197 research outputs found

    How to Construct Cryptosystems and Hash Functions in Weakened Random Oracle Models

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    In this paper, we discuss how to construct secure cryptosystems and secure hash functions in weakened random oracle models. ~~~~The weakened random oracle model (\wrom), which was introduced by Numayama et al. at PKC 2008, is a random oracle with several weaknesses. Though the security of cryptosystems in the random oracle model, \rom, has been discussed sufficiently, the same is not true for \wrom. A few cryptosystems have been proven secure in \wrom. In this paper, we will propose a new conversion that can convert \emph{any} cryptosystem secure in \rom to a new cryptosystem that is secure in the first preimage tractable random oracle model \fptrom \emph{without re-proof}. \fptrom is \rom without preimage resistance and so is the weakest of the \wrom models. Since there are many secure cryptosystems in \rom, our conversion can yield many cryptosystems secure in \fptrom. ~~~~The fixed input length weakened random oracle model, \filwrom, introduced by Liskov at SAC 2006, reflects the known weakness of compression functions. We will propose new hash functions that are indifferentiable from \ro when the underlying compression function is modeled by a two-way partially-specified preimage-tractable fixed input length random oracle model (\wfilrom). \wfilrom is \filrom without two types of preimage resistance and is the weakest of the \filwrom models. The proposed hash functions are more efficient than the existing hash functions which are indifferentiable from \ro when the underlying compression function is modeled by \wfilrom

    Salvaging Merkle-Damgard for Practical Applications

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    Many cryptographic applications of hash functions are analyzed in the random oracle model. Unfortunately, most concrete hash functions, including the SHA family, use the iterative (strengthened) Merkle-Damgard transform applied to a corresponding compression function. Moreover, it is well known that the resulting ``structured\u27\u27 hash function cannot be generically used as a random oracle, even if the compression function is assumed to be ideal. This leaves a large disconnect between theory and practice: although no attack is known for many concrete applications utilizing existing (Merkle-Damgard-based) hash functions, there is no security guarantee either, even by idealizing the compression function. Motivated by this question, we initiate a rigorous and modular study of finding kinds of (still idealized) hash functions which would be (a) elegant and interesting in their own right; (b) still enough to argue security of important applications; and (c) provably instantiable by the (strengthened) Merkle-Damgard transform, applied to a strong enough compression function. We develop two such notions which we believe are natural and interesting in their own right: preimage awareness and being indifferentiable from a public-use random oracle

    The suffix-free-prefix-free hash function construction and its indifferentiability security analysis

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    In this paper, we observe that in the seminal work on indifferentiability analysis of iterated hash functions by Coron et al. and in subsequent works, the initial value (IV) of hash functions is fixed. In addition, these indifferentiability results do not depend on the Merkle–DamgĂ„rd (MD) strengthening in the padding functionality of the hash functions. We propose a generic n -bit-iterated hash function framework based on an n -bit compression function called suffix-free-prefix-free (SFPF) that works for arbitrary IV s and does not possess MD strengthening. We formally prove that SFPF is indifferentiable from a random oracle (RO) when the compression function is viewed as a fixed input-length random oracle (FIL-RO). We show that some hash function constructions proposed in the literature fit in the SFPF framework while others that do not fit in this framework are not indifferentiable from a RO. We also show that the SFPF hash function framework with the provision of MD strengthening generalizes any n -bit-iterated hash function based on an n -bit compression function and with an n -bit chaining value that is proven indifferentiable from a RO

