3,141 research outputs found

    Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks with Generative Neurons

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    Operational Neural Networks (ONNs) have recently been proposed to address the well-known limitations and drawbacks of conventional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) such as network homogeneity with the sole linear neuron model. ONNs are heterogenous networks with a generalized neuron model that can encapsulate any set of non-linear operators to boost diversity and to learn highly complex and multi-modal functions or spaces with minimal network complexity and training data. However, Greedy Iterative Search (GIS) method, which is the search method used to find optimal operators in ONNs takes many training sessions to find a single operator set per layer. This is not only computationally demanding, but the network heterogeneity is also limited since the same set of operators will then be used for all neurons in each layer. Moreover, the performance of ONNs directly depends on the operator set library used, which introduces a certain risk of performance degradation especially when the optimal operator set required for a particular task is missing from the library. In order to address these issues and achieve an ultimate heterogeneity level to boost the network diversity along with computational efficiency, in this study we propose Self-organized ONNs (Self-ONNs) with generative neurons that have the ability to adapt (optimize) the nodal operator of each connection during the training process. Therefore, Self-ONNs can have an utmost heterogeneity level required by the learning problem at hand. Moreover, this ability voids the need of having a fixed operator set library and the prior operator search within the library in order to find the best possible set of operators. We further formulate the training method to back-propagate the error through the operational layers of Self-ONNs.Comment: 14 pages, 14 figures, journal articl

    Super Neurons

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    Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks (Self-ONNs) have recently been proposed as new-generation neural network models with nonlinear learning units, i.e., the generative neurons that yield an elegant level of diversity; however, like its predecessor, conventional Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), they still have a common drawback: localized (fixed) kernel operations. This severely limits the receptive field and information flow between layers and thus brings the necessity for deep and complex models. It is highly desired to improve the receptive field size without increasing the kernel dimensions. This requires a significant upgrade over the generative neurons to achieve the “non-localized kernel operations” for each connection between consecutive layers. In this article, we present superior (generative) neuron models (or super neurons in short) that allow random or learnable kernel shifts and thus can increase the receptive field size of each connection. The kernel localization process varies among the two super-neuron models. The first model assumes randomly localized kernels within a range and the second one learns (optimizes) the kernel locations during training. An extensive set of comparative evaluations against conventional and deformable convolutional, along with the generative neurons demonstrates that super neurons can empower Self-ONNs to achieve a superior learning and generalization capability with a minimal computational complexity burden. PyTorch implementation of Self-ONNs with super-neurons is now publically shared.Peer reviewe

    Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks for Severe Image Restoration Problems

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    Discriminative learning based on convolutional neural networks (CNNs) aims to perform image restoration by learning from training examples of noisy-clean image pairs. It has become the go-to methodology for tackling image restoration and has outperformed the traditional non-local class of methods. However, the top-performing networks are generally composed of many convolutional layers and hundreds of neurons, with trainable parameters in excess of several millions. We claim that this is due to the inherent linear nature of convolution-based transformation, which is inadequate for handling severe restoration problems. Recently, a non-linear generalization of CNNs, called the operational neural networks (ONN), has been shown to outperform CNN on AWGN denoising. However, its formulation is burdened by a fixed collection of well-known nonlinear operators and an exhaustive search to find the best possible configuration for a given architecture, whose efficacy is further limited by a fixed output layer operator assignment. In this study, we leverage the Taylor series-based function approximation to propose a self-organizing variant of ONNs, Self-ONNs, for image restoration, which synthesizes novel nodal transformations onthe-fly as part of the learning process, thus eliminating the need for redundant training runs for operator search. In addition, it enables a finer level of operator heterogeneity by diversifying individual connections of the receptive fields and weights. We perform a series of extensive ablation experiments across three severe image restoration tasks. Even when a strict equivalence of learnable parameters is imposed, Self-ONNs surpass CNNs by a considerable margin across all problems, improving the generalization performance by up to 3 dB in terms of PSNR

