3,381 research outputs found

    Root cause analysis of low throughput situations using boosting algorithms and the TreeShap analysis

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    Detecting and diagnosing the root cause of failures in mobile networks is an increasingly demanding and time consuming task, given its technological growing complexity. This paper focuses on predicting and diagnosing low User Downlink (DL) Average Throughput situations, using supervised learning and the Tree Shapley Additive Explanations (SHAP) method. To fulfill this objective, Boosting classification models are used to predict a failure/non-failure binary label. The influence of each counter on the overall model’s predictive performance is performed based on the TreeSHAP method. From the implemen tation of this technique, it is possible to identify the main causes of low throughput, based on the analysis of the most critical counters in fault detection. Furthermore, from the identification of these counters, it is possible to define a system for diagnosing the most probable throughput degradation cause. The described methodology allowed not only to identify and quantify low throughput situations in a live network due to the occurrence of misadjusted configuration parameters, radio problems and network capacity problems, but also to outline a process for solving them.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Diagnosing hikikomori

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    Hikikomori (‘social withdrawal’) appeared in Japan at the end of the twentieth century, inciting public panic about a generation of Japanese youth who shun social contact and fail to engage in the age-appropriate activities of young adulthood. Widely cited as a ‘condition’ rather than a psychiatric symptom or disorder, hikikomori has functioned variously as a diagnosis of individuals, families, and society at large. Taking the polysemous (and controversial) nature of hikikomori as a starting point, we draw on fourteen months of ethnographic research to explore how families negotiate a diagnosis of hikikomori in everyday life. Our focus on families opens up fruitful questions about the moral economies of life under diagnosis, not simply for the diagnosed individual, but also for those who assume responsibility for that individual’s health and wellbeing

    Intelligent architecture for automatic resource allocation in computer clusters

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    As the need for more reporting and assessment of information increase exponentially, computer-based applications consume resources at an alarmingly rapid rate. Therefore, traditional techniques for managing resource allocation, topology and systems need urgent revision. In this paper, we present an intelligent architecture that introduces a new strategy for managing resource discovery, allocation and dynamic reconfiguration at run-time. Our building methodology involves the employment of new types of clustered systems based on large application groupings, each having a master cluster controller. Each controlling engine consists of self-healing intelligent entities that can compensate for a variety of software or hardware problems. We also present evaluation results of extensive experiments in a production environment, which demonstrate the advantages of our approach

    ¿Son clasificados correctamente los pacientes con dolor crónico y fibromialgia por las escalas e índices de validez del MMPI-2?

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    A study was designed to find out whether MMPI-2 validity scales and indexes differentiate between true fibromyalgia sufferers, patients with chronic organic pain and normal people, as well as whether they are correctly classified. 105 subjects participated in the study, 27 diagnosed with fibromyalgia and 44 with chronic organic pain and 34 were healthy people, who answered the MMPI-2 following standard instructions. The results showed that fibromyalgia patients scored higher than the control group in the F, Fb, F-K, Fp, Ds, and FBS scales and indexes and that patients with chronic organic pain scored higher in the Ds and FBS scales than the control group. The case study revealed that the F, Fb, F-K, Fp, Ds, and FBS scales and indexes over-diagnose malingering in patients with fibromyalgia, both in comparison with the clinical population and with the normative group. Likewise, patients with chronic organic pain were overdiagnosed as malingerers by all the scales and indexes in comparison with the normative population and by the Fp and FBS scales in comparison with the clinical population. In addition, it was found that at least one of the scales for measuring defensiveness –L, Wsd and Mp– classified 79.5% of the truly ill patients as faking good. The implications for clinical and forensic practice are discussed, as well as for the definition of decision criteria and the (re)classification as true negatives of genuine cases classified as malingerers by the malingering measuring scales and indexesSe diseñó un estudio con el objetivo de conocer si escalas e índices de validez del MMPI-2 diferencian entre verdaderos enfermos de fibromialgia, pacientes con dolor crónico de etiología orgánica y personas normales, así como si los clasifican correctamente. Participaron en el estudio 105 sujetos, 27 diagnosticados de fibromialgia, 44 de dolor crónico con etiología orgánica y 34 sanos, que respondieron al MMPI-2 bajo las instrucciones estándar. Los resultados mostraron que los pacientes de fibromialgia puntuaban más alto en las escalas e índices F, Fb, F-K, Fp, Ds y FBS que el grupo control y los pacientes de dolor crónico con etiología orgánica en las escalas Ds y FBS. El estudio de casos evidenció que las escalas e índices F, Fb, F-K, Fp, Ds y FBS sobrediagnostican simulación en los pacientes con fibromialgia, tanto en comparación con la población clínica como con la normativa. Asimismo, los pacientes con dolor crónico con etiología orgánica fueron sobrediagnosticados como simuladores por todas las escalas e índices en comparación con la población normativa y por las escalas Fp y FBS en comparación con la población clínica. Además hallamos que al menos una de las escalas de medida de defensividad –L, Wsd y Mp– clasificaba como disimuladores al 79.5% de los verdaderos enfermos. Se discuten las implicaciones para la práctica clínica y forense, así como para la definición de criterios de decisión y la (re)clasificación como verdaderos negativos de aquellos casos genuinos clasificados como simuladores por las escalas e índices de medida de la simulaciónS

