67 research outputs found

    Contributions to aerostructures morphing with piezoelectric actuators

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    Since the first models developed in the late 19th century, the applications of piezoelectric materials have been progressively growing in number. The capacity of these materials to couple electric and mechanic fields makes them perfect candidates in the study of geometrical morphing. Their application in aeronautical products has been traditionally seen from two different perspectives: their use as sensors and as actuators. Both functions present potential benefits and improvements with promising applications. While the investigations in the past years focused mainly in the analysis and integration of piezoelectric materials in structures as means of implementing what is known as structural health monitoring systems, the application of this type of materials as actuators in the geometrical control of structures also awakes interest in the scientific community. In its present state of development, the technology for morphing of structures using piezoelectric actuators is not yet advanced enough as to integrate such systems in commercial products. However, the field is in continuous development and the evolution of the materials and the integration solutions bring the technology closer to industrial application. This thesis aims at studying the feasibility of application of piezoelectric-actuated morphing aeronautical structures in current aircraft concepts. The analysis is performed at theoretical and experimental levels analyzing the static and dynamic performance of currently available actuators and motion amplification technologies. The research presented in this thesis is directed in two different applications of utilization of the actuators: as static actuators producing deformation of the aerodynamic surface and as dynamic actuators controlling a classic aerodynamic control surface. In each of the applications a different type of piezoelectric actuator architecture has been used: a piezoelectric patch has been selected for static morphing applications and a piezoelectric stack-based actuation system for the dynamic control of the conventional control surface. The static experiments performed aimed at demonstrating the suitability of piezoelectric actuators as morphing devices. This analysis was performed analyzing the deflections produced in the trailing edge of an aerodynamic profile. The analysis of the obtained experimental results showed promising results as the actuating configurations managed to perform as designed. The static experiments showed substantial deformation of the trailing edge of the wing profile making this configuration mature enough for further experimentation such as wind tunnel testing. The deflections produced were, however, not significant enough for the direct application of the solution into larger scale configurations. Scalability of the technological solutions remains one of the major challenges of the technology in the morphing applications. The dynamic results showed good performance of the actuators in an anti-flutter demonstrator application during wind tunnel testing. The experiments showed that the system remained stable well passed the flutter velocity; this allows for further experimentation in structures presenting higher flutter speeds. With the development of the next generation of advanced piezoelectric ceramics, with piezoelectric coefficients twice as large in comparison to PZT-based ceramics, the application of the deforming structure concept is very promising for application in larger demonstrators in both static and dynamic applications. The next generation of piezoelectric materials presents itself as a first step into a solution to the scalability of the technology for application into full-scale demonstrators.Des dels primers models desenvolupats durant el segle XIX, les aplicacions per a materials piezoelèctrics han anat creixent progressivament. La relació que presenten aquests materials entre el comportament mecànic i el comportament elèctric els converteix en candidats ideals en l'estudi d'estructures deformables. L'aplicació de piezoelèctrics en aeronàutica es concep tradicionalment des de dues perspectives: com a sensors o com a actuadors. Ambdues presenten potencials beneficis i aplicacions. Tot i que en els últims anys la recerca s'ha concentrat en l'estudi d'integració dels materials en sistemes que permeten controlar la salut de l'estructura (Structural Health Monitoring), l'aplicació de piezoelèctrics com a actuadors d'estructures deformables desperta l'interès de la comunitat científica. En l'estadi actual, la tecnologia necessària per deformar estructures de forma controlada utilitzant materials piezoelèctrics no està suficientment desenvolupada. No obstant, la recerca en aquest camp està en continu desenvolupament i s'apropa a solucions que permetran integrar-la en aplicacions industrials. L'objectiu de la tesi és estudiar la possibilitat d'utilitzar deformacions produïdes mitjançant actuadors piezoelèctrics en estructures aeronàutiques actuals. L'anàlisi està orientat des de punts de vista teòric i experimental i es centra en el comportament estàtic i dinàmic de solucions tecnològiques amb actuadors i tecnologies d'amplificació disponibles comercialment. La recerca que es presenta en la tesi estudia dues aplicacions diferents en l'ús d'aquest tipus d'actuadors: com a actuadors en regim estàtic, produint deformacions de la superfície aerodinàmica, i com a actuadors dinàmics, que controlin una superfície de control convencional. L'arquitectura de la solució tecnològica emprada ha estat diferent en cada aplicació: en la deformació estàtica de la superfície aerodinàmica l'actuador és de tipus "patch" mentre que en el cas dinàmic és de tipus "stack". Els experiments estàtics desenvolupats tenen com a objectiu demostrar la capacitat dels piezoelèctrics com a elements que produeixin deformacions en l'estructura (morphing). Aquest objectiu es demostra analitzant les deflexions produïdes en el caire de fuga d'un perfil aerodinàmic. Els resultats experimentals obtinguts són optimistes ja que les diferents configuracions d'actuadors es comporten tal i com prediuen els models. En règim estàtic, les deformacions produïdes en el caire de fuga son substancials. Això permet assegurar que la configuració utilitzada en els experiments és prou madura com per seguir investigant, per exemple, en túnel de vent. Malgrat això, les deformacions produïdes encara no són suficientment significatives com per integrar l'experiment en un model més gran. L'escalabilitat és un dels reptes més importants que presenta la tecnologia en aplicacions de "morphing". Els resultats dinàmics demostren una bona actuació de l'actuador integrat en un sistema anti-flameig en els experiments en túnel de vent. Els experiments demostren la capacitat del sistema de mantenir-se estable a velocitats mes enllà de l'aparició del flameig. El següent pas en aquesta línia de recerca es l'investigació en models més complexos en quant a aparició de flameig. Amb el desenvolupament d'una nova generació de materials piezoelèctrics ceràmics avançats, que promet coeficients piezoelectrics el doble d'alts en comparació amb els materials basats en PZT disponibles actualment, l'arquitectura experimentada en règim estàtic és un molt bon candidat en aplicacions a escala més gran. Aquesta propera generació de materials es presenta com un primer pas en solucionar els problemes d'escalabilitat que presenta la tecnologia actualment

