97 research outputs found

    Basic tasks of sentiment analysis

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    Subjectivity detection is the task of identifying objective and subjective sentences. Objective sentences are those which do not exhibit any sentiment. So, it is desired for a sentiment analysis engine to find and separate the objective sentences for further analysis, e.g., polarity detection. In subjective sentences, opinions can often be expressed on one or multiple topics. Aspect extraction is a subtask of sentiment analysis that consists in identifying opinion targets in opinionated text, i.e., in detecting the specific aspects of a product or service the opinion holder is either praising or complaining about

    Deep learning with knowledge graphs for fine-grained emotion classification in text

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    This PhD thesis investigates two key challenges in the area of fine-grained emotion detection in textual data. More specifically, this work focuses on (i) the accurate classification of emotion in tweets and (ii) improving the learning of representations from knowledge graphs using graph convolutional neural networks.The first part of this work outlines the task of emotion keyword detection in tweets and introduces a new resource called the EEK dataset. Tweets have previously been categorised as short sequences or sentence-level sentiment analysis, and it could be argued that this should no longer be the case, especially since Twitter increased its allowed character limit. Recurrent Neural Networks have become a well-established method to classify tweets over recent years, but have struggled with accurately classifying longer sequences due to the vanishing and exploding gradient descent problem. A common technique to overcome this problem has been to prune tweets to a shorter sequence length. However, this also meant that often potentially important emotion carrying information, which is often found towards the end of a tweet, was lost (e.g., emojis and hashtags). As such, tweets mostly face also problems with classifying long sequences, similar to other natural language processing tasks. To overcome these challenges, a multi-scale hierarchical recurrent neural network is proposed and benchmarked against other existing methods. The proposed learning model outperforms existing methods on the same task by up to 10.52%. Another key component for the accurate classification of tweets has been the use of language models, where more recent techniques such as BERT and ELMO have achieved great success in a range of different tasks. However, in Sentiment Analysis, a key challenge has always been to use language models that do not only take advantage of the context a word is used in but also the sentiment it carries. Therefore the second part of this work looks at improving representation learning for emotion classification by introducing both linguistic and emotion knowledge to language models. A new linguistically inspired knowledge graph called RELATE is introduced. Then a new language model is trained on a Graph Convolutional Neural Network and compared against several other existing language models, where it is found that the proposed embedding representations achieve competitive results to other LMs, whilst requiring less pre-training time and data. Finally, it is investigated how the proposed methods can be applied to document-level classification tasks. More specifically, this work focuses on the accurate classification of suicide notes and analyses whether sentiment and linguistic features are important for accurate classification

    A hybrid dependency-based approach for Urdu sentiment analysis

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    In the digital age, social media has emerged as a significant platform, generating a vast amount of raw data daily. This data reflects the opinions of individuals from diverse backgrounds, races, cultures, and age groups, spanning a wide range of topics. Businesses can leverage this data to extract valuable insights, improve their services, and effectively reach a broader audience based on users’ expressed opinions on social media platforms. To harness the potential of this extensive and unstructured data, a deep understanding of Natural Language Processing (NLP) is crucial. Existing approaches for sentiment analysis (SA) often rely on word co-occurrence frequencies, which prove inefficient in practical scenarios. Identifying this research gap, this paper presents a framework for concept-level sentiment analysis, aiming to enhance the accuracy of sentiment analysis (SA). A comprehensive Urdu language dataset was constructed by collecting data from YouTube, consisting of various talks and reviews on topics such as movies, politics, and commercial products. The dataset was further enriched by incorporating language rules and Deep Neural Networks (DNN) to optimize polarity detection. For sentiment analysis, the proposed framework employs predefined rules to trigger sentiment flow from words to concepts, leveraging the dependency relations among different words in a sentence based on Urdu language grammatical rules. In cases where predefined patterns are not triggered, the framework seamlessly switches to its sub-symbolic counterpart, passing the data to the DNN for sentence classification. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed framework surpasses state-of-the-art approaches, including LSTM, CNN, SVM, LR, and MLP, achieving an improvement of 6–7% on Urdu dataset. In conclusion, this research paper introduces a novel framework for concept-level sentiment analysis of Urdu language data sourced from social media platforms. By combining language rules and DNN, the proposed framework demonstrates superior performance compared to existing methodologies, showcasing its effectiveness in accurately analyzing sentiment in Urdu text data

