67 research outputs found

    Antibiotic resistance information exchanges : interim guidance

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    Antibiotic resistance (AR) is a major clinical and public health threat with potential to unravel more than half a century of human health advances offered by modern medical care. Unfortunately, modern healthcare delivery is notably contributory to the spread of antibiotic-resistant organisms, as patients who have become colonized with resistant organisms often receive care across multiple healthcare settings (e.g., ambulatory care, acute care hospitals (ACHs), and various long-term care (LTC) settings, including long-term acute care hospitals (LTACHs) and skilled nursing facilities (SNFs)).Although the threat of antibiotic-resistant organism transmission from a colonized patient to physically proximate patients remains for the duration of colonization, the lack of information sharing between healthcare facilities often results in the colonized status of a patient being unknown to a receiving or admitting facility. When this occurs, the appropriate infection control precautions are less likely to be used from the start of patient care, which increases the likelihood that resistant organisms will spread to other patients.The need for improved AR situational awareness is a major challenge to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention\u2019s (CDC\u2019s) strategy to contain the most threatening forms of resistance and the genes responsible for such phenotypes. To fulfill their central role in implementing the CDC\u2019s containment strategy, some state health departments have developed systems (Multidrug-Resistant Organism (MDRO) Registries or MDRO Alert Systems, referred to herein as AR Information Exchanges (ARIEs)) that track patients previously colonized or infected with specific MDROs and then alert healthcare providers when these patients are admitted to a facility. The term AR Information Exchange emphasizes the importance of multidirectional information flow amongst healthcare facilities and public health authorities, as opposed to unidirectional data collection and storage.This interim guidance is intended for operational use by individuals and organizations responsible for developing or enhancing an ARIE; however, it does not constitute legal advice. Public health agencies should follow applicable laws, statues, and/or regulations when developing ARIEs with questions about directed to the entity\u2019s legal counsel.CS 324851-AARIE-Interim-Guidance-508.pdf20211158

    Nursing Process Model Mapped to Health Level 7 Reference Information Model

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    The nursing profession generates a large number of documents, and despite a number of terminology standards in existence, lack of interoperability in process and data structure still persists. The purpose of carrying out this study was to develop an integrated, comprehensive structure of nursing process as a domain information model which could be suitable for message development which potentially can be used when implementing clinical information software. We present phases of nursing process modeling, followed by mapping the resultant model to the HL7 Reference Information Model, generating a nursing domain message information model. Also, reviewing the Clinical Document Architecture in relation to the nursing process, we present our proposal for changes required to its object model for better support of nursing documents

    Arizona Health Information Exchange

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    abstract: Arizona strives to be the national role model for the secure, interoperable health information exchange to facilitate safe, secure, high quality and cost effective health care. The purpose of the Health Information Exchange in Arizona is to improve the quality, safety and efficiency of wellness in the Arizona population by securely connecting patients and health care providers so that relevant and understandable information is available anytime, anywhere

    Issues of the adoption of HIT related standards at the decision-making stage of six tertiary healthcare organisations in Saudi Arabia

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    Due to interoperability barriers between clinical information systems, healthcare organisations are facing potential limitations with regard to acquiring the benefits such systems offer; in particular, in terms of reducing the cost of medical services. However, to achieve the level of interoperability required to reduce these problems, a high degree of consensus is required regarding health data standards. Although such standards essentially constitute a solution to the interoperability barriers mentioned above, the level of adoption of these standards remains frustratingly low. One reason for this is that health data standards are an authoritative field in which marketplace mechanisms do not work owing to the fact that health data standards developed for a particular market cannot, in general, be applied in other markets without modification. Many countries have launched national initiatives to develop and promote national health data standards but, although certain authors have mapped the landscape of the standardisation process for health data in some countries, these studies have failed to explain why the healthcare organisations seem unwilling to adopt those standards. In addressing this gap in the literature, a conceptual model of the adoption process of HIT related standards at the decision-making stage in healthcare organisations is proposed in this research. This model was based on two predominant theories regarding IT related standards in the IS field: Rogers paradigm (1995) and the economics of standards theory. In addition, the twenty one constructs of this model resulted from a comprehensive set of factors derived from the related literature; these were then grouped in accordance with the Technology-Organisation Environment (TOE), a well-known taxonomy within innovation adoption studies in the IS field. Moving from a conceptual to an empirical position, an interpretive, exploratory, multiple-case study methodology was conducted in Saudi Arabia to examine the proposed model. The empirical qualitative evidence gained necessitated some revision to be made to the proposed model. One factor was abandoned, four were modified and eight new factors were added. This consistent empirical model makes a novel contribution at two levels. First, with regard to the body of knowledge in the IS area, this model offers an in-depth understanding of the adoption process of HIT related standards which the literature still lacks. It also examines the applicability of IS theories in a new area which allows others to relate their experiences to those reported. Secondly, this model can be used by decision makers in the healthcare sector, particularly those in developing countries, as a guideline while planning for the adoption of health data standards

