36 research outputs found

    CUDA-GR: Controllable Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Gaze Redirection

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    The aim of gaze redirection is to manipulate the gaze in an image to the desired direction. However, existing methods are inadequate in generating perceptually reasonable images. Advancement in generative adversarial networks has shown excellent results in generating photo-realistic images. Though, they still lack the ability to provide finer control over different image attributes. To enable such fine-tuned control, one needs to obtain ground truth annotations for the training data which can be very expensive. In this paper, we propose an unsupervised domain adaptation framework, called CUDA-GR, that learns to disentangle gaze representations from the labeled source domain and transfers them to an unlabeled target domain. Our method enables fine-grained control over gaze directions while preserving the appearance information of the person. We show that the generated image-labels pairs in the target domain are effective in knowledge transfer and can boost the performance of the downstream tasks. Extensive experiments on the benchmarking datasets show that the proposed method can outperform state-of-the-art techniques in both quantitative and qualitative evaluation

    Angle Range and Identity Similarity Enhanced Gaze and Head Redirection based on Synthetic data

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    In this paper, we propose a method for improving the angular accuracy and photo-reality of gaze and head redirection in full-face images. The problem with current models is that they cannot handle redirection at large angles, and this limitation mainly comes from the lack of training data. To resolve this problem, we create data augmentation by monocular 3D face reconstruction to extend the head pose and gaze range of the real data, which allows the model to handle a wider redirection range. In addition to the main focus on data augmentation, we also propose a framework with better image quality and identity preservation of unseen subjects even training with synthetic data. Experiments show that our method significantly improves redirection performance in terms of redirection angular accuracy while maintaining high image quality, especially when redirecting to large angles

