32 research outputs found

    Remote Control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Through the Internet and IEEE 802.11

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    This dissertation focuses on real-time control of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) through TCP/IP/IEEE 802.11. Using the MAVLink protocol - an open-source protocol for micro air vehicles - a solution that allows the exchange, in real-time, of control messages between a UAV and a remote Control Station was implemented. In order to allow the UAV control by a remote user, the vehicle streams a real-time video feed captured by a video-camera on board. The main challenge of this dissertation is related about the designing and implementation of a fast handover solution that allows an uninterruptible communication

    Toward Open and Programmable Wireless Network Edge

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    Increasingly, the last hop connecting users to their enterprise and home networks is wireless. Wireless is becoming ubiquitous not only in homes and enterprises but in public venues such as coffee shops, hospitals, and airports. However, most of the publicly and privately available wireless networks are proprietary and closed in operation. Also, there is little effort from industries to move forward on a path to greater openness for the requirement of innovation. Therefore, we believe it is the domain of university researchers to enable innovation through openness. In this thesis work, we introduce and defines the importance of open framework in addressing the complexity of the wireless network. The Software Defined Network (SDN) framework has emerged as a popular solution for the data center network. However, the promise of the SDN framework is to make the network open, flexible and programmable. In order to deliver on the promise, SDN must work for all users and across all networks, both wired and wireless. Therefore, we proposed to create new modules and APIs to extend the standard SDN framework all the way to the end-devices (i.e., mobile devices, APs). Thus, we want to provide an extensible and programmable abstraction of the wireless network as part of the current SDN-based solution. In this thesis work, we design and develop a framework, weSDN (wireless extension of SDN), that extends the SDN control capability all the way to the end devices to support client-network interaction capabilities and new services. weSDN enables the control-plane of wireless networks to be extended to mobile devices and allows for top-level decisions to be made from an SDN controller with knowledge of the network as a whole, rather than device centric configurations. In addition, weSDN easily obtains user application information, as well as the ability to monitor and control application flows dynamically. Based on the weSDN framework, we demonstrate new services such as application-aware traffic management, WLAN virtualization, and security management

    Supporting l3 femtocell mobility using the mobike protocol

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    Abstract-Femtocells can be used to improve the indoor coverage and bandwidth of 3G cellular networks in homes and buildings. They are designed to be placed in a fixed location. However, their use would also be interesting in mobile environments such as public transportation systems. This paper studies the mobility limitations at the layer 3 and suggests an approach to support mobility on femtocell networks. This solution employs the protocols already defined in the femtocell architecture, minimizing thus the impact on it

    Étude de mécanismes assurant la continuité de service de protocoles IKEv2 et IPsec

