518 research outputs found

    Protecting privacy of semantic trajectory

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    The growing ubiquity of GPS-enabled devices in everyday life has made large-scale collection of trajectories feasible, providing ever-growing opportunities for human movement analysis. However, publishing this vulnerable data is accompanied by increasing concerns about individuals’ geoprivacy. This thesis has two objectives: (1) propose a privacy protection framework for semantic trajectories and (2) develop a Python toolbox in ArcGIS Pro environment for non-expert users to enable them to anonymize trajectory data. The former aims to prevent users’ re-identification when knowing the important locations or any random spatiotemporal points of users by swapping their important locations to new locations with the same semantics and unlinking the users from their trajectories. This is accomplished by converting GPS points into sequences of visited meaningful locations and moves and integrating several anonymization techniques. The second component of this thesis implements privacy protection in a way that even users without deep knowledge of anonymization and coding skills can anonymize their data by offering an all-in-one toolbox. By proposing and implementing this framework and toolbox, we hope that trajectory privacy is better protected in research

    Contributions to Lifelogging Protection In Streaming Environments

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    Tots els dies, més de cinc mil milions de persones generen algun tipus de dada a través d'Internet. Per accedir a aquesta informació, necessitem utilitzar serveis de recerca, ja siguin motors de cerca web o assistents personals. A cada interacció amb ells, el nostre registre d'accions, logs, s'utilitza per oferir una millor experiència. Per a les empreses, també són molt valuosos, ja que ofereixen una forma de monetitzar el servei. La monetització s'aconsegueix venent dades a tercers, però, els logs de consultes podrien exposar informació confidencial de l'usuari (identificadors, malalties, tendències sexuals, creences religioses) o usar-se per al que es diu "life-logging ": Un registre continu de les activitats diàries. La normativa obliga a protegir aquesta informació. S'han proposat prèviament sistemes de protecció per a conjunts de dades tancats, la majoria d'ells treballant amb arxius atòmics o dades estructurades. Desafortunadament, aquests sistemes no s'adapten quan es fan servir en el creixent entorn de dades no estructurades en temps real que representen els serveis d'Internet. Aquesta tesi té com objectiu dissenyar tècniques per protegir la informació confidencial de l'usuari en un entorn no estructurat d’streaming en temps real, garantint un equilibri entre la utilitat i la protecció de dades. S'han fet tres propostes per a una protecció eficaç dels logs. La primera és un nou mètode per anonimitzar logs de consultes, basat en k-anonimat probabilística i algunes eines de desanonimització per determinar fuites de dades. El segon mètode, s'ha millorat afegint un equilibri configurable entre privacitat i usabilitat, aconseguint una gran millora en termes d'utilitat de dades. La contribució final es refereix als assistents personals basats en Internet. La informació generada per aquests dispositius es pot considerar "life-logging" i pot augmentar els riscos de privacitat de l'usuari. Es proposa un esquema de protecció que combina anonimat de logs i signatures sanitizables.Todos los días, más de cinco mil millones de personas generan algún tipo de dato a través de Internet. Para acceder a esa información, necesitamos servicios de búsqueda, ya sean motores de búsqueda web o asistentes personales. En cada interacción con ellos, nuestro registro de acciones, logs, se utiliza para ofrecer una experiencia más útil. Para las empresas, también son muy valiosos, ya que ofrecen una forma de monetizar el servicio, vendiendo datos a terceros. Sin embargo, los logs podrían exponer información confidencial del usuario (identificadores, enfermedades, tendencias sexuales, creencias religiosas) o usarse para lo que se llama "life-logging": Un registro continuo de las actividades diarias. La normativa obliga a proteger esta información. Se han propuesto previamente sistemas de protección para conjuntos de datos cerrados, la mayoría de ellos trabajando con archivos atómicos o datos estructurados. Desafortunadamente, esos sistemas no se adaptan cuando se usan en el entorno de datos no estructurados en tiempo real que representan los servicios de Internet. Esta tesis tiene como objetivo diseñar técnicas para proteger la información confidencial del usuario en un entorno no estructurado de streaming en tiempo real, garantizando un equilibrio entre utilidad y protección de datos. Se han hecho tres propuestas para una protección eficaz de los logs. La primera es un nuevo método para anonimizar logs de consultas, basado en k-anonimato probabilístico y algunas herramientas de desanonimización para determinar fugas de datos. El segundo método, se ha mejorado añadiendo un equilibrio configurable entre privacidad y usabilidad, logrando una gran mejora en términos de utilidad de datos. La contribución final se refiere a los asistentes personales basados en Internet. La información generada por estos dispositivos se puede considerar “life-logging” y puede aumentar los riesgos de privacidad del usuario. Se propone un esquema de protección que combina anonimato de logs y firmas sanitizables.Every day, more than five billion people generate some kind of data over the Internet. As a tool for accessing that information, we need to use search services, either in the form of Web Search Engines or through Personal Assistants. On each interaction with them, our record of actions via logs, is used to offer a more useful experience. For companies, logs are also very valuable since they offer a way to monetize the service. Monetization is achieved by selling data to third parties, however query logs could potentially expose sensitive user information: identifiers, sensitive data from users (such as diseases, sexual tendencies, religious beliefs) or be used for what is called ”life-logging”: a continuous record of one’s daily activities. Current regulations oblige companies to protect this personal information. Protection systems for closed data sets have previously been proposed, most of them working with atomic files or structured data. Unfortunately, those systems do not fit when used in the growing real-time unstructured data environment posed by Internet services. This thesis aims to design techniques to protect the user’s sensitive information in a non-structured real-time streaming environment, guaranteeing a trade-off between data utility and protection. In this regard, three proposals have been made in efficient log protection. The first is a new method to anonymize query logs, based on probabilistic k-anonymity and some de-anonymization tools to determine possible data leaks. A second method has been improved in terms of a configurable trade-off between privacy and usability, achieving a great improvement in terms of data utility. Our final contribution concerns Internet-based Personal Assistants. The information generated by these devices is likely to be considered life-logging, and it can increase the user’s privacy risks. The proposal is a protection scheme that combines log anonymization and sanitizable signatures

