60 research outputs found

    Polynomial-based non-uniform interpolatory subdivision with features control

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    Starting from a well-known construction of polynomial-based interpolatory 4-point schemes, in this paper we present an original affine combination of quadratic polynomial samples that leads to a non-uniform 4-point scheme with edge parameters. This blending-type formulation is then further generalized to provide a powerful subdivision algorithm that combines the fairing curve of a non-uniform refinement with the advantages of a shape-controlled interpolation method and an arbitrary point insertion rule. The result is a non-uniform interpolatory 4-point scheme that is unique in combining a number of distinctive properties. In fact it generates visually-pleasing limit curves where special features ranging from cusps and flat edges to point/edge tension effects may be included without creating undesired undulations. Moreover such a scheme is capable of inserting new points at any positions of existing intervals, so that the most convenient parameter values may be chosen as well as the intervals for insertion. Such a fully flexible curve scheme is a fundamental step towards the construction of high-quality interpolatory subdivision surfaces with features control

    A subdivision-based implementation of non-uniform local refinement with THB-splines

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    Paper accepted for 15th IMA International Conference on Mathematics on Surfaces, 2017. Abstract: Local refinement of spline basis functions is an important process for spline approximation and local feature modelling in computer aided design (CAD). This paper develops an efficient local refinement method for non-uniform and general degree THB-splines(Truncated hierarchical B-splines). A non-uniform subdivision algorithm is improved to efficiently subdivide a single non-uniform B-spline basis function. The subdivision scheme is then applied to locally hierarchically refine non-uniform B-spline basis functions. The refined basis functions are non-uniform and satisfy the properties of linear independence, partition of unity and are locally supported. The refined basis functions are suitable for spline approximation and numerical analysis. The implementation makes it possible for hierarchical approximation to use the same non-uniform B-spline basis functions as existing modelling tools have used. The improved subdivision algorithm is faster than classic knot insertion. The non-uniform THB-spline approximation is shown to be more accurate than uniform low degree hierarchical local refinement when applied to two classical approximation problems

    Subdivision surfaces with creases and truncated multiple knot lines

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    We deal with subdivision schemes based on arbitrary degree B-splines. We focus on extraordinary knots which exhibit various levels of complexity in terms of both valency and multiplicity of knot lines emanating from such knots. The purpose of truncated multiple knot lines is to model creases which fair out. Our construction supports any degree and any knot line multiplicity and provides a modelling framework familiar to users used to B-splines and NURBS systems

    The Multilevel Structures of NURBs and NURBlets on Intervals

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    This dissertation is concerned with the problem of constructing biorthogonal wavelets based on non-uniform rational cubic B-Splines on intervals. We call non-uniform rational B-Splines ``NURBs , and such biorthogonal wavelets ``NURBlets . Constructing NURBlets is useful in designing and representing an arbitrary shape of an object in the industry, especially when exactness of the shape is critical such as the shape of an aircraft. As we know presently most popular wavelet models in the industry are approximated at boundaries. In this dissertation a new model is presented that is well suited for generating arbitrary shapes in the industry with mathematical exactness throughout intervals; it fulfills interpolation at boundaries as well

    A sharp interface isogeometric strategy for moving boundary problems

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    The proposed methodology is first utilized to model stationary and propagating cracks. The crack face is enriched with the Heaviside function which captures the displacement discontinuity. Meanwhile, the crack tips are enriched with asymptotic displacement functions to reproduce the tip singularity. The enriching degrees of freedom associated with the crack tips are chosen as stress intensity factors (SIFs) such that these quantities can be directly extracted from the solution without a-posteriori integral calculation. As a second application, the Stefan problem is modeled with a hybrid function/derivative enriched interface. Since the interface geometry is explicitly defined, normals and curvatures can be analytically obtained at any point on the interface, allowing for complex boundary conditions dependent on curvature or normal to be naturally imposed. Thus, the enriched approximation naturally captures the interfacial discontinuity in temperature gradient and enables the imposition of Gibbs-Thomson condition during solidification simulation. The shape optimization through configuration of finite-sized heterogeneities is lastly studied. The optimization relies on the recently derived configurational derivative that describes the sensitivity of an arbitrary objective with respect to arbitrary design modifications of a heterogeneity inserted into a domain. The THB-splines, which serve as the underlying approximation, produce sufficiently smooth solution near the boundaries of the heterogeneity for accurate calculation of the configurational derivatives. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.