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    En 2012, le trafic mobile mondial représentait 70% de plus qu'en 2011. L'arrivée de la technologie 4G a multiplié par 19 le volume de trafic non 4G, et en 2013 le nombre de mobiles connectés à l'Internet a dépassé le nombre d'êtres humains sur la planète. Les fournisseurs d'accès Internet (FAI) subissent une forte pression, car ils ont pour obligations d'assurer à leurs clients l'accès au réseau et le maintien de la qualité de service. À court/moyen terme, les opérateurs doivent délester une partie de leur trafic sur des réseaux d'accès alternatifs afin de maintenir les mêmes caractéristiques de performances. Ainsi, pour désengorger les réseaux d'accès radio (RAN), le trafic des clients peut être préférentiellement pris en charge par d'autres réseaux d'accès disponibles. Notons cependant que les réseaux d'accès sans fil offrent des niveaux de sécurité très différents. Pour les femtocells, WiFi ou WiMAX (parmi d'autres technologies sans fil), il doit être prévu des mécanismes permettant de sécuriser les communications. Les opérateurs peuvent s'appuyer sur des protocoles (tels que IPsec) afin d'étendre un domaine de sécurité sur des réseaux non sécurisés. Cela introduit de nouveaux défis en termes de performances et de connectivité pour IPsec. Cette thèse se concentre sur l'étude des mécanismes permettant de garantir et améliorer les performances du protocole IPsec en termes de continuité de service. La continuité de service, aussi connu comme résilience, devient cruciale lorsque le trafic mobile est dévié depuis un réseau d'accès RAN vers d'autres réseaux d'accès alternatifs. C'est pourquoi nous nous concentrons d'abord dans l'ensemble de protocoles assurant une communication IP: IKEv2 et IPsec. Ensuite, nous présentons une étude détaillée des paramètres nécessaires pour maintenir une session VPN, et nous démontrons qu'il est possible de gérer dynamiquement une session VPN entre différentes passerelles de sécurité. L'une des raisons qui justifient la gestion des sessions VPN est d'offrir de la haute disponibilité, le partage de charge ou l'équilibrage de charge pour les connexions IPsec. Ces mécanismes ont pour finalité d'augmenter la continuité de service de sessions IPsec. Certains nouveaux mécanismes ont été récemment mis en oeuvre pour assurer la haute disponibilité sur IPsec. Le projet open source VPN, StrongSwan, a mis en place un mécanisme appelé ClusterIP afin de créer un cluster de passerelles IPsec. Nous avons fusionné cette solution basée sur ClusterIP avec nos propres développements afin de définir deux architectures : une architecture permettant la Haute Disponibilité et une deuxième architecture présentant la gestion dynamique d'un contexte IPsec. Nous avons défini deux environnements : le Mono-LAN où un cluster de noeuds est configuré sous une même adresse IP unique, et le Multi-LAN où chaque passerelle de sécurité dispose d'une adresse IP différente. Les mesures de performance tout au long de la thèse montrent que le transfert d'une session VPN entre différentes passerelles évite les délais supplémentaires liés à la ré-authentification et réduit la consommation CPU, ainsi que les calculs par le matériel cryptographique. D'un point de vue FAI, le transfert de contexte IPsec/IKEv2 pourrait être utilisé pour éviter la surcharge des passerelles, et permettre la redistribution de la charge, de meilleures performances du réseau ainsi que l'amélioration de la qualité de service. L'idée est de permettre à un utilisateur de profiter de la continuité d'un service tout en conservant le même niveau de sécurité que celui initialement proposéDuring 2012, the global mobile traffic represented 70\% more than 2011. The arrival of the 4G technology introduced 19 times more traffic than non-4G sessions, and in 2013 the number of mobile-connected to the Internet exceeded the number of human beings on earth. This scenario introduces great pressure towards the Internet service providers (ISPs), which are called to ensure access to the network and maintain its QoS. At short/middle term, operators will relay on alternative access networks in order to maintain the same performance characteristics. Thus, the traffic of the clients might be offloaded from RANs to some other available access networks. However, the same security level is not ensured by those wireless access networks. Femtocells, WiFi or WiMAX (among other wireless technologies), must rely on some mechanism to secure the communications and avoid untrusted environments. Operators are mainly using IPsec to extend a security domain over untrusted networks. This introduces new challenges in terms of performance and connectivity for IPsec. This thesis concentrates on the study of the mechanism considering improving the IPsec protocol in terms of continuity of service. The continuity of service, also known as resilience, becomes crucial when offloading the traffic from RANs to other access networks. This is why we first concentrate our effort in defining the protocols ensuring an IP communication: IKEv2 and IPsec. Then, we present a detailed study of the parameters needed to keep a VPN session alive, and we demonstrate that it is possible to dynamically manage a VPN session between different gateways. Some of the reasons that justify the management of VPN sessions is to provide high availability, load sharing or load balancing features for IPsec connections. These mechanisms increase the continuity of service of IPsec-based communication. For example, if for some reason a failure occurs to a security gateway, the ISP should be able to overcome this situation and to provide mechanisms to ensure continuity of service to its clients. Some new mechanisms have recently been implemented to provide High Availability over IPsec. The open source VPN project, StrongSwan, implemented a mechanism called ClusterIP in order to create a cluster of IPsec gateways. We merged ClusterIP with our own developments in order to define two architectures: High Availability and Context Management over Mono-LAN and Multi-LAN environments. We called Mono-LAN those architectures where the cluster of security gateways is configured under a single IP address, whereas Multi-LAN concerns those architectures where different security gateways are configured with different IP addresses. Performance measurements throughout the thesis show that transferring a VPN session between different gateways avoids re-authentication delays and reduce the amount of CPU consumption and calculation of cryptographic material. From an ISP point of view, this could be used to avoid overloaded gateways, redistribution of the load, better network performances, improvements of the QoS, etc. The idea is to allow a peer to enjoy the continuity of a service while maintaining the same security level that it was initially proposedEVRY-INT (912282302) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Semos a middleware for providing secure and mobility aware sessions over a p2p overlay network