    Archetype development and governance methodologies for the electronic health record

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    [ES] La interoperabilidad semántica de la información sanitaria es un requisito imprescindible para la sostenibilidad de la atención sanitaria, y es fundamental para afrontar los nuevos retos sanitarios de un mundo globalizado. Esta tesis aporta nuevas metodologías para abordar algunos de los aspectos fundamentales de la interoperabilidad semántica, específicamente aquellos relacionados con la definición y gobernanza de modelos de información clínica expresados en forma de arquetipo. Las aportaciones de la tesis son: - Estudio de las metodologías de modelado existentes de componentes de interoperabilidad semántica que influirán en la definición de una metodología de modelado de arquetipos. - Análisis comparativo de los sistemas e iniciativas existentes para la gobernanza de modelos de información clínica. - Una propuesta de Metodología de Modelado de Arquetipos unificada que formalice las fases de desarrollo del arquetipo, los participantes requeridos y las buenas prácticas a seguir. - Identificación y definición de principios y características de gobernanza de arquetipos. - Diseño y desarrollo de herramientas que brinden soporte al modelado y la gobernanza de arquetipos. Las aportaciones de esta tesis se han puesto en práctica en múltiples proyectos y experiencias de desarrollo. Estas experiencias varían desde un proyecto local dentro de una sola organización que requirió la reutilización de datos clínicos basados en principios de interoperabilidad semántica, hasta el desarrollo de proyectos de historia clínica electrónica de alcance nacional.[CA] La interoperabilitat semàntica de la informació sanitària és un requisit imprescindible per a la sostenibilitat de l'atenció sanitària, i és fonamental per a afrontar els nous reptes sanitaris d'un món globalitzat. Aquesta tesi aporta noves metodologies per a abordar alguns dels aspectes fonamentals de la interoperabilitat semàntica, específicament aquells relacionats amb la definició i govern de models d'informació clínica expressats en forma d'arquetip. Les aportacions de la tesi són: - Estudi de les metodologies de modelatge existents de components d'interoperabilitat semàntica que influiran en la definició d'una metodologia de modelatge d'arquetips. - Anàlisi comparativa dels sistemes i iniciatives existents per al govern de models d'informació clínica. - Una proposta de Metodologia de Modelatge d'Arquetips unificada que formalitza les fases de desenvolupament de l'arquetip, els participants requerits i les bones pràctiques a seguir. - Identificació i definició de principis i característiques de govern d'arquetips. - Disseny i desenvolupament d'eines que brinden suport al modelatge i al govern d'arquetips. Les aportacions d'aquesta tesi s'han posat en pràctica en múltiples projectes i experiències de desenvolupament. Aquestes experiències varien des d'un projecte local dins d'una sola organització que va requerir la reutilització de dades clíniques basades en principis d'interoperabilitat semàntica, fins al desenvolupament de projectes d'història clínica electrònica d'abast nacional.[EN] Semantic interoperability of health information is an essential requirement for the sustainability of healthcare, and it is essential to face the new health challenges of a globalized world. This thesis provides new methodologies to tackle some of the fundamental aspects of semantic interoperability, specifically those aspects related to the definition and governance of clinical information models expressed in the form of archetypes. The contributions of the thesis are: - Study of existing modeling methodologies of semantic interoperability components that will influence in the definition of an archetype modeling methodology. - Comparative analysis of existing clinical information model governance systems and initiatives. - A proposal of a unified Archetype Modeling Methodology that formalizes the phases of archetype development, the required participants, and the good practices to be followed. - Identification and definition of archetype governance principles and characteristics. - Design and development of tools that provide support to archetype modeling and governance. The contributions of this thesis have been put into practice in multiple projects and development experiences. These experiences vary from a local project inside a single organization that required a reuse on clinical data based on semantic interoperability principles, to the development of national electronic health record projects.This thesis was partially funded by the Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, ayudas para contratos para la formación de doctores en empresas “Doctorados Industriales”, grant DI-14-06564 and by the Agencia Valenciana de la Innovación, ayudas del Programa de Promoción del Talento – Doctorados empresariales (INNODOCTO), grant INNTA3/2020/12.Moner Cano, D. (2021). Archetype development and governance methodologies for the electronic health record [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/16491

