70 research outputs found

    Similarity learning for person re-identification and semantic video retrieval

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    Many computer vision problems boil down to the learning of a good visual similarity function that calculates a score of how likely two instances share the same semantic concept. In this thesis, we focus on two problems related to similarity learning: Person Re-Identification, and Semantic Video Retrieval. Person Re-Identification aims to maintain the identity of an individual in diverse locations through different non-overlapping camera views. Starting with two cameras, we propose a novel visual word co-occurrence based appearance model to measure the similarities between pedestrian images. This model naturally accounts for spatial similarities and variations caused by pose, illumination and configuration changes across camera views. As a generalization to multiple camera views, we introduce the Group Membership Prediction (GMP) problem. The GMP problem involves predicting whether a collection of instances shares the same semantic property. In this context, we propose a novel probability model and introduce latent view-specific and view-shared random variables to jointly account for the view-specific appearance and cross-view similarities among data instances. Our method is tested on various benchmarks demonstrating superior accuracy over state-of-art. Semantic Video Retrieval seeks to match complex activities in a surveillance video to user described queries. In surveillance scenarios with noise and clutter usually present, visual uncertainties introduced by error-prone low-level detectors, classifiers and trackers compose a significant part of the semantic gap between user defined queries and the archive video. To bridge the gap, we propose a novel probabilistic activity localization formulation that incorporates learning of object attributes, between-object relationships, and object re-identification without activity-level training data. Our experiments demonstrate that the introduction of similarity learning components effectively compensate for noise and error in previous stages, and result in preferable performance on both aerial and ground surveillance videos. Considering the computational complexity of our similarity learning models, we attempt to develop a way of training complicated models efficiently while remaining good performance. As a proof-of-concept, we propose training deep neural networks for supervised learning of hash codes. With slight changes in the optimization formulation, we could explore the possibilities of incorporating the training framework for Person Re-Identification and related problems.2019-07-09T00:00:00

    A review of affective computing: From unimodal analysis to multimodal fusion

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    Affective computing is an emerging interdisciplinary research field bringing together researchers and practitioners from various fields, ranging from artificial intelligence, natural language processing, to cognitive and social sciences. With the proliferation of videos posted online (e.g., on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter) for product reviews, movie reviews, political views, and more, affective computing research has increasingly evolved from conventional unimodal analysis to more complex forms of multimodal analysis. This is the primary motivation behind our first of its kind, comprehensive literature review of the diverse field of affective computing. Furthermore, existing literature surveys lack a detailed discussion of state of the art in multimodal affect analysis frameworks, which this review aims to address. Multimodality is defined by the presence of more than one modality or channel, e.g., visual, audio, text, gestures, and eye gage. In this paper, we focus mainly on the use of audio, visual and text information for multimodal affect analysis, since around 90% of the relevant literature appears to cover these three modalities. Following an overview of different techniques for unimodal affect analysis, we outline existing methods for fusing information from different modalities. As part of this review, we carry out an extensive study of different categories of state-of-the-art fusion techniques, followed by a critical analysis of potential performance improvements with multimodal analysis compared to unimodal analysis. A comprehensive overview of these two complementary fields aims to form the building blocks for readers, to better understand this challenging and exciting research field