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    International audience; Mobility and security are major features for both current and future network infrastructures. Nevertheless, the integration of mobility in traditional virtual private networks is difficult due to the costs of re-establishing broken secure tunnels and restarting broken connections. Besides session recovery costs, renegotiation steps also present inherent vulnerabilities. In order to address these issues, we propose a new distributed mobile VPN system called SEcured MObile Session (SEMOS). Based upon our CLOAK peer-to-peer overlay architecture, SEMOS provides security services to the application layer connections of mobile users. Secure and resilient sessions allow user connections to survive network failures as opposed to regular transport layer secured connections used by traditional VPN protocols. Document type: Part of book or chapter of boo

    Secure Connectivity With Persistent Identities

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    In the current Internet the Internet Protocol address is burdened with two roles. It serves as the identifier and the locator for the host. As the host moves its identity changes with its locator. The research community thinks that the Future Internet will include identifier-locator split in some form. Identifier-locator split is seen as the solution to multiple problems. However, identifier-locator split introduces multiple new problems to the Internet. In this dissertation we concentrate on: the feasibility of using identifier-locator split with legacy applications, securing the resolution steps, using the persistent identity for access control, improving mobility in environments using multiple address families and so improving the disruption tolerance for connectivity. The proposed methods achieve theoretical and practical improvements over the earlier state of the art. To raise the overall awareness, our results have been published in interdisciplinary forums.Nykypäivän Internetissä IP-osoite on kuormitettu kahdella eri roolilla. IP toimii päätelaitteen osoitteena, mutta myös usein sen identiteetinä. Tällöin laitteen identiteetti muuttuu laitteen liikkuessa, koska laitteen osoite vaihtuu. Tutkimusyhteisön mielestä paikan ja identiteetin erottaminen on välttämätöntä tulevaisuuden Internetissä. Paikan ja identiteetin erottaminen tuo kuitenkin esiin joukon uusia ongelmia. Tässä väitöskirjassa keskitytään selvittämään paikan ja identiteetin erottamisen vaikutusta olemassa oleviin verkkoa käyttäviin sovelluksiin, turvaamaan nimien muuntaminen osoitteiksi, helpottamaan pitkäikäisten identiteettien käyttöä pääsyvalvonnassa ja parantamaan yhteyksien mahdollisuuksia selviytyä liikkumisesta usean osoiteperheen ympäristöissä. Väitöskirjassa ehdotetut menetelmät saavuttavat sekä teoreettisia että käytännön etuja verrattuna aiempiin kirjallisuudessa esitettyihin menetelmiin. Saavutetut tulokset on julkaistu eri osa-alojen foorumeilla

