2,271 research outputs found

    Autonomous Capabilities for Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Conducting Radiological Response: Findings from a High-fidelity Discovery Experiment

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    This article presents a preliminary work domain theory and identifies autonomous vehicle, navigational, and mission capabilities and challenges for small unmanned aerial systems (SUASs) responding to a radiological disaster. Radiological events are representative of applications that involve flying at low altitudes and close proximities to structures. To more formally understand the guidance and control demands, the environment in which the SUAS has to function, and the expected missions, tasks, and strategies to respond to an incident, a discovery experiment was performed in 2013. The experiment placed a radiological source emitting at 10 times background radiation in the simulated collapse of a multistory hospital. Two SUASs, an AirRobot 100B and a Leptron Avenger, were inserted with subject matter experts into the response, providing high operational fidelity. The SUASs were expected by the responders to fly at altitudes between 0.3 and 30 m, and hover at 1.5 m from urban structures. The proximity to a building introduced a decrease in GPS satellite coverage, challenging existing vehicle autonomy. Five new navigational capabilities were identified: scan, obstacle avoidance, contour following, environment-aware return to home, andreturn to highest reading. Furthermore, the data-to-decision process could be improved with autonomous data digestion and visualization capabilities. This article is expected to contribute to a better understanding of autonomy in a SUAS, serve as a requirement document for advanced autonomy, and illustrate how discovery experimentation serves as a design tool for autonomous vehicles

    Intelligent Agents for Disaster Management

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    ALADDIN [1] is a multi-disciplinary project that is developing novel techniques, architectures, and mechanisms for multi-agent systems in uncertain and dynamic environments. The application focus of the project is disaster management. Research within a number of themes is being pursued and this is considering different aspects of the interaction between autonomous agents and the decentralised system architectures that support those interactions. The aim of the research is to contribute to building more robust multi-agent systems for future applications in disaster management and other similar domains

    Towards safer mining: the role of modelling software to find missing persons after a mine collapse

