294 research outputs found

    Linked Open Data - Creating Knowledge Out of Interlinked Data: Results of the LOD2 Project

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    Database Management; Artificial Intelligence (incl. Robotics); Information Systems and Communication Servic

    Processamento de fala e linguagem para auxiliar na coordenação de reuniões

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    Meetings are an important part of our daily lives. Formal or informal, in-person or remote, they are something unavoidable in our society. In companies they assume even greater importance, being decisive for the definition of their present and future. Despite being an extremely important area, not enough research has been carried out to understand and improve the quality of meetings. Current technologies can enhance understanding of the meeting, by providing data with greater precision and/or that was simply not possible before. This dissertation proposes a platform that can help coordinate a meeting in real-time, providing relevant information for the coordinator and all participants. To develop a proof-of-concept system, a user-centered Design approach was adopted, starting with the identification of target users and the set of main requirements derived from usage scenarios. The developed system adopted a decoupled architecture and a semantic knowledge base to provide flexibility for future evolutions. The proof-of-concept integrates several processing modules capable of converting speech to text and doing voice analysis. A set of existing pre-recorded meetings was used to test it. The presented system showed to be already capable of providing meeting managers with useful and interesting information. It can extract a set of statistics and present them in the form of charts or text. These are available through a dashboard or an alert module. The presented work is both a first step and an initial proof-of-concept, the future work is rich and covers distinct lines of research.As reuniões são uma parte importante do nosso dia a dia. Formais ou informais, presenciais ou remotas, são algo inevitável na nossa sociedade. Nas empresas assumem uma importância ainda maior, sendo decisivas para a definição do seu presente e futuro. Apesar de ser uma área de extrema importância, não foi ainda realizada investigação suficiente para compreender e melhorar a qualidade das reuniões. As tecnologias atuais podem melhorar a nossa compreensão das reuniões, fornecendo dados com maior precisão e/ou que simplesmente não eram possíveis antes. Esta dissertação propõe uma plataforma que pode ajudar a coordenar uma reunião em tempo real, fornecendo informações relevantes para o coordenador e todos os participantes. Para desenvolver o sistema, uma abordagem centrada no utilizador foi adotada, começando com a identificação dos utilizadores-alvo e o conjunto de requisitos derivados dos cenários de uso. O sistema desenvolvido adotou ainda uma arquitetura desacoplada e uma semantic knowledge base para fornecer flexibilidade para futuras evoluções. A prova de conceito integra vários módulos de processamento capazes de converter fala em texto e realizar análise da voz. Um conjunto de reuniões pré-gravadas foi usado para testar o sistema. O sistema apresentado mostrou já ser capaz de fornecer aos coordenadores de reuniões informações úteis e interessantes. Pode extrair um conjunto de estatísticas e apresentá-las na forma de gráficos ou texto. Estes estão disponíveis numa dashboard ou através de alertas. O trabalho apresentado é um primeiro passo e uma primeira prova de conceito. O trabalho futuro é rico e cobre distintas linhas de investigação.Mestrado em Engenharia de Computadores e Telemátic

    requirements and use cases

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    In this report, we introduce our initial vision of the Corporate Semantic Web as the next step in the broad field of Semantic Web research. We identify requirements of the corporate environment and gaps between current approaches to tackle problems facing ontology engineering, semantic collaboration, and semantic search. Each of these pillars will yield innovative methods and tools during the project runtime until 2013. Corporate ontology engineering will improve the facilitation of agile ontology engineering to lessen the costs of ontology development and, especially, maintenance. Corporate semantic collaboration focuses the human-centered aspects of knowledge management in corporate contexts. Corporate semantic search is settled on the highest application level of the three research areas and at that point it is a representative for applications working on and with the appropriately represented and delivered background knowledge. We propose an initial layout for an integrative architecture of a Corporate Semantic Web provided by these three core pillars