    Blind Restoration of Real-World Audio by 1D Operational GANs

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    Objective: Despite numerous studies proposed for audio restoration in the literature, most of them focus on an isolated restoration problem such as denoising or dereverberation, ignoring other artifacts. Moreover, assuming a noisy or reverberant environment with limited number of fixed signal-to-distortion ratio (SDR) levels is a common practice. However, real-world audio is often corrupted by a blend of artifacts such as reverberation, sensor noise, and background audio mixture with varying types, severities, and duration. In this study, we propose a novel approach for blind restoration of real-world audio signals by Operational Generative Adversarial Networks (Op-GANs) with temporal and spectral objective metrics to enhance the quality of restored audio signal regardless of the type and severity of each artifact corrupting it. Methods: 1D Operational-GANs are used with generative neuron model optimized for blind restoration of any corrupted audio signal. Results: The proposed approach has been evaluated extensively over the benchmark TIMIT-RAR (speech) and GTZAN-RAR (non-speech) datasets corrupted with a random blend of artifacts each with a random severity to mimic real-world audio signals. Average SDR improvements of over 7.2 dB and 4.9 dB are achieved, respectively, which are substantial when compared with the baseline methods. Significance: This is a pioneer study in blind audio restoration with the unique capability of direct (time-domain) restoration of real-world audio whilst achieving an unprecedented level of performance for a wide SDR range and artifact types. Conclusion: 1D Op-GANs can achieve robust and computationally effective real-world audio restoration with significantly improved performance. The source codes and the generated real-world audio datasets are shared publicly with the research community in a dedicated GitHub repository1

    Global ECG Classification by Self-Operational Neural Networks with Feature Injection

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    Objective: Global (inter-patient) ECG classification for arrhythmia detection over Electrocardiogram (ECG) signal is a challenging task for both humans and machines. The main reason is the significant variations of both normal and arrhythmic ECG patterns among patients. Automating this process with utmost accuracy is, therefore, highly desirable due to the advent of wearable ECG sensors. However, even with numerous deep learning approaches proposed recently, there is still a notable gap in the performance of global and patient-specific ECG classification performances. This study proposes a novel approach to narrow this gap and propose a real-time solution with shallow and compact 1D Self-Organized Operational Neural Networks (Self-ONNs). Methods: In this study, we propose a novel approach for inter-patient ECG classification using a compact 1D Self-ONN by exploiting morphological and timing information in heart cycles. We used 1D Self-ONN layers to automatically learn morphological representations from ECG data, enabling us to capture the shape of the ECG waveform around the R peaks. We further inject temporal features based on RR interval for timing characterization. The classification layers can thus benefit from both temporal and learned features for the final arrhythmia classification. Results: Using the MIT-BIH arrhythmia benchmark database, the proposed method achieves the highest classification performance ever achieved, i.e., 99.21% precision, 99.10% recall, and 99.15% F1-score for normal (N) segments; 82.19% precision, 82.50% recall, and 82.34% F1-score for the supra-ventricular ectopic beat (SVEBs); and finally, 94.41% precision, 96.10% recall, and 95.2% F1-score for the ventricular-ectopic beats (VEBs)

    Zero-Shot Motor Health Monitoring by Blind Domain Transition

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    Continuous long-term monitoring of motor health is crucial for the early detection of abnormalities such as bearing faults (up to 51% of motor failures are attributed to bearing faults). Despite numerous methodologies proposed for bearing fault detection, most of them require normal (healthy) and abnormal (faulty) data for training. Even with the recent deep learning (DL) methodologies trained on the labeled data from the same machine, the classification accuracy significantly deteriorates when one or few conditions are altered. Furthermore, their performance suffers significantly or may entirely fail when they are tested on another machine with entirely different healthy and faulty signal patterns. To address this need, in this pilot study, we propose a zero-shot bearing fault detection method that can detect any fault on a new (target) machine regardless of the working conditions, sensor parameters, or fault characteristics. To accomplish this objective, a 1D Operational Generative Adversarial Network (Op-GAN) first characterizes the transition between normal and fault vibration signals of (a) source machine(s) under various conditions, sensor parameters, and fault types. Then for a target machine, the potential faulty signals can be generated, and over its actual healthy and synthesized faulty signals, a compact, and lightweight 1D Self-ONN fault detector can then be trained to detect the real faulty condition in real time whenever it occurs. To validate the proposed approach, a new benchmark dataset is created using two different motors working under different conditions and sensor locations. Experimental results demonstrate that this novel approach can accurately detect any bearing fault achieving an average recall rate of around 89% and 95% on two target machines regardless of its type, severity, and location.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, Journa

    Comparative evaluation of the applicability of self-organized operational neural networks to remote photoplethysmography

