DevOps. Both, DevOps and performance engineering have been growing trends over the past one to two years, in no small part due to the rise in importance of identifying performance anomalies in the operations (Ops) of cloud and big data systems and feeding these back to the development (Dev). However, so far, the research community has treated software engineering, performance engineering, and cloud computing mostly as individual research areas. We aimed to identify cross-community collaboration, and to set the path for long-lasting collaborations towards performance-aware DevOps. The main goal of the seminar was to bring together young researchers (PhD students in a later stage of their PhD, as well as PostDocs or Junior Professors) in the areas of (i) software engineering, (ii) performance engineering, and (iii) cloud computing and big data to present their current research projects, to exchange experience and expertise, to discuss research challenges, and to develop ideas for future collaborations

    Pasaulinio saityno paslaugų kompozicijų skaidymas į modulius

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    Straipsnyje aptariami, analizuojami ir vertinami svarbiausi pasiūlymai, kaip spręsti pasaulinio saityno paslaugų kompozicijų skaidymo į modulius uždavinį. Tai yra vienas iš aktualiausių e. verslo sistemų kūrimo uždavinių, kurio neišsprendus neįmanoma adekvačiai apdoroti vykdymo meto įvykių, dinamiškai perplanuoti verslo procesų, atsižvelgti į paslaugų kokybės charakteristikas ir įgyvendinti daugelį kitų svarbių e. verslo sistemos funkcijų. Straipsnyje pateiktas esamos padėties vertinimas ir išryškintos svarbiausios dar neišspręstos problemos, su kuriomis susiduriama skaidant į modulius pasaulinio saityno paslaugų kompozicijas. Tikimasi, kad atlikta analizė bus naudinga visiems šioje srityje dirbantiems mokslininkams ir padės jiems planuoti savo tolesnius tyrimus.Modularization of Web Service CompositionJolanta Miliauskaitė, Albertas Čaplinskas SummaryThe paper discusses, analyzes and evaluates the most important scientific propositions on how to solve the problem of web service composition modularization. This problem is very important in the context of eBusiness systems because it is impossible in such systems to process the run-time events in a flexible way, reconfigure business processes dynamically, to take into account in the service discovery process the quality of services, and to implement effectively many other eBusiness system features without knowing an efficient solution of this problem. The paper discusses the current state of affairs and highlights most important open issues. The authors hope that it will be useful for all researchers involved in the web service studies and helpful when planning their further research.>&nbsp

    Artificial Collective Intelligence Engineering: a Survey of Concepts and Perspectives

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    Collectiveness is an important property of many systems--both natural and artificial. By exploiting a large number of individuals, it is often possible to produce effects that go far beyond the capabilities of the smartest individuals, or even to produce intelligent collective behaviour out of not-so-intelligent individuals. Indeed, collective intelligence, namely the capability of a group to act collectively in a seemingly intelligent way, is increasingly often a design goal of engineered computational systems--motivated by recent techno-scientific trends like the Internet of Things, swarm robotics, and crowd computing, just to name a few. For several years, the collective intelligence observed in natural and artificial systems has served as a source of inspiration for engineering ideas, models, and mechanisms. Today, artificial and computational collective intelligence are recognised research topics, spanning various techniques, kinds of target systems, and application domains. However, there is still a lot of fragmentation in the research panorama of the topic within computer science, and the verticality of most communities and contributions makes it difficult to extract the core underlying ideas and frames of reference. The challenge is to identify, place in a common structure, and ultimately connect the different areas and methods addressing intelligent collectives. To address this gap, this paper considers a set of broad scoping questions providing a map of collective intelligence research, mostly by the point of view of computer scientists and engineers. Accordingly, it covers preliminary notions, fundamental concepts, and the main research perspectives, identifying opportunities and challenges for researchers on artificial and computational collective intelligence engineering.Comment: This is the author's final version of the article, accepted for publication in the Artificial Life journal. Data: 34 pages, 2 figure