    Levels of Privacy for eHealth Systems in the Cloud Era

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    Enforcing in code privacy laws, internal company rules and principles like Privacy by Design is recognized as a challenge for the IT industry. In this paper we analyze the steps required and propose a guide towards this major goal. Our proposal is to emphasize the need to overcome the limits of service orchestration and create strong privacy and security enabling architectures based on two main ideas. The first idea is to use a semantic firewall that is capable to check privacy properties for the communication between applications and cloud and between cloud\u27s sub-systems. The second idea is to improve current SOA architectures with architectures based on executable choreographies that can be formally verified. In this paper we identify three types of executable choreographies. New types of abstraction which machines can verify and humans can trust are enabled by executable choreographies that act like truly verifiable environments for cloud applications

    Towards trajectory anonymization: a generalization-based approach

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    Trajectory datasets are becoming popular due to the massive usage of GPS and locationbased services. In this paper, we address privacy issues regarding the identification of individuals in static trajectory datasets. We first adopt the notion of k-anonymity to trajectories and propose a novel generalization-based approach for anonymization of trajectories. We further show that releasing anonymized trajectories may still have some privacy leaks. Therefore we propose a randomization based reconstruction algorithm for releasing anonymized trajectory data and also present how the underlying techniques can be adapted to other anonymity standards. The experimental results on real and synthetic trajectory datasets show the effectiveness of the proposed techniques

    Automatic privacy and utility evaluation of anonymized documents via deep learning

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    Text anonymization methods are evaluated by comparing their outputs with human-based anonymizations through standard information retrieval (IR) metrics. On the one hand, the residual disclosure risk is quantified with the recall metric, which gives the proportion of re-identifying terms successfully detected by the anonymization algorithm. On the other hand, the preserved utility is measured with the precision metric, which accounts the proportion of masked terms that were also annotated by the human experts. Nevertheless, because these evaluation metrics were meant for information retrieval rather than privacy-oriented tasks, they suffer from several drawbacks. First, they assume a unique ground truth, and this does not hold for text anonymization, where several masking choices could be equally valid to prevent re-identification. Second, annotation-based evaluation relies on human judgements, which are inherently subjective and may be prone to errors. Finally, both metrics weight terms uniformly, thereby ignoring the fact that the influence on the disclosure risk or on utility preservation of some terms may be much larger than of others. To overcome these drawbacks, in this thesis we propose two novel methods to evaluate both the disclosure risk and the utility preserved in anonymized texts. Our approach leverages deep learning methods to perform this evaluation automatically, thereby not requiring human annotations. For assessing disclosure risks, we propose using a re-identification attack, which we define as a multi-class classification task built on top of state-of-the art language models. To make it feasible, the attack has been designed to capture the means and computational resources expected to be available at the attacker's end. For utility assessment, we propose a method that measures the information loss incurred during the anonymization process, which relies on a neural masked language modeling. We illustrate the effectiveness of our methods by evaluating the disclosure risk and retained utility of several well-known techniques and tools for text anonymization on a common dataset. Empirical results show significant privacy risks for all of them (including manual anonymization) and consistently proportional utility preservation

