493 research outputs found

    GABA signaling in the thalamus

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    Inhibition of neuronal activity in networks of the mammalian central nervous system is essential for all fundamental brain functions, ranging from perception, to consciousness, to action. Both exacerbation and diminution of inhibition dramatically affect our behavioral capacities, indicating that, in the healthy brain, strength and dynamics of inhibition must be precisely balanced. Inhibitory functions are primarily accomplished by neurons releasing the neurotransmitter GABA. According to their wide variety of functions, GABAergic neurons show a tremendous diversity in morphological, biochemical and functional characteristics. The combination of these diverse properties allows the brain to generate interneurons acting as, for examples, filters, co-incidence detectors or contrast enhancers. GABAergic signaling in thalamus plays an essential role in controlling sensory information flow from the periphery to the cortical processing centers, and in generating sleep-related neuronal rhythms. Surprisingly, however, the diversity of GABAergic neurons is remarkably limited in thalamic networks. Both functions mentioned have been tightly associated with two homogeneous groups of GABAergic neurons arising within thalamic nuclei or within the nucleus reticularis, a shell of inhibitory nuclei surrounding the dorsal thalamus. The results arising from the present thesis challenge the view that the diversity of GABAergic signaling in thalamus is comparatively limited and proposes that, to fully understand GABAergic signaling in thalamus, at least two additional aspects have to be considered. First, it shows that GABAergic signaling arising from the nucleus reticularis can have a profound effect on the synthesis of second messenger compounds that are important in the control of neuronal rhythmicities and in the statedependent control of gene expression. Second, it demonstrates the functional relevance of a previously undescribed extrathalamic and extrareticular inhibitory pathway that arises within the anterior pretectal nuclei, indicating that the architecture of GABAergic signaling in thalamus has to be complemented by a conceptually novel, powerful afferent pathway. The first part investigates the modulation of cAMP synthesis by GABA in thalamocortical neurons through the activation of the Gi-coupled GABAB receptors. GABAB receptors can provide two different cAMP signals in the neurons. First, GABAB receptor activation depresses the level of cAMP inside thalamocortical neurons. However, a large and long cAMP signal is observed when GABAB receptors are activated concomitantly with b-adrenergic receptors, which are Gscoupled receptors. In the presence of GABAB receptor agonists, the moderate cAMP increase produced by b-adrenergic receptor activation is transformed into a large synthesis of cAMP. Remarkably, the activation of the GABAB receptors at the synapses between reticular neurons and thalamocortical neurons also potentiates the effects of b-adrenergic receptors. Thus, GABAB receptors modulate cAMP signals at synapses that are important for the regulation of the state of arousal. The second part provides the first electrophysiological description of synaptic connections between the anterior pretectum group and the thalamic higher-order nuclei. Electric stimulation in the anterior pretectum group evoked inhibitory postsynaptic responses (IPS) in the thalamocortical neurons of the higher-order nuclei. We showed that the IPS responses were mediated via the GABAA receptors activated through monosynaptic connections between the APT and the higher-order nuclei. Functionally, the anterior pretectum modulated the discharge properties of the thalamocortical neurons, suggesting an important role of this nucleus in the dialogue between the thalamus and the cortex

    The Neuroanatomy of the Reticular Nucleus Locus Coeruleus in Alzheimer's Disease.

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    Alzheimer's Disease (AD) features the accumulation of β-amyloid and Tau aggregates, which deposit as extracellular plaques and intracellular neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs), respectively. Neuronal Tau aggregates may appear early in life, in the absence of clinical symptoms. This occurs in the brainstem reticular formation and mostly within Locus Coeruleus (LC), which is consistently affected during AD. LC is the main source of forebrain norepinephrine (NE) and it modulates a variety of functions including sleep-waking cycle, alertness, synaptic plasticity, and memory. The iso-dendritic nature of LC neurons allows their axons to spread NE throughout the whole forebrain. Likewise, a prion-like hypothesis suggests that Tau aggregates may travel along LC axons to reach out cortical neurons. Despite this timing is compatible with cross-sectional studies, there is no actual evidence for a causal relationship between these events. In the present mini-review, we dedicate special emphasis to those various mechanisms that may link degeneration of LC neurons to the onset of AD pathology. This includes the hypothesis that a damage to LC neurons contributes to the onset of dementia due to a loss of neuroprotective effects or, even the chance that, LC degenerates independently from cortical pathology. At the same time, since LC neurons are lost in a variety of neuropsychiatric disorders we considered which molecular mechanism may render these brainstem neurons so vulnerable

