162 research outputs found

    Revisiting Single-server Algorithms for Outsourcing Modular Exponentiation

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    We investigate the problem of securely outsourcing modular exponentiations to a single, malicious computational resource. We revisit recently proposed schemes using single server and analyse them against two fundamental security properties, namely privacy of inputs and verifiability of outputs. Interestingly, we observe that the chosen schemes do not appear to meet both the security properties. In fact we present a simple polynomial-time attack on each algorithm, allowing the malicious server either to recover a secret input or to convincingly fool the client with wrong outputs. Then we provide a fix to the identified problem in the ExpSOS scheme. With our fix and without pre-processing, the improved scheme becomes the best to-date outsourcing scheme for single-server case. Finally we present the first precomputation-free single-server algorithm, \pi ExpSOS for simultaneous exponentiations

    Efficient and Verifiable Algorithms for Secure Outsourcing of Cryptographic Computations

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    The file attached to this record is the author's final peer reviewed version. The Publisher's final version can be found by following the DOI link.Reducing computational cost of cryptographic computations for resource-constrained devices is an active research area. One of the practical solutions is to securely outsource the computations to an external and more powerful cloud server. Modular exponentiations are the most expensive computation from the cryptographic point of view. Therefore, outsourcing modular exponentiations to a single, external and potentially untrusted cloud server while ensuring the security and privacy provide an efficient solution. In this paper, we propose new efficient outsourcing algorithms for modular exponentiations using only one untrusted cloud server. These algorithms cover public-base & private-exponent, private-base & public-exponent, private-base & privateexponent, and more generally private-base & private-exponents simultaneous modular exponentiations. Our algorithms are the most efficient solutions utilizing only one single untrusted server with best checkability probabilities. Furthermore, unlike existing schemes, which have fixed checkability probability, our algorithms provide adjustable predetermined checkability parameters. Finally, we apply our algorithms to outsource Oblivious Transfer Protocols and Blind Signatures which are expensive primitives in modern cryptography

    New Algorithms for Secure Outsourcing of Modular Exponentiations

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    With the rapid development in availability of cloud services, the techniques for securely outsourcing the prohibitively expensive computations to untrusted servers are getting more and more attentions in the scientific community. Exponentiations modulo a large prime have been considered the most expensive operation in discrete-logarithm based cryptographic protocols, and the computationally limited devices such as RFID tags or smartcard may be incapable to accomplish these operations. Therefore, it is meaningful to present an efficient method to securely outsource most of this work-load to (untrusted) cloud servers. In this paper, we propose a new secure outsourcing algorithm for (variable-exponent, variable-base) exponentiation modular a prime in the two untrusted program model. Compared with the state-of-the-art algorithm \cite{HL05}, the proposed algorithm is superior in both efficiency and checkability. We then utilize this algorithm as a subroutine to achieve outsource-secure Cramer-Shoup encryptions and Schnorr signatures. Besides, we propose the first outsource-secure and efficient algorithm for simultaneous modular exponentiations. Moreover, we formally prove that both the algorithms can achieve the desired security notions. We also provide the experimental evaluation that demonstrates the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed outsourcing algorithms and schemes

    Hide The Modulus: A Secure Non-Interactive Fully Verifiable Delegation Scheme for Modular Exponentiations via CRT

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    Security protocols using public-key cryptography often requires large number of costly modular exponentiations (MEs). With the proliferation of resource-constrained (mobile) devices and advancements in cloud computing, delegation of such expensive computations to powerful server providers has gained lots of attention. In this paper, we address the problem of verifiably secure delegation of MEs using two servers, where at most one of which is assumed to be malicious (the OMTUP-model). We first show verifiability issues of two recent schemes: We show that a scheme from IndoCrypt 2016 does not offer full verifiability, and that a scheme for nn simultaneous MEs from AsiaCCS 2016 is verifiable only with a probability 0.59090.5909 instead of the author\u27s claim with a probability 0.99550.9955 for n=10n=10. Then, we propose the first non-interactive fully verifiable secure delegation scheme by hiding the modulus via Chinese Remainder Theorem (CRT). Our scheme improves also the computational efficiency of the previous schemes considerably. Hence, we provide a lightweight delegation enabling weak clients to securely and verifiably delegate MEs without any expensive local computation (neither online nor offline). The proposed scheme is highly useful for devices having (a) only ultra-lightweight memory, and (b) limited computational power (e.g. sensor nodes, RFID tags)