    A Case of Duodenal Anisakiasis with Duodenal Ulcer

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    Humans can be incidentally parasitized by third-stage larvae of Anisakis species following the ingestion of raw or undercooked seafood. Acute gastric anisakiasis is one of the most frequently encountered complaints in Korea. However, duodenal anisakiasis with duodenal ulcer had not been reported in Korea, despite the habit of eating raw fish. In this case, a 47-year-old man was hospitalized because of sharp epigastric pain and repeated vomiting after eating raw fish 3 days previously. On admission, esophagogastroduodenoscopic examination revealed an active duodenal bulb ulcer. At 5 mm away from the ulcer margin, a whitish linear worm was found with half of its body penetrating the duodenal mucosa. Herein, we report this case of duodenal anisakiasis accompanied by duodenal ulcer

    Co-word Analysis of World Scientific Productions in the Field of Religion and Health

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    The purpose of this study is to evaluate the World Science Productions in the field of religion and health using co-word analysis.The research reviewed scientific documents indexed from 1958 to 2019 on Web of Science (WoS). For analyzing the data and drawing the scientific map, Ravar Matrix and Vosviewer tools were used.The data analysis shows that Iran provided only 1.52 percent of global scientific production in this field with 32 scientific documents, and countries such as the US, UK, and Germany are ahead of the others. The co-word analysis shows that the most important topics include spirituality and health, mental health, and medical ethics. In the past 60 years of studies on the three major religions of Islam, Judaism, and Christianity, the relation of spirituality and health has been one of the most significant topics. The findings suggest that the role of spirituality cannot be ignored in promoting the health of communities.https://dorl.net/dor/20.1001.1.20088302.2022.  

    Smart Materials for Wearable Healthcare Devices

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    Wearable devices seem to have great potential that could result in a revolutionary non-clinical approach to health monitoring and diagnosing disease. With continued innovation and intensive attention to the materials and fabrication technologies, development of these healthcare devices is progressively encouraged. This chapter gives a concise review of some of the main concepts and approaches related to recent advances and developments in the scope of wearable devices from the perspective of emerging materials. A complementary section of the review linking these advanced materials with wearable device technologies is particularly specified. Some of the strong and weak points in development of each wearable material/device are clearly highlighted and criticized

    Comparison of panoramic mandibular cortical bone quality indexes in amlodipine users and healthy individuals

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    Hypertension and osteoporosis are believed to be linked to to each other. Previous studies have suggested that the imbalance of calcium metabolism in hypertensive condition and the use of calcium channel blockers such as amlodipine may lower the density and quality of bone. Panoramic radiography has been widely used as a reliable tool in assessing bone quality. One indicator of bone quality in panoramic radiograph is the macrostructure evaluation of mandibular cortical bone by using various indexes such as mandibular cortical index (MCI) and antegonial index (AI). This research aimed to compare the bone quality of hypertensive patients with amlodipine and healthy individuals using MCI and AI. In this study we used sixty panoramic radiographs of hypertensive patients with amlodipine and healthy individuals, thirty for each group, with various aspects of demography. The MCI analysis was done by dividing the mandibular cortical shape into three different qualitative categories and the AI analysis was done quantitatively by measuring the width of mandibular cortical bone in antegonial region using ImageJ software. There were statistically significant differences in the results between the two groups in terms of both AI (p = 0.000) and MCI (p = 0.001) in which hypertensive group had lower score. Based on this research, there were differences of mandibular bone quality of hypertensive patients with amlodipine and healthy individuals, particularly in its macrostructure

    Improved Sensor Fault-Tolerant Control Technique Applied to Three-Phase Induction Motor Drive

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    An improved fault-tolerant control (FTC) method using mathematical functions is applied to the induction motor drive (IMD) against current sensors and speed encoder failures, which occur when the sensor is disconnected or completely damaged. The IMD with two current sensors and an encoder is speed controlled based on the field-oriented control (FOC) technique in regular operation. In this paper, an FTC unit is implemented in the FOC controller to detect and solve the sensor fault to increase the reliability of the speed control process. The measured stator currents and the feedback speed signal are integrated into the diagnosis algorithms to create a sensor fault-tolerant control function. Three diagnosis functions operating in a defined sequence are proposed for determining the health status of current and speed sensors. The FTC function performs isolation and replaces the faulty sensor signals with the proper estimated signals; then, the IMD will operate in the corresponding sensorless mode. Simulations will be performed to verify the accuracy and reliability of the proposed method under various sensor faults
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