1,221 research outputs found


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    Car simulators are essential for training and for analyzing the behavior, the responses and the performance of the driver. Augmented Reality (AR) is the technology that enables virtual images to be overlaid on views of the real world. Affective Computing (AC) is the technology that helps reading emotions by means of computer systems, by analyzing body gestures, facial expressions, speech and physiological signals. The key aspect of the research relies on investigating novel interfaces that help building situational awareness and emotional awareness, to enable affect-driven remote collaboration in AR for car driving simulators. The problem addressed relates to the question about how to build situational awareness (using AR technology) and emotional awareness (by AC technology), and how to integrate these two distinct technologies [4], into a unique affective framework for training, in a car driving simulator

    Full State History Cooperative Localisation with Complete Information Sharing

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    This thesis presents a decentralised localisation method for multiple robots. We enable reduced bandwidth requirements whilst using local solutions that fuse information from other robots. This method does not specify a communication topology or require complex tracking of information. The methods for including shared data match standard elements of nonlinear optimisation algorithms. There are four contributions in this thesis. The first is a method to split the multiple vehicle problem into sections that can be iteratively transmitted in packets with bandwidth bounds. This is done through delayed elimination of external states, which are states involved in intervehicle observations. Observations are placed in subgraphs that accumulate between external states. Internal states, which are all states not involved in intervehicle observations, can then be eliminated from each subgraph and the joint probability of the start and end states is shared between vehicles and combined to yield the solution to the entire graph. The second contribution is usage of variable reordering within these packets to enable handling of delayed observations that target an existing state such as with visual loop closures. We identify the calculations required to give the conditional probability of the delayed historical state on the existing external states before and after. This reduces the recalculation to updating the factorisation of a single subgraph and is independent of the time since the observation was made. The third contribution is a method and conditions for insertion of states into existing packets that does not invalidate previously transmitted data. We derive the conditions that enable this method and our fourth contribution is two motion models that conform to the conditions. Together this permits handling of the general out of sequence case

    Feature extraction using MPEG-CDVS and Deep Learning with application to robotic navigation and image classification

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    The main contributions of this thesis are the evaluation of MPEG Compact Descriptor for Visual Search in the context of indoor robotic navigation and the introduction of a new method for training Convolutional Neural Networks with applications to object classification. The choice for image descriptor in a visual navigation system is not straightforward. Visual descriptors must be distinctive enough to allow for correct localisation while still offering low matching complexity and short descriptor size for real-time applications. MPEG Compact Descriptor for Visual Search is a low complexity image descriptor that offers several levels of compromises between descriptor distinctiveness and size. In this work, we describe how these trade-offs can be used for efficient loop-detection in a typical indoor environment. We first describe a probabilistic approach to loop detection based on the standard’s suggested similarity metric. We then evaluate the performance of CDVS compression modes in terms of matching speed, feature extraction, and storage requirements and compare them with the state of the art SIFT descriptor for five different types of indoor floors. During the second part of this thesis we focus on the new paradigm to machine learning and computer vision called Deep Learning. Under this paradigm visual features are no longer extracted using fine-grained, highly engineered feature extractor, but rather using a Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) that extracts hierarchical features learned directly from data at the cost of long training periods. In this context, we propose a method for speeding up the training of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) by exploiting the spatial scaling property of convolutions. This is done by first training a pre-train CNN of smaller kernel resolutions for a few epochs, followed by properly rescaling its kernels to the target’s original dimensions and continuing training at full resolution. We show that the overall training time of a target CNN architecture can be reduced by exploiting the spatial scaling property of convolutions during early stages of learning. Moreover, by rescaling the kernels at different epochs, we identify a trade-off between total training time and maximum obtainable accuracy. Finally, we propose a method for choosing when to rescale kernels and evaluate our approach on recent architectures showing savings in training times of nearly 20% while test set accuracy is preserved

    Data Flow ORB-SLAM for Real-time Performance on Embedded GPU Boards

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    The use of embedded boards on robots, including unmanned aerial and ground vehicles, is increasing thanks to the availability of GPU equipped low-cost embedded boards in the market. Porting algorithms originally designed for desktop CPUs on those boards is not straightforward due to hardware limitations. In this paper, we present how we modified and customized the open source SLAM algorithm ORB-SLAM2 to run in real-time on the NVIDIA Jetson TX2. We adopted a data flow paradigm to process the images, obtaining an efficient CPU/GPU load distribution that results in a processing speed of about 30 frames per second. Quantitative experimental results on four different sequences of the KITTI datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed approach. The source code of our data flow ORB-SLAM2 algorithm is publicly available on GitHub

    SegMap: 3D Segment Mapping using Data-Driven Descriptors

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    When performing localization and mapping, working at the level of structure can be advantageous in terms of robustness to environmental changes and differences in illumination. This paper presents SegMap: a map representation solution to the localization and mapping problem based on the extraction of segments in 3D point clouds. In addition to facilitating the computationally intensive task of processing 3D point clouds, working at the level of segments addresses the data compression requirements of real-time single- and multi-robot systems. While current methods extract descriptors for the single task of localization, SegMap leverages a data-driven descriptor in order to extract meaningful features that can also be used for reconstructing a dense 3D map of the environment and for extracting semantic information. This is particularly interesting for navigation tasks and for providing visual feedback to end-users such as robot operators, for example in search and rescue scenarios. These capabilities are demonstrated in multiple urban driving and search and rescue experiments. Our method leads to an increase of area under the ROC curve of 28.3% over current state of the art using eigenvalue based features. We also obtain very similar reconstruction capabilities to a model specifically trained for this task. The SegMap implementation will be made available open-source along with easy to run demonstrations at www.github.com/ethz-asl/segmap. A video demonstration is available at https://youtu.be/CMk4w4eRobg