    Окружење за анализу и оцену квалитета великих и повезаних података

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    Linking and publishing data in the Linked Open Data format increases the interoperability and discoverability of resources over the Web. To accomplish this, the process comprises several design decisions, based on the Linked Data principles that, on one hand, recommend to use standards for the representation and the access to data on the Web, and on the other hand to set hyperlinks between data from different sources. Despite the efforts of the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), being the main international standards organization for the World Wide Web, there is no one tailored formula for publishing data as Linked Data. In addition, the quality of the published Linked Open Data (LOD) is a fundamental issue, and it is yet to be thoroughly managed and considered. In this doctoral thesis, the main objective is to design and implement a novel framework for selecting, analyzing, converting, interlinking, and publishing data from diverse sources, simultaneously paying great attention to quality assessment throughout all steps and modules of the framework. The goal is to examine whether and to what extent are the Semantic Web technologies applicable for merging data from different sources and enabling end-users to obtain additional information that was not available in individual datasets, in addition to the integration into the Semantic Web community space. Additionally, the Ph.D. thesis intends to validate the applicability of the process in the specific and demanding use case, i.e. for creating and publishing an Arabic Linked Drug Dataset, based on open drug datasets from selected Arabic countries and to discuss the quality issues observed in the linked data life-cycle. To that end, in this doctoral thesis, a Semantic Data Lake was established in the pharmaceutical domain that allows further integration and developing different business services on top of the integrated data sources. Through data representation in an open machine-readable format, the approach offers an optimum solution for information and data dissemination for building domain-specific applications, and to enrich and gain value from the original dataset. This thesis showcases how the pharmaceutical domain benefits from the evolving research trends for building competitive advantages. However, as it is elaborated in this thesis, a better understanding of the specifics of the Arabic language is required to extend linked data technologies utilization in targeted Arabic organizations.Повезивање и објављивање података у формату "Повезани отворени подаци" (енг. Linked Open Data) повећава интероперабилност и могућности за претраживање ресурса преко Web-а. Процес је заснован на Linked Data принципима (W3C, 2006) који са једне стране елаборира стандарде за представљање и приступ подацима на Wебу (RDF, OWL, SPARQL), а са друге стране, принципи сугеришу коришћење хипервеза између података из различитих извора. Упркос напорима W3C конзорцијума (W3C је главна међународна организација за стандарде за Web-у), не постоји јединствена формула за имплементацију процеса објављивање података у Linked Data формату. Узимајући у обзир да је квалитет објављених повезаних отворених података одлучујући за будући развој Web-а, у овој докторској дисертацији, главни циљ је (1) дизајн и имплементација иновативног оквира за избор, анализу, конверзију, међусобно повезивање и објављивање података из различитих извора и (2) анализа примена овог приступа у фармацeутском домену. Предложена докторска дисертација детаљно истражује питање квалитета великих и повезаних екосистема података (енг. Linked Data Ecosystems), узимајући у обзир могућност поновног коришћења отворених података. Рад је мотивисан потребом да се омогући истраживачима из арапских земаља да употребом семантичких веб технологија повежу своје податке са отвореним подацима, као нпр. DBpedia-јом. Циљ је да се испита да ли отворени подаци из Арапских земаља омогућавају крајњим корисницима да добију додатне информације које нису доступне у појединачним скуповима података, поред интеграције у семантички Wеб простор. Докторска дисертација предлаже методологију за развој апликације за рад са повезаним (Linked) подацима и имплементира софтверско решење које омогућује претраживање консолидованог скупа података о лековима из изабраних арапских земаља. Консолидовани скуп података је имплементиран у облику Семантичког језера података (енг. Semantic Data Lake). Ова теза показује како фармацеутска индустрија има користи од примене иновативних технологија и истраживачких трендова из области семантичких технологија. Међутим, како је елаборирано у овој тези, потребно је боље разумевање специфичности арапског језика за имплементацију Linked Data алата и њухову примену са подацима из Арапских земаља

