53,741 research outputs found

    A Review Approach on various form of Apriori with Association Rule Mining

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    Data mining is a computerized technology that uses complicated algorithms to find relationships in large databases Extensive growth of data gives the motivation to find meaningful patterns among the huge data. Sequential pattern provides us interesting relationships between different items in sequential database. Association Rules Mining (ARM) is a function of DM research domain and arise many researchers interest to design a high efficient algorithm to mine ass ociation rules from transaction database. Association Rule Mining plays a important role in the process of mining data for frequent pattern matching. It is a universal technique which uses to refine the mining techniques. In computer science and data min ing, Apriori is a classic algorithm for learning association rules Apriori algorithm has been vital algorithm in association rule mining. . Apriori alg orithm - a realization of frequent pattern matching based on support and confidence measures produced exc ellent results in various fields. Main idea of this algorithm is to find useful patterns between different set of data. It is a simple algorithm yet having man y drawbacks. Many researches have been done for the improvement of this algorithm. This paper sho ws a complete survey on few good improved approaches of Apriori algorithm. This will be really very helpful for the upcoming researchers to find some new ideas from these approaches. The paper below summarizes the basic methodology of association rules alo ng with the mining association algorithms. The algorithms include the most basic Apriori algorithm along with other algorithms such as AprioriTi d, AprioriHybrid

    New approaches to weighted frequent pattern mining

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    Researchers have proposed frequent pattern mining algorithms that are more efficient than previous algorithms and generate fewer but more important patterns. Many techniques such as depth first/breadth first search, use of tree/other data structures, top down/bottom up traversal and vertical/horizontal formats for frequent pattern mining have been developed. Most frequent pattern mining algorithms use a support measure to prune the combinatorial search space. However, support-based pruning is not enough when taking into consideration the characteristics of real datasets. Additionally, after mining datasets to obtain the frequent patterns, there is no way to adjust the number of frequent patterns through user feedback, except for changing the minimum support. Alternative measures for mining frequent patterns have been suggested to address these issues. One of the main limitations of the traditional approach for mining frequent patterns is that all items are treated uniformly when, in reality, items have different importance. For this reason, weighted frequent pattern mining algorithms have been suggested that give different weights to items according to their significance. The main focus in weighted frequent pattern mining concerns satisfying the downward closure property. In this research, frequent pattern mining approaches with weight constraints are suggested. Our main approach is to push weight constraints into the pattern growth algorithm while maintaining the downward closure property. We develop WFIM (Weighted Frequent Itemset Mining with a weight range and a minimum weight), WLPMiner (Weighted frequent Pattern Mining with length decreasing constraints), WIP (Weighted Interesting Pattern mining with a strong weight and/or support affinity), WSpan (Weighted Sequential pattern mining with a weight range and a minimum weight) and WIS (Weighted Interesting Sequential pattern mining with a similar level of support and/or weight affinity) The extensive performance analysis shows that suggested approaches are efficient and scalable in weighted frequent pattern mining

    Methods for Mining Sequential Patterns

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    Dolovanie sekvenčných vzorov je oblasť dolovania z dát so širokým využitím. V súčasnosti existuje množstvo algoritmov a prístupov k problému dolovania sekvenčných vzorov. Cieľom tejto práce je navrhnúť a implementovať aplikáciu určenú na dolovanie sekvenčných vzorov a pomocou nej experimentálne porovnať zvolené algoritmy. Experimenty sú vykonávané ako so syntetickými, tak aj s reálnymi databázami. Výstupom práce je zhrnutie výhod a nevýhod jednotlivých algoritmov pre rôzne druhy vstupných databáz a aplikácia implementujúca vybrané algoritmy knižnice SPMF.Sequential pattern mining is a field of data mining with wide applications. Currently, there are a number of algorithms and approaches to the problem of sequential pattern mining. The aim of this work is to design and implement an application designed for sequential pattern mining and use it to experimentally compare the chosen algorithms. Experiments are performed with both synthetic and real databases. The output of the work is a summary of the advantages and disadvantages of each algorithm for different kinds of input databases and an application implementing the selected algorithms of the SPMF library.

