1,277 research outputs found

    Physics-Informed Computer Vision: A Review and Perspectives

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    Incorporation of physical information in machine learning frameworks are opening and transforming many application domains. Here the learning process is augmented through the induction of fundamental knowledge and governing physical laws. In this work we explore their utility for computer vision tasks in interpreting and understanding visual data. We present a systematic literature review of formulation and approaches to computer vision tasks guided by physical laws. We begin by decomposing the popular computer vision pipeline into a taxonomy of stages and investigate approaches to incorporate governing physical equations in each stage. Existing approaches in each task are analyzed with regard to what governing physical processes are modeled, formulated and how they are incorporated, i.e. modify data (observation bias), modify networks (inductive bias), and modify losses (learning bias). The taxonomy offers a unified view of the application of the physics-informed capability, highlighting where physics-informed learning has been conducted and where the gaps and opportunities are. Finally, we highlight open problems and challenges to inform future research. While still in its early days, the study of physics-informed computer vision has the promise to develop better computer vision models that can improve physical plausibility, accuracy, data efficiency and generalization in increasingly realistic applications

    Trending Paths: A New Semantic-level Metric for Comparing Simulated and Real Crowd Data

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    We propose a new semantic-level crowd evaluation metric in this paper. Crowd simulation has been an active and important area for several decades. However, only recently has there been an increased focus on evaluating the fidelity of the results with respect to real-world situations. The focus to date has been on analyzing the properties of low-level features such as pedestrian trajectories, or global features such as crowd densities. We propose the first approach based on finding semantic information represented by latent Path Patterns in both real and simulated data in order to analyze and compare them. Unsupervised clustering by non-parametric Bayesian inference is used to learn the patterns, which themselves provide a rich visualization of the crowd behavior. To this end, we present a new Stochastic Variational Dual Hierarchical Dirichlet Process (SV-DHDP) model. The fidelity of the patterns is computed with respect to a reference, thus allowing the outputs of different algorithms to be compared with each other and/or with real data accordingly. Detailed evaluations and comparisons with existing metrics show that our method is a good alternative for comparing crowd data at a different level and also works with more types of data, holds fewer assumptions and is more robust to noise

    Analysis Of Behaviors In Crowd Videos

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    In this dissertation, we address the problem of discovery and representation of group activity of humans and objects in a variety of scenarios, commonly encountered in vision applications. The overarching goal is to devise a discriminative representation of human motion in social settings, which captures a wide variety of human activities observable in video sequences. Such motion emerges from the collective behavior of individuals and their interactions and is a significant source of information typically employed for applications such as event detection, behavior recognition, and activity recognition. We present new representations of human group motion for static cameras, and propose algorithms for their application to variety of problems. We first propose a method to model and learn the scene activity of a crowd using Social Force Model for the first time in the computer vision community. We present a method to densely estimate the interaction forces between people in a crowd, observed by a static camera. Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) is used to learn the model of the normal activities over extended periods of time. Randomly selected spatio-temporal volumes of interaction forces are used to learn the model of normal behavior of the scene. The model encodes the latent topics of social interaction forces in the scene for normal behaviors. We classify a short video sequence of n frames as normal or abnormal by using the learnt model. Once a sequence of frames is classified as an abnormal, iii the regions of anomalies in the abnormal frames are localized using the magnitude of interaction forces. The representation and estimation framework proposed above, however, has a few limitations. This algorithm proposes to use a global estimation of the interaction forces within the crowd. It, therefore, is incapable of identifying different groups of objects based on motion or behavior in the scene. Although the algorithm is capable of learning the normal behavior and detects the abnormality, but it is incapable of capturing the dynamics of different behaviors. To overcome these limitations, we then propose a method based on the Lagrangian framework for fluid dynamics, by introducing a streakline representation of flow. Streaklines are traced in a fluid flow by injecting color material, such as smoke or dye, which is transported with the flow and used for visualization. In the context of computer vision, streaklines may be used in a similar way to transport information about a scene, and they are obtained by repeatedly initializing a fixed grid of particles at each frame, then moving both current and past particles using optical flow. Streaklines are the locus of points that connect particles which originated from the same initial position. This approach is advantageous over the previous representations in two aspects: first, its rich representation captures the dynamics of the crowd and changes in space and time in the scene where the optical flow representation is not enough, and second, this model is capable of discovering groups of similar behavior within a crowd scene by performing motion segmentation. We propose a method to distinguish different group behaviors such as divergent/convergent motion and lanes using this framework. Finally, we introduce flow potentials as a discriminative feature to iv recognize crowd behaviors in a scene. Results of extensive experiments are presented for multiple real life crowd sequences involving pedestrian and vehicular traffic. The proposed method exploits optical flow as the low level feature and performs integration and clustering to obtain coherent group motion patterns. However, we observe that in crowd video sequences, as well as a variety of other vision applications, the co-occurrence and inter-relation of motion patterns are the main characteristics of group behaviors. In other words, the group behavior of objects is a mixture of individual actions or behaviors in specific geometrical layout and temporal order. We, therefore, propose a new representation for group behaviors of humans using the interrelation of motion patterns in a scene. The representation is based on bag of visual phrases of spatio-temporal visual words. We present a method to match the high-order spatial layout of visual words that preserve the geometry of the visual words under similarity transformations. To perform the experiments we collected a dataset of group choreography performances from the YouTube website. The dataset currently contains four categories of group dances