    BiSyn-GAT+: Bi-Syntax Aware Graph Attention Network for Aspect-based Sentiment Analysis

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    Aspect-based sentiment analysis (ABSA) is a fine-grained sentiment analysis task that aims to align aspects and corresponding sentiments for aspect-specific sentiment polarity inference. It is challenging because a sentence may contain multiple aspects or complicated (e.g., conditional, coordinating, or adversative) relations. Recently, exploiting dependency syntax information with graph neural networks has been the most popular trend. Despite its success, methods that heavily rely on the dependency tree pose challenges in accurately modeling the alignment of the aspects and their words indicative of sentiment, since the dependency tree may provide noisy signals of unrelated associations (e.g., the "conj" relation between "great" and "dreadful" in Figure 2). In this paper, to alleviate this problem, we propose a Bi-Syntax aware Graph Attention Network (BiSyn-GAT+). Specifically, BiSyn-GAT+ fully exploits the syntax information (e.g., phrase segmentation and hierarchical structure) of the constituent tree of a sentence to model the sentiment-aware context of every single aspect (called intra-context) and the sentiment relations across aspects (called inter-context) for learning. Experiments on four benchmark datasets demonstrate that BiSyn-GAT+ outperforms the state-of-the-art methods consistently

    Interpretable Architectures and Algorithms for Natural Language Processing

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    Paper V is excluded from the dissertation with respect to copyright.This thesis has two parts: Firstly, we introduce the human level-interpretable models using Tsetlin Machine (TM) for NLP tasks. Secondly, we present an interpretable model using DNNs. The first part combines several architectures of various NLP tasks using TM along with its robustness. We use this model to propose logic-based text classification. We start with basic Word Sense Disambiguation (WSD), where we employ TM to design novel interpretation techniques using the frequency of words in the clause. We then tackle a new problem in NLP, i.e., aspect-based text classification using a novel feature engineering for TM. Since TM operates on Boolean features, it relies on Bag-of-Words (BOW), making it difficult to use pre-trained word embedding like Glove, word2vec, and fasttext. Hence, we designed a Glove embedded TM to significantly enhance the model’s performance. In addition to this, NLP models are sensitive to distribution bias because of spurious correlations. Hence we employ TM to design a robust text classification against spurious correlations. The second part of the thesis consists interpretable model using DNN where we design a simple solution for complex position dependent NLP task. Since TM’s interpretability comes with the cost of performance, we propose an DNN-based architecture using a masking scheme on LSTM/GRU based models that ease the interpretation for humans using the attention mechanism. At last, we take the advantages of both models and design an ensemble model by integrating TM’s interpretable information into DNN for better visualization of attention weights. Our proposed model can be efficiently integrated to have a fully explainable model for NLP that assists trustable AI. Overall, our model shows excellent results and interpretation in several open-sourced NLP datasets. Thus, we believe that by combining the novel interpretation of TM, the masking technique in the neural network, and the integrated ensemble model, we can build a simple yet effective platform for explainable NLP applications wherever necessary.publishedVersio

