120 research outputs found

    Monitoring temporal variations in the geothermal activity of Miocene Lesvos volcanic field using remote sensing techniques and MODIS - LST imagery

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    Abstract Many islands of the Aegean Sea show strong geothermal activity due to volcanism in the area. In this paper, Robust Satellite Techniques (RST) are used to isolate, from other known possible sources, those thermal anomalies possibly related to geothermal activity in the Miocene volcanic field of Lesvos Island (Northern Aegean). For this purpose, 12 years (2003–2014) of daily Night-time Land Surface Temperature (LST) products, from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) acquisitions were analyzed. The final dataset contained 770 thermal anomalies whose spatial correlation with geological and structural data of Lesvos - such as caldera rims, ring faults, major tectonic lineaments and hydrothermal alterations mapped by processing SENTINEL-2 MSI satellite images – has been particularly investigated. In the approximately 20 ma geothermal field of Lesvos, geothermal activity seems to be also associated with the extensional regime of the broader area that leads to lithosphere thinning and consequent heat transfer in the multi-fractured terrain of Lesvos through volcanic and tectonic faults. Achieved results seem to confirm the possibility to use RST-based thermal anomalies to identify temporal variations in the geothermal activity probably due to the uplifting and circulation of the hydrothermal waters

    Remote Sensing Applications to Support Locust Management and Research: Evaluating the Potential of Earth Observation for Locust Outbreaks in Different Regions

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    This dissertation focuses on satellite remote sensing applications for locust management and additional contributions to locust research. Specifically, the remote sensing-based characterization and interpretation of land surface cover and its dynamics are addressed with a special emphasis on the requirements of different locust species. At first, the aim of this dissertation is to provide a holistic overview of the existing applications using satellite data focusing on different locust species and thus, to present current and new opportunities. Furthermore, remote sensing and geospatial datasets are used in a model to categorize areas with ideal and less than ideal conditions for locust outbreaks. The benefit of up-to-date remote sensing data for preventive locust management is demonstrated using time-series-based Sentinel-2 land cover classification. Due to the diversity of the numerous locust species and their spatial distribution in different geographical locations, this research focuses mainly on two locust species, the Italian locust (Calliptamus italicus) and the Moroccan locust (Dociostaurus maroccanus), as well as on selected study areas within their extensive habitats, respectively. Both selected locust species caused numerous damages in Europe, the Caucasus, Central Asia and North Africa in the past. For both species, there is only a limited number of publications exploiting the capabilities of remote sensing methods. Therefore, this dissertation aims to explore the potential approaches of Earth observation datasets to support preventive locust management and research for both species.Die vorliegende Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit dem Einsatz der Satellitenfernerkundung im Bereich Heuschreckenmanagement und -forschung. Die fernerkundungsbasierte Charakterisierung und Interpretation der Landoberflächen-bedeckung und deren Dynamik stehen dabei - mit Fokus auf die Anforderungen der verschiedenen Heuschreckenarten - im Vordergrund. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es zunächst, einen ganzheitlichen Überblick über vorhandene Anwendungen von Satellitendaten im Kontext Heuschreckenmanagement zu erarbeiten. Des Weiteren werden fernerkundungs- und geobasierten Datensätzen in einem Model verwendet, um Flächen mit idealen bzw. weniger idealen Bedingungen für Heuschreckenausbrüche zu kategorisieren. Der Vorteil von aktuellen Fernerkundungsdaten für präventives Heuschreckenmanagement wird anhand zeitreihenbasierten Sentinel-2 Landbedeckungsklassifikation demonstriert. Aufgrund der Vielfältigkeit der zahlreichen Heuschreckenarten und deren räumlicher Verteilung in verschiedenen geographischen Lagen, konzentriert sich diese Arbeit im Wesentlichen auf zwei Heuschreckenarten, die Italienische Schönschrecke (Calliptamus italicus) und die Marokkanische Wanderheuschrecke (Dociostaurus maroccanus), sowie auf ausgewählte Studiengebiete innerhalb deren weiträumigen Habitaten. Beide Heuschreckenarten verursachten zahlreiche Ausbrüche in der Vergangenheit mit Schäden in Europa, dem Kaukasus, Zentralasien und Nordafrika. Für beide Heuschreckenarten existieren nur wenige Forschungsarbeiten, die sich mit der Anwendung von Fern-erkundungsdaten auseinandersetzen. Vor diesem Hintergrund zielt diese Dissertation auf die Entwicklung von relevanten Methoden unter Einsatz von Fernerkundungsdaten für beide Heuschreckenarten ab, um präventives Heuschreckenmanagement und -forschung zu unterstützen.Данная диссертация раскрывает тему применения спутникового дистанционного зондирования для контроля саранчовых и проведения дополнительных исследований саранчи. В частности, особое внимание уделяется изучению потребностей различных видов саранчовых при описании характеристик земного покрова и его динамики на основе данных дистанционного зондирования. Первостепенная цель данной диссертации состоит в том, чтобы предоставить целостный обзор существующих приложений, использующих спутниковые данные, в разрезе различных видов саранчовых для того, чтобы раскрыть текущие и потенциальные возможности. Кроме того, дистанционное зондирование и наборы геопространственных данных используются для классификации территорий с идеальными и не идеальными условиями для нашествий саранчи. исследование сосредоточено в основном на двух видах саранчи, итальянского пруса (Calliptamus italicus) и марокканской саранче (Dociostaurus maroccanus), а также на определенных территориях, в пределах их обширногo местообитаний