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    Purpose. The purpose of the study is to apply science and technology to determine the most likely location of a container in which three miners were trapped after the Lily mine disaster. Following the collapse of the Crown Pillar at Lily Mine in South Africa on the 5th of February 2016, there was a national outcry to find the three miners who were trapped in a surface container lamp room that disappeared in the sinkhole that formed during the surface col-lapse. Methods. At a visit to Lily Mine on the 9th of March, the Witwatersrand Mining Institute suggested a two-way strategy going forward to find the container in which the miners are trapped and buried. The first approach, which is the subject of this paper, is to test temporal 3D modeling software technology to locate the container, and second, to use scientific measurement and testing technologies. The overall methodology used was to first, request academia and research entities within the University to supply the WMI with ideas, which ideas list was compiled as responses came in. These were scrutinized and literature gathered for a conceptual study on which these ideas are likely to work. The software screening and preliminary testing of such software are discussed in this article. Findings. The findings are that software modeling is likely to locate the present position of the container, but accurate data and a combination of different advanced software packages will be required, but at tremendous cost. Originality. This paper presents original work on how software technology can be used to locate missing miners. Practical implications. The two approaches were not likely to recover the miners alive because of the considerable time interval, but will alert the rescue team and mine workers when they come in close proximity to them.Мета. Визначення можливого місця локалізації лампового приміщення контейнера, в якому опинилися три шахтаря після аварії на шахті Лілі (Барбертон, Мпумаланга) методом комп’ютерного моделювання. Після обвалення стельового цілика на шахті Лілі 5 лютого 2016 року почалася національна кампанія з порятунку трьох шахтарів, які залишилися у ламповому приміщенні поверхневого транспортного контейнера, що провалився в утворену після вибуху воронку. Методика. Співробітниками Гірничого Інституту (Уітуотерс) запропонована двостадійна стратегія пошуку контейнера, в якому існує ймовірність знаходження шахтарів. В рамках першого підходу (який розглядається у даній статті) для виявлення контейнера здійснювалось випробування комп’ютерної технології 3D-моделювання в часі. Другий підхід передбачав технологію проведення наукового вимірювання та експерименту. В цілому, методологія включала, насамперед, підключення викладацького та наукового складу університету до вирішення проблеми шляхом комплексної генерації ідей, які були об’єднані в загальний список, вивчені із залученням відповідних літературних джерел, і найбільш реалістичні ідеї були виділені із загального переліку. Дана стаття розглядає результати комп’ютерної експертизи цих ідей та перевірки надійності відповідного програмного забезпечення. Результати. Для зручності моделювання процес обвалення був розділений на три окремі фази: руйнування воронки, руйнування західного схилу та небезпека ковзання на південних схилах. Ідентифіковано програмні технології, які можуть імітувати рух контейнера у перших двох фазах обвалення. В результаті моделювання у програмному забезпеченні ParaView виявлено місце розташування даного контейнера. Виконано аналіз південного схилу за допомогою ArcGIS і складені карти небезпеки схилу для району, а також підземні карти порятунку з маршрутами евакуації. Встановлено, що комп’ютерне моделювання може визначити місцезнаходження контейнера, але для цього потрібні точні вихідні дані й комплекс дорогих високоефективних програмних пакетів. Наукова новизна. Вперше застосовано комплекс комп’ютерних технологій та програмного забезпечення для пошуку зниклих шахтарів після аварійних ситуацій у підземному просторі шахт. Практична значимість. При застосуванні двостадійної стратегії пошуку шахтарів, що опинилися під завалом порід, команда рятувальників отримає сигнал про наближення до їх місцезнаходження.Цель. Определение возможного места локализации лампового помещения контейнера, в котором оказались три шахтера после аварии на шахте Лили (Барбертон, Мпумаланга) методом компьютерного моделирования. После обрушения потолочного целика на шахте Лили 5 февраля 2016 года началась национальная кампания по спасению трех шахтеров, оставшихся в ламповом помещении поверхностного транспортного контейнера, который провалился в воронку, образовавшуюся после взрыва. Методика. Сотрудниками Горного Института (Уитуотерс) предложена двухстадийная стратегия поиска контейнера, в котором существует вероятность нахождения шахтеров. В рамках первого подхода (который рассматривается в данной статье) для обнаружения контейнера производилось испытание компьютерной технологии 3D-моделирования во времени. Второй подход предполагал технологию проведения научного измерения и эксперимента. В целом, методология включала, прежде всего, подключение преподавательского и научного состава университета к решению проблемы путем комплексной генерации идей, которые были объединены в общий список, изучены с привлечением соответствующих литературных источников, и наиболее реалистичные идеи были выделены из общего списка. Настоящая статья рассматривает результаты компьютерной экспертизы данных идей и проверки надежности соответствующего программного обеспечения. Результаты. Для удобства моделирования процесс обрушения был разделен на три отдельные фазы: разрушение воронки, разрушение западного склона и опасность скольжения на южных склонах. Идентифицированы программные технологии, которые могут имитировать движение контейнера в первых двух фазах обрушения. В результате моделирования в программном обеспечении ParaView выявлено местоположение данного контейнера. Выполнен анализа южного склона с помощью ArcGIS и составлены карты опасности склона для района, а также подземные карты спасения с маршрутами эвакуации. Установлено, что компьютерное моделирование может определить местонахождение контейнера, но для этого нужны точные исходные данные и комплекс дорогостоящих высокоэффективных программных пакетов. Научная новизна. Впервые применен комплекс компьютерных технологий и программного обеспечения для поиска пропавших шахтеров после аварийных ситуаций в подземном пространстве шахт. Практическая значимость. При применении двухстадийной стратегии поиска шахтеров, оказавшихся под завалом пород, команда горноспасателей получит сигнал о приближении к их местонахождению.The results of the article were obtained without the support of any of the projects or funding

    Methods for autonomous wristband placement with a search-and-rescue aerial manipulator

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    A new robotic system for Search And Rescue (SAR) operations based on the automatic wristband placement on the victims’ arm, which may provide identification, beaconing and remote sensor readings for continuous health monitoring. This paper focuses on the development of the automatic target localization and the device placement using an unmanned aerial manipulator. The automatic wrist detection and localization system uses an RGB-D camera and a convolutional neural network based on the region faster method (Faster R-CNN). A lightweight parallel delta manipulator with a large workspace has been built, and a new design of a wristband in the form of a passive detachable gripper, is presented, which under contact, automatically attaches to the human, while disengages from the manipulator. A new trajectory planning method has been used to minimize the torques caused by the external forces during contact, which cause attitude perturbations. Experiments have been done to evaluate the machine learning method for detection and location, and for the assessment of the performance of the trajectory planning method. The results show how the VGG-16 neural network provides a detection accuracy of 67.99%. Moreover, simulation experiments have been done to show that the new trajectories minimize the perturbations to the aerial platform.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Mine Rescue Team Unmanned Rescue Craft (MRTURC) Design Development

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    The project initiated when a meeting was held between our Mine Rescue Team Unmanned Rescue Craft (MRTURC) team and Colorado School of Mine’s Rescue team, in July 2015, stating the requirement for design ideas for an unmanned craft capable of search and rescue reconnaissance into hazardous mines and collapsed buildings. The constraints that were discussed were as follows: Limited Budget, Size Constraint (2ft X 2ft X 2ft) and the availability of only a single radio frequency in those areas, corresponding to 2.4 GHz. The features that were required by the team was: ability to self-stabilize, an infrared sensor for distance measurements, around 45 mins of operation on a single battery charge, ease of control of craft for the operator, ability to operate in severe environment condition of -20oC to 50oC, durability and easy availability of spare child parts if broken during operation. Thus the project started with keeping in mind the above requirement of an unmanned craft for search and rescue of trapped people in collapsed mines and buildings. Computer design soft-wares like Solid-works were used for the design and analysis of the same