    Deep Learning With Sentiment Inference For Discourse-Oriented Opinion Analysis

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    Opinions are omnipresent in written and spoken text ranging from editorials, reviews, blogs, guides, and informal conversations to written and broadcast news. However, past research in NLP has mainly addressed explicit opinion expressions, ignoring implicit opinions. As a result, research in opinion analysis has plateaued at a somewhat superficial level, providing methods that only recognize what is explicitly said and do not understand what is implied. In this dissertation, we develop machine learning models for two tasks that presumably support propagation of sentiment in discourse, beyond one sentence. The first task we address is opinion role labeling, i.e.\ the task of detecting who expressed a given attitude toward what or who. The second task is abstract anaphora resolution, i.e.\ the task of finding a (typically) non-nominal antecedent of pronouns and noun phrases that refer to abstract objects like facts, events, actions, or situations in the preceding discourse. We propose a neural model for labeling of opinion holders and targets and circumvent the problems that arise from the limited labeled data. In particular, we extend the baseline model with different multi-task learning frameworks. We obtain clear performance improvements using semantic role labeling as the auxiliary task. We conduct a thorough analysis to demonstrate how multi-task learning helps, what has been solved for the task, and what is next. We show that future developments should improve the ability of the models to capture long-range dependencies and consider other auxiliary tasks such as dependency parsing or recognizing textual entailment. We emphasize that future improvements can be measured more reliably if opinion expressions with missing roles are curated and if the evaluation considers all mentions in opinion role coreference chains as well as discontinuous roles. To the best of our knowledge, we propose the first abstract anaphora resolution model that handles the unrestricted phenomenon in a realistic setting. We cast abstract anaphora resolution as the task of learning attributes of the relation that holds between the sentence with the abstract anaphor and its antecedent. We propose a Mention-Ranking siamese-LSTM model (MR-LSTM) for learning what characterizes the mentioned relation in a data-driven fashion. The current resources for abstract anaphora resolution are quite limited. However, we can train our models without conventional data for abstract anaphora resolution. In particular, we can train our models on many instances of antecedent-anaphoric sentence pairs. Such pairs can be automatically extracted from parsed corpora by searching for a common construction which consists of a verb with an embedded sentence (complement or adverbial), applying a simple transformation that replaces the embedded sentence with an abstract anaphor, and using the cut-off embedded sentence as the antecedent. We refer to the extracted data as silver data. We evaluate our MR-LSTM models in a realistic task setup in which models need to rank embedded sentences and verb phrases from the sentence with the anaphor as well as a few preceding sentences. We report the first benchmark results on an abstract anaphora subset of the ARRAU corpus \citep{uryupina_et_al_2016} which presents a greater challenge due to a mixture of nominal and pronominal anaphors as well as a greater range of confounders. We also use two additional evaluation datasets: a subset of the CoNLL-12 shared task dataset \citep{pradhan_et_al_2012} and a subset of the ASN corpus \citep{kolhatkar_et_al_2013_crowdsourcing}. We show that our MR-LSTM models outperform the baselines in all evaluation datasets, except for events in the CoNLL-12 dataset. We conclude that training on the small-scale gold data works well if we encounter the same type of anaphors at the evaluation time. However, the gold training data contains only six shell nouns and events and thus resolution of anaphors in the ARRAU corpus that covers a variety of anaphor types benefits from the silver data. Our MR-LSTM models for resolution of abstract anaphors outperform the prior work for shell noun resolution \citep{kolhatkar_et_al_2013} in their restricted task setup. Finally, we try to get the best out of the gold and silver training data by mixing them. Moreover, we speculate that we could improve the training on a mixture if we: (i) handle artifacts in the silver data with adversarial training and (ii) use multi-task learning to enable our models to make ranking decisions dependent on the type of anaphor. These proposals give us mixed results and hence a robust mixed training strategy remains a challenge

    Multimodal sentiment analysis in real-life videos

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    This thesis extends the emerging field of multimodal sentiment analysis of real-life videos, taking two components into consideration: the emotion and the emotion's target. The emotion component of media is traditionally represented as a segment-based intensity model of emotion classes. This representation is replaced here by a value- and time-continuous view. Adjacent research fields, such as affective computing, have largely neglected the linguistic information available from automatic transcripts of audio-video material. As is demonstrated here, this text modality is well-suited for time- and value-continuous prediction. Moreover, source-specific problems, such as trustworthiness, have been largely unexplored so far. This work examines perceived trustworthiness of the source, and its quantification, in user-generated video data and presents a possible modelling path. Furthermore, the transfer between the continuous and discrete emotion representations is explored in order to summarise the emotional context at a segment level. The other component deals with the target of the emotion, for example, the topic the speaker is addressing. Emotion targets in a video dataset can, as is shown here, be coherently extracted based on automatic transcripts without limiting a priori parameters, such as the expected number of targets. Furthermore, alternatives to purely linguistic investigation in predicting targets, such as knowledge-bases and multimodal systems, are investigated. A new dataset is designed for this investigation, and, in conjunction with proposed novel deep neural networks, extensive experiments are conducted to explore the components described above. The developed systems show robust prediction results and demonstrate strengths of the respective modalities, feature sets, and modelling techniques. Finally, foundations are laid for cross-modal information prediction systems with applications to the correction of corrupted in-the-wild signals from real-life videos