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    Abstract. Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a widely applied means of obtaining blood volume pulse (BVP) information from subjects which can be used for monitoring numerous physiological signs such as heart rate and respiration. Following observations that blood volume information can also be retrieved from videos recorded of the human face, several approaches for the remote extraction of PPG signals have been proposed in literature. These methods are collectively referred to as remote photoplethysmography (rPPG). The current state of the art of rPPG approaches is represented by deep convolutional neural network (CNN) models, which have been successfully applied in a wide range of computer vision tasks. A novel technology called operational neural networks (ONNs) has recently been proposed in literature as an extension of convolutional neural networks. ONNs attempt to overcome the limitations of conventional CNN models which are primarily caused by exclusively employing the linear neuron model. In addition, to address certain drawbacks of ONNs, a technology called self- organized operational neural networks (Self-ONNs) have recently been proposed as an extension of ONNs. This thesis presents a novel method for rPPG extraction based on self-organized operational neural networks. To comprehensively evaluate the applicability of Self-ONNs as an approach for rPPG extraction, three Self-ONN models with varying number of layers are implemented and evaluated on test data from three data sets representing different distributions. The performance of the proposed models are compared against corresponding CNN architectures as well as a typical unsupervised rPPG pipeline. The performance of the methods is evaluated based on heart rate estimations calculated from the extracted rPPG signals. In the presented experimental setup, Self-ONN models did not result in improved heart rate estimation performance over parameter-equivalent CNN alternatives. However, every Self-ONN model showed superior ability to fit the train target, which both shows promise for the applicability of Self-ONNs as well as suggests inherent problems in the training setup. Additionally, when taking into account the required computational resources in addition to raw HR estimation performance, certain Self-ONN models showcased improved efficiency over CNN alternatives. As such, the experiments nonetheless present a promising proof of concept which can serve as grounds for future research.Vertaileva arviointi itseorganisoituvien operationaalisten neuroverkkojen soveltuvuudesta etäfotopletysmografiaan. Tiivistelmä. Fotopletysmografia on laajasti sovellettu menetelmä veritilavuuspulssi-informaation saamiseksi kohteista, jota voidaan käyttää useiden fysiologisten arvojen, kuten sydämensykkeen ja hengityksen, seurannassa. Seuraten havainnoista, että veritilavuusinformaatiota on mahdollista palauttaa myös ihmiskasvoista kuvatuista videoista, useita menetelmiä fotopletysmografiasignaalien erottamiseksi etänä on esitetty kirjallisuudessa. Yhteisnimitys näille menetelmille on etäfotopletysmografia (remote photoplethysmography, rPPG). Syvät konvolutionaaliset neuroverkkomallit (convolutional neural networks, CNNs), joita on onnistuneesti sovellettu laajaan valikoimaan tietokonenäön tehtäviä, edustavat nykyistä rPPG-lähestymistapojen huippua. Uusi teknologia nimeltään operationaaliset neuroverkot (operational neural networks, ONNs) on hiljattain esitetty kirjallisuudessa konvolutionaalisten neuroverkkojen laajennukseksi. ONN:t pyrkivät eroon tavanomaisten CNN-mallien rajoitteista, jotka johtuvat pääasiassa lineaarisen neuronimallin yksinomaisesta käytöstä. Lisäksi tietyistä ONN-mallien heikkouksista eroon pääsemiseksi, teknologia nimeltään itseorganisoituvat operationaaliset neuroverkot (self-organized operational neural networks, Self-ONNs) on hiljattain esitetty lajeennuksena ONN:ille. Tämä tutkielma esittelee uudenlaisen menetelmän rPPG-erotukselle pohjautuen itseorganisoituviin operationaalisiin neuroverkkoihin. Self-ONN:ien soveltuvuuden rPPG-erotukseen perusteelliseksi arvioimiseksi kolme Self-ONN -mallia vaihtelevalla määrällä kerroksia toteutetaan ja arvioidaan testidatalla kolmesta eri datajoukosta, jotka edustavat eri jakaumia. Esitettyjen mallien suorituskykyä verrataan vastaaviin CNN-arkkitehtuureihin sekä tyypilliseen ohjaamattomaan rPPG-liukuhihnaan. Menetelmien suorituskykyä arvioidaan perustuen rPPG-signaaleista laskettuihin sydämensykearvioihin. Esitellyssä kokeellisessa asetelmassa Self-ONN:t eivät johtaneet parempiin sykearvioihin verrattuna parametrivastaaviin CNN-vaihtoehtoihin. Self-ONN:t kuitenkin osoittivat ylivertaista kykyä sovittaa opetuskohteen, mikä sekä on lupaavaa Self-ONN:ien soveltuvuuden kannalta että viittaa luontaisiin ongelmiin opetusasetelmassa. Lisäksi, kun huomioon otetaan vaaditut laskentaresurssit raa’an sykkeen arvioinnin suorituskyvyn lisäksi, tietyt Self-ONN -mallit osoittivat parempaa tehokkuutta CNN-vaihtoehtoihin verrattuna. Näin ollen kokeet joka tapauksessa tarjoavat lupaavan konseptitodistuksen, joka voi toimia perustana tulevalle tutkimukselle