1,766 research outputs found

    Privacy in the Genomic Era

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    Genome sequencing technology has advanced at a rapid pace and it is now possible to generate highly-detailed genotypes inexpensively. The collection and analysis of such data has the potential to support various applications, including personalized medical services. While the benefits of the genomics revolution are trumpeted by the biomedical community, the increased availability of such data has major implications for personal privacy; notably because the genome has certain essential features, which include (but are not limited to) (i) an association with traits and certain diseases, (ii) identification capability (e.g., forensics), and (iii) revelation of family relationships. Moreover, direct-to-consumer DNA testing increases the likelihood that genome data will be made available in less regulated environments, such as the Internet and for-profit companies. The problem of genome data privacy thus resides at the crossroads of computer science, medicine, and public policy. While the computer scientists have addressed data privacy for various data types, there has been less attention dedicated to genomic data. Thus, the goal of this paper is to provide a systematization of knowledge for the computer science community. In doing so, we address some of the (sometimes erroneous) beliefs of this field and we report on a survey we conducted about genome data privacy with biomedical specialists. Then, after characterizing the genome privacy problem, we review the state-of-the-art regarding privacy attacks on genomic data and strategies for mitigating such attacks, as well as contextualizing these attacks from the perspective of medicine and public policy. This paper concludes with an enumeration of the challenges for genome data privacy and presents a framework to systematize the analysis of threats and the design of countermeasures as the field moves forward

    Implementation on Health Care Database Mining in Outsourced Database

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    Due to the EMR (Electronic Medical Record) system there will be a rapid growth in health data collection. As we have already discuss in previous review paper the different work of the health care data record for maintaining the privacy and security of health care most private data. Now in this paper we are going to implement sheltered and secretive data management structure that addresses both the sheltered and secretive issues in the managementor organization of medical datainoutsourceddatabases. Theproposed framework will assure the security of data by using semantically secure encryption schemes to keep data encrypted in outsourced databases. The framework also provides a differentially-private query or uncertainty interface that can support a number of SQL queries and complicated data mining responsibilities. We are using a multiparty algorithm for this purpose. So that all the purpose is to make a secure and private management system for medical data or record storage and accesses

    A Comparative Study and Analysis of Query in Encrypted Databases

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    تعد البيانات اليوم هي الموجود الرئيسي للشركات وأعمالها. عادة ما يتم تخزين هذه البيانات في قاعدة البيانات. يجب أن تكون جميع أنظمة قواعد البيانات قادرة على الاستجابة لطلبات الحصول على معلومات من المستخدم وهي استعلامات العمليات. هناك حاجة إلى خوارزميات التشفير التي توفر القدرة على الاستعلام عبر قاعدة البيانات المشفرة وتتيح تحسين تشفير وفك تشفير البيانات. ومع ذلك ، تطبيق خوارزميات التشفير على قاعدة البيانات المشفرة يعتبر التحدي الذي ينشأ هو في  انخفاض اداء النظام الناتج عن نشر خوارزمية التشفير في وقت التشغيل. لذلك ، تعرض هذه الورقة معظم الأعمال الحديثة التي تم إجراؤها على معالجة الاستعلام في  قاعدة البيانات المشفرة وتحليلها لتوضيح تحليل الأداء ، بناءً على مقاييس أداء مختلفة في كل عمل ذي صلةData is the main asset of the modern companies and their businesses. Typically, it is stored in the data-base. Every database system has to be capable of responding to information requests from users, which is queries of the process. Encryption mechanisms are required, which give the capability to the query over the encrypted data-base and permit the optimization of data encryption and decryption. However, applying encryption algorithms on Encrypted database then challenge arises that the efficiency of the system degrades on deploying encryption algorithm on the runtime. Therefore, this paper presents most of the recent works that have been conducted on the query preprocessing of encrypted database and analyzes them to clarify the performance analysis, based on different performance metrics in each related work

    PrivGenDB: Efficient and privacy-preserving query executions over encrypted SNP-Phenotype database

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    Searchable symmetric encryption (SSE) has been used to protect the confidentiality of genomic data while providing substring search and range queries on a sequence of genomic data, but it has not been studied for protecting single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP)-phenotype data. In this article, we propose a novel model, PrivGenDB, for securely storing and efficiently conducting different queries on genomic data outsourced to an honest-but-curious cloud server. To instantiate PrivGenDB, we use SSE to ensure confidentiality while conducting different types of queries on encrypted genomic data, phenotype and other information of individuals to help analysts/clinicians in their analysis/care. To the best of our knowledge, PrivGenDB construction is the first SSE-based approach ensuring the confidentiality of shared SNP-phenotype data through encryption while making the computation/query process efficient and scalable for biomedical research and care. Furthermore, it supports a variety of query types on genomic data, including count queries, Boolean queries, and k'-out-of-k match queries. Finally, the PrivGenDB model handles the dataset containing both genotype and phenotype, and it also supports storing and managing other metadata like gender and ethnicity privately. Computer evaluations on a dataset with 5,000 records and 1,000 SNPs demonstrate that a count/Boolean query and a k'-out-of-k match query over 40 SNPs take approximately 4.3s and 86.4{\mu}s, respectively, that outperforms the existing schemes

