9,229 research outputs found

    NĂ€gemistaju automaatsete protsesside eksperimentaalne uurimine

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    VĂ€itekirja elektrooniline versioon ei sisalda publikatsiooneVĂ€itekiri keskendub nĂ€gemistaju protsesside eksperimentaalsele uurimisele, mis on suuremal vĂ”i vĂ€hemal mÀÀral automaatsed. Uurimistöös on kasutatud erinevaid eksperimentaalseid katseparadigmasid ja katsestiimuleid ning nii kĂ€itumuslikke- kui ka ajukuvamismeetodeid. Esimesed kolm empiirilist uurimust kĂ€sitlevad liikumisinformatsiooni töötlust, mis on evolutsiooni kĂ€igus kujunenud ĂŒheks olulisemaks baasprotsessiks nĂ€gemistajus. Esmalt huvitas meid, kuidas avastatakse liikuva objekti suunamuutusi, kui samal ajal toimub ka taustal liikumine (Uurimus I). NĂ€gemistaju uurijad on pikka aega arvanud, et liikumist arvutatakse alati mĂ”ne vĂ€lise objekti vĂ”i tausta suhtes. Meie uurimistulemused ei kinnitanud taolise suhtelise liikumise printsiibi paikapidavust ning toetavad pigem seisukohta, et eesmĂ€rkobjekti liikumisinformatsiooni töötlus on automaatne protsess, mis tuvastab silma pĂ”hjas toimuvaid nihkeid, ja taustal toimuv seda eriti ei mĂ”juta. Teise uurimuse tulemused (Uurimus II) nĂ€itasid, et nĂ€gemissĂŒsteem töötleb vĂ€ga edukalt ka seda liikumisinformatsiooni, millele vaatleja teadlikult tĂ€helepanu ei pööra. See tĂ€hendab, et samal ajal, kui inimene on mĂ”ne tĂ€helepanu hĂ”lmava tegevusega ametis, suudab tema aju taustal toimuvaid sĂŒndmusi automaatselt registreerida. IgapĂ€evaselt on inimese nĂ€gemisvĂ€ljas alati palju erinevaid objekte, millel on erinevad omadused, mistĂ”ttu jĂ€rgmiseks huvitas meid (Uurimus III), kuidas ĂŒhe tunnuse (antud juhul vĂ€rvimuutuse) töötlemist mĂ”jutab mĂ”ne teise tunnusega toimuv (antud juhul liikumiskiiruse) muutus. NĂ€itasime, et objekti liikumine parandas sama objekti vĂ€rvimuutuse avastamist, mis viitab, et nende kahe omaduse töötlemine ajus ei ole pĂ€ris eraldiseisev protsess. Samuti tĂ€hendab taoline tulemus, et hoolimata ĂŒhele tunnusele keskendumisest ei suuda inimene ignoreerida teist tĂ€helepanu tĂ”mbavat tunnust (liikumine), mis viitab taas kord automaatsetele töötlusprotsessidele. Neljas uurimus keskendus emotsionaalsete nĂ€ovĂ€ljenduste töötlusele, kuna need kannavad keskkonnas hakkamasaamiseks vajalikke sotsiaalseid signaale, mistĂ”ttu on alust arvata, et nende töötlus on kujunenud suuresti automaatseks protsessiks. NĂ€itasime, et emotsiooni vĂ€ljendavaid nĂ€gusid avastati kiiremini ja kergemini kui neutraalse ilmega nĂ€gusid ning et vihane nĂ€gu tĂ”mbas rohkem tĂ€helepanu kui rÔÔmus (Uurimus IV). VĂ€itekirja viimane osa puudutab visuaalset lahknevusnegatiivsust (ingl Visual Mismatch Negativity ehk vMMN), mis nĂ€itab aju vĂ”imet avastada automaatselt erinevusi enda loodud mudelist ĂŒmbritseva keskkonna kohta. Selle automaatse erinevuse avastamise mehhanismi uurimisse andsid oma panuse nii Uurimus II kui Uurimus IV, mis mĂ”lemad pakuvad vĂ€lja tĂ”endusi vMMN tekkimise kohta eri tingimustel ja katseparadigmades ning ka vajalikke metodoloogilisi tĂ€iendusi. Uurimus V on esimene kogu siiani ilmunud temaatilist teadustööd hĂ”lmav ĂŒlevaateartikkel ja metaanalĂŒĂŒs visuaalsest lahknevusnegatiivsusest psĂŒhhiaatriliste ja neuroloogiliste haiguste korral, mis panustab oluliselt visuaalse lahknevusnegatiivsuse valdkonna arengusse.The research presented and discussed in the thesis is an experimental exploration of processes in visual perception, which all display a considerable amount of automaticity. These processes are targeted from different angles using different experimental paradigms and stimuli, and by measuring both behavioural and brain responses. In the first three empirical studies, the focus is on motion detection that is regarded one of the most basic processes shaped by evolution. Study I investigated how motion information of an object is processed in the presence of background motion. Although it is widely believed that no motion can be perceived without establishing a frame of reference with other objects or motion on the background, our results found no support for relative motion principle. This finding speaks in favour of a simple and automatic process of detecting motion, which is largely insensitive to the surrounding context. Study II shows that the visual system is built to automatically process motion information that is outside of our attentional focus. This means that even if we are concentrating on some task, our brain constantly monitors the surrounding environment. Study III addressed the question of what happens when multiple stimulus qualities (motion and colour) are present and varied, which is the everyday reality of our visual input. We showed that velocity facilitated the detection of colour changes, which suggests that processing motion and colour is not entirely isolated. These results also indicate that it is hard to ignore motion information, and processing it is rather automatically initiated. The fourth empirical study focusses on another example of visual input that is processed in a rather automatic way and carries high survival value – emotional expressions. In Study IV, participants detected emotional facial expressions faster and more easily compared with neutral facial expressions, with a tendency towards more automatic attention to angry faces. In addition, we investigated the emergence of visual mismatch negativity (vMMN) that is one of the most objective and efficient methods for analysing automatic processes in the brain. Study II and Study IV proposed several methodological gains for registering this automatic change-detection mechanism. Study V is an important contribution to the vMMN research field as it is the first comprehensive review and meta-analysis of the vMMN studies in psychiatric and neurological disorders