    A Modular Approach to the Incompressibility of Block-Cipher-Based AEADs

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    Incompressibility is one of the most fundamental security goals in white-box cryptography. Given recent advances in the design of efficient and incompressible block ciphers such as SPACE, SPNbox and WhiteBlock, we demonstrate the feasibility of reducing incompressible AEAD modes to incompressible block ciphers. We first observe that several existing AEAD modes of operation, including CCM, GCM(-SIV), and OCB, would be all insecure against white-box adversaries even when used with an incompressble block cipher. This motivates us to revisit and formalize incompressibility-based security definitions for AEAD schemes and for block ciphers, so that we become able to design modes and reduce their security to that of the underlying ciphers. Our new security notion for AEAD, which we name whPRI, is an extension of the pseudo-random injection security in the black-box setting. Similar security notions are also defined for other cryptosystems such as privacy-only encryption schemes. We emphasize that whPRI ensures quite strong authenticity against white-box adversaries: existential unforgeability beyond leakage. This contrasts sharply with previous notions which have ensured either no authenticity or only universal unforgeability. For the underlying ciphers we introduce a new notion of whPRP, which extends that of PRP in the black-box setting. Interestingly, our incompressibility reductions follow from a variant of public indifferentiability. In particular, we show that a practical whPRI-secure AEAD mode can be built from a whPRP-secure block cipher: We present a SIV-like composition of the sponge construction (utilizing a block cipher as its underlying primitive) with the counter mode and prove that such a construction is (in the variant sense) public indifferentiable from a random injection. To instantiate such an AEAD scheme, we propose a 256-bit variant of SPACE, based on our conjecture that SPACE should be a whPRP-secure cipher

    Overloading the Nonce: Rugged PRPs, Nonce-Set AEAD, and Order-Resilient Channels

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    We introduce a new security notion that lies right in between pseudorandom permutations (PRPs) and strong pseudorandom permutations (SPRPs). We call this new security notion and any (tweakable) cipher that satisfies it a rugged pseudorandom permutation\textit{rugged pseudorandom permutation} (RPRP). Rugged pseudorandom permutations lend themselves to some interesting applications, have practical benefits, and lead to novel cryptographic constructions. Our focus is on variable-length tweakable RPRPs, and analogous to the encode-then-encipher paradigm of Bellare and Rogaway, we can generically transform any such cipher into different AEAD schemes with varying security properties. However, the benefit of RPRPs is that they can be constructed more efficiently as they are weaker primitives than SPRPs (the notion traditionally required by the encode-then-encipher paradigm). We can construct RPRPs using only two layers of processing, whereas SPRPs typically require three layers of processing over the input data. We also identify a new transformation that yields RUP-secure AEAD schemes with more compact ciphertexts than previously known. Further extending this approach, we arrive at a new generalized notion of authenticated encryption and a matching construction, which we refer to as nonce-set AEAD\textit{nonce-set AEAD}. Nonce-set AEAD is particularly well-suited in the context of secure channels, like QUIC and DTLS, that operate over unreliable transports and employ a window mechanism at the receiver\u27s end of the channel. We conclude by presenting a generic construction for transforming a nonce-set AEAD scheme into an order-resilient secure channel. Our channel construction sheds new light on order-resilient channels and additionally leads to more compact ciphertexts when instantiated from RPRPs

    Attacking the Knudsen-Preneel Compression Functions

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    Abstract. Knudsen and Preneel (Asiacrypt’96 and Crypto’97) introduced a hash function design in which a linear error-correcting code is used to build a wide-pipe compression function from underlying blockciphers operating in Davies-Meyer mode. Their main design goal was to deliver compression functions with collision resistance up to, and even beyond, the block size of the underlying blockciphers. In this paper, we (re)analyse the preimage resistance of the Knudsen-Preneel compression functions in the setting of public random func-tions. We give a new preimage attack that is based on two observations. First, by using the right kind of queries it is possible to mount a non-adaptive preimage attack that is optimal in terms of query complexity. Second, by exploiting the dual code the subsequent problem of reconstructing a preimage from the queries can be rephrased as a problem related to the generalized birthday problem. As a consequence, the time complexity of our attack is intimately tied to the minimum distance of the dual code. Our new attack consistently beats the one given by Knudsen and Preneel (in one case our preimage attack even beats their collision attack) and demonstrates that the gap between their claimed collision resistance and the actual preimage resistance is surprisingly small. Moreover, our new attack falsifies their (conjectured) preimage resistance security bound and shows that intuitive bounds based on the number of ‘active ’ components can be treacherous. Complementing our attack is a formal analysis of the query complexity (both lower and upper bounds) of preimage-finding attacks. This analysis shows that for many concrete codes the time complexity of our attack is optimal.