    Applying the lessons of the attack on the World Trade Center, 11th September 2001, to the design and use of interactive evacuation simulations

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    The collapse of buildings, such as terminal 2E at Paris' Charles de Gaule Airport, and of fires, such as the Rhode Island, Station Night Club tragedy, has focused public attention on the safety of large public buildings. Initiatives in the United States and in Europe have led to the development of interactive simulators that model evacuation from these buildings. The tools avoid some of the ethical and legal problems from simulating evacuations; many people were injured during the 1993 evacuation of the World Trade Center (WTC) complex. They also use many concepts that originate within the CHI communities. For instance, some simulators use simple task models to represent the occupants' goal structures as they search for an available exit. However, the recent release of the report from the National Commission on Terrorist Attacks upon the United States (the '9/11 commission') has posed serious questions about the design and use of this particular class of interactive systems. This paper argues that simulation research needs to draw on insights from the CHI communities in order to meet some the challenges identified by the 9/11 commission

    Lessons from the evacuation of the World Trade Center, Sept 11th 2001 for the future development of computer simulations

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    This paper provides an overview of the state of the art in evacuation simulations. These interactive computer based tools have been developed to help the owners and designers of large public buildings to assess the risks that occupants might face during emergency egress. The development of the Glasgow Evacuation Simulator is used to illustrate the existing generation of tools. This system uses Monte Carlo techniques to control individual and group movements during an evacuation. The end-user can interactively open and block emergency exits at any point. It is also possible to alter the priorities that individuals associate with particular exit routes. A final benefit is that the tool can derive evacuation simulations directly from existing architects models; this reduces the cost of simulations and creates a more prominent role for these tools in the iterative development of large-scale public buildings. Empirical studies have been used to validate the GES system as a tool to support evacuation training. The development of these tools has been informed by numerous human factors studies and by recent accident investigations. For example, the 2003 fire in the Station nightclub in Rhode Island illustrated the way in which most building occupants retrace their steps to an entrance even when there are alternate fire exits. The second half of this paper uses this introduction to criticise the existing state of the art in evacuation simulations. These criticisms are based on a detailed study of the recent findings from the 9/11 Commission (2004). Ten different lessons are identified. Some relate to the need to better understand the role of building management and security systems in controlling egress from public buildings. Others relate to the human factors involved in coordinating distributed groups of emergency personnel who may be physically exhausted by the demands of an evacuation. Arguably the most important findings centre on the need to model the ingress and egress of emergency personnel from these structures. The previous focus of nearly all-existing simulation tools has been on the evacuation of building occupants rather than on the safety of first responders1

    Rescuing system design

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    There are many different technologies and equipment to search for objects underground today including mine ore, water, mineral or oil, but almost none of those technologies and equipment are applied to searching for people. This research will help to define what kinds of detecting methods exist, and what kind of technologies could be possibly applied for detecting human beings underground. ... The primary goal is to develop a new system for rescuing people under special circumstances such as building collapses, earthquakes, and being trapped underground (e.g., mine shaft collapses). There are many different technologies that could be applied to these situations. However, many of these technologies and devices are not appropriate for these sensitive circumstances. The most important process through this thesis is to find the best and most accurate technologies for detecting and locating victims underground, and to define the most efficient system to save as many lives as possible. This thesis proposes and suggests the best way to rescue trapped people underground. It will solve the problems we have faced for a long time, and help rescuers to protect victims\u27 lives as well as their own

    Chapter Unmanned Aerial Systems

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    Unmanned aerial platforms are a means to gather efficiently valuable aerial information to support the crisis manager for further tactical planning and deployment. They can provide continuous support to the coordinators and operators by scanning blocked sectors or establish an communication network. This chapter describes how aerial platforms were tailored to search and rescue (SAR) requirements, including the localisation and tracking of victims. In order to meet the end user demands, complementary platforms are proposed. A small long‐endurance solar aeroplane is used to provide the largest and fastest area coverage at the highest view, and therefore enabling the mapping functionality and potential detection of victims with operation times span up to a day. Complementary to the aeroplane, two rotary‐wing systems were deployed. A large coaxial‐quadrotor was used for outdoor delivery task and detailed close range inspection. Its ability to fly close to the terrain enables a thorough search for victims in a well‐defined sector. A smaller multicopter was used for inspection of the indoor environment. It is able for victim detection in collapsed buildings. Thus, autonomous functionality for precise localisation and positioning was developed to decrease the operator workload