615 research outputs found

    BlogForever: D3.1 Preservation Strategy Report

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    This report describes preservation planning approaches and strategies recommended by the BlogForever project as a core component of a weblog repository design. More specifically, we start by discussing why we would want to preserve weblogs in the first place and what it is exactly that we are trying to preserve. We further present a review of past and present work and highlight why current practices in web archiving do not address the needs of weblog preservation adequately. We make three distinctive contributions in this volume: a) we propose transferable practical workflows for applying a combination of established metadata and repository standards in developing a weblog repository, b) we provide an automated approach to identifying significant properties of weblog content that uses the notion of communities and how this affects previous strategies, c) we propose a sustainability plan that draws upon community knowledge through innovative repository design

    A software reference architecture for journalistic knowledge platforms

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    Newsrooms and journalists today rely on many different artificial-intelligence, big-data and knowledge-based systems to support efficient and high-quality journalism. However, making the different systems work together remains a challenge, calling for new unified journalistic knowledge platforms. A software reference architecture for journalistic knowledge platforms could help news organisations by capturing tried-and-tested best practices and providing a generic blueprint for how their IT infrastructure should evolve. To the best of our knowledge, no suitable architecture has been proposed in the literature. Therefore, this article proposes a software reference architecture for integrating artificial intelligence and knowledge bases to support journalists and newsrooms. The design of the proposed architecture is grounded on the research literature and on our experiences with developing a series of prototypes in collaboration with industry. Our aim is to make it easier for news organisations to evolve their existing independent systems for news production towards integrated knowledge platforms and to direct further research. Because journalists and newsrooms are early adopters of integrated knowledge platforms, our proposal can hopefully also inform architectures in other domains with similar needs.publishedVersio

    Journalistic Knowledge Platforms: from Idea to Realisation

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    Journalistiske kunnskapsplattformer (JKPer) er en type intelligente informasjonssystemer designet for å forbedre nyhetsproduksjonsprosesser ved å kombinere stordata, kunstig intelligens (KI) og kunnskapsbaser for å støtte journalister. Til tross for sitt potensial for å revolusjonere journalistikkfeltet, har adopsjonen av JKPer vært treg, med forskere og store nyhetsutløp involvert i forskning og utvikling av JKPer. Den langsomme adopsjonen kan tilskrives den tekniske kompleksiteten til JKPer, som har ført til at nyhetsorganisasjoner stoler på flere uavhengige og oppgavespesifikke produksjonssystemer. Denne situasjonen kan øke ressurs- og koordineringsbehovet og kostnadene, samtidig som den utgjør en trussel om å miste kontrollen over data og havne i leverandørlåssituasjoner. De tekniske kompleksitetene forblir en stor hindring, ettersom det ikke finnes en allerede godt utformet systemarkitektur som ville lette realiseringen og integreringen av JKPer på en sammenhengende måte over tid. Denne doktoravhandlingen bidrar til teorien og praksisen rundt kunnskapsgrafbaserte JKPer ved å studere og designe en programvarearkitektur som referanse for å lette iverksettelsen av konkrete løsninger og adopsjonen av JKPer. Den første bidraget til denne doktoravhandlingen gir en grundig og forståelig analyse av ideen bak JKPer, fra deres opprinnelse til deres nåværende tilstand. Denne analysen gir den første studien noensinne av faktorene som har bidratt til den langsomme adopsjonen, inkludert kompleksiteten i deres sosiale og tekniske aspekter, og identifiserer de største utfordringene og fremtidige retninger for JKPer. Den andre bidraget presenterer programvarearkitekturen som referanse, som gir en generisk blåkopi for design og utvikling av konkrete JKPer. Den foreslåtte referansearkitekturen definerer også to nye typer komponenter ment for å opprettholde og videreutvikle KI-modeller og kunnskapsrepresentasjoner. Den tredje presenterer et eksempel på iverksettelse av programvarearkitekturen som referanse og beskriver en prosess for å forbedre effektiviteten til informasjonsekstraksjonspipelines. Denne rammen muliggjør en fleksibel, parallell og samtidig integrering av teknikker for naturlig språkbehandling og KI-verktøy. I tillegg diskuterer denne avhandlingen konsekvensene av de nyeste KI-fremgangene for JKPer og ulike etiske aspekter ved bruk av JKPer. Totalt sett gir denne PhD-avhandlingen en omfattende og grundig analyse av JKPer, fra teorien til designet av deres tekniske aspekter. Denne forskningen tar sikte på å lette vedtaket av JKPer og fremme forskning på dette feltet.Journalistic Knowledge Platforms (JKPs) are a type of intelligent information systems designed to augment news creation processes by combining big data, artificial intelligence (AI) and knowledge bases to support journalists. Despite their potential to revolutionise the field of journalism, the adoption of JKPs has been slow, with scholars and large news outlets involved in the research and development of JKPs. The slow adoption can be attributed to the technical complexity of JKPs that led news organisation to rely on multiple independent and task-specific production system. This situation can increase the resource and coordination footprint and costs, at the same time it poses a threat to lose control over data and face vendor lock-in scenarios. The technical complexities remain a major obstacle as there is no existing well-designed system architecture that would facilitate the realisation and integration of JKPs in a coherent manner over time. This PhD Thesis contributes to the theory and practice on knowledge-graph based JKPs by studying and designing a software reference architecture to facilitate the instantiation of concrete solutions and the adoption of JKPs. The first contribution of this PhD Thesis provides a thorough and comprehensible analysis of the idea of JKPs, from their origins to their current state. This analysis provides the first-ever study of the factors that have contributed to the slow adoption, including the complexity of their social and technical aspects, and identifies the major challenges and future directions of JKPs. The second contribution presents the software reference architecture that provides a generic blueprint for designing and developing concrete JKPs. The proposed reference architecture also defines two novel types of components intended to maintain and evolve AI models and knowledge representations. The third presents an instantiation example of the software reference architecture and details a process for improving the efficiency of information extraction pipelines. This framework facilitates a flexible, parallel and concurrent integration of natural language processing techniques and AI tools. Additionally, this Thesis discusses the implications of the recent AI advances on JKPs and diverse ethical aspects of using JKPs. Overall, this PhD Thesis provides a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of JKPs, from the theory to the design of their technical aspects. This research aims to facilitate the adoption of JKPs and advance research in this field.Doktorgradsavhandlin