    Clinical foundations and information architecture for the implementation of a federated health record service

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    Clinical care increasingly requires healthcare professionals to access patient record information that may be distributed across multiple sites, held in a variety of paper and electronic formats, and represented as mixtures of narrative, structured, coded and multi-media entries. A longitudinal person-centred electronic health record (EHR) is a much-anticipated solution to this problem, but its realisation is proving to be a long and complex journey. This Thesis explores the history and evolution of clinical information systems, and establishes a set of clinical and ethico-legal requirements for a generic EHR server. A federation approach (FHR) to harmonising distributed heterogeneous electronic clinical databases is advocated as the basis for meeting these requirements. A set of information models and middleware services, needed to implement a Federated Health Record server, are then described, thereby supporting access by clinical applications to a distributed set of feeder systems holding patient record information. The overall information architecture thus defined provides a generic means of combining such feeder system data to create a virtual electronic health record. Active collaboration in a wide range of clinical contexts, across the whole of Europe, has been central to the evolution of the approach taken. A federated health record server based on this architecture has been implemented by the author and colleagues and deployed in a live clinical environment in the Department of Cardiovascular Medicine at the Whittington Hospital in North London. This implementation experience has fed back into the conceptual development of the approach and has provided "proof-of-concept" verification of its completeness and practical utility. This research has benefited from collaboration with a wide range of healthcare sites, informatics organisations and industry across Europe though several EU Health Telematics projects: GEHR, Synapses, EHCR-SupA, SynEx, Medicate and 6WINIT. The information models published here have been placed in the public domain and have substantially contributed to two generations of CEN health informatics standards, including CEN TC/251 ENV 13606

    A Review of Interoperability Standards in E-health and Imperatives for their Adoption in Africa

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    The ability of healthcare information systems to share and exchange information (interoperate) is essential to facilitate the quality and effectiveness of healthcare services. Although standardization is considered key to addressing the fragmentation currently challenging the healthcare environment, e-health standardization can be difficult for many reasons, one of which is making sense of the e-health interoperability standards landscape. Specifically aimed at the African health informatics community, this paper aims to provide an overview of e-health interoperability and the significance of standardization in its achievement. We conducted a literature study of e-health standards, their development, and the degree of participation by African countries in the process. We also provide a review of a selection of prominent e-health interoperability standards that have been widely adopted especially by developed countries, look at some of the factors that affect their adoption in Africa, and provide an overview of ongoing global initiatives to address the identified barriers. Although the paper is specifically aimed at the African community, its findings would be equally applicable to many other developing countries