    Limbic System Involvement in Absence Seizures

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    Absence epilepsy is characterized by brief spells of absent stare and spike wave discharges (SWDs), generally believed to be generated by a thalamocortical network. Our lab showed that hippocampal neuronal firings were synchronous with SWDs in a gamma butyrolactone (GBL) model of absence epilepsy in rats (Arcaro et al., 2016). We hypothesize that, in a GBL model of absence seizures, 30-400 Hz oscillations in the spontaneous local field potentials (LFPs) in the hippocampus and other parts of limbic system (amygdala and nucleus accumbens) are phase modulated by SWDs, and this modulation is mediated through nucleus reuniens of midline thalamus (RE). Spontaneous LFPs in the hippocampus, thalamus, frontal cortex, nucleus accumbens and amygdala were recorded before and after GBL injection. Phase modulation of three frequency bands (30-80 Hz gamma, 80-250 Hz ripples and 250-400 fast ripples) by 2-6 Hz frequency increased for \u3e30 min after GBL injection. In another group of rats, the modulation index (MI) of gamma, ripples and fast ripples in specific brain areas after GBL was smaller after muscimol as compared to saline infusion into the RE. MI of the different frequency bands appears to be a sensitive measure of the effect of SWD on each brain area and RE is an important link between thalamus and hippocampus

    Incessant transitions between active and silent states in cortico-thalamic circuits and altered neuronal excitability lead to epilepsy

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    La ligne directrice de nos expériences a été l'hypothèse que l'apparition et/ou la persistance des fluctuations de longue durée entre les états silencieux et actifs dans les réseaux néocorticaux et une excitabilité neuronale modifiée sont les facteurs principaux de l'épileptogenèse, menant aux crises d’épilepsie avec expression comportementale. Nous avons testé cette hypothèse dans deux modèles expérimentaux différents. La déafférentation corticale chronique a essayé de répliquer la déafférentation physiologique du neocortex observée pendant le sommeil à ondes lentes. Dans ces conditions, caractérisées par une diminution de la pression synaptique et par une incidence augmentée de périodes silencieuses dans le système cortico-thalamique, le processus de plasticité homéostatique augmente l’excitabilité neuronale. Par conséquent, le cortex a oscillé entre des périodes actives et silencieuses et, également, a développé des activités hyper-synchrones, s'étendant de l’hyperexcitabilité cellulaire à l'épileptogenèse focale et à des crises épileptiques généralisées. Le modèle de stimulation sous-liminale chronique (« kindling ») du cortex cérébral a été employé afin d'imposer au réseau cortical une charge synaptique supérieure à celle existante pendant les états actifs naturels - état de veille ou sommeil paradoxal (REM). Dans ces conditions un mécanisme différent de plasticité qui s’est exprimé dans le système thalamo-corticale a imposé pour des longues périodes de temps des oscillations continuelles entre les époques actives et silencieuses, que nous avons appelées des activités paroxysmiques persistantes. Indépendamment du mécanisme sous-jacent de l'épileptogenèse les crises d’épilepsie ont montré certaines caractéristiques similaires : une altération dans l’excitabilité neuronale mise en évidence par une incidence accrue des décharges neuronales de type bouffée, une tendance constante vers la généralisation, une propagation de plus en plus rapide, une synchronie augmentée au cours du temps, et une modulation par les états de vigilance (facilitation pendant le sommeil à ondes lentes et barrage pendant le sommeil REM). Les états silencieux, hyper-polarisés, de neurones corticaux favorisent l'apparition des bouffées de potentiels d’action en réponse aux événements synaptiques, et l'influence post-synaptique d'une bouffée de potentiels d’action est beaucoup plus importante par rapport à l’impacte d’un seul potentiel d’action. Nous avons également apporté des évidences que les neurones néocorticaux de type FRB sont capables à répondre avec des bouffées de potentiels d’action pendant les phases hyper-polarisées de l'oscillation lente, propriété qui peut jouer un rôle très important dans l’analyse de l’information dans le cerveau normal et dans l'épileptogenèse. Finalement, nous avons rapporté un troisième mécanisme de plasticité dans les réseaux corticaux après les crises d’épilepsie - une diminution d’amplitude des potentiels post-synaptiques excitatrices évoquées par la stimulation corticale après les crises - qui peut être un des facteurs responsables des déficits comportementaux observés chez les patients épileptiques. Nous concluons que la transition incessante entre des états actifs et silencieux dans les circuits cortico-thalamiques induits par disfacilitation (sommeil à ondes lentes), déafférentation corticale (épisodes ictales à 4-Hz) ou par une stimulation sous-liminale chronique (activités paroxysmiques persistantes) crée des circonstances favorables pour le développement de l'épileptogenèse. En plus, l'augmentation de l’incidence des bouffées de potentiels d’actions induisant une excitation post-synaptique anormalement forte, change l'équilibre entre l'excitation et l'inhibition vers une supra-excitation menant a l’apparition des crises d’épilepsie.The guiding line in our experiments was the hypothesis that the occurrence and / or the persistence of long-lasting fluctuations between silent and active states in the neocortical networks, together with a modified neuronal excitability are the key factors of epileptogenesis, leading to behavioral seizures. We addressed this hypothesis in two different experimental models. The chronic cortical deafferentation replicated the physiological deafferentation of the neocortex observed during slow-wave sleep (SWS). Under these conditions of decreased synaptic input and increased incidence of silent periods in the corticothalamic system the process of homeostatic plasticity up-regulated cortical cellular and network mechanisms and leaded to an increased excitability. Therefore, the deafferented cortex was able to oscillate between active and silent epochs for long periods of time and, furthermore, to develop highly synchronized activities, ranging from cellular hyperexcitability to focal epileptogenesis and generalized seizures. The kindling model was used in order to impose to the cortical network a synaptic drive superior to the one naturally occurring during the active states - wake or rapid eye movements (REM) sleep. Under these conditions a different plasticity mechanism occurring in the thalamo-cortical system imposed long-lasting oscillatory pattern between active and silent epochs, which we called outlasting activities. Independently of the mechanism of epileptogenesis seizures showed some analogous characteristics: alteration of the neuronal firing pattern with increased bursts probability, a constant tendency toward generalization, faster propagation and increased synchrony over the time, and modulation by the state of vigilance (overt during SWS and completely abolished during REM sleep). Silent, hyperpolarized, states of cortical neurons favor the induction of burst firing in response to depolarizing inputs, and the postsynaptic influence of a burst is much stronger as compared to a single spike. Furthermore, we brought evidences that a particular type of neocortical neurons - fast rhythmic bursting (FRB) class - is capable to consistently respond with bursts during the hyperpolarized phase of the slow oscillation, fact that may play a very important role in both normal brain processing and in epileptogenesis. Finally, we reported a third plastic mechanism in the cortical network following seizures - a decreasing amplitude of cortically evoked excitatory post-synaptic potentials (EPSP) following seizures - which may be one of the factors responsible for the behavioral deficits observed in patients with epilepsy. We conclude that incessant transitions between active and silent states in cortico-thalamic circuits induced either by disfacilitation (sleep), cortical deafferentation (4-Hz ictal episodes) and by kindling (outlasting activities) create favorable circumstances for epileptogenesis. The increase in burst-firing, which further induce abnormally strong postsynaptic excitation, shifts the balance of excitation and inhibition toward overexcitation leading to the onset of seizures