    Structural Shape Optimization Based On The Use Of Cartesian Grids

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    Tesis por compendioAs ever more challenging designs are required in present-day industries, the traditional trial-and-error procedure frequently used for designing mechanical parts slows down the design process and yields suboptimal designs, so that new approaches are needed to obtain a competitive advantage. With the ascent of the Finite Element Method (FEM) in the engineering community in the 1970s, structural shape optimization arose as a promising area of application. However, due to the iterative nature of shape optimization processes, the handling of large quantities of numerical models along with the approximated character of numerical methods may even dissuade the use of these techniques (or fail to exploit their full potential) because the development time of new products is becoming ever shorter. This Thesis is concerned with the formulation of a 3D methodology based on the Cartesian-grid Finite Element Method (cgFEM) as a tool for efficient and robust numerical analysis. This methodology belongs to the category of embedded (or fictitious) domain discretization techniques in which the key concept is to extend the structural analysis problem to an easy-to-mesh approximation domain that encloses the physical domain boundary. The use of Cartesian grids provides a natural platform for structural shape optimization because the numerical domain is separated from a physical model, which can easily be changed during the optimization procedure without altering the background discretization. Another advantage is the fact that mesh generation becomes a trivial task since the discretization of the numerical domain and its manipulation, in combination with an efficient hierarchical data structure, can be exploited to save computational effort. However, these advantages are challenged by several numerical issues. Basically, the computational effort has moved from the use of expensive meshing algorithms towards the use of, for example, elaborate numerical integration schemes designed to capture the mismatch between the geometrical domain boundary and the embedding finite element mesh. To do this we used a stabilized formulation to impose boundary conditions and developed novel techniques to be able to capture the exact boundary representation of the models. To complete the implementation of a structural shape optimization method an adjunct formulation is used for the differentiation of the design sensitivities required for gradient-based algorithms. The derivatives are not only the variables required for the process, but also compose a powerful tool for projecting information between different designs, or even projecting the information to create h-adapted meshes without going through a full h-adaptive refinement process. The proposed improvements are reflected in the numerical examples included in this Thesis. These analyses clearly show the improved behavior of the cgFEM technology as regards numerical accuracy and computational efficiency, and consequently the suitability of the cgFEM approach for shape optimization or contact problems.La competitividad en la industria actual impone la necesidad de generar nuevos y mejores diseños. El tradicional procedimiento de prueba y error, usado a menudo para el diseño de componentes mecánicos, ralentiza el proceso de diseño y produce diseños subóptimos, por lo que se necesitan nuevos enfoques para obtener una ventaja competitiva. Con el desarrollo del Método de los Elementos Finitos (MEF) en el campo de la ingeniería en la década de 1970, la optimización de forma estructural surgió como un área de aplicación prometedora. El entorno industrial cada vez más exigente implica ciclos cada vez más cortos de desarrollo de nuevos productos. Por tanto, la naturaleza iterativa de los procesos de optimización de forma, que supone el análisis de gran cantidad de geometrías (para las se han de usar modelos numéricos de gran tamaño a fin de limitar el efecto de los errores intrínsecamente asociados a las técnicas numéricas), puede incluso disuadir del uso de estas técnicas. Esta Tesis se centra en la formulación de una metodología 3D basada en el Cartesian-grid Finite Element Method (cgFEM) como herramienta para un análisis numérico eficiente y robusto. Esta metodología pertenece a la categoría de técnicas de discretización Immersed Boundary donde el concepto clave es extender el problema de análisis estructural a un dominio de aproximación, que contiene la frontera del dominio físico, cuya discretización (mallado) resulte sencilla. El uso de mallados cartesianos proporciona una plataforma natural para la optimización de forma estructural porque el dominio numérico está separado del modelo físico, que podrá cambiar libremente durante el procedimiento de optimización sin alterar la discretización subyacente. Otro argumento positivo reside en el hecho de que la generación de malla se convierte en una tarea trivial. La discretización del