    Generalized external interaction with tamper-resistant hardware with bounded information leakage

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    This paper investigates secure ways to interact with tamper-resistant hardware leaking a strictly bounded amount of information. Architectural support for the interaction mechanisms is studied and performance implications are evaluated. The interaction mechanisms are built on top of a recently-proposed secure processor Ascend[ascend-stc12]. Ascend is chosen because unlike other tamper-resistant hardware systems, Ascend completely obfuscates pin traffic through the use of Oblivious RAM (ORAM) and periodic ORAM accesses. However, the original Ascend proposal, with the exception of main memory, can only communicate with the outside world at the beginning or end of program execution; no intermediate information transfer is allowed. Our system, Stream-Ascend, is an extension of Ascend that enables intermediate interaction with the outside world. Stream-Ascend significantly improves the generality and efficiency of Ascend in supporting many applications that fit into a streaming model, while maintaining the same security level.Simulation results show that with smart scheduling algorithms, the performance overhead of Stream-Ascend relative to an insecure and idealized baseline processor is only 24.5%, 0.7%, and 3.9% for a set of streaming benchmarks in a large dataset processing application. Stream-Ascend is able to achieve a very high security level with small overheads for a large class of applications.National Science Foundation (U.S.). Graduate Research Fellowship Program (Grant 1122374)American Society for Engineering Education. National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate FellowshipUnited States. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (Clean-slate design of Resilient, Adaptive, Secure Hosts Contract N66001-10-1-4089

    Protecting sensitive data using differential privacy and role-based access control

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    Dans le monde d'aujourd'hui où la plupart des aspects de la vie moderne sont traités par des systèmes informatiques, la vie privée est de plus en plus une grande préoccupation. En outre, les données ont été générées massivement et traitées en particulier dans les deux dernières années, ce qui motive les personnes et les organisations à externaliser leurs données massives à des environnements infonuagiques offerts par des fournisseurs de services. Ces environnements peuvent accomplir les tâches pour le stockage et l'analyse de données massives, car ils reposent principalement sur Hadoop MapReduce qui est conçu pour traiter efficacement des données massives en parallèle. Bien que l'externalisation de données massives dans le nuage facilite le traitement de données et réduit le coût de la maintenance et du stockage de données locales, elle soulève de nouveaux problèmes concernant la protection de la vie privée. Donc, comment on peut effectuer des calculs sur de données massives et sensibles tout en préservant la vie privée. Par conséquent, la construction de systèmes sécurisés pour la manipulation et le traitement de telles données privées et massives est cruciale. Nous avons besoin de mécanismes pour protéger les données privées, même lorsque le calcul en cours d'exécution est non sécurisé. Il y a eu plusieurs recherches ont porté sur la recherche de solutions aux problèmes de confidentialité et de sécurité lors de l'analyse de données dans les environnements infonuagique. Dans cette thèse, nous étudions quelques travaux existants pour protéger la vie privée de tout individu dans un ensemble de données, en particulier la notion de vie privée connue comme confidentialité différentielle. Confidentialité différentielle a été proposée afin de mieux protéger la vie privée du forage des données sensibles, assurant que le résultat global publié ne révèle rien sur la présence ou l'absence d'un individu donné. Enfin, nous proposons une idée de combiner confidentialité différentielle avec une autre méthode de préservation de la vie privée disponible.In nowadays world where most aspects of modern life are handled and managed by computer systems, privacy has increasingly become a big concern. In addition, data has been massively generated and processed especially over the last two years. The rate at which data is generated on one hand, and the need to efficiently store and analyze it on the other hand, lead people and organizations to outsource their massive amounts of data (namely Big Data) to cloud environments supported by cloud service providers (CSPs). Such environments can perfectly undertake the tasks for storing and analyzing big data since they mainly rely on Hadoop MapReduce framework, which is designed to efficiently handle big data in parallel. Although outsourcing big data into the cloud facilitates data processing and reduces the maintenance cost of local data storage, it raises new problem concerning privacy protection. The question is how one can perform computations on sensitive and big data while still preserving privacy. Therefore, building secure systems for handling and processing such private massive data is crucial. We need mechanisms to protect private data even when the running computation is untrusted. There have been several researches and work focused on finding solutions to the privacy and security issues for data analytics on cloud environments. In this dissertation, we study some existing work to protect the privacy of any individual in a data set, specifically a notion of privacy known as differential privacy. Differential privacy has been proposed to better protect the privacy of data mining over sensitive data, ensuring that the released aggregate result gives almost nothing about whether or not any given individual has been contributed to the data set. Finally, we propose an idea of combining differential privacy with another available privacy preserving method