    A Novel Privacy Disclosure Risk Measure and Optimizing Privacy Preserving Data Publishing Techniques

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    A tremendous amount of individual-level data is generated each day, with a wide variety of uses. This data often contains sensitive information about individuals, which can be disclosed by “adversaries”. Even when direct identifiers such as social security numbers are masked, an adversary may be able to recognize an individual\u27s identity for a data record by looking at the values of quasi-identifiers (QID), known as identity disclosure, or can uncover sensitive attributes (SA) about an individual through attribute disclosure. In data privacy field, multiple disclosure risk measures have been proposed. These share two drawbacks: they do not consider identity and attribute disclosure concurrently, and they make restrictive assumptions on an adversary\u27s knowledge and disclosure target by assuming certain attributes are QIDs and SAs with clear boundary in between. In this study, we present a Flexible Adversary Disclosure Risk (FADR) measure that addresses these limitations, by presenting a single combined metric of identity and attribute disclosure, and considering all scenarios for an adversary’s knowledge and disclosure targets while providing the flexibility to model a specific disclosure preference. In addition, we employ FADR measure to develop our novel “RU Generalization” algorithm that anonymizes a sensitive dataset to be able to publish the data for public access while preserving the privacy of individuals in the dataset. The challenge is to preserve privacy without incurring excessive information loss. Our RU Generalization algorithm is a greedy heuristic algorithm, which aims at minimizing the combination of both disclosure risk and information loss, to obtain an optimized anonymized dataset. We have conducted a set of experiments on a benchmark dataset from 1994 Census database, to evaluate both our FADR measure and RU Generalization algorithm. We have shown the robustness of our FADR measure and the effectiveness of our RU Generalization algorithm by comparing with the benchmark anonymization algorithm

    LightBox: Full-stack Protected Stateful Middlebox at Lightning Speed

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    Running off-site software middleboxes at third-party service providers has been a popular practice. However, routing large volumes of raw traffic, which may carry sensitive information, to a remote site for processing raises severe security concerns. Prior solutions often abstract away important factors pertinent to real-world deployment. In particular, they overlook the significance of metadata protection and stateful processing. Unprotected traffic metadata like low-level headers, size and count, can be exploited to learn supposedly encrypted application contents. Meanwhile, tracking the states of 100,000s of flows concurrently is often indispensable in production-level middleboxes deployed at real networks. We present LightBox, the first system that can drive off-site middleboxes at near-native speed with stateful processing and the most comprehensive protection to date. Built upon commodity trusted hardware, Intel SGX, LightBox is the product of our systematic investigation of how to overcome the inherent limitations of secure enclaves using domain knowledge and customization. First, we introduce an elegant virtual network interface that allows convenient access to fully protected packets at line rate without leaving the enclave, as if from the trusted source network. Second, we provide complete flow state management for efficient stateful processing, by tailoring a set of data structures and algorithms optimized for the highly constrained enclave space. Extensive evaluations demonstrate that LightBox, with all security benefits, can achieve 10Gbps packet I/O, and that with case studies on three stateful middleboxes, it can operate at near-native speed.Comment: Accepted at ACM CCS 201

    Towards trajectory anonymization: A generalization-based approach

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    Trajectory datasets are becoming,popular,due,to the massive,usage,of GPS and,location- based services. In this paper, we address privacy issues regarding the identification of individuals in static trajectory datasets. We first adopt the notion of k-anonymity,to trajectories and propose,a novel generalization-based approach,for anonymization,of trajectories. We further show,that releasing anonymized,trajectories may,still have,some,privacy,leaks. Therefore we propose,a randomization based,reconstruction,algorithm,for releasing anonymized,trajectory data and,also present how,the underlying,techniques,can be adapted,to other anonymity,standards. The experimental,results on real and,synthetic trajectory datasets show,the effectiveness of the proposed,techniques