    D8.6 Dissemination, training and exploitation results

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    Mauerhofer, C., Rajagopal, K., & Greller, W. (2011). D8.6 Dissemination, training and exploitation results. LTfLL-project.Report on sustainability, dissemination and exploitation of the LtfLL projectThe work on this publication has been sponsored by the LTfLL STREP that is funded by the European Commission's 7th Framework Programme. Contract 212578 [http://www.ltfll-project.org

    Engineering Agile Big-Data Systems

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    To be effective, data-intensive systems require extensive ongoing customisation to reflect changing user requirements, organisational policies, and the structure and interpretation of the data they hold. Manual customisation is expensive, time-consuming, and error-prone. In large complex systems, the value of the data can be such that exhaustive testing is necessary before any new feature can be added to the existing design. In most cases, the precise details of requirements, policies and data will change during the lifetime of the system, forcing a choice between expensive modification and continued operation with an inefficient design.Engineering Agile Big-Data Systems outlines an approach to dealing with these problems in software and data engineering, describing a methodology for aligning these processes throughout product lifecycles. It discusses tools which can be used to achieve these goals, and, in a number of case studies, shows how the tools and methodology have been used to improve a variety of academic and business systems

    Enhanced Living Environments

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    This open access book was prepared as a Final Publication of the COST Action IC1303 “Algorithms, Architectures and Platforms for Enhanced Living Environments (AAPELE)”. The concept of Enhanced Living Environments (ELE) refers to the area of Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) that is more related with Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). Effective ELE solutions require appropriate ICT algorithms, architectures, platforms, and systems, having in view the advance of science and technology in this area and the development of new and innovative solutions that can provide improvements in the quality of life for people in their homes and can reduce the financial burden on the budgets of the healthcare providers. The aim of this book is to become a state-of-the-art reference, discussing progress made, as well as prompting future directions on theories, practices, standards, and strategies related to the ELE area. The book contains 12 chapters and can serve as a valuable reference for undergraduate students, post-graduate students, educators, faculty members, researchers, engineers, medical doctors, healthcare organizations, insurance companies, and research strategists working in this area

    Flexible Integration and Efficient Analysis of Multidimensional Datasets from the Web

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    If numeric data from the Web are brought together, natural scientists can compare climate measurements with estimations, financial analysts can evaluate companies based on balance sheets and daily stock market values, and citizens can explore the GDP per capita from several data sources. However, heterogeneities and size of data remain a problem. This work presents methods to query a uniform view - the Global Cube - of available datasets from the Web and builds on Linked Data query approaches

    The Nexus Between Security Sector Governance/Reform and Sustainable Development Goal-16

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    This Security Sector Reform (SSR) Paper offers a universal and analytical perspective on the linkages between Security Sector Governance (SSG)/SSR (SSG/R) and Sustainable Development Goal-16 (SDG-16), focusing on conflict and post-conflict settings as well as transitional and consolidated democracies. Against the background of development and security literatures traditionally maintaining separate and compartmentalized presence in both academic and policymaking circles, it maintains that the contemporary security- and development-related challenges are inextricably linked, requiring effective measures with an accurate understanding of the nature of these challenges. In that sense, SDG-16 is surely a good step in the right direction. After comparing and contrasting SSG/R and SDG-16, this SSR Paper argues that human security lies at the heart of the nexus between the 2030 Agenda of the United Nations (UN) and SSG/R. To do so, it first provides a brief overview of the scholarly and policymaking literature on the development-security nexus to set the background for the adoption of The Agenda 2030. Next, it reviews the literature on SSG/R and SDGs, and how each concept evolved over time. It then identifies the puzzle this study seeks to address by comparing and contrasting SSG/R with SDG-16. After making a case that human security lies at the heart of the nexus between the UN’s 2030 Agenda and SSG/R, this book analyses the strengths and weaknesses of human security as a bridge between SSG/R and SDG-16 and makes policy recommendations on how SSG/R, bolstered by human security, may help achieve better results on the SDG-16 targets. It specifically emphasizes the importance of transparency, oversight, and accountability on the one hand, and participative approach and local ownership on the other. It concludes by arguing that a simultaneous emphasis on security and development is sorely needed for addressing the issues under the purview of SDG-16