dominio numérico y su manipulación, en coalición con la eficiencia de una estructura jerárquica de datos, pueden ser explotados para ahorrar coste computacional. Sin embargo, estas ventajas pueden ser cuestionadas por varios problemas numéricos. Básicamente, el esfuerzo computacional se ha desplazado. Del uso de costosos algoritmos de mallado nos movemos hacia el uso de, por ejemplo, esquemas de integración numérica elaborados para poder capturar la discrepancia entre la frontera del dominio geométrico y la malla de elementos finitos que lo embebe. Para ello, utilizamos, por un lado, una formulación de estabilización para imponer condiciones de contorno y, por otro lado, hemos desarrollado nuevas técnicas para poder captar la representación exacta de los modelos geométricos. Para completar la implementación de un método de optimización de forma estructural se usa una formulación adjunta para derivar las sensibilidades de diseño requeridas por los algoritmos basados en gradiente. Las derivadas no son sólo variables requeridas para el proceso, sino una poderosa herramienta para poder proyectar información entre diferentes diseños o, incluso, proyectar la información para crear mallas h-adaptadas sin pasar por un proceso completo de refinamiento h-adaptativo. Las mejoras propuestas se reflejan en los ejemplos numéricos presentados en esta Tesis. Estos análisis muestran claramente el comportamiento superior de la tecnología cgFEM en cuanto a precisión numérica y eficiencia computacional. En consecuencia, el enfoque cgFEM se postula como una herramienta adecuada para la optimización de forma.Actualment, amb la competència existent en la industria, s'imposa la necessitat de generar nous i millors dissenys . El tradicional procediment de prova i error, que amb freqüència es fa servir pel disseny de components mecànics, endarrereix el procés de disseny i produeix dissenys subòptims, pel que es necessiten nous enfocaments per obtindre avantatge competitiu. Amb el desenvolupament del Mètode dels Elements Finits (MEF) en el camp de l'enginyeria en la dècada de 1970, l'optimització de forma estructural va sorgir com un àrea d'aplicació prometedora. No obstant això, a causa de la natura iterativa dels processos d'optimització de forma, la manipulació dels models numèrics en grans quantitats, junt amb l'error de discretització dels mètodes numèrics, pot fins i tot dissuadir de l'ús d'aquestes tècniques (o d'explotar tot el seu potencial), perquè al mateix temps els cicles de desenvolupament de nous productes s'estan acurtant. Esta Tesi se centra en la formulació d'una metodologia 3D basada en el Cartesian-grid Finite Element Method (cgFEM) com a ferramenta per una anàlisi numèrica eficient i sòlida. Esta metodologia pertany a la categoria de tècniques de discretització Immersed Boundary on el concepte clau és expandir el problema d'anàlisi estructural a un domini d'aproximació fàcil de mallar que conté la frontera del domini físic. L'utilització de mallats cartesians proporciona una plataforma natural per l'optimització de forma estructural perquè el domini numèric està separat del model físic, que podria canviar lliurement durant el procediment d'optimització sense alterar la discretització subjacent. A més, un altre argument positiu el trobem en què la generació de malla es converteix en una tasca trivial, ja que la discretització del domini numèric i la seua manipulació, en coalició amb l'eficiència d'una estructura jeràrquica de dades, poden ser explotats per estalviar cost computacional. Tot i això, estos avantatges poden ser qüestionats per diversos problemes numèrics. Bàsicament, l'esforç computacional s'ha desplaçat. De l'ús de costosos algoritmes de mallat ens movem cap a l'ús de, per exemple, esquemes d'integració numèrica elaborats per poder capturar la discrepància entre la frontera del domini geomètric i la malla d'elements finits que ho embeu. Per això, fem ús, d'una banda, d'una formulació d'estabilització per imposar condicions de contorn i, d'un altra, desevolupem noves tècniques per poder captar la representació exacta dels models geomètrics Per completar la implementació d'un mètode d'optimització de forma estructural es fa ús d'una formulació adjunta per derivar les sensibilitats de disseny requerides pels algoritmes basats en gradient. Les derivades no són únicament variables requerides pel procés, sinó una poderosa ferramenta per poder projectar informació entre diferents dissenys o, fins i tot, projectar la informació per crear malles h-adaptades sense passar per un procés complet de refinament h-adaptatiu. Les millores proposades s'evidencien en els exemples numèrics presentats en esta Tesi. Estes anàlisis mostren clarament el comportament superior de la tecnologia cgFEM en tant a precisió numèrica i eficiència computacional. Així, l'enfocament cgFEM es postula com una ferramenta adient per l'optimització de forma.Marco Alacid, O. (2017). Structural Shape Optimization Based On The Use Of Cartesian Grids [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/86195TESISCompendi