    Compositional language processing for multilingual sentiment analysis

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Computación. 5009V01[Abstract] This dissertation presents new approaches in the field of sentiment analysis and polarity classification, oriented towards obtaining the sentiment of a phrase, sentence or document from a natural language processing point of view. It makes a special emphasis on methods to handle semantic composionality, i. e. the ability to compound the sentiment of multiword phrases, where the global sentiment might be different or even opposite to the one coming from each of their their individual components; and the application of these methods to multilingual scenarios. On the one hand, we introduce knowledge-based approaches to calculate the semantic orientation at the sentence level, that can handle different phenomena for the purpose at hand (e. g. negation, intensification or adversative subordinate clauses). On the other hand, we describe how to build machine learning models to perform polarity classification from a different perspective, combining linguistic (lexical, syntactic and semantic) knowledge, with an emphasis in noisy and micro-texts. Experiments on standard corpora and international evaluation campaigns show the competitiveness of the methods here proposed, in monolingual, multilingual and code-switching scenarios. The contributions presented in the thesis have potential applications in the era of the Web 2.0 and social media, such as being able to determine what is the view of society about products, celebrities or events, identify their strengths and weaknesses or monitor how these opinions evolve over time. We also show how some of the proposed models can be useful for other data analysis tasks.[Resumen] Esta tesis presenta nuevas técnicas en el ámbito del análisis del sentimiento y la clasificación de polaridad, centradas en obtener el sentimiento de una frase, oración o documento siguiendo enfoques basados en procesamiento del lenguaje natural. En concreto, nos centramos en desarrollar métodos capaces de manejar la semántica composicional, es decir, con la capacidad de componer el sentimiento de oraciones donde la polaridad global puede ser distinta, o incluso opuesta, de la que se obtendría individualmente para cada uno de sus términos; y cómo dichos métodos pueden ser aplicados en entornos multilingües. En la primera parte de este trabajo, introducimos aproximaciones basadas en conocimiento para calcular la orientación semántica a nivel de oración, teniendo en cuenta construcciones lingüísticas relevantes en el ámbito que nos ocupa (por ejemplo, la negación, intensificación, o las oraciones subordinadas adversativas). En la segunda parte, describimos cómo construir clasificadores de polaridad basados en aprendizaje automático que combinan información léxica, sintáctica y semántica; centrándonos en su aplicación sobre textos cortos y de pobre calidad gramatical. Los experimentos realizados sobre colecciones estándar y competiciones de evaluación internacionales muestran la efectividad de los métodos aquí propuestos en entornos monolingües, multilingües y de code-switching. Las contribuciones presentadas en esta tesis tienen diversas aplicaciones en la era de la Web 2.0 y las redes sociales, como determinar la opinión que la sociedad tiene sobre un producto, celebridad o evento; identificar sus puntos fuertes y débiles o monitorizar cómo estas opiniones evolucionan a lo largo del tiempo. Por último, también mostramos cómo algunos de los modelos propuestos pueden ser útiles para otras tareas de análisis de datos.[Resumo] Esta tese presenta novas técnicas no ámbito da análise do sentimento e da clasificación da polaridade, orientadas a obter o sentimento dunha frase, oración ou documento seguindo aproximacións baseadas no procesamento da linguaxe natural. En particular, centrámosnos en métodos capaces de manexar a semántica composicional: métodos coa habilidade para compor o sentimento de oracións onde o sentimento global pode ser distinto, ou incluso oposto, do que se obtería individualmente para cada un dos seus términos; e como ditos métodos poden ser aplicados en entornos multilingües. Na primeira parte da tese, introducimos aproximacións baseadas en coñecemento; para calcular a orientación semántica a nivel de oración, tendo en conta construccións lingüísticas importantes no ámbito que nos ocupa (por exemplo, a negación, a intensificación ou as oracións subordinadas adversativas). Na segunda parte, describimos como podemos construir clasificadores de polaridade baseados en aprendizaxe automática e que combinan información léxica, sintáctica e semántica, centrándonos en textos curtos e de pobre calidade gramatical. Os experimentos levados a cabo sobre coleccións estándar e competicións de avaliación internacionais mostran a efectividade dos métodos aquí propostos, en entornos monolingües, multilingües e de code-switching. As contribucións presentadas nesta tese teñen diversas aplicacións na era da Web 2.0 e das redes sociais, como determinar a opinión que a sociedade ten sobre un produto, celebridade ou evento; identificar os seus puntos fortes e febles ou monitorizar como esas opinións evolucionan o largo do tempo. Como punto final, tamén amosamos como algúns dos modelos aquí propostos poden ser útiles para outras tarefas de análise de datos
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