    On Secure Cloud Computing for Genomic Data: From Storage to Analysis

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    Although privacy is generally considered to be the right of an individual or group to control information about themselves, such a right has become challenging to protect in the digital era, this is exemplified by the case of cloud-based genomic computing. Despite the rapid progress in understanding, producing, and using genomic information, the practice of genomic data protection remains a fairly underdeveloped area. One of the indisputable reasons is that most nonexpert individuals do not realize the sensitive nature of their genomic data, unless it has been used against them. Many commercial organizations take advantage of their customers by taking control of personal genomic information, if customers want to benefit from services such as genetic analysis; even worse, these organizations often do not enforce proper protection, which could result in embarrassing data breaches. In this thesis, we investigate the potential threats of cloud- based genomic computing systems and propose various countermeasures by taking into account the functionality requirement. We begin with the most basic system where only symmetric encryption is needed for the cloud storage of genomic data, and we propose a new solution that protects the data against brute-force attacks that threaten the security of password-based encryption in direct-to-consumer companies. The solution employs honey encryption, where plaintext messages need to be transformed to a different space with uniform distribution on elements. We present a novel distribution-transformation encoder. We provide formal security proof of our solution. We analyze the scenario where efficient searching on encrypted data is necessary. We propose a system that provides fast retrieval on encrypted compressed data and that enables individuals to authorize access to fine-grained regions during data retrieval. Our solution addresses three critical dimensions in platforms that use large genomic data: encryption, compression, and efficient data retrieval. Compared with a previous de facto standard solution for storing aligned genomic data, our solution uses 18% less storage. To enable complicated data analysis, we focus on a proposal for secure quality-control of genomic data by using secure multi-party computation based on garbled circuits. Our proposal is for aggregated genomic data sharing, where researchers want to collaborate to perform large-scale genome-wide association studies in order to identify significant genetic variants for certain diseases. Data quality control is the very first stage of such a collaboration and remains a driving factor for further steps. We investigate the feasibility of advanced cryptographic techniques in the data protection of this phase. We demonstrate that for certain protocols, our solution is efficient and scalable. With the advent of precision medicine based on genomic data, the future of big data has become clearly inseparable from cloud-based genomic computing. It is important to continuously re-evaluate the standards of cloud-based genomic computing as novel technologies are developed, security threats arise, and more complex genomic analyses become possible. This is not only a battle against cyber criminals, but also against rigid and ignorant practices. Integrative solutions that carefully consider the use and misuse of personal genomic data are essential for ensuring secure, effective storage and maximizing utility in treating and preventing disease

    DBKnot: A Transparent and Seamless, Pluggable Tamper Evident Database

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    Database integrity is crucial to organizations that rely on databases of important data. They suffer from the vulnerability to internal fraud. Database tampering by internal malicious employees with high technical authorization to their infrastructure or even compromised by externals is one of the important attack vectors. This thesis addresses such challenge in a class of problems where data is appended only and is immutable. Examples of operations where data does not change is a) financial institutions (banks, accounting systems, stock market, etc., b) registries and notary systems where important data is kept but is never subject to change, and c) system logs that must be kept intact for performance and forensic inspection if needed. The target of the approach is implementation seamlessness with little-or-no changes required in existing systems. Transaction tracking for tamper detection is done by utilizing a common hashtable that serially and cumulatively hashes transactions together while using an external time-stamper and signer to sign such linkages together. This allows transactions to be tracked without any of the organizations’ data leaving their premises and going to any third-party which also reduces the performance impact of tracking. This is done so by adding a tracking layer and embedding it inside the data workflow while keeping it as un-invasive as possible. DBKnot implements such features a) natively into databases, or b) embedded inside Object Relational Mapping (ORM) frameworks, and finally c) outlines a direction of implementing it as a stand-alone microservice reverse-proxy. A prototype ORM and database layer has been developed and tested for seamlessness of integration and ease of use. Additionally, different models of optimization by implementing pipelining parallelism in the hashing/signing process have been tested in order to check their impact on performance. Stock-market information was used for experimentation with DBKnot and the initial results gave a slightly less than 100% increase in transaction time by using the most basic, sequential, and synchronous version of DBKnot. Signing and hashing overhead does not show significant increase per record with the increased amount of data. A number of different alternate optimizations were done to the design that via testing have resulted in significant increase in performance