    Interactive Tracking, Prediction, and Behavior Learning of Pedestrians in Dense Crowds

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    The ability to automatically recognize human motions and behaviors is a key skill for autonomous machines to exhibit to interact intelligently with a human-inhabited environment. The capabilities autonomous machines should have include computing the motion trajectory of each pedestrian in a crowd, predicting his or her position in the near future, and analyzing the personality characteristics of the pedestrian. Such techniques are frequently used for collision-free robot navigation, data-driven crowd simulation, and crowd surveillance applications. However, prior methods for these problems have been restricted to low-density or sparse crowds where the pedestrian movement is modeled using simple motion models. In this thesis, we present several interactive algorithms to extract pedestrian trajectories from videos in dense crowds. Our approach combines different pedestrian motion models with particle tracking and mixture models and can obtain an average of 20%20\% improvement in accuracy in medium-density crowds over prior work. We compute the pedestrian dynamics from these trajectories using Bayesian learning techniques and combine them with global methods for long-term pedestrian prediction in densely crowded settings. Finally, we combine these techniques with Personality Trait Theory to automatically classify the dynamic behavior or the personality of a pedestrian based on his or her movements in a crowded scene. The resulting algorithms are robust and can handle sparse and noisy motion trajectories. We demonstrate the benefits of our long-term prediction and behavior classification methods in dense crowds and highlight the benefits over prior techniques. We highlight the performance of our novel algorithms on three different applications. The first application is interactive data-driven crowd simulation, which includes crowd replication as well as the combination of pedestrian behaviors from different videos. Secondly, we combine the prediction scheme with proxemic characteristics from psychology and use them to perform socially-aware navigation. Finally, we present novel techniques for anomaly detection in low-to medium-density crowd videos using trajectory-level behavior learning.Doctor of Philosoph

    Crowd detection and counting using a static and dynamic platform: state of the art

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    Automated object detection and crowd density estimation are popular and important area in visual surveillance research. The last decades witnessed many significant research in this field however, it is still a challenging problem for automatic visual surveillance. The ever increase in research of the field of crowd dynamics and crowd motion necessitates a detailed and updated survey of different techniques and trends in this field. This paper presents a survey on crowd detection and crowd density estimation from moving platform and surveys the different methods employed for this purpose. This review category and delineates several detections and counting estimation methods that have been applied for the examination of scenes from static and moving platforms