    Understanding vulnerability for depression from a cognitive neuroscience perspective: a reappraisal of attentional factors and a new conceptual framework

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    We propose a framework to understand increases in vulnerability for depression after recurrent episodes that links attention processes and schema activation to negative mood states, by integrating cognitive and neurobiological findings. Depression is characterized by a mood-congruent attentional bias at later stages of information processing. The basic idea of our framework is that decreased activity in prefrontal areas, mediated by the serotonin metabolism which the HPA axis controls, is associated with an impaired attenuation of subcortical regions, resulting in prolonged activation of the amygdala in response to stressors in the environment. Reduced prefrontal control in interaction with depressogenic schemas leads to impaired ability to exert attentional inhibitory control over negative elaborative processes such as rumination, leading in turn to sustained negative affect. These elaborative processes are triggered by the activation of negative schemas after confrontation with stressors. In our framework, attentional impairments are postulated as a crucial process in explaining the increasing vulnerability after depressive episodes, linking cognitive and biological vulnerability factors. We review the empirical data on the biological factors associated with the attentional impairments and detail how they are associated with rumination and mood regulation. The aim of our framework is to stimulate translational research

    Attentive monitoring of multiple video streams driven by a Bayesian foraging strategy

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    In this paper we shall consider the problem of deploying attention to subsets of the video streams for collating the most relevant data and information of interest related to a given task. We formalize this monitoring problem as a foraging problem. We propose a probabilistic framework to model observer's attentive behavior as the behavior of a forager. The forager, moment to moment, focuses its attention on the most informative stream/camera, detects interesting objects or activities, or switches to a more profitable stream. The approach proposed here is suitable to be exploited for multi-stream video summarization. Meanwhile, it can serve as a preliminary step for more sophisticated video surveillance, e.g. activity and behavior analysis. Experimental results achieved on the UCR Videoweb Activities Dataset, a publicly available dataset, are presented to illustrate the utility of the proposed technique.Comment: Accepted to IEEE Transactions on Image Processin

    Detect the unexpected: a science for surveillance

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    Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to outline a strategy for research development focused on addressing the neglected role of visual perception in real life tasks such as policing surveillance and command and control settings. Approach – The scale of surveillance task in modern control room is expanding as technology increases input capacity at an accelerating rate. The authors review recent literature highlighting the difficulties that apply to modern surveillance and give examples of how poor detection of the unexpected can be, and how surprising this deficit can be. Perceptual phenomena such as change blindness are linked to the perceptual processes undertaken by law-enforcement personnel. Findings – A scientific programme is outlined for how detection deficits can best be addressed in the context of a multidisciplinary collaborative agenda between researchers and practitioners. The development of a cognitive research field specifically examining the occurrence of perceptual “failures” provides an opportunity for policing agencies to relate laboratory findings in psychology to their own fields of day-to-day enquiry. Originality/value – The paper shows, with examples, where interdisciplinary research may best be focussed on evaluating practical solutions and on generating useable guidelines on procedure and practice. It also argues that these processes should be investigated in real and simulated context-specific studies to confirm the validity of the findings in these new applied scenarios