    Experimental treatment options in absence epilepsy

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    Contains fulltext : 182124.pdf (preprint version ) (Open Access)Background: The benign character of absence epilepsy compared to other genetic generalized epilepsy syndromes has often hampered the search for new treatment options. Absence epilepsy is most often treated with ethosuximide or valproic acid. However, both drugs are not always well tolerated or fail, and seizure freedom for a larger proportion of patients remains to be achieved. The availability of genuine animal models of epilepsy does allow to search for new treatment options not only for absence epilepsy perse but also for other genetic - previously called idiopathic - forms of epilepsy. The recent discovery of a highly excitable cortical zone in these models is considered as a new therapeutic target area. Methods: Here, we provide an overview regarding the search for new therapeutical options as has been investigated in the genetic rodent models (mainly WAG/Rij and GAERS) including drugs and whether antiepileptogenesis can be achieved, various types of electrical and optogenetical invasive stimulations, different types of non-invasive stimulation and finally whether absence seizures can be predicted and prevented. Results: Many factors determine either the cortical and or thalamic excitability or the interaction between cortex and thalamus and offer new possibilities for new anti-absence drugs, among others metabotropic glutamatergic positive and negative allosteric modulators. The inhibition of epileptogenesis by various drugs with its widespread consequences seems feasible, although its mechanisms remain obscure and seems different from the anti-absence action. Surgical intervention on the cortical zone initiating seizures, either with radiosurgery using synchrotron-generated microbeams, or ablation techniques might reduce spike-and-wave discharges in the rodent models. High frequency electrical subcortical or cortical stimulation might be a good way to abort ongoing spike-and-wave discharges. In addition, possibilities for prevention with real-time EEG analyses in combination with electrical stimulation could also be a way to fully control these seizures. Conclusion: Although it is obvious that some of these treatment possibilities will not be used for absence epilepsy and/or need to be further developed, all can be considered as proof of principle and provide clear directives for further developments

