146 research outputs found

    COST Action IC 1402 ArVI: Runtime Verification Beyond Monitoring -- Activity Report of Working Group 1

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    This report presents the activities of the first working group of the COST Action ArVI, Runtime Verification beyond Monitoring. The report aims to provide an overview of some of the major core aspects involved in Runtime Verification. Runtime Verification is the field of research dedicated to the analysis of system executions. It is often seen as a discipline that studies how a system run satisfies or violates correctness properties. The report exposes a taxonomy of Runtime Verification (RV) presenting the terminology involved with the main concepts of the field. The report also develops the concept of instrumentation, the various ways to instrument systems, and the fundamental role of instrumentation in designing an RV framework. We also discuss how RV interplays with other verification techniques such as model-checking, deductive verification, model learning, testing, and runtime assertion checking. Finally, we propose challenges in monitoring quantitative and statistical data beyond detecting property violation

    Static versus Dynamic Verification in Why3, Frama-C and SPARK 2014

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    International audienceWhy3 is an environment for static verification, generic in the sense that it is used as an intermediate tool by different front-ends for the verification of Java, C or Ada programs. Yet, the choices made when designing the specification languages provided by those front-ends differ significantly, in particular with respect to the executability of specifications. We review these differences and the issues that result from these choices. We emphasize the specific feature of ghost code which turns out to be extremely useful for both static and dynamic verification. We also present techniques, combining static and dynamic features, that help users understand why static verification fails

    An Introduction to Voting Rule Verification

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    We give an introduction to deductive verification methods that can be used to formally prove that voting rules and their implementations satisfy specified properties and conform to the desired democratic principles. In the first part of the paper we explain the basic principles: We describe how first-order logic with theories can be used to formalise the desired properties. We explain the difference between (1) proving that one set of properties implies another property, (2) proving that a voting rule implementation has a certain property, and (3) proving that a voting rule implementation is a refinement of an executable specification. And we explain the different technologies: (1) SMT-based testing, (2) bounded program verification, (3) relational program verification, and (4) symmetry breaking. In this first part of the paper, we also explain the difference between verifying functional and relational properties (such as symmetries). In the second part, we present case studies, including (1) the specification and verification of semantic properties for an STV rule used for electing the board of trustees for a major international conference and (2) the deduction-based computation of election margins for the Danish national parliamentary elections

    Provably Correct Floating-Point Implementation of a Point-In-Polygon Algorithm

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    The problem of determining whether or not a point lies inside a given polygon occurs in many applications. In air traffic management concepts, a correct solution to the point-in-polygon problem is critical to geofencing systems for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and in weather avoidance applications. Many mathematical methods can be used to solve the point-in-polygon problem. Unfortunately, a straightforward floating- point implementation of these methods can lead to incorrect results due to round-off errors. In particular, these errors may cause the control flow of the program to diverge with respect to the ideal real-number algorithm. This divergence potentially results in an incorrect point-in- polygon determination even when the point is far from the edges of the polygon. This paper presents a provably correct implementation of a point-in-polygon method that is based on the computation of the winding number. This implementation is mechanically generated from a source- to-source transformation of the ideal real-number specification of the algorithm. The correctness of this implementation is formally verified within the Frama-C analyzer, where the proof obligations are discharged using the Prototype Verification System (PVS)

    Adapting specifications for reactive controllers

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    For systems to respond to scenarios that were unforeseen at design time, they must be capable of safely adapting, at runtime, the assumptions they make about the environment, the goals they are expected to achieve, and the strategy that guarantees the goals are fulfilled if the assumptions hold. Such adaptation often involves the system degrading its functionality, by weakening its environment assumptions and/or the goals it aims to meet, ideally in a graceful manner. However, finding weaker assumptions that account for the unanticipated behaviour and of goals that are achievable in the new environment in a systematic and safe way remains an open challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel framework that supports assumption and, if necessary, goal degradation to allow systems to cope with runtime assumption violations. The framework, which integrates into the MORPH reference architecture, combines symbolic learning and reactive synthesis to compute implementable controllers that may be deployed safely. We describe and implement an algorithm that illustrates the working of this framework. We further demonstrate in our evaluation its effectiveness and applicability to a series of benchmarks from the literature. The results show that the algorithm successfully learns realizable specifications that accommodate previously violating environment behaviour in almost all cases. Exceptions are discussed in the evaluation

    Predicting SMT solver performance for software verification

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    The approach Why3 takes to interfacing with a wide variety of interactive and automatic theorem provers works well: it is designed to overcome limitations on what can be proved by a system which relies on a single tightly-integrated solver. In common with other systems, however, the degree to which proof obligations (or “goals”) are proved depends as much on the SMT solver as the properties of the goal itself. In this work, we present a method to use syntactic analysis to characterise goals and predict the most appropriate solver via machine-learning techniques. Combining solvers in this way - a portfolio-solving approach - maximises the number of goals which can be proved. The driver-based architecture of Why3 presents a unique opportunity to use a portfolio of SMT solvers for software verification. The intelligent scheduling of solvers minimises the time it takes to prove these goals by avoiding solvers which return Timeout and Unknown responses. We assess the suitability of a number of machinelearning algorithms for this scheduling task. The performance of our tool Where4 is evaluated on a dataset of proof obligations. We compare Where4 to a range of SMT solvers and theoretical scheduling strategies. We find that Where4 can out-perform individual solvers by proving a greater number of goals in a shorter average time. Furthermore, Where4 can integrate into a Why3 user’s normal workflow - simplifying and automating the non-expert use of SMT solvers for software verification