360 research outputs found

    Virtualized Reconfigurable Resources and Their Secured Provision in an Untrusted Cloud Environment

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    The cloud computing business grows year after year. To keep up with increasing demand and to offer more services, data center providers are always searching for novel architectures. One of them are FPGAs, reconfigurable hardware with high compute power and energy efficiency. But some clients cannot make use of the remote processing capabilities. Not every involved party is trustworthy and the complex management software has potential security flaws. Hence, clients’ sensitive data or algorithms cannot be sufficiently protected. In this thesis state-of-the-art hardware, cloud and security concepts are analyzed and com- bined. On one side are reconfigurable virtual FPGAs. They are a flexible resource and fulfill the cloud characteristics at the price of security. But on the other side is a strong requirement for said security. To provide it, an immutable controller is embedded enabling a direct, confidential and secure transfer of clients’ configurations. This establishes a trustworthy compute space inside an untrusted cloud environment. Clients can securely transfer their sensitive data and algorithms without involving vulnerable software or a data center provider. This concept is implemented as a prototype. Based on it, necessary changes to current FPGAs are analyzed. To fully enable reconfigurable yet secure hardware in the cloud, a new hybrid architecture is required.Das Geschäft mit dem Cloud Computing wächst Jahr für Jahr. Um mit der steigenden Nachfrage mitzuhalten und neue Angebote zu bieten, sind Betreiber von Rechenzentren immer auf der Suche nach neuen Architekturen. Eine davon sind FPGAs, rekonfigurierbare Hardware mit hoher Rechenleistung und Energieeffizienz. Aber manche Kunden können die ausgelagerten Rechenkapazitäten nicht nutzen. Nicht alle Beteiligten sind vertrauenswürdig und die komplexe Verwaltungssoftware ist anfällig für Sicherheitslücken. Daher können die sensiblen Daten dieser Kunden nicht ausreichend geschützt werden. In dieser Arbeit werden modernste Hardware, Cloud und Sicherheitskonzept analysiert und kombiniert. Auf der einen Seite sind virtuelle FPGAs. Sie sind eine flexible Ressource und haben Cloud Charakteristiken zum Preis der Sicherheit. Aber auf der anderen Seite steht ein hohes Sicherheitsbedürfnis. Um dieses zu bieten ist ein unveränderlicher Controller eingebettet und ermöglicht eine direkte, vertrauliche und sichere Übertragung der Konfigurationen der Kunden. Das etabliert eine vertrauenswürdige Rechenumgebung in einer nicht vertrauenswürdigen Cloud Umgebung. Kunden können sicher ihre sensiblen Daten und Algorithmen übertragen ohne verwundbare Software zu nutzen oder den Betreiber des Rechenzentrums einzubeziehen. Dieses Konzept ist als Prototyp implementiert. Darauf basierend werden nötige Änderungen von modernen FPGAs analysiert. Um in vollem Umfang eine rekonfigurierbare aber dennoch sichere Hardware in der Cloud zu ermöglichen, wird eine neue hybride Architektur benötigt

    Engineering technology for networks

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    Space Network (SN) modeling and evaluation are presented. The following tasks are included: Network Modeling (developing measures and metrics for SN, modeling of the Network Control Center (NCC), using knowledge acquired from the NCC to model the SNC, and modeling the SN); and Space Network Resource scheduling

    A Secure Reconfigurable System-On-Programmable-Chip Computer System

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    A System-on-Programmable-Chip (SoPC) architecture is designed to meet two goals: to provide a role-based secure computing environment and to allow for user reconfiguration. To accomplish this, a secure root of trust is derived from a fixed architectural subsystem, known as the Security Controller. It additionally provides a dynamically configurable single point of access between applications developed by users and the objects those applications use. The platform provides a model for secrecy such that physical recovery of any one component in isolation does not compromise the system. Dual-factor authentication is used to verify users. A model is also provided for tamper reaction. Secure boot, encrypted instruction, data, and Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) configuration are also explored. The system hardware is realized using Altera Avalon SoPC with a NIOS II processor and custom hardware acting as the Security Controller and a second NIOS II acting as the subject application configuration. A DE2 development kit from Altera hosting a Cyclone II FPGA is used along with a Secure Digital (SD) card and a custom printed circuit board (PCB) containing a second Cyclone II to demonstrate the system. User applications were successfully run on the system which demonstrated the secure boot process, system tamper reaction, dynamic role-based access to the security objects, dual-factor authentication, and the execution of encrypted code by the subject processor. Simulations provided detailed examinations of the system execution. Actual tests were conducted on the physical hardware successfully

    Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Reconfigurable Communication-centric Systems on Chip 2010 - ReCoSoC\u2710 - May 17-19, 2010 Karlsruhe, Germany. (KIT Scientific Reports ; 7551)

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    ReCoSoC is intended to be a periodic annual meeting to expose and discuss gathered expertise as well as state of the art research around SoC related topics through plenary invited papers and posters. The workshop aims to provide a prospective view of tomorrow\u27s challenges in the multibillion transistor era, taking into account the emerging techniques and architectures exploring the synergy between flexible on-chip communication and system reconfigurability