    Building mobile L2TP/IPsec tunnels

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    Wireless networks introduce a whole range of challenges to the traditional TCP/IP network, especially Virtual Private Network (VPN). Changing IP address is a difficult issue for VPNs in wireless networks because IP addresses are used as one of the identifiers of a VPN connection and the change of IP addresses will break the original connection. The current solution to this problem is to run VPN tunnels over Mobile IP (MIP). However, Mobile IP itself has significant problems in performance and security and that solution is inefficient due to double tunneling. This thesis proposes and implements a new and novel solution on simulators and real devices to solve the mobility problem in a VPN. The new solution adds mobility support to existing L2TP/IPsec (Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol/IP Security) tunnels. The new solution tunnels Layer 2 packets between VPN clients and a VPN server without using Mobile IP, without incurring tunnel-re-establishment at handoff, without losing packets during handoff, achieves better security than current mobility solutions for VPN, and supports fast handoff in IPv4 networks. Experimental results on a VMware simulation showed the handoff time for the VPN tunnel to be 0.08 seconds, much better than the current method which requires a new tunnel establishment at a cost of 1.56 seconds. Experimental results with a real network of computers showed the handoff time for the VPN tunnel to be 4.8 seconds. This delay was mainly caused by getting an IP address from DHCP servers via wireless access points (4.6 seconds). The time for VPN negotiation was only 0.2 seconds. The experimental result proves that the proposed mobility solution greatly reduces the VPN negotiation time but getting an IP address from DHCP servers is a large delay which obstructs the real world application. This problem can be solved by introducing fast DHCP or supplying an IP address from a new wireless access point with a strong signal while the current Internet connection is weak. Currently, there is little work on fast DHCP and this may open a range of new research opportunities

    Securing Handover in Wireless IP Networks

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    In wireless and mobile networks, handover is a complex process that involves multiple layers of protocol and security executions. With the growing popularity of real time communication services such as Voice of IP, a great challenge faced by handover nowadays comes from the impact of security implementations that can cause performance degradation especially for mobile devices with limited resources. Given the existing networks with heterogeneous wireless access technologies, one essential research question that needs be addressed is how to achieve a balance between security and performance during the handover. The variations of security policy and agreement among different services and network vendors make the topic challenging even more, due to the involvement of commercial and social factors. In order to understand the problems and challenges in this field, we study the properties of handover as well as state of the art security schemes to assist handover in wireless IP networks. Based on our analysis, we define a two-phase model to identify the key procedures of handover security in wireless and mobile networks. Through the model we analyze the performance impact from existing security schemes in terms of handover completion time, throughput, and Quality of Services (QoS). As our endeavor of seeking a balance between handover security and performance, we propose the local administrative domain as a security enhanced localized domain to promote the handover performance. To evaluate the performance improvement in local administrative domain, we implement the security protocols adopted by our proposal in the ns-2 simulation environment and analyze the measurement results based on our simulation test

