40 research outputs found

    EML and LMS related standard

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    IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (IMS) is developing and promoting open specifications for facilitating online distributed learning activities such as locating and using educational content, tracking learner progress, reporting learner performance, and exchanging student records between administrative systems. The IMS project defines the following separate specifications. · Learning Resource Meta-data (p. 9). This is a specification of meta-data used to identify “learning resources”. · Content packaging (p. 13). A specification of how to assemble and distribute content in “packages”. · Resource identifiers (p. 17). This defines persistent, location independent resource identifiers. · Question & Test Interoperability (QTI) (p. 19). This defines the structure of questions and tests, and the grouping of these. · Enterprise (p. 33). This defines the way information on the learning 'enterprise' (instructional processes) is shared. · Learner information packaging (p. 37). This specifies how to record and share information on the learner. · Reusable Competency Definitions (p. 40). An information model for describing, referencing and exchanging definitions of competencies, primarily in the context of online and distributed learning. · Simple Sequencing (p. 42). This defines how to associate sequencing information with content packs (p. 13) and its default behaviour. Each specification has (or will have) at least three main parts: · Information model — an abstract description of the area modelled · Binding — binding to a particular language. For all specifications XML is the language of choice · Best practice — explanation of how to apply the model

    Seqins - A Sequencing Tool for Educational Resources

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    The teaching-learning process is increasingly focused on the combination of the paradigms "learning by viewing" and "learning by doing." In this context, educational resources, either expository or evaluative, play a pivotal role. Both types of resources are interdependent and their sequencing would create a richer educational experience to the end user. However, there is a lack of tools that support sequencing essentially due to the fact that existing specifications are complex. The Seqins is a sequencing tool of digital resources that has a fairly simple sequencing model. The tool communicates through the IMS LTI specification with a plethora of e-learning systems such as learning management systems, repositories, authoring and evaluation systems. In order to validate Seqins we integrate it in an e-learning Ensemble framework instance for the computer programming learning

    Seqins: a sequencing tool for educational resources

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    The teaching-learning process is increasingly focused on the combination of the paradigms “learning by viewing” and “learning by doing.” In this context, educational resources, either expository or evaluative, play a pivotal role. Both types of resources are interdependent and their sequencing would create a richer educational experience to the end user. However, there is a lack of tools that support sequencing essentially due to the fact that existing specifications are complex. The Seqins is a sequencing tool of digital resources that has a fairly simple sequencing model. The tool communicates through the IMS LTI specification with a plethora of e-learning systems such as learning management systems, repositories, authoring and evaluation systems. In order to validate Seqins we integrate it in an e-learning Ensemble framework instance for the computer programming learning

    Una arquitectura general para la integración de videojuegos educativos en entornos virtuales de enseñanza

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    Hoy por hoy, la amplia utilización del e-Learning en empresas e instituciones educativas nos da una idea de la aceptación del uso de las nuevas tecnologías en educación, ya sea como un complemento a la formación (blended learning) o como parte principal del proceso de enseñanza. Este hecho ha fomentado que el progreso en las últimas décadas en el campo del e-Learning haya sido elevado tanto en contenidos como en la evolución de los sistemas que los soportan. Por ello son numerosos los esfuerzos por parte de diversas organizaciones para diseñar estándares que faciliten la interoperabilidad, reutilización y durabilidad de los contenidos. Dentro del e-Learning encontramos una tendencia que fomenta el uso de videojuegos en educación. Parecen una buena herramienta para enseñar debido a que presentan determinadas características que favorecen la transmisión de conceptos, como aumentar la motivación. Además, al ser contenidos altamente interactivos permiten realizar evaluaciones del alumno más precisas, así como adaptar el desarrollo de los juegos teniendo en cuenta determinados factores (pasadas interacciones del alumno, conocimiento inicial, factores socioculturales, etc.). A la hora de utilizar videojuegos en los modernos servidores educativos encontramos diversos problemas. Por un lado, la diversidad de estándares y la falta de una amplia aceptación de alguno de ellos. Esto supone una traba a la hora de determinar cuál usar para integrar estos contenidos en servidores educativos. Por otro, la diversidad de videojuegos educativos y el hecho de que los estándares actuales no están pensados para aprovechar al máximo las posibilidades adaptativas y de evaluación de contenidos altamente interactivos. Parece interesante introducir en el proceso de creación de videojuegos educativos a los profesionales de la enseñanza para que puedan potenciar su valor pedagógico. Las dificultades tecnológicas que supone adoptar un estándar o adaptar y evaluar videojuegos alejan a los docentes de su participación en dicho proceso. Este trabajo presenta una arquitectura multicapa que pretende afrontar los problemas derivados de la integración de videojuegos en el flujo educativo. [ABSTRACT] Nowadays the wide spread use of e-Learning in educational institutions and companies gives us an idea of the wide acceptance of the use of new technologies in education not only as a complementary tool for education (blended learning) but also as part of the main educational process. This is the reason why the contents and their supporting systems in e-Learning have been developed to enhance the educational experience. That is why different organizations have made several efforts to design standards that make the interoperability, the reuse and durable contents easier. We see inside e-Learning a clear tendency of using videogames as part of education. They seem to be a good tool to teach as they show certain characteristics that favours the transmission of contents such as motivational increase. Moreover as they show highly interactive contents they allow having more accurate evaluations of the students, as well as adapting the game flow taking into account specific patterns such as previous interactions with the student, initial knowledge, cultural and social factors… The use of videogames in learning environments also presents different obstacles. On the one hand there seems to be a broad diversity of standards with also a broad lack of acceptance of the same which implies an obstacle to determine which of them should be used to integrate the contents in educational servers. On the other hand we consider the variety of educational videogames and the fact that actual standards are not capable to take maximum advantage of the adaptative possibilities and the assessment of highly interactive contents. It seems interesting to take into consideration the opinion of people who are involved in education within the development of videogames in order to increase its pedagogical value.The technical difficulties that imply to adopt a standard, adapt and assess videogames seem to cast away teachers from this process. This work presents a mutilayer architecture that tackles issues that emerges from the integration of videogame in the process of education