    Natural image processing and synthesis using deep learning

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    Nous étudions dans cette thèse comment les réseaux de neurones profonds peuvent être utilisés dans différents domaines de la vision artificielle. La vision artificielle est un domaine interdisciplinaire qui traite de la compréhension d’images et de vidéos numériques. Les problèmes de ce domaine ont traditionnellement été adressés avec des méthodes ad-hoc nécessitant beaucoup de réglages manuels. En effet, ces systèmes de vision artificiels comprenaient jusqu’à récemment une série de modules optimisés indépendamment. Cette approche est très raisonnable dans la mesure où, avec peu de données, elle bénéficient autant que possible des connaissances du chercheur. Mais cette avantage peut se révéler être une limitation si certaines données d’entré n’ont pas été considérées dans la conception de l’algorithme. Avec des volumes et une diversité de données toujours plus grands, ainsi que des capacités de calcul plus rapides et économiques, les réseaux de neurones profonds optimisés d’un bout à l’autre sont devenus une alternative attrayante. Nous démontrons leur avantage avec une série d’articles de recherche, chacun d’entre eux trouvant une solution à base de réseaux de neurones profonds à un problème d’analyse ou de synthèse visuelle particulier. Dans le premier article, nous considérons un problème de vision classique: la détection de bords et de contours. Nous partons de l’approche classique et la rendons plus ‘neurale’ en combinant deux étapes, la détection et la description de motifs visuels, en un seul réseau convolutionnel. Cette méthode, qui peut ainsi s’adapter à de nouveaux ensembles de données, s’avère être au moins aussi précis que les méthodes conventionnelles quand il s’agit de domaines qui leur sont favorables, tout en étant beaucoup plus robuste dans des domaines plus générales. Dans le deuxième article, nous construisons une nouvelle architecture pour la manipulation d’images qui utilise l’idée que la majorité des pixels produits peuvent d’être copiés de l’image d’entrée. Cette technique bénéficie de plusieurs avantages majeurs par rapport à l’approche conventionnelle en apprentissage profond. En effet, elle conserve les détails de l’image d’origine, n’introduit pas d’aberrations grâce à la capacité limitée du réseau sous-jacent et simplifie l’apprentissage. Nous démontrons l’efficacité de cette architecture dans le cadre d’une tâche de correction du regard, où notre système produit d’excellents résultats. Dans le troisième article, nous nous éclipsons de la vision artificielle pour étudier le problème plus générale de l’adaptation à de nouveaux domaines. Nous développons un nouvel algorithme d’apprentissage, qui assure l’adaptation avec un objectif auxiliaire à la tâche principale. Nous cherchons ainsi à extraire des motifs qui permettent d’accomplir la tâche mais qui ne permettent pas à un réseau dédié de reconnaître le domaine. Ce réseau est optimisé de manière simultané avec les motifs en question, et a pour tâche de reconnaître le domaine de provenance des motifs. Cette technique est simple à implémenter, et conduit pourtant à l’état de l’art sur toutes les tâches de référence. Enfin, le quatrième article présente un nouveau type de modèle génératif d’images. À l’opposé des approches conventionnels à base de réseaux de neurones convolutionnels, notre système baptisé SPIRAL décrit les images en termes de programmes bas-niveau qui sont exécutés par un logiciel de graphisme ordinaire. Entre autres, ceci permet à l’algorithme de ne pas s’attarder sur les détails de l’image, et de se concentrer plutôt sur sa structure globale. L’espace latent de notre modèle est, par construction, interprétable et permet de manipuler des images de façon prévisible. Nous montrons la capacité et l’agilité de cette approche sur plusieurs bases de données de référence.In the present thesis, we study how deep neural networks can be applied to various tasks in computer vision. Computer vision is an interdisciplinary field that deals with understanding of digital images and video. Traditionally, the problems arising in this domain were tackled using heavily hand-engineered adhoc methods. A typical computer vision system up until recently consisted of a sequence of independent modules which barely talked to each other. Such an approach is quite reasonable in the case of limited data as it takes major advantage of the researcher's domain expertise. This strength turns into a weakness if some of the input scenarios are overlooked in the algorithm design process. With the rapidly increasing volumes and varieties of data and the advent of cheaper and faster computational resources end-to-end deep neural networks have become an appealing alternative to the traditional computer vision pipelines. We demonstrate this in a series of research articles, each of which considers a particular task of either image analysis or synthesis and presenting a solution based on a ``deep'' backbone. In the first article, we deal with a classic low-level vision problem of edge detection. Inspired by a top-performing non-neural approach, we take a step towards building an end-to-end system by combining feature extraction and description in a single convolutional network. The resulting fully data-driven method matches or surpasses the detection quality of the existing conventional approaches in the settings for which they were designed while being significantly more usable in the out-of-domain situations. In our second article, we introduce a custom architecture for image manipulation based on the idea that most of the pixels in the output image can be directly copied from the input. This technique bears several significant advantages over the naive black-box neural approach. It retains the level of detail of the original images, does not introduce artifacts due to insufficient capacity of the underlying neural network and simplifies training process, to name a few. We demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed architecture on the challenging gaze correction task where our system achieves excellent results. In the third article, we slightly diverge from pure computer vision and study a more general problem of domain adaption. There, we introduce a novel training-time algorithm (\ie, adaptation is attained by using an auxilliary objective in addition to the main one). We seek to extract features that maximally confuse a dedicated network called domain classifier while being useful for the task at hand. The domain classifier is learned simultaneosly with the features and attempts to tell whether those features are coming from the source or the target domain. The proposed technique is easy to implement, yet results in superior performance in all the standard benchmarks. Finally, the fourth article presents a new kind of generative model for image data. Unlike conventional neural network based approaches our system dubbed SPIRAL describes images in terms of concise low-level programs executed by off-the-shelf rendering software used by humans to create visual content. Among other things, this allows SPIRAL not to waste its capacity on minutae of datasets and focus more on the global structure. The latent space of our model is easily interpretable by design and provides means for predictable image manipulation. We test our approach on several popular datasets and demonstrate its power and flexibility

    Towards End-to-end Video-based Eye-Tracking

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    Estimating eye-gaze from images alone is a challenging task, in large parts due to un-observable person-specific factors. Achieving high accuracy typically requires labeled data from test users which may not be attainable in real applications. We observe that there exists a strong relationship between what users are looking at and the appearance of the user's eyes. In response to this understanding, we propose a novel dataset and accompanying method which aims to explicitly learn these semantic and temporal relationships. Our video dataset consists of time-synchronized screen recordings, user-facing camera views, and eye gaze data, which allows for new benchmarks in temporal gaze tracking as well as label-free refinement of gaze. Importantly, we demonstrate that the fusion of information from visual stimuli as well as eye images can lead towards achieving performance similar to literature-reported figures acquired through supervised personalization. Our final method yields significant performance improvements on our proposed EVE dataset, with up to a 28 percent improvement in Point-of-Gaze estimates (resulting in 2.49 degrees in angular error), paving the path towards high-accuracy screen-based eye tracking purely from webcam sensors. The dataset and reference source code are available at https://ait.ethz.ch/projects/2020/EVEComment: Accepted at ECCV 202