    IP Mobility in Wireless Operator Networks

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    Wireless network access is gaining increased heterogeneity in terms of the types of IP capable access technologies. The access network heterogeneity is an outcome of incremental and evolutionary approach of building new infrastructure. The recent success of multi-radio terminals drives both building a new infrastructure and implicit deployment of heterogeneous access networks. Typically there is no economical reason to replace the existing infrastructure when building a new one. The gradual migration phase usually takes several years. IP-based mobility across different access networks may involve both horizontal and vertical handovers. Depending on the networking environment, the mobile terminal may be attached to the network through multiple access technologies. Consequently, the terminal may send and receive packets through multiple networks simultaneously. This dissertation addresses the introduction of IP Mobility paradigm into the existing mobile operator network infrastructure that have not originally been designed for multi-access and IP Mobility. We propose a model for the future wireless networking and roaming architecture that does not require revolutionary technology changes and can be deployed without unnecessary complexity. The model proposes a clear separation of operator roles: (i) access operator, (ii) service operator, and (iii) inter-connection and roaming provider. The separation allows each type of an operator to have their own development path and business models without artificial bindings with each other. We also propose minimum requirements for the new model. We present the state of the art of IP Mobility. We also present results of standardization efforts in IP-based wireless architectures. Finally, we present experimentation results of IP-level mobility in various wireless operator deployments.Erilaiset langattomat verkkoyhteydet lisääntyvät Internet-kykyisten teknologioiden muodossa. Lukuisten eri teknologioiden päällekkäinen käyttö johtuu vähitellen ja tarpeen mukaan rakennetusta verkkoinfrastruktuurista. Useita radioteknologioita (kuten WLAN, GSM ja UMTS) sisältävien päätelaitteiden (kuten älypuhelimet ja kannettavat tietokoneet) viimeaikainen kaupallinen menestys edesauttaa uuden verkkoinfrastruktuurin rakentamista, sekä mahdollisesti johtaa verkkoteknologioiden kirjon lisääntymiseen. Olemassa olevaa verkkoinfrastruktuuria ei kaupallisista syistä kannata korvata uudella teknologialla yhdellä kertaa, vaan vaiheittainen siirtymävaihe kestää tyypillisesti useita vuosia. Internet-kykyiset päätelaitteet voivat liikkua joko saman verkkoteknologian sisällä tai eri verkkoteknologioiden välillä. Verkkoympäristöstä riippuen liikkuvat päätelaitteet voivat liittyä verkkoon useiden verkkoyhteyksien kautta. Näin ollen päätelaite voi lähettää ja vastaanottaa tietoliikennepaketteja yhtäaikaisesti lukuisia verkkoja pitkin. Tämä väitöskirja käsittelee Internet-teknologioiden liikkuvuutta ja näiden teknologioiden tuomista olemassa oleviin langattomien verkko-operaattorien verkkoinfrastruktuureihin. Käsiteltäviä verkkoinfrastruktuureita ei alun perin ole suunniteltu Internet-teknologian liikkuvuuden ja monien yhtäaikaisten yhteyksien ehdoilla. Tässä työssä ehdotetaan tulevaisuuden langattomien verkkojen arkkitehtuurimallia ja ratkaisuja verkkovierailujen toteuttamiseksi. Ehdotettu arkkitehtuuri voidaan toteuttaa ilman mittavia teknologisia mullistuksia. Mallin mukaisessa ehdotuksessa verkko-operaattorin roolit jaetaan selkeästi (i) verkko-operaattoriin, (ii) palveluoperaattoriin ja (iii) yhteys- sekä verkkovierailuoperaattoriin. Roolijako mahdollistaa sen, että kukin operaattorityyppi voi kehittyä itsenäisesti, ja että teennäiset verkkoteknologiasidonnaisuudet poistuvat palveluiden tuottamisessa. Työssä esitetään myös alustava vaatimuslista ehdotetulle mallille, esimerkiksi yhteysoperaattorien laatuvaatimukset. Väitöskirja esittelee myös liikkuvien Internet-teknologioiden viimeisimmän kehityksen. Työssä näytetään lisäksi standardointituloksia Internet-kykyisissä langattomissa arkkitehtuureissa

    LoWMob: Intra-PAN Mobility Support Schemes for 6LoWPAN

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    Mobility in 6LoWPAN (IPv6 over Low Power Personal Area Networks) is being utilized in realizing many applications where sensor nodes, while moving, sense and transmit the gathered data to a monitoring server. By employing IEEE802.15.4 as a baseline for the link layer technology, 6LoWPAN implies low data rate and low power consumption with periodic sleep and wakeups for sensor nodes, without requiring them to incorporate complex hardware. Also enabling sensor nodes with IPv6 ensures that the sensor data can be accessed anytime and anywhere from the world. Several existing mobility-related schemes like HMIPv6, MIPv6, HAWAII, and Cellular IP require active participation of mobile nodes in the mobility signaling, thus leading to the mobility-related changes in the protocol stack of mobile nodes. In this paper, we present LoWMob, which is a network-based mobility scheme for mobile 6LoWPAN nodes in which the mobility of 6LoWPAN nodes is handled at the network-side. LoWMob ensures multi-hop communication between gateways and mobile nodes with the help of the static nodes within a 6LoWPAN. In order to reduce the signaling overhead of static nodes for supporting mobile nodes, LoWMob proposes a mobility support packet format at the adaptation layer of 6LoWPAN. Also we present a distributed version of LoWMob, named as DLoWMob (or Distributed LoWMob), which employs Mobility Support Points (MSPs) to distribute the traffic concentration at the gateways and to optimize the multi-hop routing path between source and destination nodes in a 6LoWPAN. Moreover, we have also discussed the security considerations for our proposed mobility schemes. The performance of our proposed schemes is evaluated in terms of mobility signaling costs, end-to-end delay, and packet success ratio