    Shared and Searchable Encrypted Data for Untrusted Servers

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    Current security mechanisms pose a risk for organisations that outsource their data management to untrusted servers. Encrypting and decrypting sensitive data at the client side is the normal approach in this situation but has high communication and computation overheads if only a subset of the data is required, for example, selecting records in a database table based on a keyword search. New cryptographic schemes have been proposed that support encrypted queries over encrypted data but all depend on a single set of secret keys, which implies single user access or sharing keys among multiple users, with key revocation requiring costly data re-encryption. In this paper, we propose an encryption scheme where each authorised user in the system has his own keys to encrypt and decrypt data. The scheme supports keyword search which enables the server to return only the encrypted data that satisfies an encrypted query without decrypting it. We provide two constructions of the scheme giving formal proofs of their security. We also report on the results of a prototype implementation. This research was supported by the UK’s EPSRC research grant EP/C537181/1. The authors would like to thank the members of the Policy Research Group at Imperial College for their support

    Delegating a Product of Group Exponentiations with Application to Signature Schemes

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    Many public-key cryptosystems and, more generally, cryptographic protocols, use group exponentiations as important primitive operations. To expand the applicability of these solutions to computationally weaker devices, it has been advocated that a computationally weaker client (i.e., capable of performing a relatively small number of modular multiplications) delegates such primitive operations to a computationally stronger server. Important requirements for such delegation protocols include privacy of the client's input exponent and security of the client's output, in the sense of detecting, except for very small probability, any malicious server's attempt to convince the client of an incorrect exponentiation result. Only recently, ecient protocols for the delegation of a xed-based exponentiation, over cyclic and RSA-type groups with certain properties, have been presented and proved to satisfy both requirements. In this paper we show that a product of many xed-base exponentiations, over a cyclic groups with certain properties, can be privately and securely delegated by keeping the client's online number of modular multiplications only slightly larger than in the delegation of a single exponentiation. We use this result to show the rst delegations of entire cryptographic schemes: the well-known digital signature schemes by El-Gamal, Schnorr and Okamoto, over the q-order subgroup in Zp, for p; q primes, as well as their variants based on elliptic curves. Previous ecient delegation results seem limited to the delegation of single algorithms within cryptographic schemes

    Practical and Secure Outsourcing of Discrete Log Group Exponentiation to a Single Malicious Server

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    Group exponentiation is an important operation used in many public-key cryptosystems and, more generally, cryptographic protocols. To expand the applicability of these solutions to computationally weaker devices, it has been advocated that this operation is outsourced from a computationally weaker client to a computationally stronger server, possibly implemented in a cloud-based architecture. While preliminary solutions to this problem considered mostly honest servers, or multiple separated servers, some of which honest, solving this problem in the case of a single (logical), possibly malicious, server, has remained open since a formal cryptographic model was introduced. Several later attempts either failed to achieve privacy or only bounded by a constant the (security) probability that a cheating server convinces a client of an incorrect result. In this paper we solve this problem for a large class of cyclic groups, thus making our solutions applicable to many cryptosystems in the literature that are based on the hardness of the discrete logarithm problem or on related assumptions. Our main protocol satisfies natural correctness, security, privacy and efficiency requirements, where the security probability is exponentially small. In our main protocol, with very limited offline computation and server computation, the client can delegate an exponentiation to an exponent of the same length as a group element by performing an exponentiation to an exponent of short length (i.e., the length of a statistical parameter). We also show an extension protocol that further reduces client computation by a constant factor, while increasing offline computation and server computation by about the same factor

    Secure and Efficient Delegation of Elliptic-Curve Pairing

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    Many public-key cryptosystems and, more generally, cryp- tographic protocols, use pairings as important primitive operations. To expand the applicability of these solutions to computationally weaker devices, it has been advocated that a computationally weaker client del- egates such primitive operations to a computationally stronger server. Important requirements for such delegation protocols include privacy of the client's pairing inputs and security of the client's output, in the sense of detecting, except for very small probability, any malicious server's at- tempt to convince the client of an incorrect pairing result. In this paper we show that the computation of bilinear pairings in all known pairing-based cryptographic protocols can be eciently, privately and securely delegated to a single, possibly malicious, server. Our tech- niques provides eciency improvements over past work in all input sce- narios, regardless on whether inputs are available to the parties in an oine phase or only in the online phase, and on whether they are public or have privacy requirements. The client's online runtime improvement is, for some of our protocols almost 1 order of magnitude, no matter which practical elliptic curve, among recently recommended ones, is used for the pairing realization