    3D Face Modelling, Analysis and Synthesis

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    Human faces have always been of a special interest to researchers in the computer vision and graphics areas. There has been an explosion in the number of studies around accurately modelling, analysing and synthesising realistic faces for various applications. The importance of human faces emerges from the fact that they are invaluable means of effective communication, recognition, behaviour analysis, conveying emotions, etc. Therefore, addressing the automatic visual perception of human faces efficiently could open up many influential applications in various domains, e.g. virtual/augmented reality, computer-aided surgeries, security and surveillance, entertainment, and many more. However, the vast variability associated with the geometry and appearance of human faces captured in unconstrained videos and images renders their automatic analysis and understanding very challenging even today. The primary objective of this thesis is to develop novel methodologies of 3D computer vision for human faces that go beyond the state of the art and achieve unprecedented quality and robustness. In more detail, this thesis advances the state of the art in 3D facial shape reconstruction and tracking, fine-grained 3D facial motion estimation, expression recognition and facial synthesis with the aid of 3D face modelling. We give a special attention to the case where the input comes from monocular imagery data captured under uncontrolled settings, a.k.a. \textit{in-the-wild} data. This kind of data are available in abundance nowadays on the internet. Analysing these data pushes the boundaries of currently available computer vision algorithms and opens up many new crucial applications in the industry. We define the four targeted vision problems (3D facial reconstruction &\& tracking, fine-grained 3D facial motion estimation, expression recognition, facial synthesis) in this thesis as the four 3D-based essential systems for the automatic facial behaviour understanding and show how they rely on each other. Finally, to aid the research conducted in this thesis, we collect and annotate a large-scale videos dataset of monocular facial performances. All of our proposed methods demonstarte very promising quantitative and qualitative results when compared to the state-of-the-art methods

    An Outlook into the Future of Egocentric Vision

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    What will the future be? We wonder! In this survey, we explore the gap between current research in egocentric vision and the ever-anticipated future, where wearable computing, with outward facing cameras and digital overlays, is expected to be integrated in our every day lives. To understand this gap, the article starts by envisaging the future through character-based stories, showcasing through examples the limitations of current technology. We then provide a mapping between this future and previously defined research tasks. For each task, we survey its seminal works, current state-of-the-art methodologies and available datasets, then reflect on shortcomings that limit its applicability to future research. Note that this survey focuses on software models for egocentric vision, independent of any specific hardware. The paper concludes with recommendations for areas of immediate explorations so as to unlock our path to the future always-on, personalised and life-enhancing egocentric vision.Comment: We invite comments, suggestions and corrections here: https://openreview.net/forum?id=V3974SUk1

    Data-centric Design and Training of Deep Neural Networks with Multiple Data Modalities for Vision-based Perception Systems