    Mixed marker-based/marker-less visual odometry system for mobile robots

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    When moving in generic indoor environments, robotic platforms generally rely solely on information provided by onboard sensors to determine their position and orientation. However, the lack of absolute references often leads to the introduction of severe drifts in estimates computed, making autonomous operations really hard to accomplish. This paper proposes a solution to alleviate the impact of the above issues by combining two vision‐based pose estimation techniques working on relative and absolute coordinate systems, respectively. In particular, the unknown ground features in the images that are captured by the vertical camera of a mobile platform are processed by a vision‐based odometry algorithm, which is capable of estimating the relative frame‐to‐frame movements. Then, errors accumulated in the above step are corrected using artificial markers displaced at known positions in the environment. The markers are framed from time to time, which allows the robot to maintain the drifts bounded by additionally providing it with the navigation commands needed for autonomous flight. Accuracy and robustness of the designed technique are demonstrated using an off‐the‐shelf quadrotor via extensive experimental test

    Visual and Camera Sensors

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    This book includes 13 papers published in Special Issue ("Visual and Camera Sensors") of the journal Sensors. The goal of this Special Issue was to invite high-quality, state-of-the-art research papers dealing with challenging issues in visual and camera sensors

    A cooperative navigation system with distributed architecture for multiple unmanned aerial vehicles

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    Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) have been widely used in many applications due to, among other features, their versatility, reduced operating cost, and small size. These applications increasingly demand that features related to autonomous navigation be employed, such as mapping. However, the reduced capacity of resources such as, for example, battery and hardware (memory and processing units) can hinder the development of these applications in UAVs. Thus, the collaborative use of multiple UAVs for mapping can be used as an alternative to solve this problem, with a cooperative navigation system. This system requires that individual local maps be transmitted and merged into a global map in a distributed manner. In this scenario, there are two main problems to be addressed: the transmission of maps among the UAVs and the merging of the local maps in each UAV. In this context, this work describes the design, development, and evaluation of a cooperative navigation system with distributed architecture to be used by multiple UAVs. This system uses proposed structures to store the 3D occupancy grid maps. Furthermore, maps are compressed and transmitted between UAVs using algorithms specially proposed for these purposes. Then the local 3D maps are merged in each UAV. In this map merging system, maps are processed before and merged in pairs using suitable algorithms to make them compatible with the 3D occupancy grid map data. In addition, keypoints orientation properties are obtained from potential field gradients. Some proposed filters are used to improve the parameters of the transformations among maps. To validate the proposed solution, simulations were performed in six different environments, outdoors and indoors, and with different layout characteristics. The obtained results demonstrate the effectiveness of thesystemin the construction, sharing, and merging of maps. Still, from the obtained results, the extreme complexity of map merging systems is highlighted.Os veículos aéreos não tripulados (VANTs) têm sidoamplamenteutilizados em muitas aplicações devido, entre outrosrecursos,à sua versatilidade, custo de operação e tamanho reduzidos. Essas aplicações exigem cadavez mais que recursos relacionados à navegaçãoautônoma sejam empregados,como o mapeamento. No entanto, acapacidade reduzida de recursos como, por exemplo, bateria e hardware (memória e capacidade de processamento) podem atrapalhar o desenvolvimento dessas aplicações em VANTs.Assim, o uso colaborativo de múltiplosVANTs para mapeamento pode ser utilizado como uma alternativa para resolvereste problema, criando um sistema de navegaçãocooperativo. Estesistema requer que mapas locais individuais sejam transmitidos efundidos em um mapa global de forma distribuída.Nesse cenário, há doisproblemas principais aserem abordados:a transmissão dosmapas entre os VANTs e afusão dos mapas locais em cada VANT. Nestecontexto, estatese apresentao projeto, desenvolvimento e avaliaçãode um sistema de navegação cooperativo com arquitetura distribuída para ser utilizado pormúltiplos VANTs. Este sistemausa estruturas propostas para armazenaros mapasdegradedeocupação 3D. Além disso, os mapas são compactados e transmitidos entre os VANTs usando os algoritmos propostos. Em seguida, os mapas 3D locais são fundidos em cada VANT. Neste sistemade fusão de mapas, os mapas são processados antes e juntados em pares usando algunsalgoritmos adequados para torná-los compatíveiscom os dados dos mapas da grade de ocupação 3D. Além disso, as propriedadesde orientação dos pontoschave são obtidas a partir de gradientes de campos potenciais. Alguns filtros propostos são utilizadospara melhorar as indicações dos parâmetros dastransformações entre mapas. Paravalidar a aplicação proposta, foram realizadas simulações em seis ambientes distintos, externos e internos, e com características construtivas distintas. Os resultados apresentados demonstram a efetividade do sistema na construção, compartilhamento e fusão dos mapas. Ainda, a partir dos resultados obtidos, destaca-se a extrema complexidade dos sistemas de fusão de mapas