    The Emergence of Emotions

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    Emotion is conscious experience. It is the affective aspect of consciousness. Emotion arises from sensory stimulation and is typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body. Hence an emotion is a complex reaction pattern consisting of three components: a physiological component, a behavioral component, and an experiential (conscious) component. The reactions making up an emotion determine what the emotion will be recognized as. Three processes are involved in generating an emotion: (1) identification of the emotional significance of a sensory stimulus, (2) production of an affective state (emotion), and (3) regulation of the affective state. Two opposing systems in the brain (the reward and punishment systems) establish an affective value or valence (stimulus-reinforcement association) for sensory stimulation. This is process (1), the first step in the generation of an emotion. Development of stimulus-reinforcement associations (affective valence) serves as the basis for emotion expression (process 2), conditioned emotion learning acquisition and expression, memory consolidation, reinforcement-expectations, decision-making, coping responses, and social behavior. The amygdala is critical for the representation of stimulus-reinforcement associations (both reward and punishment-based) for these functions. Three distinct and separate architectural and functional areas of the prefrontal cortex (dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, orbitofrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex) are involved in the regulation of emotion (process 3). The regulation of emotion by the prefrontal cortex consists of a positive feedback interaction between the prefrontal cortex and the inferior parietal cortex resulting in the nonlinear emergence of emotion. This positive feedback and nonlinear emergence represents a type of working memory (focal attention) by which perception is reorganized and rerepresented, becoming explicit, functional, and conscious. The explicit emotion states arising may be involved in the production of voluntary new or novel intentional (adaptive) behavior, especially social behavior

    Global neural rhythm control by local neuromodulation

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    Neural oscillations are a ubiquitous form of neural activity seen across scales and modalities. These neural rhythms correlate with diverse cognitive functions and brain states. One mechanism for changing the oscillatory dynamics of large neuronal populations is through neuromodulator activity. An intriguing phenomenon explored here is when local neuromodulation of a distinct neuron type within a single brain nucleus exerts a powerful influence on global cortical rhythms. One approach to investigate the impact of local circuits on global rhythms is through optogenetic techniques. My first project involves the statistical analysis of electrophysiological recordings of an optogenetically-mediated Parkinsonian phenotype. Empirical studies demonstrate that Parkinsonian motor deficits correlate with the emergence of exaggerated beta frequency (15-30 Hz) oscillations throughout the cortico-basal ganglia-thalamic network. However, the mechanism of these aberrant oscillatory dynamics is not well understood. A previous modeling study predicted that cholinergic neuromodulation of medium spiny neurons in the striatum of the basal ganglia may mediate the pathologic beta rhythm. Here, this hypothesis was tested using selective optogenetic stimulation of striatal cholinergic interneurons in normal mice; stimulation robustly and reversibly amplified beta oscillations and Parkinsonian motor symptoms. The modulation of global rhythms by local networks was further studied using computational modeling in the context of intrathalamic neuromodulation. While intrathalamic vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) is known to cause long-lasting excitation in vitro, its in vivo dynamical effects have not been reported. Here, biophysical computational models were used to elucidate the impact of VIP on thalamocortical dynamics during sleep and propofol general anesthesia. The modeling results suggest that VIP can form robust sleep spindle oscillations and control aspects of sleep architecture through a novel homeostatic mechanism. This homeostatic mechanism would be inhibited by general anesthesia, representing a new mechanism contributing to anesthetic-induced loss of consciousness. While the previous two projects differed in their use of empirical versus theoretical methods, a challenge common to both domains is the difficulty in visualizing and analyzing large multi-dimensional datasets. A tool to mitigate these issues is introduced here: GIMBL-Vis is a Graphical Interactive Multi-dimensional extensiBLe Visualization toolbox for Matlab. This toolbox simplifies the process of exploring multi-dimensional data in Matlab by providing a graphical interface for visualization and analysis. Furthermore, it provides an extensible open platform for distributed development by the community

    Topics in Neuromodulation Treatment

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    "Topics in Neuromodulation Treatment" is a book that invites to the reader to make an update in this important and well-defined area involved in the Neuroscience world. The book pays attention in some aspects of the electrical therapy and also in the drug delivery management of several neurological illnesses including the classic ones like epilepsy, Parkinson's disease, pain, and other indications more recently incorporated to this important tool like bladder incontinency, heart ischemia and stroke. The manuscript is dedicated not only to the expert, but also to the scientist that begins in this amazing field. The authors are physicians of different specialties and they guarantee the clinical expertise to provide to the reader the best guide to treat the patient

    The neural correlates of consciousness and attention: Two sister processes of the brain

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