    Appearance Preserving Rendering of Out-of-Core Polygon and NURBS Models

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    In Computer Aided Design (CAD) trimmed NURBS surfaces are widely used due to their flexibility. For rendering and simulation however, piecewise linear representations of these objects are required. A relatively new field in CAD is the analysis of long-term strain tests. After such a test the object is scanned with a 3d laser scanner for further processing on a PC. In all these areas of CAD the number of primitives as well as their complexity has grown constantly in the recent years. This growth is exceeding the increase of processor speed and memory size by far and posing the need for fast out-of-core algorithms. This thesis describes a processing pipeline from the input data in the form of triangular or trimmed NURBS models until the interactive rendering of these models at high visual quality. After discussing the motivation for this work and introducing basic concepts on complex polygon and NURBS models, the second part of this thesis starts with a review of existing simplification and tessellation algorithms. Additionally, an improved stitching algorithm to generate a consistent model after tessellation of a trimmed NURBS model is presented. Since surfaces need to be modified interactively during the design phase, a novel trimmed NURBS rendering algorithm is presented. This algorithm removes the bottleneck of generating and transmitting a new tessellation to the graphics card after each modification of a surface by evaluating and trimming the surface on the GPU. To achieve high visual quality, the appearance of a surface can be preserved using texture mapping. Therefore, a texture mapping algorithm for trimmed NURBS surfaces is presented. To reduce the memory requirements for the textures, the algorithm is modified to generate compressed normal maps to preserve the shading of the original surface. Since texturing is only possible, when a parametric mapping of the surface - requiring additional memory - is available, a new simplification and tessellation error measure is introduced that preserves the appearance of the original surface by controlling the deviation of normal vectors. The preservation of normals and possibly other surface attributes allows interactive visualization for quality control applications (e.g. isophotes and reflection lines). In the last part out-of-core techniques for processing and rendering of gigabyte-sized polygonal and trimmed NURBS models are presented. Then the modifications necessary to support streaming of simplified geometry from a central server are discussed and finally and LOD selection algorithm to support interactive rendering of hard and soft shadows is described

    Generative Mesh Modeling

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    Generative Modeling is an alternative approach for the description of three-dimensional shape. The basic idea is to represent a model not as usual by an agglomeration of geometric primitives (triangles, point clouds, NURBS patches), but by functions. The paradigm change from objects to operations allows for a procedural representation of procedural shapes, such as most man-made objects. Instead of storing only the result of a 3D construction, the construction process itself is stored in a model file. The generative approach opens truly new perspectives in many ways, among others also for 3D knowledge management. It permits for instance to resort to a repository of already solved modeling problems, in order to re-use this knowledge also in different, slightly varied situations. The construction knowledge can be collected in digital libraries containing domain-specific parametric modeling tools. A concrete realization of this approach is a new general description language for 3D models, the "Generative Modeling Language" GML. As a Turing-complete "shape programming language" it is a basis of existing, primitv based 3D model formats. Together with its Runtime engine the GML permits - to store highly complex 3D models in a compact form, - to evaluate the description within fractions of a second, - to adaptively tesselate and to interactively display the model, - and even to change the models high-level parameters at runtime.Die generative Modellierung ist ein alternativer Ansatz zur Beschreibung von dreidimensionaler Form. Zugrunde liegt die Idee, ein Modell nicht wie üblich durch eine Ansammlung geometrischer Primitive (Dreiecke, Punkte, NURBS-Patches) zu beschreiben, sondern durch Funktionen. Der Paradigmenwechsel von Objekten zu Geometrie-erzeugenden Operationen ermöglicht es, prozedurale Modelle auch prozedural zu repräsentieren. Statt das Resultat eines 3D-Konstruktionsprozesses zu speichern, kann so der Konstruktionsprozess selber repräsentiert werden. Der generative Ansatz eröffnet unter anderem gänzlich neue Perspektiven für das Wissensmanagement im 3D-Bereich. Er ermöglicht etwa, auf einen Fundus bereits gelöster Konstruktions-Aufgaben zurückzugreifen, um sie in ähnlichen, aber leicht variierten Situationen wiederverwenden zu können. Das Konstruktions-Wissen kann dazu in Form von Bibliotheken parametrisierter, Domänen-spezifischer Modellier-Werkzeuge gesammelt werden. Konkret wird dazu eine neue allgemeine Modell-Beschreibungs-Sprache vorgeschlagen, die "Generative Modeling Language" GML. Als Turing-mächtige "Programmiersprache für Form" stellt sie eine echte Verallgemeinerung existierender Primitiv-basierter 3D-Modellformate dar. Zusammen mit ihrer Runtime-Engine erlaubt die GML, - hochkomplexe 3D-Objekte extrem kompakt zu beschreiben, - die Beschreibung innerhalb von Sekundenbruchteilen auszuwerten, - das Modell adaptiv darzustellen und interaktiv zu betrachten, - und die Modell-Parameter interaktiv zu verändern