45,673 research outputs found

    Automatic domain ontology extraction for context-sensitive opinion mining

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    Automated analysis of the sentiments presented in online consumer feedbacks can facilitate both organizations’ business strategy development and individual consumers’ comparison shopping. Nevertheless, existing opinion mining methods either adopt a context-free sentiment classification approach or rely on a large number of manually annotated training examples to perform context sensitive sentiment classification. Guided by the design science research methodology, we illustrate the design, development, and evaluation of a novel fuzzy domain ontology based contextsensitive opinion mining system. Our novel ontology extraction mechanism underpinned by a variant of Kullback-Leibler divergence can automatically acquire contextual sentiment knowledge across various product domains to improve the sentiment analysis processes. Evaluated based on a benchmark dataset and real consumer reviews collected from Amazon.com, our system shows remarkable performance improvement over the context-free baseline

    A Case-Based Approach to Cross Domain Sentiment Classification

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    This paper considers the task of sentiment classification of subjective text across many domains, in particular on scenarios where no in-domain data is available. Motivated by the more general applicability of such methods, we propose an extensible approach to sentiment classification that leverages sentiment lexicons and out-of-domain data to build a case-based system where solutions to past cases are reused to predict the sentiment of new documents from an unknown domain. In our approach the case representation uses a set of features based on document statistics, while the case solution stores sentiment lexicons employed on past predictions allowing for later retrieval and reuse on similar documents. The case-based nature of our approach also allows for future improvements since new lexicons and classification methods can be added to the case base as they become available. On a cross domain experiment our method has shown robust results when compared to a baseline single-lexicon classifier where the lexicon has to be pre-selected for the domain in question

    Cross-domain & In-domain Sentiment Analysis with Memory-based Deep Neural Networks

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    open4noCross-domain sentiment classifiers aim to predict the polarity, namely the sentiment orientation of target text documents, by reusing a knowledge model learned from a different source domain. Distinct domains are typically heterogeneous in language, so that transfer learning techniques are advisable to support knowledge transfer from source to target. Distributed word representations are able to capture hidden word relationships without supervision, even across domains. Deep neural networks with memory (MemDNN) have recently achieved the state-of-the-art performance in several NLP tasks, including cross-domain sentiment classifica- tion of large-scale data. The contribution of this work is the massive experimentations of novel outstanding MemDNN architectures, such as Gated Recurrent Unit (GRU) and Differentiable Neural Computer (DNC) both in cross-domain and in-domain sentiment classification by using the GloVe word embeddings. As far as we know, only GRU neural networks have been applied in cross-domain sentiment classification. Senti- ment classifiers based on these deep learning architectures are also assessed from the viewpoint of scalability and accuracy by gradually increasing the training set size, and showing also the effect of fine-tuning, an ex- plicit transfer learning mechanism, on cross-domain tasks. This work shows that MemDNN based classifiers improve the state-of-the-art on Amazon Reviews corpus with reference to document-level cross-domain sen- timent classification. On the same corpus, DNC outperforms previous approaches in the analysis of a very large in-domain configuration in both binary and fine-grained document sentiment classification. Finally, DNC achieves accuracy comparable with the state-of-the-art approaches on the Stanford Sentiment Treebank dataset in both binary and fine-grained single-sentence sentiment classification.openGianluca Moro, Andrea Pagliarani, Roberto Pasolini, Claudio SartoriGianluca Moro, Andrea Pagliarani, Roberto Pasolini, Claudio Sartor

    LCCT: a semisupervised model for sentiment classification

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    Conference Theme: Human Language TechnologiesAnalyzing public opinions towards products, services and social events is an important but challenging task. An accurate sentiment analyzer should take both lexicon-level information and corpus-level information into account. It also needs to exploit the domain-specific knowledge and utilize the common knowledge shared across domains. In addition, we want the algorithm being able to deal with missing labels and learning from incomplete sentiment lexicons. This paper presents a LCCT (Lexicon-based and Corpus-based, Co-Training) model for semi-supervised sentiment classification. The proposed method combines the idea of lexicon-based learning and corpus-based learning in a unified co-training framework. It is capable of incorporating both domain-specific and domain-independent knowledge. Extensive experiments show that it achieves very competitive classification accuracy, even with a small portion of labeled data. Comparing to state-of-the-art sentiment classification methods, the LCCT approach exhibits significantly better performances on a variety of datasets in both English and Chinese. © 2015 Association for Computational Linguisticspublished_or_final_versio

    Bootstrap domain-specific sentiment classifiers from unlabeled corpora

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    There is often the need to perform sentiment classification in a particular domain where no labeled document is available. Although we could make use of a general-purpose off-the-shelf sentiment classifier or a pre-built one for a different domain, the effectiveness would be inferior. In this paper, we explore the possibility of building domain-specific sentiment classifiers with unlabeled documents only. Our investigation indicates that in the word embeddings learned from the unlabeled corpus of a given domain, the distributed word representations (vectors) for opposite sentiments form distinct clusters, though those clusters are not transferable across domains. Exploiting such a clustering structure, we are able to utilize machine learning algorithms to induce a quality domain-specific sentiment lexicon from just a few typical sentiment words ("seeds"). An important finding is that simple linear model based supervised learning algorithms (such as linear SVM) can actually work better than more sophisticated semi-supervised/transductive learning algorithms which represent the state-of-the-art technique for sentiment lexicon induction. The induced lexicon could be applied directly in a lexicon-based method for sentiment classification, but a higher performance could be achieved through a two-phase bootstrapping method which uses the induced lexicon to assign positive/negative sentiment scores to unlabeled documents first, and then uses those documents found to have clear sentiment signals as pseudo-labeled examples to train a document sentiment classifier via supervised learning algorithms (such as LSTM). On several benchmark datasets for document sentiment classification, our end-to-end pipelined approach which is overall unsupervised (except for a tiny set of seed words) outperforms existing unsupervised approaches and achieves an accuracy comparable to that of fully supervised approaches

    SMILE : Twitter emotion classification using domain adaptation

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    Despite the widely spread research interest in social media sentiment analysis, sentiment and emotion classification across different domains and on Twitter data remains a challenging task. Here we set out to find an effective approach for tackling a cross-domain emotion classification task on a set of Twitter data involving social media discourse around arts and cultural experiences, in the context of museums. While most existing work in domain adaptation has focused on feature-based or/and instance-based adaptation methods, in this work we study a model-based adaptive SVM approach as we believe its flexibility and efficiency is more suitable for the task at hand. We conduct a series of experiments and compare our system with a set of baseline methods. Our results not only show a superior performance in terms of accuracy and computational efficiency compared to the baselines, but also shed light on how different ratios of labelled target-domain data used for adaptation can affect classification performance

    Improving out-of-domain sentiment polarity classification using argumentation

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    © 2015 IEEE.Domain dependence is an issue that most researchers in corpus-based computational linguistics have faced at one time or another. With this paper we describe a method to perform sentiment polarity classification across domains that utilises Argumentation. We train standard supervised classifiers on a corpus and then attempt to classify instances from a separate corpus, whose contents are concerned with different domains (e.g. sentences from film reviews vs. Tweets). As expected the classifiers perform poorly and we improve upon the use of a simple classifier for out-of-domain classification by taking class labels suggested by classifiers and arguing about their validity. Whenever we can find enough arguments suggesting a mistake has been made by the classifier we change the class label according to what the arguments tell us. By arguing about class labels we are able to improve F1 measures by as much as 14 points, with an average improvement of F1 = 7.33 across all experiments
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