    Robust part-of-speech tagging of social media text

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    Part-of-Speech (PoS) tagging (Wortklassenerkennung) ist ein wichtiger Verarbeitungsschritt in vielen sprachverarbeitenden Anwendungen. Heute gibt es daher viele PoS Tagger, die diese wichtige Aufgabe automatisiert erledigen. Es hat sich gezeigt, dass PoS tagging auf informellen Texten oft nur mit unzureichender Genauigkeit möglich ist. Insbesondere Texte aus sozialen Medien sind eine große Herausforderung. Die erhöhte Fehlerrate, welche auf mangelnde Robustheit zurückgeführt werden kann, hat schwere Folgen für Anwendungen die auf PoS Informationen angewiesen sind. Diese Arbeit untersucht daher Tagger-Robustheit unter den drei Gesichtspunkten der (i) Domänenrobustheit, (ii) Sprachrobustheit und (iii) Robustheit gegenüber seltenen linguistischen Phänomene. Für (i) beginnen wir mit einer Analyse der Phänomene, die in informellen Texten häufig anzutreffen sind, aber in formalen Texten nur selten bis gar keine Verwendung finden. Damit schaffen wir einen Überblick über die Art der Phänomene die das Tagging von informellen Texten so schwierig machen. Wir evaluieren viele der üblicherweise benutzen Tagger für die englische und deutsche Sprache auf Texten aus verschiedenen Domänen, um einen umfassenden Überblick über die derzeitige Robustheit der verfügbaren Tagger zu bieten. Die Untersuchung ergab im Wesentlichen, dass alle Tagger auf informellen Texten große Schwächen zeigen. Methoden, um die Robustheit für domänenübergreifendes Tagging zu verbessern, sind prinzipiell hilfreich, lösen aber das grundlegende Robustheitsproblem nicht. Als neuen Lösungsansatz stellen wir Tagging in zwei Schritten vor, welches eine erhöhte Robustheit gegenüber domänenübergreifenden Tagging bietet. Im ersten Schritt wird nur grob-granular getaggt und im zweiten Schritt wird dieses Tagging dann auf das fein-granulare Level verfeinert. Für (ii) untersuchen wir Sprachrobustheit und ob jede Sprache einen zugeschnittenen Tagger benötigt, oder ob es möglich ist einen sprach-unabhängigen Tagger zu konstruieren, der für mehrere Sprachen funktioniert. Dazu vergleichen wir Tagger basierend auf verschiedenen Algorithmen auf 21 Sprachen und analysieren die notwendigen technischen Eigenschaften für einen Tagger, der auf mehreren Sprachen akkurate Modelle lernen kann. Die Untersuchung ergibt, dass Sprachrobustheit an für sich kein schwerwiegendes Problem ist und, dass die Tagsetgröße des Trainingskorpus ein wesentlich stärkerer Einflussfaktor für die Eignung eines Taggers ist als die Zugehörigkeit zu einer gewissen Sprache. Bezüglich (iii) untersuchen wir, wie man mit seltenen Phänomenen umgehen kann, für die nicht genug Trainingsdaten verfügbar sind. Dazu stellen wir eine neue kostengünstige Methode vor, die nur einen minimalen Aufwand an manueller Annotation erwartet, um zusätzliche Daten für solche seltenen Phänomene zu produzieren. Ein Feldversuch hat gezeigt, dass die produzierten Daten ausreichen um das Tagging von seltenen Phänomenen deutlich zu verbessern. Abschließend präsentieren wir zwei Software-Werkzeuge, FlexTag und DeepTC, die wir im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entwickelt haben. Diese Werkzeuge bieten die notwendige Flexibilität und Reproduzierbarkeit für die Experimente in dieser Arbeit.Part-of-speech (PoS) taggers are an important processing component in many Natural Language Processing (NLP) applications, which led to a variety of taggers for tackling this task. Recent work in this field showed that tagging accuracy on informal text domains is poor in comparison to formal text domains. In particular, social media text, which is inherently different from formal standard text, leads to a drastically increased error rate. These arising challenges originate in a lack of robustness of taggers towards domain transfers. This increased error rate has an impact on NLP applications that depend on PoS information. The main contribution of this thesis is the exploration of the concept of robustness under the following three aspects: (i) domain robustness, (ii) language robustness and (iii) long tail robustness. Regarding (i), we start with an analysis of the phenomena found in informal text that make tagging this kind of text challenging. Furthermore, we conduct a comprehensive robustness comparison of many commonly used taggers for English and German by evaluating them on the text of several text domains. We find that the tagging of informal text is poorly supported by available taggers. A review and analysis of currently used methods to adapt taggers to informal text showed that these methods improve tagging accuracy but offer no satisfactory solution. We propose an alternative tagging approach that reaches an increased multi-domain tagging robustness. This approach is based on tagging in two steps. The first step tags on a coarse-grained level and the second step refines the tags to the fine-grained tags. Regarding (ii), we investigate whether each language requires a language-tailored PoS tagger or if the construction of a competitive language independent tagger is feasible. We explore the technical details that contribute to a tagger's language robustness by comparing taggers based on different algorithms to learn models of 21 languages. We find that language robustness is a less severe issue and that the impact of the tagger choice depends more on the granularity of the tagset that shall be learned than on the language. Regarding (iii), we investigate methods to improve tagging of infrequent phenomena of which no sufficient amount of annotated training data is available, which is a common challenge in the social media domain. We propose a new method to overcome this lack of data that offers an inexpensive way of producing more training data. In a field study, we show that the quality of the produced data suffices to train tagger models that can recognize these under-represented phenomena. Furthermore, we present two software tools, FlexTag and DeepTC, which we developed in the course of this thesis. These tools provide the necessary flexibility for conducting all the experiments in this thesis and ensure their reproducibility

    Feature based dynamic intra-video indexing

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    A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment for the degree of Doctor of PhilosophyWith the advent of digital imagery and its wide spread application in all vistas of life, it has become an important component in the world of communication. Video content ranging from broadcast news, sports, personal videos, surveillance, movies and entertainment and similar domains is increasing exponentially in quantity and it is becoming a challenge to retrieve content of interest from the corpora. This has led to an increased interest amongst the researchers to investigate concepts of video structure analysis, feature extraction, content annotation, tagging, video indexing, querying and retrieval to fulfil the requirements. However, most of the previous work is confined within specific domain and constrained by the quality, processing and storage capabilities. This thesis presents a novel framework agglomerating the established approaches from feature extraction to browsing in one system of content based video retrieval. The proposed framework significantly fills the gap identified while satisfying the imposed constraints of processing, storage, quality and retrieval times. The output entails a framework, methodology and prototype application to allow the user to efficiently and effectively retrieved content of interest such as age, gender and activity by specifying the relevant query. Experiments have shown plausible results with an average precision and recall of 0.91 and 0.92 respectively for face detection using Haar wavelets based approach. Precision of age ranges from 0.82 to 0.91 and recall from 0.78 to 0.84. The recognition of gender gives better precision with males (0.89) compared to females while recall gives a higher value with females (0.92). Activity of the subject has been detected using Hough transform and classified using Hiddell Markov Model. A comprehensive dataset to support similar studies has also been developed as part of the research process. A Graphical User Interface (GUI) providing a friendly and intuitive interface has been integrated into the developed system to facilitate the retrieval process. The comparison results of the intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) shows that the performance of the system closely resembles with that of the human annotator. The performance has been optimised for time and error rate