    Uma rede telemática para a prestação regional de cuidados de saúde

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    Doutoramento em Engenharia InformáticaAs tecnologias de informação e comunicação na área da saúde não são só um instrumento para a boa gestão de informação, mas antes um fator estratégico para uma prestação de cuidados mais eficiente e segura. As tecnologias de informação são um pilar para que os sistemas de saúde evoluam em direção a um modelo centrado no cidadão, no qual um conjunto abrangente de informação do doente deve estar automaticamente disponível para as equipas que lhe prestam cuidados, independentemente de onde foi gerada (local geográfico ou sistema). Este tipo de utilização segura e agregada da informação clínica é posta em causa pela fragmentação generalizada das implementações de sistemas de informação em saúde. Várias aproximações têm sido propostas para colmatar as limitações decorrentes das chamadas “ilhas de informação” na saúde, desde a centralização total (um sistema único), à utilização de redes descentralizadas de troca de mensagens clínicas. Neste trabalho, propomos a utilização de uma camada de unificação baseada em serviços, através da federação de fontes de informação heterogéneas. Este agregador de informação clínica fornece a base necessária para desenvolver aplicações com uma lógica regional, que demostrámos com a implementação de um sistema de registo de saúde eletrónico virtual. Ao contrário dos métodos baseados em mensagens clínicas ponto-a-ponto, populares na integração de sistemas em saúde, desenvolvemos um middleware segundo os padrões de arquitetura J2EE, no qual a informação federada é expressa como um modelo de objetos, acessível através de interfaces de programação. A arquitetura proposta foi instanciada na Rede Telemática de Saúde, uma plataforma instalada na região de Aveiro que liga oito instituições parceiras (dois hospitais e seis centros de saúde), cobrindo ~350.000 cidadãos, utilizada por ~350 profissionais registados e que permite acesso a mais de 19.000.000 de episódios. Para além da plataforma colaborativa regional para a saúde (RTSys), introduzimos uma segunda linha de investigação, procurando fazer a ponte entre as redes para a prestação de cuidados e as redes para a computação científica. Neste segundo cenário, propomos a utilização dos modelos de computação Grid para viabilizar a utilização e integração massiva de informação biomédica. A arquitetura proposta (não implementada) permite o acesso a infraestruturas de e-Ciência existentes para criar repositórios de informação clínica para aplicações em saúde.Modern health information technology is not just a supporting instrument to good information management but a strategic requirement to provide more efficient and safer health care. Health information technology is a cornerstone to build the future patient-centric health care systems in which a comprehensive set of patient data will be available to the relevant care teams, in spite of where (system or service point) it was generated. Such secure and efficient use of clinical data is challenged by the existing fragmentation of health information systems implementation. Several approaches have been proposed to address the limitations of the so called “information silos” in healthcare, ranging from full centralization (a single system) to full-decentralized clinical message exchange networks. In this work we advocate the use of a service-based unification layer, by federating distributed heterogeneous information sources. This clinical information hub provides the basis to build regional-level applications, which we have demonstrated by implementing a virtual Electronic Health Record system. Unlike the message-driven, point-to-point approaches popular in health care systems integration, we developed a middleware layer, using J2EE architectural patterns, in which the common information is represented as an object model, accessible through programming interfaces. The proposed architecture was instantiated in the Rede Telemática da Saúde network, a platform deployed in the region of Aveiro connecting eight partner institutions (two hospitals and six primary care units), covering ~ 350,000 citizens, indexing information on more than 19,000,000 episodes of care and used by ~350 registered professionals. In addition to the regional health information collaborative platform (RTSys), we introduce a second line of research towards bridging the care networks and the science networks. In the later scenario, we propose the use of Grid computing to enable the massive use and integration of biomedical information. The proposed architecture (not implemented) enables to access existing e-Science infrastructures to create clinical information repositories for health applications

    E-health and e-welfare of Finland - Check point 2015

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    The new e-health and e-welfare strategy in Finland aims to support the renewal of the social welfare and health care services and the active role of citizens in maintaining their own well-being. The means include the development of knowledge management and increasing the provision of online services. The overall structural changes taking place in Finnish health and social care will also influence information and communication technologies (ICT). The report provides information about the change in the services and the service system brought on by ICT over time. The report illustrates the status in 2014 as compared with the strategic outcomes and objectives set on ICT to support performance and renewal of social welfare and health care. The results are condensed from four surveys for a comprehensive view: availability and use of ICT in health care as well as in social care, usability of the systems for physicians, and citizens´ use and anticipations. These are accompanied by a review of Finnish health care system and ICT development. For the international reader, the report provides an overview of progressive nationwide activities towards better e-services in Finland