    Remote Sensing of Savannas and Woodlands

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    Savannas and woodlands are one of the most challenging targets for remote sensing. This book provides a current snapshot of the geographical focus and application of the latest sensors and sensor combinations in savannas and woodlands. It includes feature articles on terrestrial laser scanning and on the application of remote sensing to characterization of vegetation dynamics in the Mato Grosso, Cerrado and Caatinga of Brazil. It also contains studies focussed on savannas in Europe, North America, Africa and Australia. It should be important reading for environmental practitioners and scientists globally who are concerned with the sustainability of the global savanna and woodland biome

    Influence of Grazing, Fire, and Rainfall Regime on Plant Species Dynamics in an Ethiopian Perennial Grassland

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    The dominant habitat-type of Omo National Park (ONP), Ethiopia, is grassland. 111 This grassland supports a variety of wild herbivores and indigenous people; the latter hunt large herbivores for subsistence or graze their domestic livestock in the Park. Therefore, an understanding of grassland dynamics is a high priority for ONP management. Grazing and fire are major factors influencing species composition and vegetation change in East African grasslands . Rainfall regime, in tum, can influence both grassland response to grazing and fire. The ONP grasslands occur along a rainfall gradient ranging from subhumid to semiarid. Research objectives were to: (1) test the Milchunas, Sala, and Lauenroth grazing response model at three sites along the rainfall gradient; (2) determine how basal cover for dominant perennial grasses along the rainfall gradient was influenced by an extended period of intensive defoliation; and (3) determine if current distribution of grassland species associations was related to fire frequency. Species composition changes associated with defoliation were consistent with predictions of the Milchunas, Sala, and Lauenroth model; large changes occurred in subhumid grasslands while minimal changes occurred in semiarid sites . Furthermore, an intermediate response was found at the site that received an intermediate level of rainfall. Basal cover of dominant grasses was not adversely affected by intensive defoliation, and this tolerance was expressed under all three moisture regimes. Significant reductions in basal cover were found, however, in \u3e50% of dominant grasses as a result of protection from grazing and fire . Estimated fire frequency pattern was unrelated to the distribution of species associations within grasslands. Conceptual models of vegetation change were developed for the three grasslands using research results. At the current level of management these models provide information that can be used to improve relations between Park staff and local pastoralists . Given the tolerance of most perennial grasses to intensive defoliation, ONP managers could modify the current policy of no grazing within the Park to one of limited grazing . If management capabilities were to improve, conceptual models could guide an active approach to grassland management

    Remote Sensing Monitoring of Land Surface Temperature (LST)

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    This book is a collection of recent developments, methodologies, calibration and validation techniques, and applications of thermal remote sensing data and derived products from UAV-based, aerial, and satellite remote sensing. A set of 15 papers written by a total of 70 authors was selected for this book. The published papers cover a wide range of topics, which can be classified in five groups: algorithms, calibration and validation techniques, improvements in long-term consistency in satellite LST, downscaling of LST, and LST applications and land surface emissivity research

    Evaluation of the impact of climate and human induced changes on the Nigerian forest using remote sensing

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    The majority of the impact of climate and human induced changes on forest are related to climate variability and deforestation. Similarly, changes in forest phenology due to climate variability and deforestation has been recognized as being among the most important early indicators of the impact of environmental change on forest ecosystem functioning. Comprehensive data on baseline forest cover changes including deforestation is required to provide background information needed for governments to make decision on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REED). Despite the fact that Nigeria ranks among the countries with highest deforestation rates based on Food and Agricultural Organization estimates, only a few studies have aimed at mapping forest cover changes at country scales. However, recent attempts to map baseline forest cover and deforestation in Nigeria has been based on global scale remote sensing techniques which do not confirm with ground based observations at country level. The aim of this study is two-fold: firstly, baseline forest cover was estimated using an ‘adaptive’ remote sensing model that classified forest cover with high accuracies at country level for the savanna and rainforest zones. The first part of this study also compared the potentials of different MODIS data in detecting forest cover changes at regional (cluster level) scale. The second part of this study explores the trends and response of forest phenology to rainfall across four forest clusters from 2002 to 2012 using vegetation index data from the MODIS and rainfall data obtained from the TRMM.Tertiary Education Trust Fund, Nigeri

    Integrated Applications of Geo-Information in Environmental Monitoring

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    This book focuses on fundamental and applied research on geo-information technology, notably optical and radar remote sensing and algorithm improvements, and their applications in environmental monitoring. This Special Issue presents ten high-quality research papers covering up-to-date research in land cover change and desertification analyses, geo-disaster risk and damage evaluation, mining area restoration assessments, the improvement and development of algorithms, and coastal environmental monitoring and object targeting. The purpose of this Special Issue is to promote exchanges, communications and share the research outcomes of scientists worldwide and to bridge the gap between scientific research and its applications for advancing and improving society

    Vegetation Index and Dynamics

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    The book contemplates different ways of approaching the study of vegetation as well as the type of indices to be used. However, all the works pursue the same objective: to know and interpret nature from different points of view, either through knowledge of nature in situ or the use of technology and mapping using satellite images. Chapters analyze the ecological parameters that affect vegetation, the species that make up plant communities, and the influence of humans on vegetation