3,131 research outputs found

    Exploring Metaphorical Senses and Word Representations for Identifying Metonyms

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    A metonym is a word with a figurative meaning, similar to a metaphor. Because metonyms are closely related to metaphors, we apply features that are used successfully for metaphor recognition to the task of detecting metonyms. On the ACL SemEval 2007 Task 8 data with gold standard metonym annotations, our system achieved 86.45% accuracy on the location metonyms. Our code can be found on GitHub.Comment: 9 pages, 8 pages conten

    After the Great Recession: Law and Economics\u27 Topics of Invention and Arrangement and Tropes of Style

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    AFTER THE GREAT RECESSION: LAW AND ECONOMICSā€™ TOPICS OF INVENTION AND ARRANGEMENT AND TROPES OF STYLE by Michael D. Murray Abstract The Great Recession of 2008 and onward has drawn attention to the American economic and financial system, and has cast a critical spotlight on the theories, policies, and assumptions of the modern, neoclassical school of law and economicsā€”often labeled the Chicago School ā€”because this school of legal economic thought has had great influence on the American economy and financial system. The Chicago School\u27s positions on deregulation and the limitation or elimination of oversight and government restraints on stock markets, derivative markets, and other financial practices are the result of decades of neoclassical economic assumptions regarding the efficiency of unregulated markets, the near-religious-like devotion to a hyper-simplified conception of rationality and self-interest with regard to the persons and institutions participating in the financial system, and a conception of laws and government policies as incentives and costs in a manner that excludes the actual conditions and complications of reality. This Article joins the critical conversation on the Great Recession and the role of law and economics in this crisis by examining neoclassical and contemporary law and economics from the perspective of legal rhetoric. Law and economics has developed into a school of contemporary legal rhetoric that provides topics of invention and arrangement and tropes of style to test and improve general legal discourse in areas beyond the economic analysis of law. The rhetorical canons of law and economicsā€”mathematical and scientific methods of analysis and demonstration; the characterization of legal phenomena as incentives and costs; the rhetorical economic concept of efficiency; and rational choice theory as corrected by modern behavioral social sciences, cognitive studies, and brain scienceā€”make law and economics a persuasive method of legal analysis and a powerful school of contemporary legal rhetoric, if used in the right hands. My Article is the first to examine the prescriptive implications of the rhetoric of law and economics for general legal discourse as opposed to examining the benefits and limitations of the economic analysis of law itself. This Article advances the conversation in two areas: first, as to the study and understanding of the persuasiveness of law and economics, particularly because that persuasiveness has played a role in influencing American economic and financial policy leading up to the Great Recession; and second, as to the study and understanding of the use of economic topics of invention and arrangement and tropes of style in general legal discourse when evaluated in comparison to the other schools of classical and contemporary legal rhetoric. I examine each of the rhetorical canons of law and economics and explain how each can be used to create meaning, inspire imagination, and improve the persuasiveness of legal discourse in every area of law. My conclusion is that the rhetorical canons of law and economics can be used to create meaning and inspire imagination in legal discourse beyond the economic analysis of law, but the canons are tools that only are as good as the user, and can be corrupted in ways that helped to bring about the current economic crisis

    Too female to be ruthless i too pregnant to argue: rjeŔavanje značenjskog konflikta u konstrukciji [too ADJ to V]

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    Taking usageā€“based construction grammar as its theoretical framework, this paper addresses the interplay between construal operations and semantic conflict resolution in anomalous instances of the relatively unexplored English [too ADJ to V]ā€“construction. Drawing on an openā€“ended questionnaire analysis in which nativeā€“speaker respondents offer their readings of anomalous instances of the construction, the paper discusses strategies of semantic constructionā€“lexeme conflict resolution with a view to inferring construal operations involved therein.U ovome radu istražuje se međudjelovanje procesa gradbe značenja i rjeÅ”avanja značenjskog konflikta u nepravilnim primjerima relativno neistražene engleske konstrukcije [too ADJ to V] uz pomoć teorijskog okvira konstrukcijske gramatike utemeljene na jezičnoj uporabi. Raspravlja se o strategijama rjeÅ”avanja značenjskog konflikta između konstrukcije i leksema na temelju kvalitativne analize upitnika s otvorenim pitanjima. Izvorni su govornici u odgovorima ponudili vlastito tumačenje nepravilnih primjera konstrukcije [too ADJ to V]. U istraživanju se navode rezultati ranijih istraživanja (Jensen 2013) kao pokazatelji tipičnih i nepravilnih uporaba. Osam pridjeva analizira se u ovome istraživanju: real, full, correct, impossible, Catholic, female, pregnant, innocent. Glavni je zadatak ispitanicima bio da ponude svoje tumačenje pridjeva u zadanim primjerima uporabe i da svojim riječima opiÅ”u značenje pridjeva u zadanim primjerima uporabe. Odgovori ispitanika ponudili su određeni broj strategija kojima su se koristili pri tumačenju nepravilnih primjera s naglaskom na Talmyjev model strategija rjeÅ”avanja značenjskog konflikta (2000b) i na model procesa gradbe značenja (Croft i Wood 2000; Croft i Cruse 2004). S obzirom na odgovore dobivene iz neformalnog upitnika s otvorenim pitanjima, preporučuje se da se u budućim istraživanjima značenjskih konflikata u odnosu konstrukcije i leksema svakako dijelom istraže spomenuta dva modela. Ovim radom želi se pridonijeti potencijalno bitnim istraživanjima sprege konstrukcije i primatelja u slučajevima konflikta između konstrukcije i leksema

