41,074 research outputs found

    Raspberry Pi VPN Travel Router

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    Consumers are increasingly relying on public wireless hotspots to access the internet from a growing number of devices. Usage of these hotspots has expanded from just laptops to everything from iPhones to tablets, which are expected to be internet-connected for full functionality. It has become common for one to check if there’s an open wireless hotspot connection available at places like coffee shops, hotels, restaurants, or even a doctor’s waiting room. The issue that arises is that these public connections present an inherent security risk, as anyone can connect and gain access to the network. For increased security, the use of a Virtual Private Network (VPN) is often recommended while connected to a public network, especially for sensitive data. Individuals can choose from a variety of VPN providers today, but are usually required to download a software client for each of their devices they want to connect to the VPN. My project involves the use of a Raspberry Pi serving as a VPN router to provide secure internet access for connected devices. The Pi is connected to the internet via either a wireless or wired ethernet interface, and in turn provides a VPN connection through a wireless access point. When a computer or mobile device connects to the Pi, all traffic is routed through the VPN tunnel before reaching the internet. No software client is required for devices to connect as the Pi handles connecting to the VPN service and all required routing. Any number of devices with different operating systems can utilize the Pi’s secure network, as the process is no different than accessing a standard wireless access point

    Implementation of telegram bots for user management on radius servers with captive portal

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    The use of the internet has become an important requirement in all fields. The internet is accessed in an educational environment, home, office, even in a coffee shop that has a sport hostpot. The development of technology as it is currently making an agreement for hotspot users becomes necessary to use these facilities for internet purposes, while general cable technology cannot be defeated by wireless technology. In this day and age the use of networks using hotspots we have encountered in various public places and users become quite free in internet access. Wireless technology provides comfort and convenience that is quite high and comfortable to use. While in a wireless hotspot, users can access the internet anywhere. To create a network that is connected to a secure internet, we can create a system using Radius Server to authorize and authenticate on the network, manage the use of each user on the network. Telegram BOT is an API (application programming interface) that allows one to integrate two different applications from applications and websites, in this case the Telegram chat application with other devices. So the telegram chat that can be done by humans (users) with this telegram BOT, then the chat bias can be replied with the program

    Network Performance Measurement through Machine to Machine Communication in Tele-Robotics System

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    Machine-to-machine (M2M) communication devices communicate and exchange information with each other in an independent manner to perform necessary tasks. The machine communicates with another machine over a wireless network. Wireless communication opens up the environment to huge vulnerabilities, making it very easy for hackers to gain access to sensitive information and carry out malicious actions. This paper proposes an M2M communication system through the internet in Tele-Robotics and provides network performance security. Tele-robotic systems are designed for surgery, treatment and diagnostics to be conducted across short or long distances while utilizing wireless communication networks. The systems also provide a low delay and secure communication system for the tele-robotics community and data security. The system can perform tasks autonomously and intelligently, minimizing the burden on medical staff and improving the quality and system performance of patient care. In the medical field, surgeons and patients are located at different places and connected through public networks. So the design of a medical sensor node network with LEACH protocol for secure and reliable communication ensures through the attack and without attack performance. Finally, the simulation results show low delay and reliable secure network transmission

    Reliability, availability and security of wireless networks in the community

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    Wireless networking increases the flexibility in the home, work place and community to connect to the Internet without being tied to a single location. Wireless networking has rapidly increased in popularity over recent years. There has also been a change in the use of the internet by users. Home users have embraced wireless technology and businesses see it as having a great impact on their operational efficiency. Both home users and industry are sending increasingly sensitive information through these wireless networks as online delivery of banking, commercial and governmental services becomes more widespread. However undeniable the benefits of wireless networking are, there are additional risks that do not exist in wired networks. It is imperative that adequate assessment and management of risk is undertaken by businesses and home users. This paper reviews wireless network protocols, investigates issues of reliability, availability and security when using wireless networks. The paper, by use of a case study, illustrates the issues and importance of implementing secured wireless networks, and shows the significance of the issue. The paper presents a discussion of the case study and a set of recommendations to mitigate the threat

    A Secure Mobile-based Authentication System

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    Financial information is extremely sensitive. Hence, electronic banking must provide a robust system to authenticate its customers and let them access their data remotely. On the other hand, such system must be usable, affordable, and portable.We propose a challengeresponse based one-time password (OTP) scheme that uses symmetric cryptography in combination with a hardware security module. The proposed protocol safeguards passwords from keyloggers and phishing attacks. Besides, this solution provides convenient mobility for users who want to bank online anytime and anywhere, not just from their own trusted computers.La informació financera és extremadament sensible. Per tant, la banca electrònica ha de proporcionar un sistema robust per autenticar als seus clients i fer-los accedir a les dades de forma remota. D'altra banda, aquest sistema ha de ser usable, accessible, i portàtil. Es proposa una resposta al desafiament basat en una contrasenya única (OTP), esquema que utilitza la criptografia simètrica en combinació amb un mòdul de maquinari de seguretat. Amés, aquesta solució ofereix mobilitat convenient per als usuaris que volen bancària en línia en qualsevol moment i en qualsevol lloc, no només des dels seus propis equips de confiança.La información financiera es extremadamente sensible. Por lo tanto, la banca electrónica debe proporcionar un sistema robusto para autenticar a sus clientes y hacerles acceder a sus datos de forma remota. Por otra parte, dicho sistema debe ser usable, accesible, y portátil. Se propone una respuesta al desafío basado en una contraseña única (OTP), esquema que utiliza la criptografía simétrica en combinación con un módulo hardware de seguridad hardware. Además, esta solución ofrece una movilidad conveniente para los usuarios que quieren la entidad bancaria en línea en cualquier momento y en cualquier lugar, no sólo des de sus propios equipos de confianza

    Secure Identification in Social Wireless Networks

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    The applications based on social networking have brought revolution towards social life and are continuously gaining popularity among the Internet users. Due to the advanced computational resources offered by the innovative hardware and nominal subscriber charges of network operators, most of the online social networks are transforming into the mobile domain by offering exciting applications and games exclusively designed for users on the go. Moreover, the mobile devices are considered more personal as compared to their desktop rivals, so there is a tendency among the mobile users to store sensitive data like contacts, passwords, bank account details, updated calendar entries with key dates and personal notes on their devices. The Project Social Wireless Network Secure Identification (SWIN) is carried out at Swedish Institute of Computer Science (SICS) to explore the practicality of providing the secure mobile social networking portal with advanced security features to tackle potential security threats by extending the existing methods with more innovative security technologies. In addition to the extensive background study and the determination of marketable use-cases with their corresponding security requirements, this thesis proposes a secure identification design to satisfy the security dimensions for both online and offline peers. We have implemented an initial prototype using PHP Socket and OpenSSL library to simulate the secure identification procedure based on the proposed design. The design is in compliance with 3GPP‟s Generic Authentication Architecture (GAA) and our implementation has demonstrated the flexibility of the solution to be applied independently for the applications requiring secure identification. Finally, the thesis provides strong foundation for the advanced implementation on mobile platform in future