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    NMAC is a mode of operation which turns a fixed input-length keyed hash function f into a variable input-length function. A practical single-key variant of NMAC called HMAC is a very popular and widely deployed message authentication code (MAC). Security proofs and attacks for NMAC can typically be lifted to HMAC. NMAC was introduced by Bellare, Canetti and Krawczyk [Crypto'96], who proved it to be a secure pseudorandom function (PRF), and thus also a MAC, assuming that (1) f is a PRF and (2) the function we get when cascading f is weakly collision-resistant. Unfortunately, HMAC is typically instantiated with cryptographic hash functions like MD5 or SHA-1 for which (2) has been found to be wrong. To restore the provable guarantees for NMAC, Bellare [Crypto'06] showed its security based solely on the assumption that f is a PRF, albeit via a non-uniform reduction. - Our first contribution is a simpler and uniform proof for this fact: If f is an Δ-secure PRF (against q queries) and a ÎŽ-non-adaptively secure PRF (against q queries), then NMAC f is an (Δ+ℓqÎŽ)-secure PRF against q queries of length at most ℓ blocks each. - We then show that this Δ+ℓqÎŽ bound is basically tight. For the most interesting case where ℓqÎŽ ≄ Δ we prove this by constructing an f for which an attack with advantage ℓqÎŽ exists. This also violates the bound O(ℓΔ) on the PRF-security of NMAC recently claimed by Koblitz and Menezes. - Finally, we analyze the PRF-security of a modification of NMAC called NI [An and Bellare, Crypto'99] that differs mainly by using a compression function with an additional keying input. This avoids the constant rekeying on multi-block messages in NMAC and allows for a security proof starting by the standard switch from a PRF to a random function, followed by an information-theoretic analysis. We carry out such an analysis, obtaining a tight ℓq2/2 c bound for this step, improving over the trivial bound of ℓ2q2/2c. The proof borrows combinatorial techniques originally developed for proving the security of CBC-MAC [Bellare et al., Crypto'05]

    Indifferentiable Authenticated Encryption

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    We study Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) from the viewpoint of composition in arbitrary (single-stage) environments. We use the indifferentiability framework to formalize the intuition that a “good” AEAD scheme should have random ciphertexts subject to decryptability. Within this framework, we can then apply the indifferentiability composition theorem to show that such schemes offer extra safeguards wherever the relevant security properties are not known, or cannot be predicted in advance, as in general-purpose crypto libraries and standards. We show, on the negative side, that generic composition (in many of its configurations) and well-known classical and recent schemes fail to achieve indifferentiability. On the positive side, we give a provably indifferentiable Feistel-based construction, which reduces the round complexity from at least 6, needed for blockciphers, to only 3 for encryption. This result is not too far off the theoretical optimum as we give a lower bound that rules out the indifferentiability of any construction with less than 2 rounds

    How to Build a Hash Function from any Collision-Resistant Function

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    Recent collision-finding attacks against hash functions such as MD5 and SHA-1 motivate the use of provably collision-resistant (CR) functions in their place. Finding a collision in a provably CR function implies the ability to solve some hard problem (e.g., factoring). Unfortunately, existing provably CR functions make poor replacements for hash functions as they fail to deliver behaviors demanded by practical use. In particular, they are easily distinguished from a random oracle. We initiate an investigation into building hhash functions from provably CR functions. As a method for achieving this, we present the Mix-Compress-Mix (MCM) construction; it envelopes any provably CR function H (with suitable regularity properties) between two injective ``mixing\u27\u27 stages. The MCM construction simultaneously enjoys (1) provable collision-resistance in the standard model, and (2) indifferentiability from a monolithic random oracle when the mixing stages themselves are indifferentiable from a random oracle that observes injectivity. We instantiate our new design approach by specifying a blockcipher-based construction that appropriately realizes the mixing stages
