510 research outputs found

    Semantic modelling of user interests based on cross-folksonomy analysis

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    The continued increase in Web usage, in particular participation in folksonomies, reveals a trend towards a more dynamic and interactive Web where individuals can organise and share resources. Tagging has emerged as the de-facto standard for the organisation of such resources, providing a versatile and reactive knowledge management mechanism that users find easy to use and understand. It is common nowadays for users to have multiple profiles in various folksonomies, thus distributing their tagging activities. In this paper, we present a method for the automatic consolidation of user profiles across two popular social networking sites, and subsequent semantic modelling of their interests utilising Wikipedia as a multi-domain model. We evaluate how much can be learned from such sites, and in which domains the knowledge acquired is focussed. Results show that far richer interest profiles can be generated for users when multiple tag-clouds are combine

    Preliminary results in tag disambiguation using DBpedia

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    The availability of tag-based user-generated content for a variety of Web resources (music, photos, videos, text, etc.) has largely increased in the last years. Users can assign tags freely and then use them to share and retrieve information. However, tag-based sharing and retrieval is not optimal due to the fact that tags are plain text labels without an explicit or formal meaning, and hence polysemy and synonymy should be dealt with appropriately. To ameliorate these problems, we propose a context-based tag disambiguation algorithm that selects the meaning of a tag among a set of candidate DBpedia entries, using a common information retrieval similarity measure. The most similar DBpedia en-try is selected as the one representing the meaning of the tag. We describe and analyze some preliminary results, and discuss about current challenges in this area

    Spatio-semantic user profiles in location-based social networks

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    Knowledge of users’ visits to places is one of the keys to understanding their interest in places. User-contributed annotations of place, the types of places they visit, and the activities they carry out, add a layer of important semantics that, if considered, can result in more refined representations of user profiles. In this paper, semantic information is summarised as tags for places and a folksonomy data model is used to represent spatial and semantic relationships between users, places, and tags. The model allows simple co-occurrence methods and similarity measures to be applied to build different views of personalised user profiles. Basic profiles capture direct user interactions, while enriched profiles offer an extended view of users’ association with places and tags that take into account relationships in the folksonomy. The main contributions of this work are the proposal of a uniform approach to the creation of user profiles on the Social Web that integrates both the spatial and semantic components of user-provided information, and the demonstration of the effectiveness of this approach with realistic datasets

    Semantics, sensors, and the social web: The live social semantics experiments

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    The Live Social Semantics is an innovative application that encourages and guides social networking between researchers at conferences and similar events. The application integrates data and technologies from the Semantic Web, online social networks, and a face-to-face contact sensing platform. It helps researchers to find like-minded and influential researchers, to identify and meet people in their community of practice, and to capture and later retrace their real-world networking activities at conferences. The application was successfully deployed at two international conferences, attracting more than 300 users in total. This paper describes this application, and discusses and evaluates the results of its two deployment

    Semantic contextualisation of social tag-based profiles and item recommendations

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    Proceedigns of 12th International Conference, EC-Web 2011, Toulouse, France, August 30 - September 1, 2011.The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-23014-1_9We present an approach that efficiently identifies the semantic meanings and contexts of social tags within a particular folksonomy, and exploits them to build contextualised tag-based user and item profiles. We apply our approach to a dataset obtained from Delicious social bookmarking system, and evaluate it through two experiments: a user study consisting of manual judgements of tag disambiguation and contextualisation cases, and an offline study measuring the performance of several tag-powered item recommendation algorithms by using contextualised profiles. The results obtained show that our approach is able to accurately determine the actual semantic meanings and contexts of tag annotations, and allow item recommenders to achieve better precision and recall on their predictions.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (TIN2008-06566-C04-02), and the Community of Madrid (CCG10- UAM/TIC-5877

    Measuring vertex centrality in co-occurrence graphs for online social tag recommendation

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    Also published online by CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org, ISSN 1613-0073) Proceedings of ECML PKDD (The European Conference on Machine Learning and Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery in Databases) Discovery Challenge 2009, Bled, Slovenia, September 7, 2009.We present a social tag recommendation model for collaborative bookmarking systems. This model receives as input a bookmark of a web page or scientific publication, and automatically suggests a set of social tags useful for annotating the bookmarked document. Analysing and processing the bookmark textual contents - document title, URL, abstract and descriptions - we extract a set of keywords, forming a query that is launched against an index, and retrieves a number of similar tagged bookmarks. Afterwards, we take the social tags of these bookmarks, and build their global co-occurrence sub-graph. The tags (vertices) of this reduced graph that have the highest vertex centrality constitute our recommendations, whThis research was supported by the European Commission under contracts FP6-027122-SALERO, FP6-033715-MIAUCE and FP6-045032 SEMEDIA. The expressed content is the view of the authors but not necessarily the view of SALERO, MIAUCE and SEMEDIA projects as a whol

    Exploring the Structure of Library and Information Science Web Space Based on Multivariate Analysis of Social Tags

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    Introduction. This study examines the structure of Web space in the field of library and information science using multivariate analysis of social tags from the Website, Delicious.com. A few studies have examined mathematical modelling of tags, mainly examining tagging in terms of tri-partite graphs, pattern tracing and descriptive statistics. This study is one of the few studies to employ multivariate analysis in investigating dimensions of Web spaces based on social tagging data. Method. This study examines the post data collected from a set of library and information science related Websites bookmarked on Delicious.com using a Web crawler. Post data consist of the URL, usernames, tags and comments assigned by users of Delicious.com. The collected tag data were analysed based on multivariate methods, such as multidimensional scaling and structural equation modelling. Analysis. Collected data were first analysed using multidimensional scaling to explore initial relationships amongst the selected Websites. Then, confirmatory factor analysis based on structural equation modelling was employed to examine the hierarchical structure of the library & information science Web space. Results. Social tag data exhibit different dimensions in the Web space of the library and information science field. In addition, social tags confirmed the hierarchical structure of the field by showing significantly stronger relationships between the sites with similar characteristics. That is, the structure of the tagging data shows similar connections to those present in the real world. Conclusions. This study suggests a new statistical approach in social tagging and Web space analysis studies. Tag information can be used to explain the hierarchical structure of a certain domain. Methodologically, this study suggests that structural equation modelling can be a compelling method to explore hierarchal structures of nodes on the Web space

    Live Social Semantics

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    Social interactions are one of the key factors to the success of conferences and similar community gatherings. This paper describes a novel application that integrates data from the semantic web, online social networks, and a real-world contact sensing platform. This application was successfully deployed at ESWC09, and actively used by 139 people. Personal profiles of the participants were automatically generated using several Web~2.0 systems and semantic academic data sources, and integrated in real-time with face-to-face contact networks derived from wearable sensors. Integration of all these heterogeneous data layers made it possible to offer various services to conference attendees to enhance their social experience such as visualisation of contact data, and a site to explore and connect with other participants. This paper describes the architecture of the application, the services we provided, and the results we achieved in this deployment