    Visualization of Jacques Lacanā€™s Registers of the Psychoanalytic Field, and Discovery of Metaphor and of Metonymy. Analytical Case Study of Edgar Allan Poeā€™s ā€œThe Purloined Letterā€

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    We start with a description of Lacanā€™s work that we then take into our analytics methodology. In a first investigation, a Lacan-motivated template of the Poe story is fitted to the data. A segmentation of the storyline is used in order to map out the diachrony. Based on this, it will be shown how synchronous aspects, potentially related to Lacanian registers, can be sought. This demonstrates the effectiveness of an approach based on a model template of the storyline narrative. In a second and more comprehensive investigation, we develop an approach for revealing, that is, uncovering, Lacanian register relationships. Objectives of this work include the wide and general application of our methodology. This methodology is strongly based on the ā€œletting the data speakā€ Correspondence Analysis analytics platform of Jean-Paul BenzĆ©cri, that is also the geometric data analysis, both qualitative and quantitative analytics, developed by Pierre Bourdieu

    Cohesive Devices Used in English Scientific Articles: Comparative Study Across Groups of Indonesian, Malaysian, and Native English Writers

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    In every piece of writing, cohesive devices play an important role in interconnecting the writer's ideas in such a way so that they are logically unified and coherent. However, employing cohesive devices in scientific articles is not always easy for authors who learn English as a foreign language, like Indonesians as well as their Asian counterparts. This current study attempts to look into the compared uses of cohesive devices in English scientific articles written by three different groups, namely Indonesian, Malaysian, and Native English speakers. The data on cohesive devices were collected from articles written in English by different Indonesian writers and from articles written by different Native English authors published in several international journals. The data analysis was carried out quantitatively by identifying and classifying them based on the taxonomy proposed by Halliday and Matthiessen. Descriptive statistics and One-Way ANOVA were also employed in this study. This study revealed that native and non-native writers employed different patterns of cohesive devices. Although Indonesian and Malaysian represent similar distribution patterns at the relatively equivalent level of English proficiency, it does not determine a completely general pattern of cohesive distribution in the reality of writing practice

    Translation as a Test for the Explicit-Implicit Distinction

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    The paper will first present Kripkeā€™s ā€œtranslation testā€ to identify any semantic ambiguity and his claim, against Donnellan, that we should not expect to disambiguate the referential vs. attributive uses of definite descriptions via translation into another language. Second, the paper will discuss a strengthened version of Kripkeā€™s ā€œtranslation testā€ proposed by Voltolini to distinguish between any semantic vs. pragmatic phenomena. Finally, the paper will show that translation cannot work as a test for the semantic/pragmatic distinction, but can rather work as a test for the explicit/implicit distinction


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    This article studies figurative uses of metaphors and metonymies utilized to frame the discourse of transplantology. We assume a somewhat wider view of framing than is usually found in the literature and argue that framing effects can be observed on a cline stretching from the private to the institutional pole. We combine this approach with the findings of the prospect theory that distinguishes between gain-framing and loss-framing as two strategic choices in tackling an issue in discourse. The framing tools, as we show in our analysis of authentic materials, in order to be effective need to be adapted to the section of, or the point on, the cline occupied by a particular subtype of discourse. Although the focus in the cognitive linguistic literature is on how conceptual metaphors are employed in framing discourse, we point out that metonymies, interacting with these metaphors, can also play a very important role. The framing tools used in public campaign aimed at winning new organ donors are strategically mostly gain-framed, and as a rule globally based on the GIFT metaphor. It seems that the metaphorical use of GIFT as a global choice in institutional contexts is not very efficient since it is too general and vague to make discourse more persuasive at the personal level, as expected in the light of the exemplification theory. This metaphor is more effective when adapted accordingly, as we demonstrated on some campaigns supported by or based on metonymic presentation of various aspects stressing the quality of life after transplantationU prilogu se proučava figurativna uporaba metafora i metonimija u uokvirivanju diskursa transplantologije. Polazimo od Å”ireg shvaćanja pojave uokvirivanja od onog koje je općeprihvaćeno u literaturi te tvrdimo da se toj pojavi može pristupiti kao kontinuumu s dva pola: osobnom i institucionalnom. Ovaj se pristup kombinira s teorijom izglednosti unutar koje se postulira gubitno i dobitno uokvirivanje kao dvije strateÅ”ke mogućnosti izbora. Kako bi bila svrsishodna, sredstva koja se rabe za uokvirivanje, kako pokazujemo na autentičnim materijalima, trebaju se prilagoditi odsječku kontinuuma na koji se može smjestiti određeni podtip diskursa. Iako je u kognitivno lingvističkoj literaturi naglasak gotovo uvijek na ulozi metafore u uokvirivanju diskursa, ističemo da i doprinos metonimije, u suradnji s metaforama, može biti od velikog značaja. Sredstva koja se rabe zauokvirivanje u javnim kampanjama kojima je cilj pridobivanje novih donora organa u pravilu se temelje na konceptualnoj metafori POKLONA. Pokazuje se da metaforička uporaba koncepta POKLONA kao globalnog izbora u institucijskim kontekstima nije učinkovita jer je preopćenita i neodređena a da bi mogla biti uvjerljiva na osobnom nivou, kao Å”to se i može predvidjeti u okviru teorije oprimjerivanja. Spomenuta je metafora učinkovitija kada se prikladno prilagodi, kako pokazujemo na nekim primjerima kampanja koje su poduprte ili se temelje na metonimijskom prikazu različitih aspekata koji naglaÅ”avaju kvalitetu života nakon transplantacij
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