    A light-weight concept ontology for annotating digital music.

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    In the recent time, the digital music items on the internet have been evolving to an enormous information space where we try to find/locate the piece of information of our choice by means of search engine. The current trend of searching for music by means of music consumers' keywords/tags is unable to provide satisfactory search results; and search and retrieval of music may be potentially improved if music metadata is created from semantic information provided by association of end-users' tags with acoustic metadata which is easy to extract automatically from digital music items. Based on this observation, our research objective was to investigate how music producers may be able to annotate music against MPEG-7 description (with its acoustic metadata) to deliver meaningful search results. In addressing this question, we investigated the potential of multimedia ontologies to serve as backbone for annotating music items and prospective application scenarios of semantic technologies in the digital music industry. We achieved with our main contribution under this thesis is the first prototype of mpeg-7Music annotation ontology that establishes a mapping of end-users tags with MPEG-7 acoustic metadata as well as extends upper level multimedia ontologies with end-user tags. Additionally, we have developed a semi-automatic annotation tool to demonstrate the potential of the mpeg-7Music ontology to serve as light weight concept ontology for annotating digital music by music producers. The proposed ontology has been encoded in dominant semantic web ontology standard OWL1.0 and provides a standard interoperable representation of the generated semantic metadata. Our innovations in designing the semantic annotation tool were focussed on supporting the music annotation vocabulary (i.e. the mpeg-7Music) in an attempt to turn the music metadata information space to a knowledgebase

    CHORUS Deliverable 2.2: Second report - identification of multi-disciplinary key issues for gap analysis toward EU multimedia search engines roadmap

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    After addressing the state-of-the-art during the first year of Chorus and establishing the existing landscape in multimedia search engines, we have identified and analyzed gaps within European research effort during our second year. In this period we focused on three directions, notably technological issues, user-centred issues and use-cases and socio- economic and legal aspects. These were assessed by two central studies: firstly, a concerted vision of functional breakdown of generic multimedia search engine, and secondly, a representative use-cases descriptions with the related discussion on requirement for technological challenges. Both studies have been carried out in cooperation and consultation with the community at large through EC concertation meetings (multimedia search engines cluster), several meetings with our Think-Tank, presentations in international conferences, and surveys addressed to EU projects coordinators as well as National initiatives coordinators. Based on the obtained feedback we identified two types of gaps, namely core technological gaps that involve research challenges, and “enablers”, which are not necessarily technical research challenges, but have impact on innovation progress. New socio-economic trends are presented as well as emerging legal challenges

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation

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    The 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) was held on November 2-6, 2015 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. There were 327 delegates from 22 countries. The program included 12 long papers, 15 short papers, 33 posters, 3 demos, 6 workshops, 3 tutorials and 5 panels, as well as several interactive sessions and a Digital Preservation Showcase

    Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation

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    The 12th International Conference on Digital Preservation (iPRES) was held on November 2-6, 2015 in Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA. There were 327 delegates from 22 countries. The program included 12 long papers, 15 short papers, 33 posters, 3 demos, 6 workshops, 3 tutorials and 5 panels, as well as several interactive sessions and a Digital Preservation Showcase

    Acta Cybernetica : Volume 18. Number 2.

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