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    224 p.Los avances en visión artificial y aprendizaje automático han revolucionado la capacidad de construir sistemas que procesen e interpreten datos digitales, permitiéndoles imitar la percepción humana y abriendo el camino a un amplio rango de aplicaciones. En los últimos años, ambas disciplinas han logrado avances significativos,impulsadas por los progresos en las técnicas de aprendizaje profundo(deep learning). El aprendizaje profundo es una disciplina que utiliza redes neuronales profundas (DNNs, por sus siglas en inglés) para enseñar a las máquinas a reconocer patrones y hacer predicciones basadas en datos. Los sistemas de percepción basados en el aprendizaje profundo son cada vez más frecuentes en diversos campos, donde humanos y máquinas colaboran para combinar sus fortalezas.Estos campos incluyen la automoción, la industria o la medicina, donde mejorar la seguridad, apoyar el diagnóstico y automatizar tareas repetitivas son algunos de los objetivos perseguidos.Sin embargo, los datos son uno de los factores clave detrás del éxito de los algoritmos de aprendizaje profundo. La dependencia de datos limita fuertemente la creación y el éxito de nuevas DNN. La disponibilidad de datos de calidad para resolver un problema específico es esencial pero difícil de obtener, incluso impracticable,en la mayoría de los desarrollos. La inteligencia artificial centrada en datos enfatiza la importancia de usar datos de alta calidad que transmitan de manera efectiva lo que un modelo debe aprender. Motivada por los desafíos y la necesidad de los datos, esta tesis formula y valida cinco hipótesis sobre la adquisición y el impacto de los datos en el diseño y entrenamiento de las DNNs.Específicamente, investigamos y proponemos diferentes metodologías para obtener datos adecuados para entrenar DNNs en problemas con acceso limitado a fuentes de datos de gran escala. Exploramos dos posibles soluciones para la obtención de datos de entrenamiento, basadas en la generación de datos sintéticos. En primer lugar, investigamos la generación de datos sintéticos utilizando gráficos 3D y el impacto de diferentes opciones de diseño en la precisión de los DNN obtenidos. Además, proponemos una metodología para automatizar el proceso de generación de datos y producir datos anotados variados, mediante la replicación de un entorno 3D personalizado a partir de un archivo de configuración de entrada. En segundo lugar, proponemos una red neuronal generativa(GAN) que genera imágenes anotadas utilizando conjuntos de datos anotados limitados y datos sin anotaciones capturados en entornos no controlados

    Photo-realistic face synthesis and reenactment with deep generative models

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    The advent of Deep Learning has led to numerous breakthroughs in the field of Computer Vision. Over the last decade, a significant amount of research has been undertaken towards designing neural networks for visual data analysis. At the same time, rapid advancements have been made towards the direction of deep generative modeling, especially after the introduction of Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), which have shown particularly promising results when it comes to synthesising visual data. Since then, considerable attention has been devoted to the problem of photo-realistic human face animation due to its wide range of applications, including image and video editing, virtual assistance, social media, teleconferencing, and augmented reality. The objective of this thesis is to make progress towards generating photo-realistic videos of human faces. To that end, we propose novel generative algorithms that provide explicit control over the facial expression and head pose of synthesised subjects. Despite the major advances in face reenactment and motion transfer, current methods struggle to generate video portraits that are indistinguishable from real data. In this work, we aim to overcome the limitations of existing approaches, by combining concepts from deep generative networks and video-to-video translation with 3D face modelling, and more specifically by capitalising on prior knowledge of faces that is enclosed within statistical models such as 3D Morphable Models (3DMMs). In the first part of this thesis, we introduce a person-specific system that performs full head reenactment using ideas from video-to-video translation. Subsequently, we propose a novel approach to controllable video portrait synthesis, inspired from Implicit Neural Representations (INR). In the second part of the thesis, we focus on person-agnostic methods and present a GAN-based framework that performs video portrait reconstruction, full head reenactment, expression editing, novel pose synthesis and face frontalisation.Open Acces

    Learning from Very Few Samples: A Survey

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    Few sample learning (FSL) is significant and challenging in the field of machine learning. The capability of learning and generalizing from very few samples successfully is a noticeable demarcation separating artificial intelligence and human intelligence since humans can readily establish their cognition to novelty from just a single or a handful of examples whereas machine learning algorithms typically entail hundreds or thousands of supervised samples to guarantee generalization ability. Despite the long history dated back to the early 2000s and the widespread attention in recent years with booming deep learning technologies, little surveys or reviews for FSL are available until now. In this context, we extensively review 300+ papers of FSL spanning from the 2000s to 2019 and provide a timely and comprehensive survey for FSL. In this survey, we review the evolution history as well as the current progress on FSL, categorize FSL approaches into the generative model based and discriminative model based kinds in principle, and emphasize particularly on the meta learning based FSL approaches. We also summarize several recently emerging extensional topics of FSL and review the latest advances on these topics. Furthermore, we highlight the important FSL applications covering many research hotspots in computer vision, natural language processing, audio and speech, reinforcement learning and robotic, data analysis, etc. Finally, we conclude the survey with a discussion on promising trends in the hope of providing guidance and insights to follow-up researches.Comment: 30 page