10,760 research outputs found

    Semi-supervised Transfer Learning for Image Rain Removal

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    Single image rain removal is a typical inverse problem in computer vision. The deep learning technique has been verified to be effective for this task and achieved state-of-the-art performance. However, previous deep learning methods need to pre-collect a large set of image pairs with/without synthesized rain for training, which tends to make the neural network be biased toward learning the specific patterns of the synthesized rain, while be less able to generalize to real test samples whose rain types differ from those in the training data. To this issue, this paper firstly proposes a semi-supervised learning paradigm toward this task. Different from traditional deep learning methods which only use supervised image pairs with/without synthesized rain, we further put real rainy images, without need of their clean ones, into the network training process. This is realized by elaborately formulating the residual between an input rainy image and its expected network output (clear image without rain) as a specific parametrized rain streaks distribution. The network is therefore trained to adapt real unsupervised diverse rain types through transferring from the supervised synthesized rain, and thus both the short-of-training-sample and bias-to-supervised-sample issues can be evidently alleviated. Experiments on synthetic and real data verify the superiority of our model compared to the state-of-the-arts.Comment: 10 page

    Uni-Removal: A Semi-Supervised Framework for Simultaneously Addressing Multiple Degradations in Real-World Images

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    Removing multiple degradations, such as haze, rain, and blur, from real-world images poses a challenging and illposed problem. Recently, unified models that can handle different degradations have been proposed and yield promising results. However, these approaches focus on synthetic images and experience a significant performance drop when applied to realworld images. In this paper, we introduce Uni-Removal, a twostage semi-supervised framework for addressing the removal of multiple degradations in real-world images using a unified model and parameters. In the knowledge transfer stage, Uni-Removal leverages a supervised multi-teacher and student architecture in the knowledge transfer stage to facilitate learning from pretrained teacher networks specialized in different degradation types. A multi-grained contrastive loss is introduced to enhance learning from feature and image spaces. In the domain adaptation stage, unsupervised fine-tuning is performed by incorporating an adversarial discriminator on real-world images. The integration of an extended multi-grained contrastive loss and generative adversarial loss enables the adaptation of the student network from synthetic to real-world domains. Extensive experiments on real-world degraded datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed method. We compare our Uni-Removal framework with state-of-the-art supervised and unsupervised methods, showcasing its promising results in real-world image dehazing, deraining, and deblurring simultaneously

    Detail-recovery Image Deraining via Dual Sample-augmented Contrastive Learning

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    The intricacy of rainy image contents often leads cutting-edge deraining models to image degradation including remnant rain, wrongly-removed details, and distorted appearance. Such degradation is further exacerbated when applying the models trained on synthetic data to real-world rainy images. We observe two types of domain gaps between synthetic and real-world rainy images: one exists in rain streak patterns; the other is the pixel-level appearance of rain-free images. To bridge the two domain gaps, we propose a semi-supervised detail-recovery image deraining network (Semi-DRDNet) with dual sample-augmented contrastive learning. Semi-DRDNet consists of three sub-networks:i) for removing rain streaks without remnants, we present a squeeze-and-excitation based rain residual network; ii) for encouraging the lost details to return, we construct a structure detail context aggregation based detail repair network; to our knowledge, this is the first time; and iii) for building efficient contrastive constraints for both rain streaks and clean backgrounds, we exploit a novel dual sample-augmented contrastive regularization network.Semi-DRDNet operates smoothly on both synthetic and real-world rainy data in terms of deraining robustness and detail accuracy. Comparisons on four datasets including our established Real200 show clear improvements of Semi-DRDNet over fifteen state-of-the-art methods. Code and dataset are available at https://github.com/syy-whu/DRD-Net.Comment: 17 page

    RainDiffusion:When Unsupervised Learning Meets Diffusion Models for Real-world Image Deraining

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    What will happen when unsupervised learning meets diffusion models for real-world image deraining? To answer it, we propose RainDiffusion, the first unsupervised image deraining paradigm based on diffusion models. Beyond the traditional unsupervised wisdom of image deraining, RainDiffusion introduces stable training of unpaired real-world data instead of weakly adversarial training. RainDiffusion consists of two cooperative branches: Non-diffusive Translation Branch (NTB) and Diffusive Translation Branch (DTB). NTB exploits a cycle-consistent architecture to bypass the difficulty in unpaired training of standard diffusion models by generating initial clean/rainy image pairs. DTB leverages two conditional diffusion modules to progressively refine the desired output with initial image pairs and diffusive generative prior, to obtain a better generalization ability of deraining and rain generation. Rain-Diffusion is a non adversarial training paradigm, serving as a new standard bar for real-world image deraining. Extensive experiments confirm the superiority of our RainDiffusion over un/semi-supervised methods and show its competitive advantages over fully-supervised ones.Comment: 9 page

    Semi-MoreGAN: A New Semi-supervised Generative Adversarial Network for Mixture of Rain Removal

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    Rain is one of the most common weather which can completely degrade the image quality and interfere with the performance of many computer vision tasks, especially under heavy rain conditions. We observe that: (i) rain is a mixture of rain streaks and rainy haze; (ii) the scene depth determines the intensity of rain streaks and the transformation into the rainy haze; (iii) most existing deraining methods are only trained on synthetic rainy images, and hence generalize poorly to the real-world scenes. Motivated by these observations, we propose a new SEMI-supervised Mixture Of rain REmoval Generative Adversarial Network (Semi-MoreGAN), which consists of four key modules: (I) a novel attentional depth prediction network to provide precise depth estimation; (ii) a context feature prediction network composed of several well-designed detailed residual blocks to produce detailed image context features; (iii) a pyramid depth-guided non-local network to effectively integrate the image context with the depth information, and produce the final rain-free images; and (iv) a comprehensive semi-supervised loss function to make the model not limited to synthetic datasets but generalize smoothly to real-world heavy rainy scenes. Extensive experiments show clear improvements of our approach over twenty representative state-of-the-arts on both synthetic and real-world rainy images.Comment: 18 page

    Memory augment is All You Need for image restoration

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    Image restoration is a low-level vision task, most CNN methods are designed as a black box, lacking transparency and internal aesthetics. Although some methods combining traditional optimization algorithms with DNNs have been proposed, they all have some limitations. In this paper, we propose a three-granularity memory layer and contrast learning named MemoryNet, specifically, dividing the samples into positive, negative, and actual three samples for contrastive learning, where the memory layer is able to preserve the deep features of the image and the contrastive learning converges the learned features to balance. Experiments on Derain/Deshadow/Deblur task demonstrate that these methods are effective in improving restoration performance. In addition, this paper's model obtains significant PSNR, SSIM gain on three datasets with different degradation types, which is a strong proof that the recovered images are perceptually realistic. The source code of MemoryNet can be obtained from https://github.com/zhangbaijin/MemoryNe
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