    Software Engineering Tools For Secure Application Development

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    Software security has become a crucial part of an organization’s overall security strategy due to increasingly sophisticated attacks at the application layer. One of the major concerns in software engineering is the inadequate use of secure software development methods and tools. Such deficiency is caused by a lack of knowledge and training on available secure tools among software developers. This project conducts a thorough investigation of the tools that can be used by developers throughout the software development life cycle to assist in the development of secure applications, including tools used by individuals and teams, classified by open-source or commercial, tools based on project size, etc. This paper also includes a summary table that provides a quick overview of all the tools listed for developers and individuals to use

    Model-driven Security Engineering for FPGAs

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    Tato práce obsahuje analýzu a adaptaci vhodných metod zabezpečení, pocházejících ze softwarové domény, do světa FPGA. Metoda formalizace bezpečnostní výzvy FPGA je prezentována jazykem FPGASECML, specifickým pro danou doménu, vhodným pro modelování hrozeb zaměřených na systém a pro formální definování bezpečnostní politiky. Vytvoření vhodných obranných mechanismů vyžaduje inteligenci o agentech ohrožení, zejména o jejich motivaci a schopnostech. Konstrukce založené na FPGA jsou, stejně jako jakýkoli jiný IT systém, vystaveny různým agentům hrozeb po celou dobu jejich životnosti, což naléhavě vyžaduje potřebu vhodné a přizpůsobitelné bezpečnostní strategie. Systematická analýza návrhu založená na konceptu STRIDE poskytuje cenné informace o hrozbách a požadovaných mechanismech protiopatření. Minimalizace povrchu útoku je jedním z nezbytných kroků k vytvoření odolného designu. Konvenční paradigmata řízení přístupu mohou modelovat pravidla řízení přístupu v návrzích FPGA. Výběr vhodného závisí na složitosti a bezpečnostních požadavcích návrhu. Formální popis architektury FPGA a bezpečnostní politiky podporuje přesnou definici aktiv a jejich možných, povolených a zakázaných interakcí. Odstraňuje nejednoznačnost z modelu hrozby a zároveň poskytuje plán implementace. Kontrola modelu může být použita k ověření, zda a do jaké míry, je návrh v souladu s uvedenou bezpečnostní politikou. Přenesení architektury do vhodného modelu a bezpečnostní politiky do ověřitelných logických vlastností může být, jak je uvedeno v této práci, automatizované, zjednodušující proces a zmírňující jeden zdroj chyb. Posílení učení může identifikovat potenciální slabiny a kroky, které může útočník podniknout, aby je využil. Některé metody zde uvedené mohou být použitelné také v jiných doménách.ObhájenoThe thesis provides an analysis and adaptation of appropriate security methods from the software domain into the FPGA world and combines them with formal verification methods and machine learning techniques. The deployment of appropriate defense mechanisms requires intelligence about the threat agents, especially their motivation and capabilities. FPGA based designs are, like any other IT system, exposed to different threat agents throughout the systems lifetime, urging the need for a suitable and adaptable security strategy. The systematic analysis of the design, based on the STRIDE concept, provides valuable insight into the threats and the mandated counter mechanisms. Minimizing the attack surface is one essential step to create a resilient design. Conventional access control paradigms can model access control rules in FPGA designs and thereby restrict the exposure of sensitive elements to untrustworthy ones. A method to formalize the FPGA security challenge is presented. FPGASECML is a domain-specific language, suitable for dataflow-centric threat modeling as well as the formal definition of an enforceable security policy. The formal description of the FPGA architecture and the security policy promotes a precise definition of the assets and their possible, allowed, and prohibited interactions. Formalization removes ambiguity from the threat model while providing a blueprint for the implementation. Model transformations allow the application of dedicated and proven tools to answer specific questions while minimizing the workload for the user. Model-checking can be applied to verify if, and to a certain degree when, a design complies with the stated security policy. Transferring the architecture into a suitable model and the security policy into verifiable logic properties can be, as demonstrated in the thesis, automated, simplifying the process and mitigating one source of error. Reinforcement learning, a machine learning method, can identify potential weaknesses and the steps an attacker may take to exploit them. The approach presented uses a Markov Decision Process in combination with a Qlearning algorithm

    Prevention of Drone Jamming Using Hardware Sandboxing

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    In this thesis, we concern ourselves with the security of drone systems under jamming-based attacks. We explore a relatively new concept we previously devised, known as hardware sandboxing, to provide runtime monitoring of boundary signals and isolation through resource virtualization for non-trusted system-on-chip (SoC) components. The focus of this thesis is the synthesis of this design and structure with the anti-jamming, security needs of drone systems. We utilize Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) based development and target embedded Linux for our hardware sandbox and drone hardware/software system. We design and implement our working concept on the Digilent Zybo FPGA, which uses the Xilinx Zynq System. Our design is validated via simulation-based tests to mimic jamming attacks and standalone, stationary tests with commercial transmitter and receiver equipment. In both cases, we are successful in detecting and isolating unwanted behavior. This thesis presents the current work performed, observations, and the future potential of hardware sandboxing in drone systems