291 research outputs found

    End-to-end neural segmental models for speech recognition

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    Segmental models are an alternative to frame-based models for sequence prediction, where hypothesized path weights are based on entire segment scores rather than a single frame at a time. Neural segmental models are segmental models that use neural network-based weight functions. Neural segmental models have achieved competitive results for speech recognition, and their end-to-end training has been explored in several studies. In this work, we review neural segmental models, which can be viewed as consisting of a neural network-based acoustic encoder and a finite-state transducer decoder. We study end-to-end segmental models with different weight functions, including ones based on frame-level neural classifiers and on segmental recurrent neural networks. We study how reducing the search space size impacts performance under different weight functions. We also compare several loss functions for end-to-end training. Finally, we explore training approaches, including multi-stage vs. end-to-end training and multitask training that combines segmental and frame-level losses

    Equivalence of Segmental and Neural Transducer Modeling: A Proof of Concept

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    With the advent of direct models in automatic speech recognition (ASR), the formerly prevalent frame-wise acoustic modeling based on hidden Markov models (HMM) diversified into a number of modeling architectures like encoder-decoder attention models, transducer models and segmental models (direct HMM). While transducer models stay with a frame-level model definition, segmental models are defined on the level of label segments directly. While (soft-)attention-based models avoid explicit alignment, transducer and segmental approach internally do model alignment, either by segment hypotheses or, more implicitly, by emitting so-called blank symbols. In this work, we prove that the widely used class of RNN-Transducer models and segmental models (direct HMM) are equivalent and therefore show equal modeling power. It is shown that blank probabilities translate into segment length probabilities and vice versa. In addition, we provide initial experiments investigating decoding and beam-pruning, comparing time-synchronous and label-/segment-synchronous search strategies and their properties using the same underlying model.Comment: accepted at Interspeech202

    RASR2: The RWTH ASR Toolkit for Generic Sequence-to-sequence Speech Recognition

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    Modern public ASR tools usually provide rich support for training various sequence-to-sequence (S2S) models, but rather simple support for decoding open-vocabulary scenarios only. For closed-vocabulary scenarios, public tools supporting lexical-constrained decoding are usually only for classical ASR, or do not support all S2S models. To eliminate this restriction on research possibilities such as modeling unit choice, we present RASR2 in this work, a research-oriented generic S2S decoder implemented in C++. It offers a strong flexibility/compatibility for various S2S models, language models, label units/topologies and neural network architectures. It provides efficient decoding for both open- and closed-vocabulary scenarios based on a generalized search framework with rich support for different search modes and settings. We evaluate RASR2 with a wide range of experiments on both switchboard and Librispeech corpora. Our source code is public online.Comment: accepted at Interspeech 202

    Multitask Learning with CTC and Segmental CRF for Speech Recognition

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    Segmental conditional random fields (SCRFs) and connectionist temporal classification (CTC) are two sequence labeling methods used for end-to-end training of speech recognition models. Both models define a transcription probability by marginalizing decisions about latent segmentation alternatives to derive a sequence probability: the former uses a globally normalized joint model of segment labels and durations, and the latter classifies each frame as either an output symbol or a "continuation" of the previous label. In this paper, we train a recognition model by optimizing an interpolation between the SCRF and CTC losses, where the same recurrent neural network (RNN) encoder is used for feature extraction for both outputs. We find that this multitask objective improves recognition accuracy when decoding with either the SCRF or CTC models. Additionally, we show that CTC can also be used to pretrain the RNN encoder, which improves the convergence rate when learning the joint model.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, camera ready version at Interspeech 201