    Pattern mining under different conditions

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    New requirements and demands on pattern mining arise in modern applications, which cannot be fulfilled using conventional methods. For example, in scientific research, scientists are more interested in unknown knowledge, which usually hides in significant but not frequent patterns. However, existing itemset mining algorithms are designed for very frequent patterns. Furthermore, scientists need to repeat an experiment many times to ensure reproducibility. A series of datasets are generated at once, waiting for clustering, which can contain an unknown number of clusters with various densities and shapes. Using existing clustering algorithms is time-consuming because parameter tuning is necessary for each dataset. Many scientific datasets are extremely noisy. They contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. Most existing clustering algorithms can only handle noises up to a moderate level. Temporal pattern mining is also important in scientific research. Existing temporal pattern mining algorithms only consider pointbased events. However, most activities in the real-world are interval-based with a starting and an ending timestamp. This thesis developed novel pattern mining algorithms for various data mining tasks under different conditions. The first part of this thesis investigates the problem of mining less frequent itemsets in transactional datasets. In contrast to existing frequent itemset mining algorithms, this part focus on itemsets that occurred not that frequent. Algorithms NIIMiner, RaCloMiner, and LSCMiner are proposed to identify such kind of itemsets efficiently. NIIMiner utilizes the negative itemset tree to extract all patterns that occurred less than a given support threshold in a top-down depth-first manner. RaCloMiner combines existing bottom-up frequent itemset mining algorithms with a top-down itemset mining algorithm to achieve a better performance in mining less frequent patterns. LSCMiner investigates the problem of mining less frequent closed patterns. The second part of this thesis studied the problem of interval-based temporal pattern mining in the stream environment. Interval-based temporal patterns are sequential patterns in which each event is aligned with a starting and ending temporal information. The ability to handle interval-based events and stream data is lacking in existing approaches. A novel intervalbased temporal pattern mining algorithm for stream data is described in this part. The last part of this thesis studies new problems in clustering on numeric datasets. The first problem tackled in this part is shape alternation adaptivity in clustering. In applications such as scientific data analysis, scientists need to deal with a series of datasets generated from one experiment. Cluster sizes and shapes are different in those datasets. A kNN density-based clustering algorithm, kadaClus, is proposed to provide the shape alternation adaptability so that users do not need to tune parameters for each dataset. The second problem studied in this part is clustering in an extremely noisy dataset. Many real-world datasets contain considerably more noises than in-cluster data points. A novel clustering algorithm, kenClus, is proposed to identify clusters in arbitrary shapes from extremely noisy datasets. Both clustering algorithms are kNN-based, which only require one parameter k. In each part, the efficiency and effectiveness of the presented techniques are thoroughly analyzed. Intensive experiments on synthetic and real-world datasets are conducted to show the benefits of the proposed algorithms over conventional approaches

    Mining High Utility Sequential Patterns from Uncertain Web Access Sequences using the PL-WAP

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    In general, the web access patterns are retrieved from the web access sequence databases using various sequential pattern algorithms such as GSP, WAP, and PLWAP tree. However, these algorithms do not consider sequential data with quantity (internal utility) (e.g., the amount of the time spent by the user on a web page) and quality (external utility) (e.g., the rating of a web page in a website) information. These algorithms also do not work on uncertain sequential items (e.g., purchased products) having probability (0, 1). Factoring in the utility and uncertainty of each sequence item provides more product information that can be beneficial in mining profitable patterns from company’s websites. For example, a customer can purchase a bottle of ink more frequently than a printer but the purchase of a single printer can yield more profit to the business owner than the purchase of multiple bottles of ink. Most existing traditional uncertain sequential pattern algorithms such as U-Apriori, UF-Growth, and U-PLWAP do not include the utility measures. In U-PLWAP, the web sequences are derived from web log data without including the time spent by the user and the web pages are not associated with any rating. By considering these two utilities, sometimes the items with lower existential probability can be more profitable to the website owner. In utility based traditional algorithms, the only algorithm related to both uncertain and high utility is the PHUI-UP algorithm which considers the probability and utility as different entities and the retrieved patterns are not dependent with both due to two different thresholds, and it does not mine uncertain web access database sequences. This thesis proposes the algorithm HUU-PLWAP miner for mining uncertain sequential patterns with internal and external utility information using PLWAP tree approach that cut down on several database scans of level-wise approaches. HUU-PLWAP uses uncertain internal utility values (derived from sequence uncertainty model) and the constant external utility values (predefined) to retrieve the high utility sequential patterns from uncertain web access sequence databases with the help of U-PLWAP methodology. Experiments show that HUU-PLWAP is at least 95% faster than U-PLWAP, and 75% faster than the PHUI-UP algorithm