    MindTheGapp™ Between standards and practice of mobile learning experience design

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    Models of e-learning systems architecture using AI components

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    The aim of the study is to present the current state of research on the models of e-learning systems architecture designed using Artificial Intelligence (AI) components. To achieve this goal, the literature of the subject selected from the databases: LISA, LISTA and ERIC and other internet sources were researched. The test results are presented in the following order: (1) Introduction. (2) Basic concepts. (3) Models of e-learning systems architecture. (4) Architecture of e-learning systems with AI elements. (5) Conclusions are presented at the end of the article

    Activity Tree Harvesting - Entdeckung, Analyse und Verwertung der Nutzungskontexte SCORM-konformer Lernobjekte

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    Der Erstellungsaufwand multimedialer Lernangebote kann durch die Wiederverwendung bestehender Materialien deutlich reduziert werden. Wie aber kann das Auffinden solcher wiederverwendbaren Lernressourcen unterstützt werden? Der Autor stellt ein Retrieval-Verfahren vor, das SCORM-basierte Informationen zu Lernobjekten und Kursstrukturen entdeckt, analysiert und verwertet. Auf Grundlage dieser Daten werden für Lehrende als auch Lernende hilfreiche Such- und Empfehlungsdienste angeboten

    Arquitectura para gestão de actividades em plataformas distribuídas de e-Learning

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    Doutoramento em Ciências e Tecnologia da ComunicaçãoO desenvolvimento de LMSs bem como dos conteúdos a serem utilizados nos cursos que os mesmos suportam, tem sido feito pelos produtores de software e de conteúdos, sem atender a quaisquer normas, fazendo com que não seja possível a compatibilização dos diferentes sistemas existentes. Preocupações de reuso e interoperabilidade estão na base de diversos projectos de normalização nesta área, levados a cabo por organizações e consórcios internacionais, envolvendo organismos governamentais, empresariais e académicos de todo o mundo. Até ao momento, os principais esforços têm sido canalizados para a questão da construção de unidades de aprendizagem (conteúdos) que possam ser reutilizáveis, estando em curso trabalhos relacionados com a normalização dos LMSs, por forma a que estes possam gerar, utilizar e trocar entre si, conteúdos com as mais diversas amplitudes, indo do simples texto até ao curso completo. Algumas das organizações e consórcios que mais se têm evidenciado neste tipo de trabalho incluem a ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning), o IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc., o AICC (Aviation Industry Computer Based Training Committee), e o IEEE LTSC (Institute of Electriical and Electronic Engineers Learning Technologies Standard Committee), entre outros. O projecto SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) da ADL é talvez aquele que neste momento melhor representa o esforço que tem sido feito no sentido da normalização referida. Contudo, até à data, nenhum dos projectos conhecidos se preocupou com questões de gestão operacional dos cursos, deixando por cobrir aspectos achados importantes para o aumento da probabilidade de sucesso dos processos de ensino/aprendizagem. A presente tese pretende descrever o trabalho de obtenção de um referencial para a camada de gestão on-line dos processos de e-learning suportados por LMSs. Tal camada é proposta de forma a poder integrar-se no todo que constiui uma plataforma de ensino/aprendizagem desenvolvida de acordo com as recomendações SCORM e, para além da proposta de uma camada de metadados de gestão, apresenta a forma como a referida integração poderá ser realizada.The development of the LMSs as well as the development of the contents to be used inside the courses that the LMSs support has been done without any standard guidelines. This fact addresses the problem of the existence of non compatible systems in the e-learning market. So, interoperability and reuse are the concerns of several organizations and consortia involving governmental and corporate members. Till now, the main efforts of those organizations and consortia are focused on the building and delivering of contents that could be reused. Simultaneously there are some works running towards a standardized process of LMSs development, so that it could be possible to create courses and generate, use and interchange contents among them. Those contents could have different levels of granularity, beginning on a simple text and ending in a complete course. Some of the most important organizations and consortia working in the area are ADL (Advanced Distributed Learning), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc, AICC (Aviation Industry Computer Based Training Committee, IEEE LTSC (Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers Learning Technologies Standard Committee) and others. The ADL SCORM (Sharable Content Object Reference Model) project is perhaps the one that, at this moment, better represents the efforts made in the standardization works referred. However, till today, there isn’t any known project covering the on-line management of activities execution during a course operationalization. We believe that such such management capabilities could allow better results in what concerns the success of the teaching/learning process. This thesis describes the work done towards a proposal of a referential for an on-line management layer to be integrated in the global architecture of a LMS. Doing this work, we had in mind the need of integration of the proposed new layer with the existent SCORM recommendations for the LMSs development. The integration process and the management metadata are also presented and described