    Implications and Ramifications of a Sample-Size Approach to Intuition

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    [...from the chapter] In the present article, we delineate a different approach, which is by no means inconsistent, but largely overlaps with the aforementioned definitions. However, our approach is simpler and refrains from a number of rather strong assumptions to which other conceptions subscribe. Using a simple and straightforward criterion, we define intuition in terms of the size of the sample used in reaching a decision: Judgments and decisions are intuitive to the extent that they rest on small samples.

    The choice architect’s trilemma

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    Critics have long dismissed paternalistic choice architecture as conceptually muddled at best and oxymoronic at worst. In this article, I argue that this criticism remains true despite recent replies to the contrary. Further, I suggest that a similar conceptual criticism also applies to non-paternalistic choice architecture. This is due to a three-way tension between the effectiveness, avoidability, and distinctiveness of each nudge. To illustrate this tension, I provide a novel explanation of the mechanics of nudging and a taxonomy of these interventions. I then argue that choice architects who defend the distinctiveness of nudging according to how it guides our behaviour via our unreflective intuitive reasoning encounter a trilemma because the distinctiveness of nudging hinges on interventions being both avoidable and effective. Choice architects cannot achieve this aim without harnessing both our automatic and reflective systems of thought in tandem. However, this diminishes the distinctive character of nudging by bringing it closer to other traditional policy interventions. This establishes the choice architect’s trilemma: a nudge is likely to be either ineffective, effective via some morally unacceptable means, or effective in a manner that is conceptually indistinct from other evidence-based policy interventions

    See no Evil: Challenges of security surveillance and monitoring

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    While the development of intelligent technologies in security surveillance can augment human capabilities, they do not replace the role of the operator entirely; as such, when developing surveillance support it is critical that limitations to the cognitive system are taken into account. The current article reviews the cognitive challenges associated with the task of a CCTV operator: visual search and cognitive/perceptual overload, attentional failures, vulnerability to distraction, and decision-making in a dynamically evolving environment. While not directly applied to surveillance issues, we suggest that the NSEEV (noticing – salience, effort, expectancy, value) model of attention could provide a useful theoretical basis for understanding the challenges faced in detection and monitoring tasks. Having identified cognitive limitations of the human operator, this review sets out a research agenda for further understanding the cognitive functioning related to surveillance, and highlights the need to consider the human element at the design stage when developing technological solutions to security surveillance

    Understanding information diversity in the era of repurposable crowdsourced data

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    Organizations successfully leverage information technology for the acquisition of knowledge for decision-making through information crowdsourcing, which is gathering information from a group of people about a phenomenon of interest to the crowdsourcer. Information crowdsourcing has been used to drive business insight and scientific research, providing crowdsourcers access to information outside their traditional reach. Crowdsourcers seek high-quality data for their information crowdsourcing projects and require contributors who can provide data that meet predetermined requirements. Crowdsourcers recruit contributors with high levels of relevant knowledge or train contributors to ensure the quality of data they collect. However, when crowdsourced data needs to fit more than a single usage scenario because the requirements of the project changed or the data needs to be repurposed for tasks other than the one(s) for which it was initially collected, the ability of contributors to provide diverse data that can meet multiple requirements is also desirable. In this thesis, I investigate how the domain knowledge a contributor possesses affects the diversity and quality of data they report. Using an experiment in which 84 students randomly assigned to three knowledge conditions reported information about artificial stimuli, I found that explicitly trained contributors provided less diverse data than either implicitly trained or untrained contributors. In addition, I looked at the longitudinal effect of knowledge on the diversity of data reported by contributors. Using review data from Amazon.com and organism sighting data from NLNature.com (a citizen science data crowdsourcing platform), I studied the impact of knowledge on the diversity and quality of crowdsourced data. The results show that experience reduced the diversity and usefulness of contributed data. The study provides insights for crowdsourcers in industry and academia on how to manage and utilize their crowds effectively to collect high-quality reusable data