    Double smart energy harvesting system for self-powered industrial IoT

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    312 p. 335 p. (confidencial)Future factories would be based on the Industry 4.0 paradigm. IndustrialInternet of Things (IIoT) represent a part of the solution in this field. Asautonomous systems, powering challenges could be solved using energy harvestingtechnology. The present thesis work combines two alternatives of energy input andmanagement on a single architecture. A mini-reactor and an indoor photovoltaiccell as energy harvesters and a double power manager with AC/DC and DC/DCconverters controlled by a low power single controller. Furthermore, theaforementioned energy management is improved with artificial intelligencetechniques, which allows a smart and optimal energy management. Besides, theharvested energy is going to be stored in a low power supercapacitor. The workconcludes with the integration of these solutions making IIoT self-powered devices.IK4 Teknike

    Selected problems of materials science

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    The stamp was provided by the Methodical Council Igor Sikorsky KPI (protocol № 8 from 24.06.2021) at the request of the Academic Council of the Institute of Physics and Technology (protocol № 12 of 14.06.2021)The textbook discusses the physical foundations and practical application of functional dielectrics and simiconductors. Theories, experimental data and also specifications of basic materials, necessary for practical application, are considered. The results of modern research in the field of microelectronics and nanophysics are taken into account, with a special attention paid to the influence of the internal structure on the physical properties of materials and prospects for their use. The textbook is based on the authors' many years of experience in teaching physical materials science, intended for the students of higher educational institutions with specializations in the fields of "Applied Physics" and "Microelectronics". The book can also be used by the graduate students, engineers and researchers specializing in materials science.У навчальному посібнику розглядаються фізичні основи та практичне застосування функціональних діелектриків та напівпровідників. Розглянуто теорії, наведені експериментальні дані, а також специфікації основних матеріалів, що необхідні для практичного застосування. Беруться до уваги результати сучасних досліджень у галузі мікроелектроніки та нанофізики, при цьому особлива увага приділяється впливу внутрішньої структури на фізичні властивості матеріалів і перспективи їх використання. Навчальний посібник заснований на багаторічному досвіді авторів у викладанні курсу фізичного матеріалознавства, призначеного для студентів вищих навчальних закладів із спеціалізаціями в галузях «Прикладна фізика» та «Мікроелектроніка». Книга також може бути використана аспірантами, інженерами та дослідниками, що спеціалізуються в галузі матеріалознавства

    LASER Tech Briefs, Spring 1994

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    Topics in this Laser Tech Brief include: Electronic Components and Circuits. Electronic Systems, Physical Sciences, Materials, Mechanics, Fabrication Technology, and books and reports

    Applications on Ultrasonic Wave

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    This book presents applications on the ultrasonic wave for material characterization and nondestructive evaluations. It could be of interest to the researchers and students who are studying on the fields of ultrasonic waves

    Guided-wave structural health monitoring

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    Guided-wave (GW) approaches have shown potential in various initial laboratory demonstrations as a solution to structural health monitoring (SHM) for damage prognosis. This thesis starts with an introduction to and a detailed survey of this field. Some critical areas where further research was required and those that were chosen to be addressed herein are highlighted. Those were modeling, design guidelines, signal processing and effects of elevated temperature. Three-dimensional elasticity-based models for GW excitation and sensing by finite dimensional surface-bonded piezoelectric wafer transducers and anisotropic piezocomposites are developed for various configurations in isotropic structures. The validity of these models is extensively examined in numerical simulations and experiments. These models and other ideas are then exploited to furnish a set of design guidelines for the excitation signal and transducers in GW SHM systems. A novel signal processing algorithm based on chirplet matching pursuits and mode identification for pulse-echo GW SHM is proposed. The potential of the algorithm to automatically resolve and identify overlapping, multimodal reflections is discussed and explored with numerical simulations and experiments. Next, the effects of elevated temperature as expected in internal spacecraft structures on GW transduction and propagation are explored based on data from the literature incorporated into the developed models. Results from the model are compared with experiments. The feasibility of damage characterization at elevated temperatures is also investigated. An extension of the modeling effort for GW excitation by finite-dimensional piezoelectric wafer transducers to composite plates is also proposed and verified by numerical simulations. At the end, future directions for research to make this technology more easily deployable in field applications are suggested.Ph.D.Aerospace EngineeringUniversity of Michiganhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/77498/1/Raghavan_PhD_thesis_GWSHM.pd

    Research and Technology Objectives and Plans Summary (RTOPS)

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    A compilation of the summary portion of each of the Research and Technology Operating Plans (RTOP) used for management review and control of research currently in progress throughout NASA is presented along with citations and abstracts of the RTOPs. Four indexes are included: (1) subject; (2) technical monitor; (3) responsible NASA organization; and (4) RTOP number

    NASA Tech Briefs, February 1993

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    Topics include: Communication Technology; Electronic Components and Circuits; Electronic Systems; Physical Sciences; Materials; Computer Programs; Mechanics; Machinery; Fabrication Technology; Mathematics and Information Sciences; Life Sciences